Conflicted in Paradise Ch. 01


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"You know that blonde girl over there has a tab, right?" the bartender asked politely. "She said you can be on it."

Damon nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'll just pay for these though." He still hadn't gotten used to Stacey always paying for absolutely everything, and he'd be damned if he was going to make her pay for drinks for two people she didn't even know! Fortunately he'd managed to get a decently paying job for the past five months, so he at least had some of his own money to spend.

The bartender shrugged and quickly made change, handing Damon two tens and four dollars in return. Damon blanched a little at the ridiculous prices, but he made no other comment as he put the tens away, leaving the dollars as a tip. The bartender smiled at him in appreciation.

"Hey!" Amanda said, popping up behind him and giving him a big kiss on his cheek.

He quickly turned around and smiled at her. "Hey sweetie. Wow, you're actually sweating!" he gasped in mock amazement. Like Kelsey, Amanda could dance for hours without ever really getting winded, and he'd often tease the two of them about it.

"Oh, knock it off!" she grinned. "Do you want to come dance with me some more?"

"Eh... in a little bit, maybe. My legs are still sore," he lied. The truth was that he was glad she was obviously having a great time, and he didn't want to dampen her spirits again.

"Okay," she said, then she turned her attention to the kissing couple right beside him. "Did you make new friends?"

"I guess. I'll introduce you once they're done."

"I think they actually have a really good idea," Amanda said, wrapping her arms around Damon's neck and pulling him close for a kiss. Damon closed his eyes and moaned when he felt her tongue slip inside his mouth, and the two of them made out for several long moments.

After he broke their kiss, he saw Ryan and Siara grinning at the two of them. "Sorry," he said, though he couldn't stop the smirk that popped up on his face.

Ryan held up his hands. "No need to apologize, man. Who could blame you?" He let out a loud whoof as Siara elbowed him in the ribs.

"Behave yourself!" Siara hissed, then she turned her attention back to Damon and Amanda. "I'm Siara. And this uncivilized clown is my boyfriend, Ryan."

"Hi, I'm Amanda," Amanda said brightly, shaking both their hands in turn. "And I see you've already met my boy toy, Damon."

"Your boy toy?" Siara laughed.

"Mmmm-hmmm," Amanda smirked, loving the way Damon was blushing. She took his earlobe between her teeth and nibbled on it, causing a ripple of pleasure to tear through him.

Ryan and Siara were still both grinning at them, and Amanda gave them one of her dazzling smiles. She had to refrain from giggling as she saw the effect it had on Ryan, though she also thought that Siara wasn't completely unaffected by it.

"I love your necklace, Siara," Amanda said earnestly. The tall brunette was wearing a beautiful diamond cross on an apparently white-golden chain; it sparkled brightly in the strobe lights overhead.

"Thank you. It was a gift from my dad for my sixteenth birthday."

"It's beautiful."

Both girls exchanged smiles, then Amanda kissed Damon again on the cheek. "I'm gonna go back dancing. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"No, I'm okay, baby. But have fun," Damon said.

"Okay. It was nice meeting you guys!"

"You too!" both Ryan and Siara said in response.

Amanda was just about to walk off when she looked curiously at Siara. "Do you want to come dance with us, Siara?"

"Well... I'm not sure. I mean, I could never dance the way you do."

"Why not? It's not hard or anything, it's just moving your body."

Siara smirked. "Calling what you do 'just moving your body,' is like saying that Hamlet is just English words put into order!"

"Oh, don't be silly! Come on!"

Before Siara could say anything else, Amanda had already grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her off the barstool. The tall brunette girl threw a somewhat startled glance over her shoulder at Ryan, then she let herself be pulled along onto the dance floor.

"I hope your girlfriend doesn't embarrass her too badly," Ryan grinned.

"I'm sure Amanda will go easy on her, but why? Can't she dance?"

"Oh, no, she's actually a fantastic dancer. If you think the Waltz and the Tango qualify as dancing!"

Damon laughed. "Where is she from?"

"The U.K."

"So, don't they dance there or something?"

Ryan chuckled. "I'm sure they do, but she's royalty. So, you know, she grew up all high society: big banquets, formal ballroom dances, things like that. I'm trying to get her to be a bit more relaxed and casual about everything."

Damon looked over at the tall British girl on the dance floor, who was being happily greeted by the other three girls. "Royalty? Get the fuck out of here!"

"No, I'm serious. She's the youngest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of somewhere. She told me once, but I can't remember. Joster or Foster or something."

"And that makes her royalty?"

"Apparently," Ryan said with a small shrug. "Her dad is like fifth in line to the throne, I believe."

"Wow. So is she rich?"

"Not crazy rich, no, but she's got enough money that she doesn't have to worry too much about how much she spends."

"Damn. So how did you... eh..." Damon said haltingly.

"How did a dick like me end up with a girl like her?" Ryan grinned.

Damon stared at him for a second, then he grinned too. "Yeah."

"I met her in college at a party. We hit it off pretty well, and we started dating. She didn't tell me about the whole royalty thing until we'd been going out for like three months."

"Did you meet her family yet?"

