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Keeping his aunt company.
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This story depicts mature sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


Richie concluded that life sucked when you were financially dependent on your parents and they knew the exact emotional strings to pull to get him to do as they wished. "Your Uncle Jeff is having to travel abroad for three weeks with his job and has asked if you'd go stay with your Aunt Inga as she doesn't feel safe left in the house on her own. I'll pay you a triple allowance so you can go back to Uni with some cash in your pockets."

Richie had no plans for his summer break from Uni, he could have hung with some of his old friends who had remained in the area. He might even try hitting on one or two of his old girlfriends if they weren't already hooked up. He could have hung out in his room whacking off at his considerable porn collection. Anything would have been better than having to go aunt-sit someone he hadn't seen in probably ten years. He and his parents had attended his uncle's wedding to this Scandinavian woman he had met while working over there. She seemed nice enough and was pretty if Richie's memory served him correctly but she hadn't had a chance to mingle much with her husband's family before Uncle Jeff whisked off for the honeymoon. Yes, his parents had visited a couple of times but it was invariably when Richie was off doing something else.

His father had bribed him by paying his summer allowance as soon as Richie had agreed to spend the three weeks, along with a promise of the same amount again once he had completed the assignment. Unbeknown to his parents, Uncle Jeff had also made a hefty contribution to Richie's previously empty bank balance and an unlimited Uber account for Richie to use while he was staying with his aunt. He took advantage of the app the moment his flight touched down at his destination airport and once he had been dropped off rang the doorbell. He thought about ringing a second time but could then hear the faint click of heels on a hard floor getting gradually nearer.

The door was pulled open and that was when Richie had the shock of his young life. Stood before him was what could only be described as a goddess. This tall blonde well well-rounded woman stood before him in just her black bikini that did nothing to hide her amazingly well-developed breasts and a plunging cleavage. "Richie" she cried with the brightest of smiles as she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him forcibly "Oh I can't thank you enough for keeping your old aunt company. It's so good of you." She then stepped back to appraise him, looking him up and down "Oh my how you've grown" Her accent had almost disappeared as she had been here for so long now.

Thankfully her gaze didn't linger on his crotch, his boner had leapt to attention on seeing her open the door and the hug had done nothing to subdue it. She looked damn hot and he suspected she knew it, 'Did she always dress like this or was it for my benefit?' he considered.

She showed him to one of the guest rooms and said "Come out to the pool once you're done unpacking. Help yourself to anything in the fridge or the house in general while you are here. I can't tell you how much safer it feels having someone around."

'I know what I'd like to help myself to' he debated internally, having to adjust his crotch when he was in the privacy of his room. After changing to his bathing shorts and retrieving a cold drink from the fridge he stepped out the back and again had to do a double take at seeing his aunt draped out on the sun lounger.

She heard him step onto the patio, turned her head and smiled warmly at him asking "Is your room okay? Did you find everything you needed?"

He just had time to reply "Yes thanks" when she swung around to sit up.

"I can't believe how you've grown, you're such a strapping young man now. Your parents were over last summer and your dad was showing me pictures of the family but they didn't show how you'd grown." She ducked her head down slightly as she mumbled "I suppose you think I'm silly asking Jeff to enlist your presence. I have travelled with Jeff before on the odd occasion he has travelled abroad but his destination this time around is way down on my wish list. It's a big house to rattle around on my own and there's been a couple of intruders in the area just lately. I'm sure you had a lot of plans for the summer." She slowly raised her gaze to gauge his reaction.

'If I get to gaze at those tits for the next three weeks, I'll be happy' he contemplated in his head but went with "Surprisingly no, all my old friends are off doing various things so I would have been left at home. Besides it would be a shame to have you afraid in your own home." In his head he was thinking 'I would have been whacking off every hour on the hour instead I get to stare at that rack.'

