Coming of Age


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"Hey, so," I said, "can I make you lunch? Today, I mean."

Chloe looked slightly surprised. "Well, normally I bring something, or just do Uber Eats, but yeah. Really? That would be nice. I can skip Uber Eats for one day. Sure." She still had a surprised smile.

"OK, cool. Yeah, I was thinking about doing this one kind of sandwich I know how to make, and then I thought, well, maybe Chloe would want one. You're not a vegetarian or anything, are you?"

"Oh no," Chloe smiled. "I actually thought about fully going vegan at one point, but I just can't." Her eyes seemed to sparkle a tiny bit. "I like meat."

Now that, right there, I knew. I mean, come on, that was teasing, right? She was teasing me. And hinting. Had to be. Right?!

"OK," I said, trying not to seem ruffled. "I figure about noon probably."

"That's good," Chloe said, completely back to normal all of a sudden. "As long as Luna isn't distracting me right then, that'll be good."

"OK," I grinned. "I'll let you know." I got up and left the room.


She appeared in the kitchen about a minute after I called to tell her it was ready. She was still topless, such an amazing sight.

I resisted the temptation to look at her tits yet again—I did have some self-control. "Hey," I grinned putting the finishing touches on the sandwiches. "Here ya go." I handed her a plate with a sandwich.

"Mmm, this looks good," she smiled.

"It's a muffaletta," I told her, pronouncing it correctly as "MOOF-fah-let-tah." "They're Italian sandwiches from New Orleans. Ever have one?"

"No," she said, sitting down with the plate in front of her. "I don't think so. I don't think I've ever heard of them."

"They're great. My mom and I went to New Orleans on vacation a few years ago and we had them, and they were awesome. If you like Italian meats, you'll love this."

"Oh, I like Italian meats, for sure," she grinned, and the sparkle was back.

We both took bites. I wondered if she was aware that I was half Italian (on my mom's side; I had no idea what my father's side was, because he was a sperm donor). By surname, she had to know, though. Had to.

"Mmmmm!" she said. She spoke with her mouth partly full: "I'm not just saying this, it's really good. Wow."

"Thanks," I said, also with a mouth full of sandwich. "When we got back, I started figuring out how to make them. I read a bunch about it. The bread's important."

After a couple more bites, she said, "I love how much there is. It's so big. I love that."

"At first I thought maybe you'd want something lighter, but—"

"Oh no," she said. "No." She was shaking her head somberly.

"Yeah, then I realized that in a way, you're eating for two."

"Totally," Chloe said. "I am! I am eating for two, I'm glad you get that. People who don't know about me, they think, god, that girl eats like a pig, she eats so much, how can she stay thin? But even before I started for your mom, I had to eat a lot just to keep my production going, you know? And now I'm making even more than ever, so yeah. Gotta eat." She grinned and then broke into a laugh. "It's kinda hard to eat so much, really."

"Yeah, I'm sure it's a real burden," I said, dryly.

She laughed again. "Man, it's spicy, though. I like spicy, but I'm gonna have to brush my teeth after this, for sure. Or, y'know, bleh."

"Yeah," I observed, "yeah, me too."

"So," Chloe started, swallowing another bite, "I wanna ask you something, and if you're not into it, not interested, that's fine, I'll never bring it up again."

"OK." I had no idea what she was leading up to.

She looked at me, smiling brightly. "But I've been wondering if we could maybe go do something sometime."

I sat there, quiet. Had I really just heard what I thought I heard? It suddenly felt like I was in a dream. My head was floating.

I regained composure as quickly as I could. "Um, well, yeah. Sure. Like maybe a movie? You like movies?"

She shook her head at my ridiculous question. "Do I like movies, come on, really? Of course I like movies. What do I look like, a movie-hater?" She was giggling at me.

"Well, I'm just asking because there's that new Marvel movie that's coming out."

"Oh, that new Avengers thing, yeah. I totally wanna see that."

"Well," I said, "see it with me."

Chloe gave me a pleased look. "OK. Yeah, perfect. This Friday? Is that when it comes out?"

"Yup. I'll get tickets." I almost said something stupid, like, "It's a date!" but immediately knew better. Instead: "Cool."


We cleaned up, and after that, I headed back to the couch, while Chloe went to check on the baby again.

I was quietly and completely overjoyed.



