Complete Trust = Complete Bliss

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Liz gives Liam his birthday wish and reaps the benefits!
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Liam had always subscribed to the Woody Allen theory that 90% of life is showing up.

Basically it was a metaphor for the idea that perseverance pays off. Liam had used it in his school career, his professional career and in his sports endeavors and had always, eventually, been rewarded. Even in his sex life with his wife Liz, it always seemed to work.

But not this time.

He had asked her for one thing over and over and over again and had always been rebuffed. He asked for his birthday – nope; their anniversary – no dice; Christmas – sorry. But he kept at it. It wasn't like not getting this was bad – their sex life was already more than satisfying; but it was something that he always fantasized about. his 45th birthday approached, Liz asked him what he wanted. Liam's reply? "You really have to ask?" Liz just rolled her eyes, shook her head, smiled and walked away saying, "Well, at least you are consistent!"

Woody would be proud! He would also have smiled knowingly just a few minutes later when she came into the living room, shut off the TV, sat across from Liam and said, "So...let's just say "hypothetically" that I would agree to this...tell me what's involved." After the shock wore off his face, Liam answered, "It's quite simple really..I want a weekend where you will do whatever I ask, no questions asked, no refusals and no repercussions."

"So you want a sex slave for the weekend."

" wouldn't say a slave – maybe a servant. I'm not into whips and chains and humiliation and cliché stuff like that. I don't want to dominate you any more than I want you to be subservient to me. I just want you to trust me so completely that you are willing to give yourself to me."

Liz replied, "But baby, I DO trust you – completely!"

Liam looked directly at his wife, "I would disagree." When he saw anger flare up in Liz's eyes he said, "Let me explain. Yes, you trust me, but that trust comes from a different place than I'm talking here. Your trust comes from the fact that no matter what, no matter how much I want something or want to do something, if you say "No" or "Stop" even if we are right in the middle of something, you know I will comply. I love you that much and respect you and our marriage that much. The trust I'm talking about comes from you surrendering yourself to me and not questioning me, not saying no to anything and not stopping me and trusting that, while I may take you to a place that is outside of your comfort zone, it's not "bad" and it's what I want. And I won't have to justify myself, ask nicely, beg or anything like that. Baby, our sex life is great, but there are times that I want more and I hold myself back because I know you will put the brakes on. I don't go there so I'm not disappointed, but I can't say that it doesn't bother me sometimes."

Liz's face clouded over and Liam immediately thought that he had upset her, but something told him not to say anything. Liz was, for sure, upset and she wanted to argue, but the truth was Liam was right. She was always "in control". Not controlling, but very sure of her boundaries. Liam called her the "hall monitor" because she made sure those in her life that she loved were safe and secure. Had she gone too far? Maybe as she aged she was becoming more and more controlling and less willing to cede control to anyone else.

She gave Liam a look he couldn't quite decipher (although he knew it wasn't happiness) stood up, turned away from him and walked out of the room.

"Well," thought Liam, "Put that birthday present on hold – indefinitely!"

And he did. He put all of those thoughts out of his mind over the next couple of weeks and just got on with the day to day grind of making a living. Liz was back to her normal wonderful self, loving, caring and an amazing wife and mother. So it certainly came as a shock to him (initially at least) when he saw a text message on his phone from Liz and read it.

"Ok, here's the deal. I'm not doing a gang-bang, I'm not going to have sex with you in front of a big group of people and if you want me to do another woman, or you want us to do it with another couple, I want to know who they are first. If you are ok with that, I'll give you want you want for your birthday."

Liam chuckled to himself and thought, "I shouldn't have been so surprised." Typical Liz thinking it over and over and over again before making a decision. However, after reading the text several times he reluctantly sent her the following simple reply.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll decline."

Liz must have been waiting at her phone because her reply was almost instantaneous. "What? Why – this is what you wanted!"

Liam's reply: "It's simple really. You are giving me what I want, but it's under your terms. I'm not saying I want to do any of the things that you mentioned before, but the whole point of what I want is for you to surrender your need for control and TRUST me enough to do whatever I want. NO CONDITIONS. So..while I understand that even this much was hard for you, thanks but no thanks."

