Company Policy Pt. 07


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Shelby groaned.

"She might use that show of strength against you..."

"Fuck," Shelby said.

Lunch time came. Nancy got Shelby some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich which she loved, but she couldn't eat a bite of it because she was too nervous. "I hate wasting food," Shelby muttered.

Nancy smiled sadly. "You're nervous," she stated.

"Well, no shit," Shelby said.

Nancy looked at her. "Oh a brighter note, I have a laptop ready for you. You can get started on that toner document," Nancy said.

"Do I have email?!" Shelby asked excitedly.

Nancy nodded. "Company email. I mean you can't get or send to outside email addresses."

Shelby frowned. "Of course not." She shook her head and thought. No outside phones. No outside email. Those phones must still dial 911, right? Isn't that the law? Maybe if she could get on a phone and call in a report of a false fire to 911...then maybe she could get out of the building for good.

Nancy was looking at her. "I don't know what you're thinking, but calls to 911 are all routed through our security guard."

"I wasn't thinking anything," Shelby lied.

"Uh-huh," Nancy said.

After lunch Shelby started work on the toner document. Nancy had to show her how to do a few things, like how to add columns, because she'd forgotten how, but otherwise, she was good to go. She was even able to look up prices from the office store they always ordered from and so she even made a price column.

Nancy looked it over when she was done. "Shelby, you've done an amazing job! This is outstanding!"

Shelby beamed. She, like anybody else, liked praise. "Thanks!" She said. "Now you know how much everything costs and how much money you have tied up right now in toner cartridges."

Nancy nodded, and leaned in and kissed her on the temple. Shelby looked up and grinned at her. Their eyes locked and Nancy's gaze fell to Shelby's little pink pouty mouth. She couldn't help herself. She leaned in and kissed the girl.

Shelby initially moved her head back, but Nancy did not retreat, so their lips met. It was a slow and gentle peck at the beginning, but Shelby let out a little whimper as Nancy deepened the kiss. Shelby's little tongue touched Nancy's, so Nancy slid her hand down Shelby's collarbone and into her wrap dress, cupping her breast. Nancy gently caressed the girl's flesh until she felt her nipple peak.

"God, I just want to take you upstairs," Nancy said. "Undress you on our bed. Kiss every inch of you."

Shelby didn't answer but her little moan said a lot.

But just then Nancy's door opened. It was Joelle. "It's time," she said.


Shelby scowled as they walked down the hallway to the conference room. It was 2:35pm. "This is so stupid," Shelby spat.

The conference room itself was a bustling hub of activity. Cafeteria workers were stocking the counter that ran down the length of one wall with ice, cups, bottled water, juices, and sodas. Indeed, round trays of bite sized sandwiches were there with the see-through covers still on them.

Fabio and Rock were there, and they rose when they saw Shelby.

"Hi, goons," Shelby said tartly.

They looked at Nancy, confused. "We're here to get her ready," Rock said.

Shelby looked at Nancy. "Get me ready? What are they talking about?"

Nancy shook her head. "I don't know. What do you mean?"

The blonde goon Fabio grabbed a thick chain from under the chair he'd been sitting on. It had a wide collar with a buckle on it.

Shelby stiffened. "A dog collar?! I'm gonna have to wear a dog collar with a chain on it?! You're fucking kidding me!"

Fabio shook his head. "It's to tie you down to the table," he said.

Nancy shook her head. "No," she said emphatically. "You're not doing that," she added.

"Oh, yes, they are," Lillianna said as she breezed in. She carried a medium sized box in her hands. "Boys, strip her and wrap that collar around her neck and make it tight."

Nancy spun around. "Lillianna, that's not necessary and you're not going to use it."

Lillianna turned to look at her. "Nancy, my darling, it's not your call. It's mine, and I say we're using it. You," she said to the blonde goon, "Fabio, take her clothes off and put on the collar. Then you," she motioned to the dark haired goon as she put the box on the conference table and opened it, "Rock, once she's on the table, thread that chain through the hole in the center of the conference table where the phone cords are right now. There's a carabiner on the chain you can use to secure it to that short metal rod embedded into the floor."

Nancy's jaw fell open. She glanced under the table as she spoke. "What?! Lillianna, you are not doing this!" she said. "All Shelby needs to do is undress and get on the table. That's how it's always been done in the past."

