Complex Relationship Ch. 08


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"Well, good morning ladies, that was, wow..."

"Glad you liked it darling," Ashley said with a smile.

"Yeah babe that was fun and you are pretty tasty, isn't he Ashley?" Katy asked after giggling.

"Sure is." Ashley said licking a glob off Katy's cheek for effect. When their faces were clean both rose still naked, and helped him to his feet. As each took an arm and lead him out of the shelter he realized none of them were wearing clothes.

"Ah, ladies, are we going to dress?" he asked.

Ashley giggled and said, "Oops Katy, looks like we forgot a detail." Then to Brandon she said, "No, darling today is island nude day, none of us are wearing clothing today. We figure it will help Melissa's arousal to see our bodies, and yours, bared all day."

"Okay," Brandon said confused especially since he thought he heard her use Mel's full first name, "But how are you going to get Mel to agree to this, exactly?"

"Oh, leave that to me. My darling wife spoils me rotten, so if I pout a bit she'll give me what I want." Katy said with a smile.

"Why do I bother asking, you are a little evil Katy you know that?" Brandon said shaking his head in mild disbelief.

"Uh-huh." The blonde said nodding energetically and seeing Mel she said, "And speaking of my darling Melissa there she is clothed. I must go rectify that. Excuse me."

As she walked away Brandon looked at Ashley and asked, "Okay, am I going nuts, or are you two calling Mel by her full first name today?"

"Noticed that did you?"

"Yeah well it sticks out, not to mention the last time I tried to use it she damn near hit me."

"It's a subtle shift between ourselves, it gives her a more feminine quality, doesn't it?" Brandon gawked at her as out of the corner of his eye he saw 'Melissa' shedding her clothes and was sure that that woman needed no femming up. Her body naturally exuded feminine sexuality. Seeming to sense his stare Ashley clarified, "It reminds her she a woman, besides it was Melissa that was hurt not Mel. Katy thinks it will help her get in the mood tonight to hear her real name today."

"Well, regardless, I'm not using it. Melissa may need healing, but Brandon has to get Mel to let him help her and pissing her off is hardly a get start."

Ashley chuckled and said, "You're probably right having her rip your balls off would put a damper on things."

Nude day plans went as scheduled and after breakfast, as arranged Ashley settled herself on Mel's lap and demanded a good fucking. Brandon watched as Mel obliged her and rolled Ashley onto the beach as a naked Katy produced the strap-on which she helped her redheaded lover put on. Then as both he and Katy watched Mel proceeded to fuck Ashley hard to an intense orgasm for both partners.

The same thing happened at lunch as Katy this time demanded a slow fucking. So Mel obliged and slowly fucked her from behind as Brandon watched. After twenty minutes or so Katy had a massive orgasm.

During both sessions Katy or Ashley had been whispering things to Mel as they caressed her body while she fucked the other. After the noon session with Katy, Ashley reported things were going very well.

Brandon for his part had spent most of the day away from camp. The plan being that Ashley and Katy would turn 'nude day' into another day like the one before, this time it was designed to wear out her conscious sexual desires. In other words they were trying to wear out Mel before the night was over to see if her true base nature could be brought to the surface.

As a result Brandon spent most of the day away from the all day orgy that was taking place at camp. Only putting up with the public displays to help the plan in some way, something about Mel's ego Katy had said. His thoughts were centered on the contingency plans figuring Ashley and Mel were otherwise engaged today, distracting Katy. In this case they were helping Katy get her red haired lover to have sex with a man.

Of course that was another reason for his seclusion its kept the number of hard-ons to a minimum and gave his cock its much needed rest especially given the task tonight.

Of course the all out three way he watched after dinner did not help too much. He did note that Mel's energy had flagged a bit as well. Then again if you had Katy trying that hard all day with Ashley helping you would be pretty gone too. So far the plan was a success and as with the night before Brandon let the three ladies head to bed first.

As he waited for his time to enter he still had to wonder whether this would work. He heard raised voices as Katy and Mel seemed to be arguing about something. However he could not help notice there was something different in Mel, something less forceful and more timid. Her usual air of command had left her a bit. Then as suddenly it began the fighting stopped and seconds later Ashley came out to get him.

"Its time," she said when she reached him and she took his hand and led him to the shelter. When they entered they found Katy and Mel standing in the middle of the room, with Katy draped over Mel on her right side. Brandon also noted Mel was still wearing her strap-on.

