Complementing Morgan Pt. 01


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She let out a small gasp has he gently rubbed her back. Arnold hoped the juxtaposition of his soft touches and harsh words would make it harder for her to think, force her to be straight with him. "You could get some relief if you learned to use your mouth, but you haven't managed that trick yet, have you? No relief at all for three whole weeks, and tonight you just cracked? That about right?"

She clearly wanted to protest what happened earlier, but seemed to think better of it, as his hands worked on her shoulders. "Yes, sir."

"Here, at best you get one about every three weeks and no relief in between. And let's be clear, you haven't been doing a particularly good job lately, not with your pitiful attempts at with your mouth. Once every three weeks would be very optimistic. I visit the mainland on business from time to time, and I'm going to have several trips coming up in the next few weeks. We could easily arrange to meet then, if you do what I ask. Here is the deal: One kill, one climax. For every one of my enemies you eliminate you get to come."

Soo-Jung turned around, forcing Arnold to stop rubbing her back. She sat directly opposite him on the bed, facing him. "If I agree, that means I am doing what you ask?"

Her hand reached out and grabbed the crotch of his pants. Her delicate fingers gently enveloped his dick through the cloth.

It was a bold move. Arnold usually punished his assistants if they tried to initiate sex. It was critical that they understand their place. In this case, though, he could let it slide. He was the one who started the back rub. Besides he made her a promise, and he always kept his word.

When he didn't answer immediately, Soo-Jung continued. "I get one tonight, and then one more for every kill?" She slowly moved her delicate hand, stroking him through the cloth.

She really would agree to anything to have her orgasm tonight. Typical, short-sighted, cock-hungry bitch. Still, that was good news. Her Complement was doing its job, keeping her under control.

"Yes. One tonight, then one for every target."

Soo-Jung smiled. "I agree, sir."

Then she pounced.

That was the thing about sex with one of his assistants: Unless she was restrained, it never really felt to Arnold like he was the one in control. The raw, passionate intensity the Complements instilled in these girls was hot as hell, but also a little bit unsettling. Sure, he could zap her by activating the compliance implants. That's why they were there, but that was an extreme measure.

His assistants weren't just horny, they were strong. Really strong. It was one of the features of the Complements that the company was trying to downplay, especially when marketing them to the prisons.

The idea had been to strengthen a woman's vaginal muscles so she would feel tighter during sex and to strengthen her back muscles so that if she had large breasts they wouldn't be such a strain on her back. However, targeting only those muscle groups would have been difficult. Instead, the Complements released certain specially tailored steroids into the blood stream that promoted higher metabolism and muscle growth for all muscles.

Over the course of about six months, Complemented women grew very strong and maintained that strength thereafter. It wasn't supernatural strength, they couldn't punch through walls, and they could still easily be restrained with steel handcuffs. However, they were far, far above average, as strong as a woman that maintained a very rigorous weight-lifting regimen for several years.

Soo-Jung moved like a cat: fast, graceful and deliberate.

With one hand she pushed him down, while the other reached behind her to unzip her uniform. There was a quick flurry of limbs as she pealed the thin piece of clothing off and over her legs. Now naked, she brought her legs back down over him, straddling him, pinning him to the bed.

Her hands moved to his belt buckle, then his fly. She yanked his pants and underwear down to his knees, then brought her right leg up behind her, behind his pants. With one smooth, powerful kick of that leg she pushed his pants entirely off his body. She didn't even need to turn around to gauge her kick properly.

The entire maneuver took mere seconds.

Soo-Jung's dexterity, her perfectly timed movements and her position on top of him reinforced his sense that their roles had reversed, that he was no longer in control. The compliance implants served as an emergency brake, but unless he was willing to activate them he could only lie back and enjoy the ride.

"Mmmmm." Soo-Jung let out another throaty moan. "I like being on top."

Still straddling him, she unbuttoned his shirt but didn't bother to pull it off of him. She ran one hand over his exposed chest while she spat into her other hand and then moved lower.

While Soo-Jung was useless with her mouth, her hands were another matter. The feeling of her small hand, lubricated with spit, gliding over him was invigorating. She lingered at the head of his shaft, making tiny circles with her index finger on the under-side of it, just below the tip.

"It feels good sir?" She asked with a smile.

His rapidly hardening dick made it fairly obvious that he enjoyed her touch. She just wanted to hear him say it. He obliged her: "God, yes, that's good. Keep going."

Within a minute he was rock-hard. Preparation complete, Soo-Jung moved in to claim her prize.

To Arnold's complete lack of surprise, she had no interest in foreplay. Merely being alive and awake with a Complement would feel like foreplay to Soo-Jung. She was literally sopping wet every waking moment. Touching without fucking became teasing, the worst sort of cruelty.