Lillianna spun around. "Rock and Fabio will do as I say. You? Butt out of this."

But Nancy did not. "No. I can't let you do this. You're not chaining Shelby down to the table!"

Lillianna just threw her head back and laughed. She pulled a thick looking paddle from the box. "The hell I'm not! She's dangerous. She kicked me and she needs to be taught a lesson."

"Oh, really? What lesson is that?" Nancy asked.

Lillianna got right up into Nancy's face. "That nobody fucks with me and then gets away with it," Lillianna said.

Nancy just shook her head. "You are unbelievable."

Lillianna just shrugged. "Boys, strip and shackle her. Get busy. It's almost three!"

"Nancy?" Shelby asked. Her voice sounded very small.

Nancy looked torn. She couldn't go get help because she wasn't about to leave Lillianna alone with Shelby in the same room. But then that meant the goons would do Lillianna's bidding, and fast.

Rock came up and began untying Shelby's wrap dress. She slapped at his hands, but he grabbed at her. She was able to dodge and slip away from his grasp. She took off running towards the conference room door, but Fabio caught her.

"Here. Take her clothes off," he said to Rock. "Butterfingers," he chuckled.

"No!" Shelby shouted. But both men had her naked in a few seconds. She kicked at Rock as he tried to secure the collar around her neck.

He frowned because Fabio had her torso. But he couldn't secure her legs, too. "Stop kicking my shins. Or I'll throw you on the ground, sit on you, and then tie this around your neck!"

But Shelby, a fighter until the end, would not stop. "No! I won't let you!" She screamed.

"Fine," Rock said to Fabio. "Take her down."

Fabio nooded, Rock stepped back, and Fabio tripped Shelby with his big leg so that she fell. Two hundred fifty pounds of man then came down onto her back. Fabio tucked her arms to her side and he secured them on either side with his knees. "Ok. She's down. Collar her," he said.

Rock knelt down and easily buckled the collar around Shelby's neck.

Nancy winced as all of this happened. It looked pretty brutal.

Rock held the thick chain as Fabio got off of the naked girl. Shelby looked murderous as she stood. She tried to run but the collar kept her from going anywhere.

"Almost forgot these," Fabio said. He grabbed Shelby's arms behind her back and cuffed them together with a pair of Velcro handcuffs. Nancy knew from experience that they would not hurt her, but the girl twisted her hands hard trying to get loose.

"Okay. Up on the table, girl," Rock said. But Shelby went down on the floor instead, totally limp.

"No! I won't let you do this to me!" She screamed. Her tears started to fall.

Rock easily scooped her up and deposited her onto the table. He sent the chain through the conference table hole and Fabio crawled under the table. He clipped the chain in place but with much leeway in the chain.

Lillianna watched all of this, but then spoke up. "No, no, no. The chain has to be tight. I want her neck and shoulders flush to the table, ass up in the air. Make her bend over like that!" she said.

Shelby squirmed and fought but Rock easily wrestled her until she was positioned just like that: neck and shoulders flush to the table. Fabio reattached the chain so it was tight. Then Shelby was frozen in place with her head down on the table and her naked ass high up in the air.

"Jesus Christ," Nancy muttered. "This is insane."

But Lillianna clapped. "Nice! Nice work, boys! I see you've both worked up quite a sweat!"

They both chuckled, because indeed they had.

Lillianna walked around the table until she could see Shelby's tear-stained face. Her hair was a mess, but she eyed Lillianna with fire in her eyes.

"Just look at you. How are you feeling now, huh, little Shelby? You are nothing! And what's even better is I own your ass. Quite literally!"

Nancy spoke up. "Her ass is off limits," Nancy said.

Lillianna chuckled again. "Nancy, Nancy, Nancy," she said. "No ass fucking is what we said. But that doesn't mean I'm going to leave her ass alone!" She said.

Nancy felt the anger rise. "Lillianna! That wasn't the deal!"

Lillianna laughed again. "Wasn't it?"

Nancy took a step towards Lillianna but Lillianna only had to say one word: "Boys!"

The two muscle men both came at Nancy and each grabbed an upper arm. "What are you doing?" Nancy said to the men as they grabbed her.

Lillianna came up to Nancy and grinned. "You shut up, or I'll make it so that you're up there next! Make sure she doesn't cause any trouble," Lillianna said to the men. "I'm going to warm our little girl up."

