Company Trips in Japan


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This time when I woke it was to the bashing of the door, not the doorbell. It was Okada, I could hear him yelling.

"Brett-san! Are you ready? The bus leaves in 15 minutes! Brett-san?"

Higashi rolled over and out of bed, staggering to the door.

"Hey! Hey!" I yelled after her, "Are you going to put something on?"

"What's the point?" she said sleepily, "The guy spent ten minutes staring at me."

Wow. Higashi opened the door naked, letting Okada in, bowing politely then walking calmly back to the bed, crawling under the sheets with me.

"Hey there! We need to go," Okada yelled at me once he'd gotten over the amazement of Higashi's nudity revisited. There was nothing else I could do, I had to get out of bed naked, to walk across in front of him to the closet in the tatami room where I kept my clothes. If Higashi walked naked with such confidence how could I wrap myself in a sheet? I dressed super quick, not taking the time to brush my hair or clean my teeth. My stomach was rumbling but there was no time to fix it. Dressed and rugged up, wallet and phone in hand we had to run. Higashi politely came to the door to see us off and I left wishing Okada had gone skiing and let me alone. I wasn't bored. This would have been my last full day with the world's most fuckable vagina. Darn!

We were two minutes early for the bus which pleased Okada no end. Japanese management get ridiculously stressed about being late for anything.

"Where are we going?" I asked as soon as the bus took off down the snow-covered road. It wasn't really a bus as such, more like a mini bus for about 16 people, though we were the only ones on board.

"The Mount Roppo area, the other side of Hirafu."

"How far is it?"

"Hirafu has been taking 30 minutes these late days, maybe another 15 minutes the other side."

45 minutes with a COO who just caught me fucking a married colleague. Yuck.

"What's there, at Roppo?"

"It's a family slope for skiing, but they also have the snowmobile. We are booked for 11am."

That was all for a while until I eventually talked about the obvious.

"Bucho, thank you for this, it is very nice of you to take your time for me today."

Okada smiled and laughed. "Oh, yes? I think I am interfering with your more interesting things this day."

"Please don't be upset with Higashi. It's not her fault. It's mine. I was the one trying. It's my fault. Really."

Okada reached out and held my knee. Back home that would have been weird, but here it was an indication of trust and friendship. He turned and smiled at me, nodding his head.

"It's good, yes?"

"What?" I asked, guessing at his meaning. Okada didn't answer at first, just kept smiling. He turned his language to Japanese.

"She is a Japanese beauty, no?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"Foreigners, they like that?"

I nodded voraciously. "Of course!"

"Aaah," he smiled. "I cannot remember the last time I was hard like today."

I looked at Okada and returned his smile.

"Brett-san. How do I say in English? You-lucky-fucking-bastard. Is that right?"

I was in hysterics. I don't think I'd heard anything as funny and unexpected as that in living memory. Okada was so straight, such a tough nut. You-lucky-fucking-bastard? Where had he even heard such a phrase?

"Bucho, where did you even learn such brilliant English?"

He kept smiling. He had an old face but young and vibrant eyes. "I wasn't always old."

Outside the bus window everything was white, even the surface of the road. I was surprised at how fast the driver was going given we were driving on snow. Okada explained that fresh snow gives good grip on the flat, it only gets slippery if there is melting then freezing. This powder snow was more like driving in sand. Interesting.

"She's married, you know," Okada said coming back to the topic of Higashi.

"I know," I said sheepishly.

"It's not good to be the reason for the break-up of family."

"She's not leaving him," I assured.

"It may not be her choice. If one of the staff told her husband..."

"You think people know?"

"People always find things out, one way or another."

I was tempted to say that I wasn't the only guy she was cheating with, but held back. There was nothing to be gained from it.

"You're telling me to stop."

"Well, we go home tomorrow anyway. Let's just say I suggest this is nothing more than a holiday romance. I'd hate to think Higashi was out of her husband's bed when we are back at work."

"Of course," I agreed. I must say I had started to think about how I could keep her. But Okada was right. Her life wasn't mine to play with, Higashi and her husband were trying to have a baby so I could hardly claim they weren't in a serious marriage. It would be gut-wrenching to see her put her pants back on to go home, to think that guy's cock would be in there a few hours later. Oh, to have a wife that looked like Higashi, who fucked like Higashi, as interesting as Higashi. I shook my head.