After a second Katy said, "Ah, Brandon just who I was looking for, Melissa here has a request, don't you dear?" As she finished she caressed the taller woman a bit while looking up at her expectantly. Mel mumbled something he could not hear. Seeing he gave no reaction Katy said, "I'm sorry Melissa dear you're going to need to speak louder than that if you want him to hear you, go on." Katy said giving Mel a pat on the butt. Mel shot her a glare and apparently finding no give in the tiny blonde sighed.

"Brandon, would you please fuck me?" Mel said loud enough to be heard this time. If he had not been expecting it the statement would have floored him, as it was it was still a shock to hear those words from Mel of all people.

Katy glared at him and he recovered and said, "I'd love to, if that's what you want." Mel, without looking to her right, closed her eyes and nodded.

"Okay, but we do this my way," Brandon said, "I know it'll be hard, but if you trust me it'll great for both of us. That being said, if you are truly uncomfortable with anything at all you tell me straight off okay?"

Mel smiled and nodded and Brandon said, "One last thing then I believe you are a bit over equipped my dear." He said looking at the fake cock still strapped to her waist. Mel blushed a bit and took off the toy and as she kicked herself free of it Brandon approached her.

He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close before he titled her head up and bent down to kiss her. She fought it at first but soon he felt her return the kiss with passion. Any thought of the slow warm up went out the window as her hand unexpectedly went right for his hard cock. It seemed she was eager to get to the main event.

He broke contact long enough to swept her up off her feet so he could lower her to the bed on the floor. He had lifted her into a front carry so as soon as she was settled, she resumed the kiss, this time pushing her tongue into his mouth. In response he took advantage of the fact that her firm ass was resting on his hands and gave both cheeks a hard squeeze. She gave a muffled shriek of surprise but never broke the kiss. He lowered himself to his knees as the tongue dance continued before slowly lowering her onto her back. Once she lay on the bed Brandon broke the kiss.

"You sure you want this Mel?" he asked in a whisper so that the others would not hear.

"Stop talking and fuck me nerd boy," she said firmly. Brandon smiled as he heard Mel come through in that statement. Sure he would live to see tomorrow now he raised himself off her and positioned his cock at the entrance of her red-haired pussy.

Due to the orgy and he hoped some attraction to him, she was soaking wet down there. As he pushed his hips forward he realized just how little she actually got fucked. The tightness of Mel's pussy made Katy and Ashley's feel extremely loose by comparison, and both were actually pretty tight.

Realizing this would require extreme caution Brandon proceeded slowly and to help along the process found her softball sized boobs and gave them a good squeeze before starting to work them the way Katy had taught him. In order to help him out she had given him lessons on how to please Mel in certain areas should the need arise.

The tactic worked as Mel became so lost in what his hands were doing that her focus on the large cock pushing into her tight pussy waned considerably. Eventually, when he had got his full length into her she was thrashing around a bit and saying,

"Oh, my god, I feel so full, and it feels so great. Fuck me big boy FUCK MEEE!!!" To emphasize her point her legs curled around his back and he began to slowly work his cock in and out of the tight hole. Due to her tightness he knew it would not be long for him so he made sure to give the rest of her body plenty of attention to speed her toward her climax. All the while at her urging he went harder and faster with each stoke until soon she was fucking him back.

As he took stock of the scene he had to fight cumming, because if the feel of her amazing tits between his fingers and the feel of her super tight pussy around his hard shaft weren't enough. The sight of the red-head thrashing about on the bed with her bright green eyes full of lust for him, and her mane of red hair fanned out on the bed like a fiery halo certainly were. He had made a promise though, and this one was about her; she would cum first. It was fortunate for him that, as much as he was charged up she was twice as much so, thanks to Katy and Ashley.

As Brandon neared the point of no return he heard her cry out, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! THIS IS SO AMAZING. FUCK ME HARD BABY, I'M SO CLOSE.OHHHHH I'M CUMMMMINNNNG." Seconds later Brandon felt the tight pussy clamp down on his cock and the hole gush with fluid. The feeling was too much for Brandon and he let go as a powerful wave of pleasure passed over him and he felt cum surge from his hard cock.

Mel on the other hand was thrashing around in absolute pleasure as she shook in orgasm. As Brandon admired her he felt two other bodies press against his and received a kiss on each cheek from Katy and Ashley.

"I told you hon, didn't I tell you? He's pretty good, isn't he?" Katy said.