Liz had to agree – he was right again. What was it about her that had to have just that little bit of control? She completely trusted Liam so what was the problem? Could she finally let go and just "Let it Happen?" Then it hit her – a compromise that she was sure Liam would go for.

Liam heard his phone beep with a message and his cock turned to stone immediately after reading Liz's reply; she was right – this was a compromise he would definitely go for!

"Ok – you're right.'s my offer. Total questions, no conditions, no saying a weekend of my choosing in the future, we change roles."

When Liz read his reply she was not surprised, "Oh..I think that is a very workable solution!"

There was no other correspondence between the two of them for the rest of the day, but that didn't mean it wasn't right at the front of both of their minds. Neither could think of much else as their day wore on and both had to pay extra attention while driving home. It was pure serendipity that caused them both to arrive at home within seconds of one another. As Liam emerged from his car, the telltale bulge at the front of his pants confirmed to Liz what she already suspected and the obvious imprint Liz's nipples were making in her silk blouse told Liam that they had exactly the same thing in mind.

Not a word was spoken as they entered the house. A quick "Emma?, Are you Home?" from Liz confirmed, thankfully, that their daughter was indeed at her part-time job and wouldn't be expected home until later that evening. Liam grabbed Liz's hand and fairly dragged her up the stairs to their bedroom where they both frantically stripped away their clothes. Liz was a beat quicker than her husband and as the last of his garments hit the floor she pushed him onto the bed on his back, threw her leg over him and immediately impaled herself on this rock-hard cock.

Still, no "words" were spoken...just a collective exhalation as pent-up desire met with at least some measure of relief. Liz was crazy with lust; she reached down and grabbed two handfuls of Liam's chest hair and used them for leverage as she simply rode him – bouncing up and down on his fat cock. Liam reached up and grabbed Liz's tits and roughly squeezed them – flicking her pebble-hard nipples in time with her descents on him. This was not love-making; this was pure, animalistic need. By the time they were done – Liz cumming first and coating Liam's cock and balls completely and soon after Liam painting the inside of Liz's velvet pussy - they were covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Liz was collapsed on her husband, totally out of breath, pussy still twitching and spasming around its wonderful invader.

Finally, Liam was able to catch his breath and calm down enough to speak, "Well, it seems like I'm not the only one that got turned on by our text messages today!"

"Oh my god", Liz replied, "I could barely get through the rest of the day – it's been a long time since I've been that horny."

"So, tell me, what made you change your mind after all this time?"

"Well, it was a lot of things. When we talked a few weeks ago I have to admit that I was pretty upset – but not at you – I was upset at myself. You were totally right. I do trust you because I know that no matter what, if I say no, it's no – you respect me and us that much. But that's not so much trust as it is control – you were right again. I realized that that's kind of how I'm put together – how I'm "hard-wired" - but it's not right. You aren't asking for something unreasonable. We've been together so long that I think I have a pretty good idea of the kinds of things that you desire and even if it's not my cup of tea, if I REALLY trusted you I would go along. You were absolutely right in rejecting my first text – it was pathetic and your reply twigged something in me. I suddenly realized that maybe being totally out of control might be liberating. That sometimes I say no not because I don't want to, but because I think I shouldn't – how sick is that? That maybe what you want is exactly what I NEED and then all of a sudden it hit me. I was thinking about how much fun you were going to have and wondering why you should get all the fun when I got the idea of reversing roles. It was perfect – you have total control and then I have total control. So that's when I sent you the text and honestly, when I read your reply, my pussy got so wet so fast I couldn't believe it – and I spent the rest of the day thinking about fucking your brains out when we got home."

"Well", Liam replied, "your text had pretty much the same effect on me"

"Oh really? Do tell!"

"Not right now, I have something to do first."

"What could be more important than this?" Liz replied


With that, Liam reached up, flipped Liz onto her back and jammed his still rock hard erection into his wife. While this coupling was less frenzied and more controlled, it was no less intense and after five minutes of straight-on pounding, Liam emptied his second load of cum into Liz.