It was if Okada was reading my mind. "It's been a long time, though."

"What's that?"

"Since I've seen one like that."

"Hmmm," I agreed, "Me too."

Okada laughed. "To be her husband, hey?"

"For sure."

"So...," he turned and raised an eyebrow, "She goes alright? Hey?"

I beamed at him. "None better."

"Oh, that hurts even more! She likes it?"

I leaned in close. "I tell you, if possible, she would spend every minute of the day with a man in her. I've never seen a woman love it like Higashi."

"Ok enough. Better we don't talk about this. I'll never be able to look at her the same again. Good she works in Tokyo."

We didn't talk about her again that day. Our 11am snowmobile experience was wonderful. A guide drives in front, one at the rear and us two in between each on our own machine. We have to follow where they take us but even so it was spectacular. The path is kind of a road but not for cars. It winds its way through the forest, alongside frozen creeks and across flat open fields. The scenery was gorgeous, as amazing as I've ever seen. It was like churning our way through a postcard. It was hardly what you would call serene, though. Snowmobiles whine like chainsaws, four of us burning along together was so noisy, I imagined hikers in the distance were cursing our existence. And it was super cold. As rugged up as I was my scarf fell away from my chin and my lips and I thought they were going to turn to ice. I kept wiggling and pursing to keep movement in them. I dared not take a hand from the machine to adjust so there was an element of torture amongst the wonder.

We rode until midday. For Okada it was more than enough, he suspected his ass would be sore for a month. Rather than eat at the tacky resort fast food restaurant we caught a shuttle bus back to Hirafu. By luck we found the most wonderful ramen shop hidden in the backstreets. The noodles, the soup, the pork, the egg, it's rare a ramen shop can be perfect at each. This place was. Oh, how delicious they made it, even Okada had to agree and he was a tough man to please. Several bottles of Asahi saw us into mid-afternoon, then Okada called for the hotel to pick us up.

"I guess I've kept you out of your bed long enough," he teased.

"No, seriously, thank you for today. It's been wonderful. It was very thoughtful."

"You're welcome, Brett-san, you're welcome," he said with a glazed grin. He liked his beer, Okada. He had the bus stop at Lawson to buy some more for the 30 minute trip home so by the time I got to my room around 4pm I was half-cut and in dire need of the toilet.

"Hey there," Higashi shouted out as I dashed in and around to the bathroom.

"Hold on!"

When I came out relieved I saw Higashi in bed with Mika.

"Hangover all fixed?" I asked Mika.

"Starting a new one," Higashi said, "We've not left much of your whisky I'm sorry."

I looked at the bottle in front of the TV. Wow, they really had knocked most of it over. "What have you been doing? Have you gotten dressed today?"

"I haven't left this room," Higashi admitted, giggling. Mika was blushing. "We've been practicing life without men."

"Oh really? And how did that go?"

"Mika can take my whole hand," Higashi said, holding it up to show me.

Mika blushed even more and turned into the mattress. "So you've had a lesbian day?"

"Not entirely. The lunch guy was here."

"Higashi fucked him!" Mika yelled out.

I looked at Higashi, surprised.

"I used a condom though," she said, as if that made it perfectly acceptable. "What's that face for? You weren't here, we were in the mood for a man."

"She did it twice," Mika dobbed, "When the guy came back to take the plates she let him do it a second time."

"So?" Higashi turned and yelled at her.

"So I better do Mika first," I chipped in, "Since you've had your share today."

I starting undressing and Mika came over to help. Higashi sat back on the bed and watched us.

"So what did Okada say?" she asked.

"He said you were married."

"Shit. So he's not happy."

"He said you should go back to fucking your husband after this trip, that we need to stop after tomorrow."

"That's it? He's not going to fire me or call my husband?"

"He worries someone will call," I answered while Mika slid my underpants down, kneeling in front of me and taking my cock in her mouth. "But he won't."


"And he said you gave him a hard-on."

"Really?" Higashi screamed.

"He wanted to know if you were good at fucking?"

"Ew! Yuck! I hope you didn't tell him! Why does he want to know how I fuck?"

"What do you think? He was sat staring at your cunt all that time, how can he not think about how you use it?"

"You guys are creepy! What did you tell him? Nothing I hope."

"Why? I told him you love cock."