"Yeah, yeah, so you did. I'll repay you later." A tired and clearly satisfied Mel said to her wife before looking at Ashley. "As for you Ashley, I'm not sure what you're smiling about, this just means even less time with him, you know that right?"

"Oh, I don't think so, this is my man, y'all are just using him, isn't that right darling?" Brandon nodded.

"Well at least he's loyal, stupid, but loyal." Mel said with a laugh.

"Stupid is he? Last time I checked he was smart enough to get you to willingly let him shove his hard cock in your pussy hon." Katy said,

"Not to mention the fact he has a sexy blonde and beautiful brunette showering him with attention." Ashley said.

"I notice he's not saying much about all this, maybe he's not so stupid after all." All three women laughed at this and Mel said, "Well girls he may not be stupid, but you two are crazy if you think you're getting this cock back tonight as its currently lodged in my pussy, I get first dibs on it and I think I feel it starting to harden so if you'll excuse us we got more fucking to do."

Brandon did not need to be asked twice and once he felt his cock restore to its full hardness he lifted her off the bed and pulled out long enough to reposition her on all fours before he entered her from behind. He was able to fuck her harder this time because the first fuck had loosened her considerably. Before the night was over he would fuck Mel to several orgasms from several different positions. Throughout all of them there was but one pace, hard and fast.

With each position Brandon took an opportunity to explore the red-head's well cared for body. Of course receiving the bulk of his attention were her softball sized tits and her amazing ass.

When he fucked her from behind he massaged her ass a bit before turning his hands' attentions to the dangling tits. He especially liked the time she was on top and bounced up and down, much like Katy, complete with bouncing tits. That is until he reached up to steady them and give them some much appreciated attention.

It was in this position that Mel's energy started to run out and Brandon helped by first grabbing her hips to help her up and down his cock, before switching to her firm ass. When he switched he again took advantage of the placement of his hands to give her a quick squeeze or two down there.

With each squeeze or caress his hands made he continued to marvel at the access Mel had given him to her body. Part of him expected her to be guarded and for her to keep it to straight fucking and little else, but with each caress or squeeze he made she only moaned in pleasure and fucked him harder.

She had even kissed him a few times. Something that surprised him more than the access she had given him to her body, as some of the kissing was not lustful, but tenderer like those he shared with Ashley and sometimes Katy.

For whatever reason Mel had given herself to him tonight and this was no mere act of sex like she tried to imply it was. There was something deeper involved between them as they fucked each other and he knew she sensed it as well.

It was for that reason that, after they had cum together as she rode him on top, he lifted her off him and pulled her close to him and he spooned her from behind. She did not fight him, but simply cuddled closer to him. The feel of her like that made him want to fuck her slowly. He began kissing her anywhere his mouth could reach as his hands simply stayed wrapped around her toned stomach. He felt her butt push against his crotch and the feel of her ass rubbing on his cock only sped up its hardening.

When it had reached full hardness he lifted her right leg and positioned his cock between them seeking out Mel's still wet pussy. He was a bit surprised to find that Mel's hand was there to guide him and after she helped him get the head in he stopped.

"Please, Brandon, please put it in, fuck me..." Mel said in a whisper whine of longing. Floored by it Brandon took a second to gather himself before starting to slowly fuck her behind as he held her in his arms. Though it lacked the intensity or speed of the previous positions it ended up producing the most powerful orgasms for both. Both were speechless first sheer emotion and then waves of pleasure washed over them robbing them of the ability to cry out in pleasure. Brandon's cock spasmed for nearly a half a minute and even a few minutes later he could still feel tremors of Mel's orgasm shaking through her body as he held her to him.

As Mel snuggled into Brandon's warm body behind her and her pulled her closer, he clearly heard her whisper a very strange phrase,

"Missy likes this master. I feel warm, comfy, and safe here."

Before he could ponder the phrase further, sleep too overwhelmed him and he could not help agree with the mysterious Missy.

"Me too, Missy, Me too." He thought as he kissed the top of Mel's head and hugged her closer.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I think you need a better editor

I hope you take this the right way - as a constructive criticism. You can tell a good story, but you don't write very well.

Every time I have to stop in mid-sentence to make sense of what you've written, or shake my head because the dialogue doesn't sound right in my head as I read it, I lose track of - and interest in - the story, which is a shame because the story itself has a lot of potential.

Your editor should be correcting your spelling, punctuation grammar, and other mistakes in addition to helping you with storytelling issues. If he or she isn't doing this, I think you need a better editor.

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