Inga leant forward to clasp his hand in hers "Arr, you're such a sweet young man. I can see someone will be a very lucky girl in time." Sadly, for Richie her leaning forward gave him a direct sight down her cleavage which seemed to billow in the bikini bra cup at the same time as squashing those lovely mounds together. He had got an instant boner when she had opened the door but he had managed to control it quickly and now was another situation where he willed it to go down as it was getting uncomfortable in his swim shorts and that's without the embarrassment of it showing prominently. They had a pleasant hour where Richie filled Inga on some of the older family stories as well as more recent events and Inga talked about her family even if there weren't many left to stay in contact with. She surprised him when she stood up and said "I'm going to fix a bit of lunch care to join me? Or I can make you something, what is your preference?"

"I'll come join you" was his automatic response without thinking that he still had a raging boner and as he stood up Richie realised that not only would it be prominent but his aunt had clocked it, diverting her gaze as he looked up. He held back following her indoors but couldn't mistake her quick glance down at his crotch when he eventually did enter. The conversation continued while the sandwiches were prepared and once consumed, they made their way out to the deck once more. Richie's lounger was set back a little from Inga's and he noticed that she had nodded off to sleep allowing him to extract his phone and snap a couple of images of her in her bikini that would serve later as his wank fodder.

The two went out to a local Greek restaurant in the evening and his aunt treated Richie like a grown-up, he rarely interacted with people his parent's age (or younger in Inga's case) just as she rarely interacted with adolescents Richie's age and so she naturally treated him like an adult, especially as he was giving up his free time to accompany her and so he was allowed to drink which his parents would never have done but then Richie put it down to her Scandinavian upbringing and having different ideas on that type of thing. After returning to the house, they had a couple of hours chatting and both seemed comfortable in the other's company. Inga was all questions, especially about the family history and for his part Richie found himself enamoured by this beautiful older lady.

They retired to their respective bedrooms and all was well until Richie woke up in the morning needing to relieve his bladder. He was still half asleep as he stumbled down an unfamiliar corridor but came across a bathroom he had used yesterday so opened the door fully to enter but had a vision that he would never want to erase from his memory. The shower was running and underneath the spray was his aunt - naked as you'd expect -- she was washing her long blonde hair with her arms raised but stood in profile so her wonderfully full breasts were pushed out and up accentuating them even further. Richie was rooted to the spot, he had never seen a hotter sight, which said a lot given how much porn he had stashed away. Her breasts had a slight sag but in profile, they looked full and round and he just wanted to get his mouth around them.

The sight had amplified his morning wood and as Inga had rinsed the last of the lotion from her hair she half turned and then saw Richie standing there - only her gaze fell on the impressive lump in his boxer shorts before it worked upwards to his shocked face. They both jumped and gasped and Richie quickly left the bathroom, closing the door behind him, and after using another bathroom, retreated to his room. He knew there would be a fallout from the mistake but he dearly hoped it wouldn't stop him from perving over his aunt for the next three weeks. Above all, though he could not shake the image seemingly tattooed on his brain of her standing in profile in the shower, her pale skin accentuated by tan lines and glistening with water.

Just then he heard a faint knock on his room door with a quietly spoken request "Can I come in please."

Richie replied, "Yes of course." His crotch gave another leap when he saw that all she had on was a white silk dressing gown only just reaching mid-calf.

Inga came and sat on the bed reaching for his hand, she began to say "I'm really sorry for that, it was completely my fault. I should have locked the door but am just used to being myself at this time of day. Can you ever forgive me?" Richie heard the words but his mind was following the billowing of her gown. Because Inga had turned to look at him, the collar billowed showing him a clear view of her farthest breast -- and boy did it look appealing.