"What! You bastard! You did not!" she yelled, throwing a pillow at me and narrowly missing Mika's head wrapped around my erection.

"Ha? You want me to tell him you're frigid? That you lay there like a dead insect with your legs in the air?"

"Why tell him anything! Tell him it's none of his fucking business!"

Higashi was pretending to be upset but she wasn't. I could tell. Her body language was still calm.

"Better to have the boys think you're a good fuck than a bad one, believe me. Might even be good for your career."

"You are a creep, you are all creeps!"

I picked Mika up and shuffled us over to the bed next to Higashi. I lay on my back and Mika fell onto me, kissing. It was nice to feel her tits back on my chest, her hairless cunt lips teasing the tip of my cock.

"Did you shave again?" I asked and she nodded, pushing down slowly and deliberately. "Oh your cunt feels good."

I was looking forward to getting us together in Nagoya the following weekend. I'd make sure she went home tender. Higashi lifted to her side and watched us fuck, reaching out and squeezing Mika's ass, grinding her onto me. We stayed like this moaning and groaning until I was ready to cum. I wanted to unload in Mika but was sober enough to warn them both it was happening. Higashi stood and lifted Mika off me, replacing her cunt with her own. It was just in time, my juices flew through my shaft and into her body.

"Oh, I can feel it," Higashi moaned, holding her hand to her abdomen to show the spot. "It feels so good. Unbelievable to feel so good."

"Your body wants to get pregnant."

"I guess so," she admitted, "But I can't keep it. Tomorrow on the plane I'll take my pill and no more brown haired baby."

"Hey, it might be black-haired. You fucked the waiter, right?"

"I told you, I used a condom."

"I can't believe you did that," I said, shaking my head.

"The waiter can't believe you did that either," chipped in Mika, prodding at the wetness between her legs. It felt strange with no hair.

"How did it happen? You just asked him if we wanted a fuck?"

"She sent me to give him another blow-job," Mika interrupted, "Then before I'm finished she pushes me out the way and starts rolling a condom onto his cock. God you should have seen his face."

"You took him to bed?" I asked Higashi, still up on me.

"Over there," Mika said instead. "She bent over the table."

"So he fucked her good?" I asked Mika but still looking at Higashi's eyes.

"For about 30 seconds," Mika laughed.

"Which is why," Higashi butted in, "I had to do it again later, to get a proper one."

"On the sofa," Mika explained, "Sat up on him."

"And he did better?" I asked.

"Much," Higashi grinned.

"And what were you doing all this time?" I asked Mika.

"Playing Candy Crush."

"That boring?"

"He's not even good looking," Mika complained.

I slopped out of Higashi and rolled her onto her back. With a simple nod Mika came around between her legs to clean it for her. I went and got my phone to film it, young Mika drinking the cum and cunt juice from her boss. Brilliant, even though the light had faded badly. You could hear the sounds of it. What a trip, I was glad I had these photos and videos as a souvenir.

We put clothes on to get downstairs before the rest of the team arrived back. The girls promised they would keep Mika in control that night, our last night. We didn't want to waste it. And because it was the last night they promised to keep their underwear in their rooms – though we all knew the younger lads would spend the evening trying to get a piece of Mika's vagina now they knew it was hairless.

"Her cunt is going to come out at some stage. No way will they let her off the hook the whole night. We've just got to be there to pull her away if it looks like she's in danger of being fucked. I'm her boss, it won't be unexpected or suspicious."

Dinner that last night was back at the hot-pot place 5 minutes drive through the snow. In the foyer Mika and Higashi wore thick coats the same as everyone so it wasn't until we got into the restaurant I saw what they were wearing. When Higashi's coat came off I thought 'wow', but when Mika took her coat off I thought 'shit'. She had long boots, bare legs and the smallest tightest white skirt she could have fit into. She had a short thick sweater on top that did nothing to hide her backside. Blind Freddy could see she had no pants on, the thing hugged the cheeks of her ass. It was a mystery how it held down enough to cover all of her rear. She must have known the restaurant had no shoes, we'd been here before so when the boots came off all of her feet and legs were bare. Tiptoeing across the bare floor and then tatami everyone's eyes were focused on Mika's legs.

"I thought we were trying to reduce the chance of her getting fucked by those boys?" I whispered to Higashi. "Look at them flock around her."

"We're safe enough in this restaurant. Let her be young."