She roughly grabbed him at the base of his shaft, guiding it into her as she lowered herself down on top of him. Her pussy clamped down so hard that it was almost painful.

Soo-Jung let out a long high pitched scream of passion as she enveloped him and then started to move. She frequently reverted to her native Korean while in the throes of passion, and he couldn't tell whether she was saying something or merely babbling in ecstasy.

Her cries grew louder and higher pitched as she feverishly pistoned up and down, desperately ramming herself onto him with all of her considerable strength. Her hips became a blur.

It felt absolutely amazing. The way she was pumping him, it wouldn't be much longer before he came.

"Give it to me! Give it to me, now!" She briefly reverted to English before resuming her unintelligible squealing.

The same as earlier in the day, she was utterly consumed by her passion but obviously unable to achieve the release she needed. The Complement wouldn't let her come until he did.

For once, she wouldn't have to wait long.

"Yes, oh, almost. . . oh fuck," he groaned has he felt himself go over the precipice.

Arnold had been with a lot of women, most of them before the Complements were ever invented. He knew from experience that the female orgasm came in many different forms and sizes. When women reached climax their reaction could be anywhere from a small, barely perceptible shiver, to a massive screaming fit. After the Complement had gone in, however, there was only one sort of orgasm a woman would experience: A cataclysmic, earth-shattering event.

The sound Soo-Jung's made as she came was barely human. The room was soundproofed, but it wouldn't have surprised him to learn someone could still hear her two decks away.

She collapsed forward on top of him as she lost control, her fists pounding the pillow next to him. Arnold was still inside her as her legs clutched his body and those powerful internal muscles convulsed along with the rest of her. It was as if she was squeezing his hypersensitive, post-orgasmic dick like a lemon, trying to extract that last little bit of juice. That powerful grip was perfect for getting him off, but afterwards it was a bit much.

This never happened when Nadia gave him one of her specials with extra-tongue. But no. . . tonight he had to let this cunt climb on top and make like a fruit juicer. It was certainly possible to train them to be a bit more respectful to a man's anatomy, but that required giving them a chance to practice. That didn't sit well with Arnold's idea of maintaining discipline.

After about thirty seconds he managed to roll out from under her. It always took a few minutes for her to come down from her orgasm, but at least this way she wouldn't be torturing his dick anymore.

Soo-Jung's thrashing gradually slowed. As she calmed down, her breathing went from a desperate, ragged panting to slow deep breaths.

While she recovered, he slipped out of the bedroom to his office and made a call. It was the fastest, craziest negotiation he'd ever done. Boone drove a hard bargain, but Arnold managed to make it work.

When he returned, she was breathing normally again. He put his hand on her back.

"We need to go over some details."

She rolled over, but did not sit up. "Tell me. I will listen."

It felt strange to be talking logistics while naked. Hell, it didn't just feel odd, it felt downright wrong to be having a conversation like this at all with one of his assistants.

"I just paid Boone, you remember Boone, from this afternoon? I just paid Boone an arm and a leg for some documentation for you. I told him I wanted to buy it off him, since he wasn't going to need it. I made up a bullshit story about another client who wants to bring someone else over who's currently overseas, but the bastard tried to gouge me anyway. Actually, never mind, you don't need to know the details.

Soo-Jung smiled warily.

"Your name is now Anne Greer. A-N-N-E G-R-E-E-R," he spelled it out. "I think Boone was planning to use it for someone a bit, well, a bit less like you, but it will have to do. I have a passport for you, but you need to understand, it won't stand up to inspection. You fly into one, small, very specific airport in California, say your name is Anne Greer, wave that passport and you'll be fine. There will be no record you or anyone by the name of Anne Greer was ever there."

"Try using the passport anywhere else, and it won't go well," Arnold warned her. "The picture won't look anything like you. In fact, throw it away as soon as you're well away from the airport. There will be a US ID card waiting for you in an airport locker, which you should keep. That should stand up to rudimentary inspection. I can't give you an ID card now, you have to wait, because one needs to be made with your picture."

He gave her a hard look. "I'll further add that if at any time while you're over there you tell anyone you're anyone other than Anne Greer, there will be consequences. Not only will you never get what you need from me again, they may lock you up, or send you back to South Korea. There is no documentation on anyone named Soo-Jung. From now on, there is only Anne Greer. Do you understand, Anne?"

She nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm Anne. Nice to meet you." She was picking up on this quick.

"Good. We're dropping off some cargo in a few days with a ship, the William Door, headed to California. Their captain is a friend, and I'll see that you're taken on as a passenger. Until then, you will be confined to your room. As far as anyone else is concerned, you're being punished, a severe punishment that will last for at least another month. That will explain your extended absence."

Soo Jung nodded. She understood.