Nancy now truly couldn't walk away to get help. She was just as "tied down" as Shelby was.

She watched, helplessly, as Lillianna dumped the content of her box onto the table. Nancy's eyes widened. There were various different sized vaginal toys, lube, a crop, clothespins, nipple clamps, rubber gloves, a ball gag, and, of course, the paddle Lillianna still held.

Lillianna secured the ball gag on Shelby but not before Shelby called her a "cunt-faced whore."

"You'll pay for that," Lillianna said. And she walked around to Shelby's other end and she landed a hard smack to her ass with the paddle.

Shelby howled from behind the gag. But Lillianna did it again. And again. And again.

"Oh, darling baby girl, I'm just getting started with you," Lillianna said. "See how the boys are sweaty? I'm going to be all sweaty when I'm done with you."

Nancy turned to see a team of people entering the conference room.

It was showtime.

"Accounting!" Lillianna shouted. "Welcome!" She cracked the paddle on the girl's ass again and Shelby roared out in pain. Her bottom was starting to turn pink.

"Rules?" Jim Bagley asked, also entering.

"Ass fucking and ass play is out but any of these toys - or any toys you may have brought with you - can go into her pussy," Lillianna said.

"Ooh, she's pretty," a man in white said as he climbed onto the table. He immediately reached out and spread her pussy apart with his thumbs.

Shelby yelled something from behind her gag but it didn't deter the man from leaning in to take a taste of her.

Shelby's cry of outrage was horrible and Nancy herself started to fight the two goons that now held her. She couldn't take much more of strange people touching Shelby, and they'd just gotten started.

Nancy watched as five men from accounting took turns and idly fucked the girl with a big hand-held dildo as they talked about some stupid TV show they'd all watched the night before.

One woman in a suit fondled her breasts while another man tickled her feet.

Shelby did not stop yelling and screaming throughout the whole ordeal.

When accounting left, Lillianna was back with her paddle. "Now, who's the cunt?" She asked Shelby as she spanked her over and over. "We're gonna use that pretty little pussy of yours pretty hard today." She paused her spanking to squeeze the girl's tender ass skin. Shelby moaned and cried out. Lillianna then spread her pussy lips apart. "Very very pink little hole. Oh, should I have mentioned you weren't lubed up yet for that toy? Oops! How terrible of me to forget!" She landed a few more blows to the girl's ass with her palm.

"Lillianna!" Nancy yelled.

Lillianna glanced back at Nancy. "Not now, Nancy," she said. "This here is my show."

The head of maintenance walked in with his five maintenance men. They all finger fucked Shelby while they stroked their cocks. Then they all took turns coming on either her face, or in her strawberry-blonde hair. By the time all of the men in their group had had their turn, the head of maintenance was back and he spent a long time with his tongue in her pussy and his thumb on her asshole.

"Who's a fucking dirty little girl?" He kept saying. "Little hot thing covered in spunk," he said.

When he was finally finished licking her, all the men of the maintenance crew filled a plate with sandwiches and then abruptly left.

Nancy was furious. Every time she tried to take a step towards the girl the men holding her held her back.

Marketing came in next with their many employees and many assistants. Honestly, Nancy lost count how many men and women had their mouths on or fingers inside of Shelby. Her nipples were reddening due to the aggressive fondling different people were doing to her breasts. Marketing was in the conference room for a long time and when they left, Nancy took a tentative sigh of relief.

But Lillianna approached Shelby again. When Shelby glanced up at her, her face was a mess of tears, saliva, snot, and cum. She was absolutely ruined. And Nancy was heartbroken. She just wanted to take Shelby away from all of this madness.

But instead she watched as Lillianna put on a rubber glove. She grabbed a fist full of Shelby's cum-splattered hair and violently pulled her head up.

"Ow!" Shelby yelled.

Lillianna climbed on the table and got right in Shelby's face. "Tell me you're sorry. Tell me you're sorry for what you did to me!" Lillianna demanded.

But Shelby just let out a muffled cry.

"That doesn't sound like an acceptable apology to me!" Lillianna said.

Then Lillianna picked up a strange looking dildo Nancy had never seen before. It resembled the shape of a condom, but it was made out of hard, clear plastic.

