Confessions of a Mailgirl Ch. 15


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A mailgirl was finally dispatched to Donna's office to bring down copies of relevant paperwork, and as luck would have it my ex-friend Stephanie was the one who showed up to deliver it. She glared down at me after handing over the documents to the HR guy as she waited to be released. I just ignored her. I'd long ago given up trying to patch things up with her and no longer felt the slightest bit of remorse about the role I'd played in forcing her to become a mailgirl. She'd made her choices and I'd finally decided I was no longer going to let the bitch run her guilt trip on me.

I glanced over at the guy with the boner and had to suppress a smile as he now had both hands covering his crotch. His first day on the job and he's already surrounded by beautiful naked women. Welcome to DDE, dude. No wonder the turnover of male employees at the company had dropped to an all-time low. Even the turnover of female employees was down after the initial exodus of a few dozen indignant women after the Mailgirls program was launched.

Once they'd finally unsnarled the bureaucratic mess Diana had pictures taken of her from every angle and her digital employee ID was created. They also weighed her and measured her body mass index which would be used as benchmarks. Mailgirls were required to keep their weight and BMI within an optimal range and these were periodically measured. It took awhile to get all of this done but she finally officially became Mailgirl 17 Tango, at least for the next six weeks.

"Sorry about that mess," I said to Diana after we'd finally exited the HR office.

"No worries," she replied. "This is pretty much like the first day of every film set I've ever been on. Total chaos while they sort out the paperwork and the pecking order of who gets what trailer, who gets priority in costume and makeup, who gets special food catered, etcetera. By the end of the day almost everyone is pissed off about something."

"You make it sound so glamorous," I joked.

"So now what?" Diana asked.

"Now I get to take you on a naked stroll through the entire complex, floor by floor. The company calls it an orientation tour. The norms here call it the 'walk of shame.'"

Diana's eyes opened wide at the prospect. "Every floor?"

"Yep," I nodded. "The goal is to help familiarize you with the layout of the complex and the numbering scheme of the offices and cubicles you'll be delivering to. It's also supposed to help you get used to being naked in front of a bunch of clothed people." It also gave DDE employees a chance to check out the "fresh flesh."

Diana took a deep breath. "Okay, Nine...oh, what the hell is your real name anyway? I don't want to call you that."


"Okay Danica, do me a favor and don't mention the movie if anyone recognizes me."

"Why not?"

"My role in it will come out eventually but I'd rather be seen as just another mailgirl trainee for now. I don't want to be treated any differently than any other tango."

"Sure," I said. So far Diana seemed very down to earth and likable. She was no Hollywood brat.

Since we were already in the tower I decided we might as well start here first. I led Diana to the stairwell and we began ascending toward the tenth floor. I heard her breathing begin to labor as we climbed. "I'm going to fire my personal trainer," she said as we reached the tenth floor landing. "I thought I was in better shape."

"You will be by the end of six weeks," I told her.

I pushed open the door and began leading her through the floor past well-tailored and coiffed executives, secretaries and assistants. These people were at the top of the DDE food chain and the arrogance and condescension here towards mailgirls was always palpable. They'd all seen me naked many, many times but Diana was definitely getting checked out. I took a quick glance over at her to see how she was handling it. Her face had turned a shade of crimson but she obediently kept her eyes lowered and her arms at her sides offering everyone a deferential view of her nude body. She really is beautiful, I thought, even by mailgirls standards.

As we walked through the floor I pointed out the numbering scheme used by mailgirls to identify delivery locations as well as the offices of important DDE execs. "God, it feels so weird to be walking naked through an office building like this," she said at one point. "Like a dream."

At the far end of the floor I led Diana down a corridor past a large conference room and through the glass windows I saw a meeting taking place. Barbara was in there sitting at the table facing the window but her attention at the moment was focused on someone at the end of the table speaking. I quickened my pace hoping to get by without her noticing us but before we could escape I heard the conference room door opening behind us.

"Nine. Diana," I heard Barbara's familiar voice say. We turned to face her. "Come," she said waving us toward the room.