"The Door has a helicopter," said Arnold. "They will fly you into the airport where you need to go when they get close to the coast. From there you're going to take a bus to Columbus Ohio, where you will get a hotel room and rent a car. Money won't be a problem. I have two mobiles for you. The red one is for contacting me, the black one is for everything else. Both mobiles are pre-paid which means there's no GPS enabled. You may need to buy an old-fashioned map. There's a twenty-five thousand dollar bank account tied to the black mobile for expenses. "

"The red mobile is special," Arnold explained. "You can't use it to make normal calls. There's only one app on it, which is a special chat app. Text only, no sound. It bounces the connection through both of the two major anonymity networks, Tor and Layercake, before it gets to me. My identifier is EmeraldAdmiral, which should already be configured on there. It's secure, and I really want to emphasize this: it's the only thing you can trust as secure. If you're not talking to me face to face, the only communication from me you can trust is the red mobile. Ignore everything else. Do you understand?"

Soo-Jung nodded again. "The black mobile is for spending money and making calls. I will talk to you with the red mobile. If I hear from you on the black mobile it is not you."

"Yes. Here's the tricky part. I can't tell you the name of your target because I don't know it. There is a man out there who calls himself T-Snark who has threatened me. He says that he will release information that is harmful to me unless I can arrange the death of another man, who I'm going to refer to as D. I don't know the real name of D and I don't want to know it. The man who has threatened me will contact you on the black mobile, and tell you the real name of D and his address. Do not tell me that name. Once T-Snark has confirmed that D is gone, you will earn your first orgasm. Now, repeat that back to me."

She got it exactly right on the first try. She really was quick.

"Finally, understand that D is only your first target. After D is gone, and only after D is gone, I need you to find and eliminate T-Snark. I do not know for certain his identity, but I have a very good idea. I have his address, which I will give you. A man named Tyler Thomas lives there, along with his his wife, Adelaide, and his brother Darren. I'm guessing the T in T-Snark stands for Tyler. Your second target is T-Snark, and it is very important you confirm his identity."

"How do I confirm?" Soo-Jung asked. "It would be easier to do all three in the house."

Arnold raised an eyebrow, "And earn you two more rewards? Is that what you mean?"

She frowned. "Maybe. You gave me no name, only a letter. I see no way to tell if this person is the one you want. It may not be possible without knowing more."

"T-Snark knows electronics well," said Arnold. "Whoever he is, he is smart, and he knows technology. Find the geek, and you've found your man. Also, when hunting D, T-Snark will contact you. Use that to track him down. Oh, and one more thing. Tyler Thomas' wife, Adelaide? She has a Complement. My guess is that's why he was poking around our systems in the first place. She will be strong, like you."

Soo-Jung thought for a moment. "Okay," she finally said. "Kill D, kill T-Snark, then I return here?"

Arnold hadn't quite decided whether he was going to let her come back. His plan was to tell the others that he was punishing her severely, in private. After what had happened with Nadia no one would question that. Likewise, no one would blink an eye if she either disappeared or if she did finally return after her "severe punishment." It left his options open.

"There may be one more target," Arnold told her. "I'm not sure yet. How would you feel about handling a woman who was pregnant, carrying a child? Could you do that?"

Again, she seemed pensive. "That is two," she said. "Two kills, yes? You will reward me twice for that?"

He smiled broadly. "Of course."

Arnold reflected that while this crazy, risky arrangement was very last-minute, it might work out rather well.

— End Part 1 —

This is my first attempt at an erotic story. After many years of lurking I decided to finally break down and try writing a story of my own because my primary kink, female orgasm denial, seems to be rather uncommon.

Please let me know what you think. All constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.

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DeeFisher123DeeFisher1236 months ago

Very well written. A bit long winded but I can understand why. The story is complicated and layered. I find the( slightly obscure) references to be intriguing and dead on. A great novel with some hot female denial thrown in. Not enough stories like this out there. I also loved the other stand alone story. Great job!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Would anybody be willing to record an audio version of this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Could you release some new chapters?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very interesting story. Author was not lying about a slow burn, very little burn really. There's a lot of eroticism, the whole story revolves all around enforced ordasm denial, but this is more in line with a novel than anything else. That being said, it's well written, the characters feel real, and the plot is compelling. However, if your looking for something to help rub one out real quick, this story is not for that. I look forward to reading more of the story

dysprogdysprogover 1 year ago

I am torn.

The porn is Hot Hot Hot.

The story has me engrossed, but isn't fappable.

I'm reading a hot denial scene, and touching my self, and then it's fight scene between two guys and one dies.

It's corporate intrigue, then a lava hot sex scene and then they plan a murder.

All the parts are good but the combination is frustrating and keeps cutting me off just when it's hot. But maybe that's just even more thematic.

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