"So...when should we do this?" asked Liz after their breathing returned to something close to normal.

"Well...Emma is going to the Elliott's cottage with Chantal next weekend....."

"Wow, so soon? That's a couple of weeks before your actual birthday."

"I realize that, but it may be the only opportunity we have."

" know, you are probably right – weekend I'm all yours!"

Nothing much happened over the next week; however there was definitely a heightened buzz in the air between the two of them. For one reason or another, whether it be fatigue or simply too much to do, they had had sex only once since they struck their "agreement" and as the weekend approached, Liz found herself getting pretty randy.

On the Thursday before their weekend she joined Liam in the shower first thing in the morning for what she hoped would be a quickie to take the edge off but was surprised when she was rebuffed by her husband.

"Sorry Baby, not this morning – I have an early meeting." was all he said and then got out of the shower.

By the time Liz was done with her shower, makeup, getting dressed and arrived downstairs for breakfast, she found only Emma at the table. "Where's dad?" she asked.

Emma replied, "Oh, you just missed him – he hugged me and told me to have a good time this weekend and said he had to get going."

After breakfast Liz left for work, dropping Emma off at the Elliott's on her way with a hug and wish for a fun weekend. Just as she was getting back into her car, she received a text message from Liam.

"Hey Beautiful, check inside the console of your car for me will you?"

Liz smiled to herself as she popped open the cover and discovered an envelope, which she opened. Inside she found a gift card with the following note.

"I realize that you still have a full day's "free will" but I'm hoping that you will do a couple of things for me ahead of time simply to save time for the weekend, 'cause we are going to be busy! ;) If you are ok with that, please use the enclosed gift card to purchase two bra and panty sets – one with a thong, one with regular panties. I want pretty and feminine – nothing slutty or cliché. Also – for the weekend I'd like there to be nothing between your panties and that beautiful silky pussy!"

Liz smiled to herself and thought, "Well, he's pretty predictable." She mentally patted herself on the back for booking a Brazilian wax right after work today.

As the day wore on, Liz found it harder and harder to concentrate on work. So many questions were going through her head. "What are we going to do? Where are we going to go? What if he makes me do something I hate?" She soon realized that while giving up all semblance of control went against her nature, she was truly looking forward to their adventure over the weekend. Her mind was filled with all kinds of erotic thoughts of what they would do, the different places and positions she would find herself in and the liberating feeling of not having to worry about any of it. The only problem was that all of these thoughts made it rather difficult for her to concentrate at work and she constantly found her mind wandering back to that big fat meaty cock of Liam's that had given her so much pleasure over the years.

She went to the spa directly after work and walked out, buttery smooth between her legs. "Mmm, she thought, Liam will love this – I sure do!" she thought. Then, off to her favorite lingerie boutique where she picked out two beautiful bra and panty sets – one with a thong and one with boy shorts – just like Liam had asked for. While trying them on, it took a lot of self-control for her not to rub her pussy in the privacy of the change room – she couldn't get over how aroused she was.

Liz arrived home shortly after 7 and was welcomed into the house by the aroma of a beautiful meal of grilled steak, salad and sautéed shrimp, started off with a great Margarita and finished with some incredible fruit kabobs that had been lightly grilled.

The combination of the knowledge of what was going to happen over the weekend, her freshly waxed mound, the sexy new lingerie and the great meal had Liz ready to start their weekend early. She sidled up to Liam while he was cleaning up the kitchen and rubbed his crotch invitingly. "What say you give a girl a sneak preview of what she can expect this weekend." she said in a husky voice filled with desire.

Liam gently took her hand away. "I'm sorry baby I can't. I have a huge proposal that has to be done by day's end tomorrow and if I don't work all night here I'll never get it done. But don't worry, I'll make it up to you with this weekend!" he said with a wink, a smile and an affectionate peck on the cheek and headed off for his office.