"Shit," I muttered beneath my breath.


I stood naked with my right hand clasping my left wrist behind my back, my legs spread at shoulder width, and my back arched thrusting my tits enticingly toward the DDE corporate elite sitting around the large conference table. This was the standard standing position for a mailgirl awaiting instructions from a superior, and everyone is a superior to a mailgirl. The people in this room were at the very top rung of the ladder, though, and it felt like a Grand Canyon-sized chasm separated them from us. I glanced over at Diana and saw that she had done her best to emulate my stance but her eyes betrayed her nervous anxiety. I can't say that I blamed her since this was an intimidating position to be in even for me.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Diana Clarkson," Barbara said to the assembled group of company execs as she stood next to Diana. "She's been cast in the lead role in our upcoming Mailgirls movie and is going through our training program to prepare for it."

"She's lovely," CEO Dan Evans said from the head of the table. "She looks kind of familiar. Where would I know her from?"

"You probably know her from the TV show 'The Bixby Girls,'" Barbara replied. "She played the youngest daughter Ellie."

"Oh yeah, I remember. She was just a kid on that show! God I'm starting to feel old," Evans said to laughter around the table.

"My youngest daughter loves that show," said Thomas Eagleson, one of the company's Executive VPs. "She watches it on one of those cable channels that broadcasts old syndicated shows. I've got to say that little Ellie has grown up nicely."

"She definitely fits into her Mailgirl costume nicely," another VP said to more laughter. I couldn't help but notice they were talking about Diana rather than to her, as though she wasn't worthy of conversing with. They'd almost instantly internalized her as a mailgirl even though she was going to be the lead actress in a motion picture that the company would be spending millions of dollars producing.

"I never watched that show but I definitely recognize the famous Mailgirl 9," said a man at the table I didn't recognize. He was sitting with another unfamiliar man and I assumed they were visiting clients of some sort. They looked to be in their early 30s and were dressed more casually than everyone in the room except Dan Evans who was wearing his trademark blue jeans and pullover shirt. They had the look of geekish confidence you often saw in high tech entrepreneurs.

"So you're a fan of our 'Gangsta' series?" Evans asked the man.

"Most definitely. I played the hell out of 'Gangsta 4.' This last DLC, though, I spent more time on the Mailgirls mini-game than anything else. I wore my fingers down to the nub trying to make the top ten. Finally did for about a day before someone knocked me out."

"Yeah, it's definitely addictive," Evans replied. "I played it a lot but never got anywhere near the top of the rankings so you're a hell of a lot better at it than me."

When the first expansion pack was released the Mailgirls mini-game featuring me as the mailgirl character had been a surprise hit despite the relatively simple gameplay. Lin had built a global ranking table that kept track of the fastest times for various runs between floors as well as rankings for the longest streak of runs without a demerit. Apparently some gamers spent many hours trying to get to the top of the worldwide rankings.

It had done well enough that Lin had been given a lot more money and resources to expand on the Mailgirls game for the second Gangsta 4 expansion pack. Her team was able to recreate every floor of the fourteen story building based on Hiromoto headquarters in Tokyo where I'd made my first naked mailgirl runs what seemed like ages ago now. Lin also gave my character some parkour moves that allowed me to jump, wall run, slide down rails, and pull off other moves to gain time and avoid obstacles. This version of the Mailgirls mini-game had become so popular that a whole online community had sprouted up surrounding it as gamers spent hours trying to find shortcuts and pull off moves that would get them into the top of the rankings. I'd tried playing it a few times but I suck at video games and seeing an animated version of my bare tits and ass on display was a little disconcerting.

"Some of the stuff modders did with her was hilarious, too," the guy said, "My favorite was the mod where they replaced all the cops with Mailgirl 9. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard as the first time I was chased around by a bunch of naked Mailgirl 9s trying to subdue me. It made me want to get caught!"

Dan Evans laughed. "Yeah there are definitely some creative nutjobs out there in the modding community. I've hired more than a few of them myself to work here."

"So I've heard you guys are building a full standalone Mailgirl 9 game, is that right?" asked the second unfamiliar guy.