Inga followed his gaze and was shocked when she realised how much of a show, she was giving him. She jerked the gown so the gap closed and couldn't miss the look of disappointment on the adolescent's face. If she were being honest, she would come into the room to apologise but his longing look had changed her mind. She cast her mind back to the previous day and on a couple of occasions she caught him sporting a boner in his shorts - a significant lump it had to be said. She rarely interacted with adolescents and had forgotten her time at that age and how hormones went into overdrive. All she could think about was his reaction to her in her bikini and then in the shower, which added to how little interest Richie's uncle showed her in his precious golf. Her heart raced, deafening in her ears as her gaze went to his crotch once more and on seeing it in its now usual inflated state it seemed like she was moving in a slow-motion trance as she reached over her nearest arm and placed her hand atop the lump.

They both groaned at the contact and as Richie had failed to object Inga relaxed her other hand making the gown billow once more. Richie was in seventh heaven and didn't know where to look, okay his gaze kept coming back to those amazing breasts which seemed to look even more inviting now they were not only closer but largely bare to see. As his aunt hadn't moved her hand Richie decided to be brave and inched his hand towards the opening of her gown but then he hesitated and looked up at her questioningly. She smiled the sweetest smile he had ever seen and she encouraged him saying "It's okay, really. Have you ever done anything like this with a girl before?"

He shook his head but continued to reach forward until his fingers tucked inside the fold of the cloth and came into contact with her soft warm skin making him groan again. Inga didn't move either hand but did lean forward slightly so that his touch intensified as he cupped the lower part of her breast as if he were gauging its weight. "If I promise to show you somethings, do you promise not to tell your uncle Jeff or your parents for that matter? Would you like that?"

Richie nodded eagerly and tried to reply but it just came out a croaking "Yes I'd like that." Her wide smile spread still further and then her hand started to flex over his hard dick through his shorts making Richie groan again in response. Her other hand came up and cupped his, albeit outside her gown; she needed him to know that not only did he have permission to grope her but that she enjoyed his touch. At this point, she pulled both hands back and Richie was visibly disappointed on both counts. She tugged at the collars of her gown and tugged the garment, letting the fabric pool around her waist. Now Richie could see both breasts in all their glory and his gaze portrayed his feeling of wonder, especially when she took his hand to continue his fondling while she reinstated her grip on his hard-on. Richie was in awe of the situation he found himself in; he had expected a telling-off from her for ogling her but instead, she actively encouraged him.

"That feels so very nice for me, does it for you too?" Inga asked excitedly.

She got a croaky "Yes" as a reply making her smile further.

"Well, I promise to show you what I can. I had some very unfulfilling events as my introduction and I'd much prefer it if your first experiences with a woman are enjoyable, it will be my present to the girls your age in the future. Would you like that?" Inga asked, she genuinely considered it a service that more older women ought to do for young men and therefore younger women. Richie's reply was an enthusiastic nod.

She then turned further to him and without dislodging his grip from her breast reached both hands down to free his dick from his boxer shorts. As the thick column of flesh came into view, she knew she had made the right decision. This time as she leant further forward it dislodged Richie's hand although he had little time to complain as she leant down and took him inside her mouth. "Oh my god" he gushed as she swirled her tongue around the head while making small dips of her head to work her lips along his length. He had plenty of porn videos that showed women going down on men but seeing it in the flesh, and more importantly, feeling the sensations, meant this was unparalleled levels of pleasure for him.

Inga was making small groans of appreciation as she dipped her head back and forth. She hadn't been feeling glamourous for a couple of years now but the way that Richie acted around her was slowly making her think otherwise. His right hand settled on the back of her head while his left reached down to cup her breast once more, slowly flexing his fingers around the soft mailable flesh. Richie had no idea what else to do other than lean his head back and let this amazing woman guide him in any way she chose. With it being his first blowjob it didn't surprise Inga when he tensed and pumped the warm salty fluid on her tongue which she gulped back theatrically once she sat back up and was sure she had his undivided attention.