It was only a few minutes later. I was sitting on the couch, in deep deliberation with my iPhone. I looked up from TikTok. Chloe was standing there—still topless, of course. She looked a little freaked out.

"I gotta talk to you," she said. I noticed tiny beads of perspiration on her forehead.

"What's wrong?" I said, sitting up. "Are you OK? Is Luna OK?"

"Yeah, yeah," she said, waving her hand, "Luna's fine. It's not about Luna. She's asleep. It's—this is about something different."


She wasn't bothering to sit down. "OK." She let out a breath. "I had a dream, this vivid dream last night, lucid dream, and then I was gonna talk to you maybe, and it's been bothering me all day, and then you made that amazing lunch, and then that just made me want to tell you about it more, and then I realized I can't just tell you, I have to do more than just tell you, I have to show you, but now I'm scared."

I was laughing inside, a little, at myself. I had been so worried about my own stammering. For what?

"Don't be scared. Why would you be scared?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm scared about showing you what I dreamed. But I know I really have to. I keep thinking about it and it's not going away.

"Thing is," she said, "I could get fired for it, for what I dreamed, if I really did it." She looked directly at me. "But I don't think that's gonna happen. You're not gonna get your mom to fire me, are you?"

"I don't think so," I said in a low voice. "I can't imagine what would make me want to do that."

"OK." She managed a smile. "Good. Because I really have to. I have to do this. I have to show you what I do when I'm at home and I'm alone. That's what I dreamed about. I dreamed that I was showing you.

"So, now, get up. You have to get up. Just stand there and watch me. This is how it started in the dream."

I stood, now in a daze. She stood there in front of me.

Chloe took a long breath and let it out, staring into my eyes. Next thing I knew, she started swiveling her body, undulating to the vibe of unheard music. Her hands were tracing the outline of her breasts, slowly and sensuously; she was still looking into my eyes, smiling, sultry, provocative.

She squeezed her areolas gently, and tiny streams sprayed from her nipples. I never would have imagined that I'd find something like that erotic or arousing, but it absolutely was. I could feel my cock getting harder. I couldn't believe she was really doing this in front of me.

Next thing I knew, she was unzipping and unbuttoning her black jeans, grooving, shifting her hips around as she did it. I just gawked at her, scarcely believing. The jeans dropped down to her ankles, and she stepped out of them. Chloe was wearing little half-socks, and she quickly shed those, too.

Her panties had a floral pattern, like the pattern on her bra I'd seen that first day, except the flowers were yellow and green instead of purple.

She pulled the panties down and let them drop, and she stepped out of them.

More surprise for me: she had a dark bush between her legs. This was kind of a fetish of mine—girls with hairy bushes—and I immediately wondered if she had somehow known. I had never seen one before, not in real life! There was no way she could have known how much I loved it, but still, wow. Her pubic hair didn't seem shaped, and was only moderately trimmed; the hair spread freely across her lower belly, deep brown, wiry, not curly at all. There were scant hairs on her inner thighs, too, on either side of her vulva. It was all so exciting, so old school, so womanly. I felt like I was ready to have an orgasm.

Chloe smiled at me, knowingly, still shifting her hips around, dancing to imagined music. She stopped and turned, reaching down to grab something from the floor next to the couch—it turned out to be her small purse. As she was bent over, I ogled the flared curve of her ass. The crack between her butt cheeks had opened a little bit. It looked somewhat hairy inside, and at this point I was really beside myself with excitement, lust, and disbelief. I'd never had a girl do anything like this in front of me.

She turned around to face me. "I'm gonna do the next part, the next thing I did in my dream," she told me, again looking directly into my eyes. "Keep watching me."

As if there was a chance I might not.

Chloe pulled something out of her purse, something purple and long. She dropped the purse back on the floor, sat down on the couch, and turned to put her long legs up on the cushions. She bent one of her legs and spread herself. I realized the purple thing was a long, smooth dildo. Oh my god.

She looked up at me and gave me a sly smile. I watched as she put the head of the dildo between her legs and carefully started to insert it, parting the swollen, hairy outer lips of her vulva. It started to slide in, and she let out a quiet gasp. Within seconds, the dildo was deep inside her, and then she was pulling it almost all the way out and then pushing it all the way back in, pumping it, in and out, in and out, slowly, erotically, breathing loudly as she did it.