"Yeah, it's in production," Dan Evans replied.

"What's that going to be like?"

"It takes place in a future dystopian society where an oppressive corporation runs everything. There's a resistance movement that uses mailgirls to run information and hack into and sabotage the conglomerate's computer system while avoiding the security militia. We're expanding on Nine's parkour moves in the game. It'll take place in a futuristic high tech city with lots of opportunity for wall running, jumping, sliding, ledge running, zip lines, that kind of thing. Also plenty of timed runs for gamers."

"So is Nine going to be naked in the game?"

"Yeah, of course. She's going to be our first naked video game heroine. We even have a naked female as our lead programmer on this project," Evans laughed.

"Really?" the first guy asked.

"Yep. Her name is Lin Park. Barbara found her. Offered her a job as a programmer if she agreed to work naked. Turns out Lin is kind of a genius at both programming and game design."

"And you still make her work naked?" the second guy asked.

"I offered to let her wear clothes after the success of the Mailgirls game in the second expansion," Barbara interjected, "but Lin turned it down. She says it helps keep her in touch with her lead character. I didn't try too hard to dissuade her."

"Man," the first guy laughed shaking his head. "You guys have a hell of a work place here. This must be the coolest place on earth for a young guy to work."

"You'd be surprised how many women have come to accept our appreciation of female nudity as well," Barbara said.

"So the way they're standing now is how they're supposed to stand when they're waiting to be told what to do?" the first man asked pointing at Diana and me..

"That's right," Barbara replied. "Our mailgirls' beauty and sexuality tap into a dynamic that's never been seen before in the corporate environment and has proven to be a very powerful tool in stimulating creativity and productivity. Our goal is to keep the mailgirls fully exposed at all times and these positions are one of the ways we accomplish this."

Barbara turned to us now. "Kneel," she ordered. I quickly obeyed and Diana followed suit. "This is the second waiting position. They are never allowed to sit on any furniture for obvious hygienic reasons." Even after all this time as a mailgirl being forced into such a humiliating subservient position in front of all these powerful people was a tremendous turn on to me and I felt the first pangs of arousal begin to stir.

"Amazing," the second man laughed while shaking his head. "I never in my life ever dreamed that I'd see something like this in a corporate environment. I can see how this is obviously 'stimulating,' but doesn't it distract the hell out of the workers? How does anyone get anything done when a mailgirl is around?"

"It can be distracting, especially at first," Barbara said. "After awhile though they become a normal part of the fabric of the workplace and most employees are able to get a glimpse of their beauty and then continue on with their work. Also, the mailgirls' duties keep them moving so their interactions with employees tend to be relatively brief."

"So they get all their instructions from those smartphones strapped on their arms?" the first guy asked.

"That's right. It's called a Mailgirl Monitoring Unit, or MMU. It's connected to a network set up throughout the complex and it monitors and controls every step they take from the moment they arrive in the building until they are released from duty at the end of the day. Even their breaks and the food they eat are tightly controlled by the MMU."

"How does that work?"

"We've got food, snacks, and drinks that have been formulated by nutritionists to maximize performance. The MMU estimates how many calories have been burned and then tells the mailgirl the amount of food and drink she's required to consume during breaks to maintain her optimal weight and energy level. The food is kept in various break rooms throughout the complex and are monitored by cameras to make sure they eat and drink the required amounts."

"Wow," the second guy said. "So basically the company controls them for every second they're on duty? That seems a bit, um...Nazi-like doesn't it?"

A thin smile appeared on Barbara's face. "I don't think so. The goal is to maximize efficiency. It's a difficult job but they are compensated well and they all voluntarily signed up for it. And now that our training program has been established they have a full six weeks to decide if they really want to do this before the financial penalties for quitting kick in." Barbara didn't mention that it also helped limit some of the public criticism for the oppressive contracts that were nearly impossible to get out of.

Barbara turned to us again as we knelt at her feet. "I've got one more position to show you," she said to the men and I felt another wave of arousal pulse through me as I knew what was coming next. "Inspection position, girls," she ordered.