She caught his staring at her bare breasts and her heart soared once more, it felt hedonistic having someone so much younger than her be so totally enthralled by her body. She reached behind his neck and pulled back so that his upper body leant forward and she guided his head so that his mouth lined up to her nipple which he started to kiss and suckle on. For Richie this turn of events was a dream come true, all his knowledge gained from porn movies was nothing remotely close to sensing them in reality. Inga's nipples weren't as large as some he had seen, the areola was a deep shade of pink and were sizable, and yet the nipple poked against his tongue and lips perfectly. The whole breast flesh felt warm to the touch and as he cast his gaze up to look into Inga's eyes, he was surprised to see them half-lidded while she wore a look of sheer bliss. This was added to when she cooed "That feels so very nice. Is it nice for you too?"

Richie wasn't about to detach his mouth and just mumbled while nodding his head slightly. Inga loved being the centre of someone's attention once again, especially one so eager. The connotations of things that could go wrong if this ever got back to Richie's uncle or parents never entered her head at this point -- they would later, much further down this path and she vowed to ensure that Richie would never feel the need to divulge their secret to anyone. She let him feast on both nipples for the longest time but eventually, they began to become soar and so she decided to have him sit back upright.

Immediately she spotted his full erection, indicating that she didn't need to ask if he had enjoyed himself. Inga stood up and removed her silk gown and the scrunched-up bedding so that they had a clear field to play on. She climbed on the bed, placed her feet on either side of his hips and then started to squat down. 'This is it' thought Richie, 'I'm finally going to feel what a pussy feels like. I'm going to lose my cherry.'

Inga settled down so that the head of his dick was nestled at the entrance to her pussy but then held still. 'What is she doing' Richie pondered in his head but was then relieved when she started to press her hips down and slowly take him inside her. "Oh my god that's nice" he gasped.

This was the point when Inga leant forward and whispered "It makes me happy to hear that. It's very special to be your first" before leaning further and kissing him like an aunt and nephew shouldn't, this was a lover's kiss, deep and full of feeling. All Richie had to do was lie back while his aunt rode her snug pussy along his length but in fairness, it looked like she was working out some frustrations on him. The reality was that it had been some time since she had ridden a dick and certainly not one as beefy as the one currently buried inside her. She was especially pleased with how long the youth held on for before letting go of his come. He could tell it was about to happen and had the good grace to gasp "Coming, where do you want me..."

She leant forward once more and groaned "Inside me, I want to feel you coming, it will feel so very nice for me" as she kissed him deeply once more. The feeling of him lying rigid and bathing her insides while they were duelling their tongues was a very special moment for both of them. After he had unloaded Inga set about leaving a trail of kisses along his shoulder, neck and then face repeatedly whispering, "Thank you for doing that, it was amazing." Richie was conscious of the fact that he had managed to come twice but Inga hadn't at all, his father had always instilled in him the need to be fair. Right now, his beautiful, busty aunt was lying on top of him so he cradled her in his arms, she rewarded him with a mumbled: "Mmmm, that's nice." As she nestled her head into his neck all he wanted was for her to stay exactly where she was, her soft warm breasts were squashed against him and this woman, this beautiful woman had made him a man.

"Err I don't want to spoil the moment -- I must say I'm really liking holding you so close -- but I'm feeling a little bad that I've come twice and you haven't at all yet." There he had said it.

She turned her head further to his neck and she mumbled as she kissed his neck "Arr, you are so sweet for thinking of me. You will make some young lady very happy with that attitude, just promise me that you will never stop thinking like that. But don't worry about me just yet, I'm feeling especially appreciated, being your first is a particularly special badge of honour. Feeling you so deep inside me, enjoying what we are doing is reward enough for me." Just then she felt his dick refill, it had slipped out of her as she leant forward but it was now erect and laying against her pussy. "Mmmmm, it feels like someone wants some more, would you like that?" she asked as she sat back upright.

The vision before him could almost be described as heavenly. This beautiful blonde goddess was sitting on his hips, her amazing breasts sat perfectly on her chest and she was grinding her pussy -- the pussy that had gripped him so perfectly -- against his crotch. It didn't take any thinking time for him to respond, "Yes please."