Chloe looked up at me as she was working the dildo. "Take out your dick and start jacking off. Don't come. I'll tell you when it's OK to come. Just jack off and watch me. I'm gonna watch you, too. I want to see how you do it."

I had my jeans open in about two seconds, and my underwear down; my big, hard dick sprung out and stood at attention. I immediately started fapping it while I watched Chloe fuck her dildo. She watched my hand working my cock, then glanced up at me and gave me an impish smile.

I could still scarcely believe this was happening.

There were neurotic thoughts lurking—my mom would come home early, or the cat would start bugging us, or maybe the baby would wake up and start crying. I chased the thoughts away instantly, because I knew none of that would happen. What was happening was almost too good to be true, and I was going to enjoy it. There was a lovely naked girl lying on my couch, buxom and hairy, masturbating with a dildo and looking at me wantonly. I was not going to be distracted.

Everything in the world seemed to grow quiet; even the noises of the annoying jackhammer a few blocks away had stopped. All I could hear were wet sounds of Chloe's dildo slipping in and out of her, Chloe's rapid panting, my own jagged breathing, and the quiet smacking sound I was making with my hand around my thick, long, reddened penis.

She spread her legs a little more, smiling as she did it, as if she was putting herself even more on display. Her outer lips were bright pink, strewn with short brown hairs. I thought the little hairs looked kind of cute.

One of her hands had found a breast and was stroking and massaging it while she fucked herself.

We worked together, masturbating and watching each other. Chloe would glance down between my legs sometimes, then look back up at me and smile, as if approving. "You have a really nice dick," she told me.

I didn't really know what to say; girls didn't usually say things like that to guys. "Thanks," I managed, still trying to jack it just hard enough for it to feel good without letting it get away from me. "You have a really nice everything. I mean, you're so beautiful I can't really believe it. And you look amazing naked."

She reacted like I'd licked her clit or something—her hips bucked up and she let out a throaty grunt, followed by a longer moan. Her breathing was getting louder and faster. Her hand was jacking the dildo harder. Chloe was giving me that same wanton look, staring at me with pretty brown doe eyes. I returned her gaze, and then I watched as she worked between her legs, sliding the creamy wet purple dildo in and out, in and out, going really deep now, pushing all the way in, deep.

Chloe bucked her hips again and let out a coarse grunt. Her panting was getting faster than ever. Another grunt, another buck of her hips.

"OK, now," she managed, her eyes closed. "You can come now, you can come now, I'm there. I'm there."

Within seconds, Chloe starting having what was very obviously a big orgasm; her hips jerked into the air repeatedly as she let out a series of throaty grunts—"AH! .... AH! ... UH!!" Every few seconds, the air was pierced with another loud orgasmic cry. Her head lurched one direction, then another.

That's all it took for me. I sped my jacking a little, but I was already feeling the warm rush, and then the hot contractions. I had just enough conscious sense to aim my cock toward her before I started shooting come. My eyes forced themselves shut, but after about five spurts, I managed to pry them open to see the shiny pools I had left on her flat tummy. My orgasm was over.

Chloe was still coming, though. She was writhing and grunting, jerking her head, jerking her body, and still thrusting the dildo into her vagina. "UGH!" she let out, and her hips bucked. "Haaa ... UH! ... AH! ... UGH!!" Her face was completely screwed up; she was in ecstasy. I just watched, fascinated. My dick was already starting to soften, and her orgasm wasn't over yet.

Finally, after an eon (close to a full minute, I thought), her hips settled back onto the couch and her breathing slowed. She laughed softly, then turned toward me and opened her eyes.

"You came on me," she said, glancing down at her belly.

"Yeah," I said, sounding matter-of-fact.

"That's so hot," she said. She dabbed her pinkie finger in one of the sticky little puddles, picked up a tiny bit of my come, brought it to her lips, and licked it. "Mmm," she purred, and then she giggled.

We walked to the bathroom together and cleaned up. Chloe wet one of my washcloths under the faucet and used it to clean her vulva; I watched, transfixed by the sight. She looked so hairy and deep red and wet and erotic. I couldn't be horny anymore, but I didn't need to be to see how beautiful her body was.

She wiped my come off her stomach with the washcloth, too.

"You tasted good," she smiled. "I'm not gonna lick up any more right now, but maybe sometime I can get some, like, fresh from the source."

After I cleaned my dick and zipped up, we went back out into the front room.