"You can see the whole of her ass, everyone can see there's no panties under there."

"Which is what you wanted, right? Right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"You don't have to make it so obvious," I whispered.

"Well, too late now." With that Higashi took off her cardigan. Holy shit. The front of the dress underneath cut all the way to her naval. The color was demure, a kind of beige which was in contrast to the style. A dress like that you would expect to be scarlet or jade green or silver sequins. Being beige and soft knit you wouldn't immediately notice that her tits are just hanging there behind two loose curtains, but when she turned to the side and leaned down, wow! Her whole breast was on show. I went hard immediately. I looked behind me and sure enough three other guys from my Osaka office gasped. Full tit, nipple and all. When she stood to put her shoes in the box the curtains returned to position.

"What?" she grinned. "What will get noticed is that hard-on if you don't put it away."

I looked down, there was a tent in my pants. Shit. I adjusted as best I could.

"Come on," Higashi told me, holding my hand and leading me through to a spot. I was amazed not just at her dress but that she was so publicly taking possession of me at a company function. When we sat on the cushions on the tatami her breasts again spilled momentarily free for everyone to the left and right of us. Holy shit, you should have seen their faces, even the girls. Sat up straight no one could really see anything, but whenever she twisted or leaned over it was outrageous.

"Close your mouth Brett," she said calmly as I watched her move forward to pour tea.

"How can I?"

"You like?"

"Not just me. You don't mind people in your office see your tits?" I whispered.

"It's just a sexy dress," she laughed, "I'm not sitting here topless. It's not my fault if rude people like you perv into my clothes."

Higashi was turned around in such a way that I could see all of one breast as she said it. It was difficult not to reach out and hold it.

"Rude people?" I said staring at it.

"Rude people," she confirmed. I sighed. I looked around to find Mika. She was up against a wall, guys to either side and across the table. Because of the small skirt she was sitting on her knees to keep her legs closed. She wasn't being pressed too hard at present, but it was just a matter of time. They were trying to get her to drink quickly.

Having hot-pot was the best and worst dish for Higashi to be wearing that dress. The guys to my left openly gawked at her tits and made comments loud enough for me to hear. They had nice things to say about her shape, but some of the things they said were nasty. Higashi didn't seem to hear, thank goodness.

Being the last night most people let their hair down, it was a loud and raucous affair with lots of beer, sake, shochu, chuhai. Higashi was leaning on me in a delightful way. We kind of forget to check on Mika for a while and when I remembered to look over she was still there, but it was messy. By the looks her skirt was pushed up to her waist. The guys next to her were pawing her ass and the guys in front were down looking under the table, probably trying to get a look at her slit.

"Maybe you need to go over to see her," I suggest.

Higashi turned around. "She's still in the room, how bad could it be?"

I saw a guy reach down behind Mika and her body lift. Her eyes widened.

"I think she'd getting fingered," I said.

"No way, surely not," Higashi whispered. Mika was biting her lip and her body rocked ever so slightly. Higashi turned and yelled across the room, "Hashimoto, hands off my staff!"

Mika jumped immediately and Hashimoto's hand came out from under her.

"He won't stop long," I said quietly, noticing him letting his friends smell his finger.

"She's already fucked the guy. Hard to say no to some guy who has already fucked you, right?" Higashi said, looking at me.

I laughed. "Hey. Speaking of which. You want to go fuck in the toilets?"

Higashi look into my eyes. "Yes. Yes, I do."


Higashi went first, I followed as innocently as possible. I found her waiting in front of the mens'. It wasn't really the mens', all the toilets were separate cubicles but some had women written on them and some said men. We ducked into one. I took her from behind as she leaned against the wall, skirt hoisted to her hips, my hands in her dress holding those magnificent tits. I was feeling strong from all the beer and the fucking we'd already done these days, it took forever before I lost it. Higashi didn't cum but she thanked me and swore she would miss it.

"Maybe size does count," she admitted slyly, "Especially when I think about losing it."

She pushed her skirt back down. It was short, but nothing like Mika's. Outside the toilet was a small mirror. "Oh Brett, you've messed up the front. It's all stretched." She flicked at the material, it didn't hold as well as before. I took one side and pulled it baring her tit, leaning down to suck it until we heard people coming. After a suspiciously long time we were back at our cushions to continue eating and drinking.