I rose to my feet, spread my legs to shoulder width, lifted up on my toes and locked my hands behind my head. Diana stared at me wide-eyed for a few moments then followed my lead.

"Holy shit!" the first guy laughed.

"Would you like to inspect these girls 'uniforms' to make sure they are up to company standards?" Barbara asked the two visitors.

"Go ahead," the second guy said to the first with a laugh. "I'm in deep enough shit with the wife as it is for even considering starting a Mailgirls program at our company."

The first guy jumped out of his seat and walked towards us. "So what am I looking for anyway," he said to Barbara with a cheeky grin.

"Make sure each mailgirl is properly groomed," Barbara replied. "All body hair below the neck must be shaved with no stubble showing. Makeup must not be excessive or smudged or running. No excessive perspiration. No excessive perfume smell or body odor. Their hair must not be covering their breasts."

The man walked up to me and began slowly circling, his eyes poring over every inch of my body. My thoughts went back to that very first inspection and the orgasm that Barbara had induced onstage in front of several hundred DDE managers and supervisors. I'd gone through many inspections since then but there was something about standing naked in this boardroom being humiliated in front of DDE's elite that was sending a powerful surge of excitement through my body. After two full years as a mailgirl I knew I was hooked on these feelings of naked vulnerability, humiliation, and powerlessness that frequently left me in a heightened state of arousal. Unlike those early days though I'd learned to control this sexual excitement, to allow it to flow through me like an electrical current without igniting an orgasm, at least not until I wanted one. I admit I was tempted at that moment to just surrender to these feelings and allow myself to climax in front of these powerful men and women but I knew I'd regret it later. Using my breath and my mind I slowly began bringing myself back from the brink, dialing my arousal down until it became a pleasant buzz flowing through my body.

After finishing with me the man slowly began circling Diana and I wondered how she was holding up. Once upon a time I would've been surprised that Barbara would risk putting the lead actress in her movie through this type of humiliation, but nothing she did surprised me anymore. She obviously felt comfortable that she had Diana securely on the hook and wouldn't lose her or knew that she would get off on this like I did. Barbara never left anything to chance. She wouldn't have allowed this to happen unless she was already confident about how Diana would react to it.

"Well?" Barbara asked after the man had finally finished examining every inch of our nude bodies,

"Their uniforms look pretty damn flawless to me," the man laughed.

"Congratulations girls, you passed," Barbara said. "Return to your standing positions."

The man returned to his seat and joined his friend who was smiling and shaking his head. "I've got to say this is by far the least boring corporate meeting I've ever attended," he said with a laugh.

"I'm sure it is," Barbara responded. "Our Mailgirls program has made this the most exciting, vibrant, and dynamic work environment in the country. And you can have a similar work environment if you decide to move your headquarters to Wildwood. You won't find a more Mailgirls-friendly city anywhere else."

Barbara turned now and looked at me, a smile spreading across her face. "How would the two of you like to have Mailgirl 9 join us later for lunch?"

"Sure," the first guy said. "How about the other girl? The actress?"

"That might be a bit much for her on her first day." Barbara glanced at her watch. "We've got a couple of hours until then so let's let the two of them continue with Diana's orientation tour. I'll summon Nine for lunch when it's time."

Barbara walked up to me now until she was just inches away and stared into my face. "Afterwards Nine and I will have our own bit of business to discuss concerning her future."


I led Diana out of Conference Room A and we began walking back through the floor toward the exit to the stairs. I turned to check on her and noticed her face was quite flushed. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"Mm hmm," she muttered through tight lips, nodding her head. She didn't seem okay but I didn't press it as we continued our naked journey past the tenth floor "norms" wearing their expensive business clothes and their condescending smirks.

We entered the stairwell and had only gone down a few steps when I heard Diana say, "Wait!" I turned to her and saw her staring at me with wide eyes. Then, without speaking, she pressed her back against the wall, closed her eyes, thrust her right hand between her legs and began furiously rubbing her pussy as her left hand began kneading her tits.