"You probably think I'm kinda slutty," she was saying as she pulled her panties back on. "I dunno, maybe I am. I just don't give a shit. I had to do that with you." She stopped what she was doing. "I've noticed the way you look at me," she said. "And the thing is, I like it. I don't know exactly what, but something about you just gets me really horny. And I knew I couldn't go another day go by without showing you, even if it did make me seem slutty."

"I don't see why doing something like that makes you a slut," I said, sincerely.

"Well, I diddled myself in front of a guy I barely know," she said. She was smiling.

"Yeah, well, and I jacked off while I watched you. So what? Is the problem that you're not supposed to like sex or something?"

Chloe shrugged. "I guess."

She was pulling her jeans up.

"Well, fuck that," I said, sincerely. "There's nothing wrong with liking sex, or being naked. Especially you. You should be naked a lot. Your body is amazing, and you kinda are, too, like, in general."

She laughed at that. "Thanks," she said. "I'm glad you don't think I'm a slut. I really hope you don't say anything, though," she told me, turning serious. "To your mom, I mean. I know you won't. Not even sure how, but I know you won't. But please don't. I need this job, and I can't afford to lose it, or get blackmailed or some shit like that."

"I won't say anything to anyone," I told her, also sounding very serious, "and I'm not gonna blackmail you, either, because I am not a complete fucking asshole. It was nice, what just happened. I'm not gonna ruin that by trying to get you in 'trouble' or something. Or use it against you. My mom doesn't need to know jack shit about what we did, and neither does anyone else. It's between you and me."

She was smiling now. "And hey," she said, "if you did get me in trouble, you'd never find out what it's like to kiss me."

I was grinning. That sounded like a promise.

"Or, what it's like to fuck me." With that, she headed to the nursery. I just stood there, blown away and going out of my mind again.


After she returned, and Chloe and I sat on the couch together and watched a Netflix show. I didn't try to make any moves, nothing at all like that. For one thing, my orgasm had drained my sexual energy. For another, I figured she would appreciate it if I just played it cool. Besides, she was fun just to sit with.

She had to get up once to feed the baby again. I went to keep her company, and enjoyed watching her tend to my sister; it was a fascinating display, really. I had never actually seen breastfeeding before, and watching this beautiful, childless woman my own age doing it was captivating. Once she finished the feeding, we went right back to watching Netflix again in the front room. Chloe stayed topless, wearing just jeans. The sight of her supernaturally plump breasts, well, that just never got old.

One thing I observed was that after she'd been breastfeeding, her areola would be deep red, and the nipple would stay swollen for a while. I loved sitting there sneaking peaks and taking stock of Chloe's breast situation. And when she caught me looking, she'd just give me a knowing grin.

When my mom opened the front door and saw us sitting together, Chloe again with big breasts bare, she was unfazed, as usual. I liked the idea that Chloe could walk around our house with naked boobs, with my mom's full approval. Chloe's reasoning, that she liked to go topless because it was easier for when she had to feed my sister—apparently my mom had no trouble with that.

"Chloe, lemme guess, you have to go home and study," my mom said.

"Study group, actually, on campus. It's a lab class."

"OK, but you're still staying the night on Thursday, right? I'm gonna be out late."

"Yup, for sure!"

"Ash," my mom said to me, "are you OK to sleep on the couch? I wanted Chloe to have your bed."

"Yeah, sure," I said, acting nonchalant about it. She was staying over? I wasn't sure what could or would happen, but the very idea was exciting.


I crawled out of bed the next morning and fumbled my way into the kitchen, desperate for coffee. I half-remembered where Mom kept the Splenda, and then I scanned the inside of the fridge for (I swear) 30 seconds before I realized the half-and-half was sitting on the shelf right in front of me. I watched it pour into my mug as if hypnotized—my mind was on Chloe: her face and her figure and and her cute haircut and her little hair clips and her silky voice and her quiet confidence—and oh yeah, what she could do with her breasts.

I couldn't wait until she arrived for the day. I wanted to see that adorable, pixieish face, her glowing smile, her large brown eyes, her thin, graceful body. I wanted to watch her hips sway as she walked, easy and sultry. I wanted to see how her breasts filled out her top, and even more, I looked forward to her taking it off and walking around half naked. I wanted to see her breasts bobbing gently as she wandered through the house. That visual image made my cock harden and ache.