Liz was shocked. She wasn't used to getting turned down – especially twice in one day! But, work is work and these things happened from time to time so she busied herself with some household chores – doing some laundry early, figuring she wouldn't have much time to do it on the weekend, but was still preoccupied with that vague aching in her loins. She went to bed well before Liam who was up very late working in his office and she couldn't sleep, her desire for sex was such that sleep eluded her. She rarely masturbated when Liam was home, but gave finally gave in to her desire. As her hand slipped down into her panties and slid over her newly smooth-vulva she could feel herself already close. However, before she could get all the way to the peak Liam came to bed! Self-consciousness prevented her from continuing while he was there so she found herself worse off than when she started! To make matters worse, Liam climbed into bed naked which was his custom when Emma wasn't home. She was determined to make one more try and rolled over and caressed his chest and said, "It's about time you came to bed big boy!" and reached down to grab his cock, which, to her surprise, was flaccid.

Liam sighed, "I'm sorry baby, not tonight, I have this proposal bouncing around in my head and can't get it out of my mind. I really can't concentrate on anything but that right now – I'll make it up to you this weekend – I promise." And with that, he rolled over and went to sleep.

Sleep eventually came too to Liz but it was an erotic, dream-filled sleep. She woke up, somewhat refreshed but far from satisfied only to hear Liam in the shower. She was just about to join him when he stepped out with a smile and said, "Good morning beautiful! I think I worked out how I'm going to make the numbers work on this damn quote!" And with that, he stood in front of the mirror to shave. Liz looked at her husband standing at the mirror, naked. "Not bad for 45", she thought, "Hair thinning just a bit with no gray just yet, a handsome face, nice thick chest and arms, no six-pack, but trim with just enough of a belly to be "real", beautiful strong legs and rock-hard butt and a big, thick, veiny slab of a cock that she really, really wanted right now, but couldn't have.

With her husband bouncing around the house getting ready for work, Liz resigned herself to the fact that she would have no chance to get herself off before work so she simply showered, got herself ready, ate some breakfast and the happy couple left at the same time, with Liam giving her a quick kiss said, "Really, really looking forward to tonight the rest of the weekend!"

Just after lunch, Liz's cellphone pinged with the arrival of a text which turned out to be from her husband. "Proposal finished! Boss LOVES it! Think the client will too! Clear mind so I can concentrate on my birthday gift! See you at home! ;)"

"Good for you," Liz thought, "I haven't been able to concentrate on anything BUT that for the last two days. If I don't get laid soon I'm going to go crazy!" Mercifully, the day was busy for Liz so, in spite of her almost constant state of vague arousal she was able, for the most part, to get through the day pretty well.

As she approached her house after work she took a mental checklist of what she was feeling. Definitely nervous, but it was an excited nervousness. Definitely apprehensive – she had no idea what Liam had in store for her, but with the shackles off she was absolutely convinced it would go beyond her normal boundaries. And lastly – DEFINITELY horny! The anticipation of their weekend coupled with the fact that she hadn't had any for a few days made her almost crazy with need. It felt like she had been wet the entire day – she had been, for sure, aroused all day and was looking forward to getting that itch scratched – big time. She pulled into their driveway and was not surprised to see Liam's car there. She figured he would have ducked out of work early to prepare. What was she going to find? A den of punishment? Liam naked and hard on the bed waiting for her? (She could only be so lucky!) So, with a mixture of nervousness and excitement she closed the garage door and walked into the house.

Liam was there to greet her, clothed like he had just come from the office, the only thing that was different than normal was that he handed her a glass of wine – an expensive vintage that they saved for special occasions – of which this would definitely qualify.

"Hello baby," Liam said, "Welcome home..I'm very much looking forward to our weekend." With that he leaned down and gave her a kiss that gave her just a hint of the urgency of his lust.

"I'm looking forward to it too, my love," Liz replied. "I don't know what to expect or what's in store and I'm surprisingly happy about that."

Liam said, "I'm sorry that I've been kind of unavailable the last couple of days, but it was unavoidable. Now that I have that off my plate I can concentrate on my birthday gift!"

"Oh yeah, your birthday gift," Liz teased, "you have anything in mind that you want?"