"See this?" Lillianna said. "It's part of my BDSM collection," Lillianna chuckled. "You slide it into a pussy such as yours. Then you shine a light into the hollow end..."

"Oh, for the love of..." Nancy said.

"...And then everybody can see what you look like on the inside!" Lillianna said.

Lillianna rounded on Shelby and unceremoniously shoved the dildo into her pussy. Shelby grunted as the dildo slid home, and it had a curve in it that made sure it couldn't accidentally slide out. Then Lillianna picked up a small flashlight that was among her sex toys. She then shined the light into the end of the dildo.

"Look at your pink little hole...all spread apart, and just for me!"

Shelby groaned in mortification.

But Lillianna just laughed. "Mmmm, you're such a bad little slut. Such a bad little bitch. Taking what I have to give you and not ever thanking me. Say thank you, slut. Tell me thank you!"

Shelby remained silent.

"You need to thank me for arranging this opportunity for you," Lillianna said. "You need to thank me for spanking you and making your ass red. You need to thank me for opening you up so I can look inside of you!"

But Shelby would not. She wouldn't make a sound.

Lillianna just shrugged. "Well. Let's try something else, then, if you're going to be silent. I want to hear you make some noise."

Lillianna grabbed the nipple clamps and twisted the girl's nipples readying her for them. Shelby yelped when she fastened each clamp onto a sensitive nipple. Next, Lillianna grabbed the crop. She smacked Shelby's sore ass a few times with it, but then zeroed in on the girl's vulnerable asshole.

"Mmmm, gonna spank this little naughty pussy and asshole. And I'm really gonna spank that clit!" And Lillianna did, rather harshly. Shelby's whole body trembled as the blows rained down on her ass and asshole, and she whined when Lillianna spanked her pussy. She pulled the clear dildo out so she could rain down some stinging, pointed smacks to her vulva.

Shelby moaned in pain.

When Lillianna was finished with the crop, she unceremoniously rammed the clear dildo back inside Shelby and she grabbed the clothespins. She took hold of Shelby's pussy and she lined up neat little rows of clothespins all over Shelby's outer as well as her vulnerable inner labia.

More employees came in to see what was going on in the conference room. One man took turns with another man, using the flashlight to look inside of her. "You're so pink!" They said.

Another man took out the dildo and made her squeeze his fingers with her pussy. "Again, baby, do it again!" He roared, laughing.

Shelby closed her eyes. She had to squeeze his fingers hard. If she didn't, he'd smack her sore ass with his big hand.

Lillianna took over when he was done. She shoved three fingers into Shelby's tender pussy. Shelby howled at that, and Nancy was sure Shelby had never had three fingers inside her at once before. Lillianna spanked her still more with the paddle.

"Who's my little clothespin slut?" Lillianna said. Who's my little toy? My little bitch?"

Nancy struggled against Fabio and Rock, but she was essentially immobilized and could not do anything to help her baby.

Eventually it was 4:45pm. Two men each had a finger in Shelby and they were alternating fucking her with them. But Shelby had grown quite quiet a while ago. That worried Nancy more than her outbursts.

Lillianna got in Shelby's face and smoothed her messy, sticky hair off of her cheeks with a gloved-covered hand. "Too bad we're not in a room with a drain on the floor because I'd piss on you as I left," she laughed. "But since I can't do that, I can still spit on you." And Lillianna did. Right on Shelby's beautiful face.

Lillianna did indeed look worn out and sweaty. She walked up to Nancy and the two goons. "You," she said to Nancy. "Clean up this mess." She indicated Shelby with a nod of her head. "And you tell her if she ever does anything to me like that again, I will have her asshole, virgin or not."

Lillianna and the goons then left, leaving Nancy and Shelby all alone.

~To Be Continued~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

wondering what happened to ch 2, any chance you will post it?

Payback in the Bedroom Ch. 01

Author's Note:

Thanks so much for reading my story! I'd love to hear what you thought about it. Chapter 2 (the final chapter [as it stands now]) is done; it just needs major reworking and editing on my part before I dare submit it. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can't wait to see Lilliana go down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sick in fantasy is fine. This is fictional and this is a adult site relax. Please continue Shelby is not quite getting what she thought. I hope she is pierced at some point and she continues to be used. I intend to re read the whole series tonight. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

We’d better not be kept waiting on Lillianna’s comeuppance too long.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story just got infinitely sicker

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