"Fuck no! I don't plan on doing that until I'm dead certain she and I are going to get married!" Ryan said, vigorously shaking his head. "They eat with like five different forks and knives, man! I would much rather hunt something myself, roast it over an open fire, then eat it with my bare hands!"

Damon laughed at the image of Ryan—from all appearances a genuine, down-to-earth American guy—trying to eat with British royalty.

Ryan laughed as well and downed his beer, then he motioned for the bartender to get both himself and Damon another one, slapping a twenty on the bar to pay for it.

"So what college are you guys going to? You said you're in L.A., right?" Damon asked.

"Yeah. UCLA."

"Seriously?" Damon said, a little surprised.

"Uh-huh. Why?"

"The girls are all gonna go to UCLA! Well, I'm not sure about Stacey yet, but Amanda, Carynne and my sister Kelsey are! They're starting next month!"

"Heh, it's a small world sometimes. So what about you then? Are you gonna go to UCLA?" Ryan asked in an obviously interested tone.

"I haven't really decided yet."

"Are you thinking about going pro?"

Damon nodded. "Yeah, and I have a really good offer from Texas."

"Texas?!" Ryan snorted. "What, are you gonna major in Rodeo or something?"

"Yeah, 'cause that's all there is in Texas!" Damon grinned. "They just happen to be the number one team in Division I swimming."

"Yeah, I know, but they're all giant dicks. Why wouldn't you come to UCLA, man? I mean, I know our swim team kinda sucks, but fuck, with you on it we'd probably be ranked in no time!"

"Are you on the swim team?"

"Yeah. You know, it'd be fucking awesome! The guys would shit to have you on the team! They're all cool guys, none of that intra-squad alpha-dog bullshit you get everywhere else. And you can't beat the California pussy, man. I'm telling you, there's more hot pussy walking around Sunset Boulevard than anywhere else in the world!" Ryan said, obviously getting more excited as he went along.

"I've already got myself a hot girl, so that's not really a big deal to me," Damon said wryly.

Ryan frowned. "Yeah. You and Amanda seem pretty tight. So why would you let her go to UCLA and not go with her? Are you guys not doing well or something?"

Damon stared at him a bit uncomfortably for a few moments.

"Oh, shit," Ryan sighed. "That got way too personal. I didn't mean to pry, I'm sorry."

Damon shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. It's just... it'd take way too long to explain."

Ryan nodded quickly. "Yeah, I get it. If you change your mind, though, like I said, we'd fucking love to have you on the team. Please tell me UCLA at least offered you a scholarship?"


"Thank God. How long have you got to make up your mind?"

"I think I have a few more weeks, if I'm not mistaken."

"Well, if you got any questions, let me know."

"Yeah, I will. Thanks."

"Just don't go to Texas, man, okay? If you really want to major in Rodeo, I can teach ya."

"You've done Rodeo?"

"Uh-huh. I'm a third generation cowboy. Grew up on my dad's ranch in Montana, and I've ridden my share of bulls."

Damon gawked at him. "Are you serious?"


"Fuck, that's awesome. It must have been pretty cool growing up there?"

Ryan shrugged. "It was alright, I guess. Being outside all the time, beautiful nature and all that, that was pretty cool. But it sucks having to get up at four in the morning every day because of all the work that needs to be done!"

"I'll take your word for it!" Damon laughed.

Ryan just grinned at him, taking another swig of his beer.

"So if you're a cowboy, how did you wind up on UCLA's swim team?"

"My dad had a pool in the backyard, big one too. Once I was done with all the ranch chores, there wasn't much else to do. My nearest buddy lived like twenty miles away, so I just swam for hours a day."

"Even in the winter? Don't you guys get like thirty feet of snow or something?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, it's a bit cold then, but if you swim a little faster you don't notice it so much. Anyways, I went to high school in Helena, and they happened to have a swim team, so I swam for them."

"Did you get a scholarship from UCLA?"

"A partial one. My dad just pays for the rest, he's pretty well-off. His ranch makes a lot of money."

"How big is it?"

"It's around forty-thousand acres or so. He's got about five-thousand horses and probably fifty-thousand cattle."

"Holy shit!"


"Is it gonna be yours one day?"

"I dunno," Ryan sighed. "It's cool and all, but it also gets pretty boring at times. I kind of like life in California, you know? I may just decide to leave the whole thing up to my little brother. He loves being a cowboy."

"How old is he?"


"Okay, so you don't have to wait too long then, huh?"

"Nope. Couple more years. Once he's eighteen, I'll probably tell Dad to change his will, and that'll be that."

Damon grinned, and the both of them just sat quietly for awhile, looking around the packed club. They took turns ordering another round of beers and just talked about small stuff. After awhile, Siara and Amanda came back over.

"Ryan, please come dance with me?" Siara asked.

"You bet!" he said, nodding at Damon and quickly getting up, following her back to the dance floor.

Amanda locked her arms around Damon and just hugged him close for a few moments. He could feel her tremble against him, and again he felt like shit for making her feel so bad.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes shining brightly with her love for him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry that I've been so fucking moody. I know it's been rubbing off on you, and I feel like a total ass for ruining your vacation," Damon said with a deep sigh.

"You're not ruining it, don't be silly. To be honest, I haven't been exactly happy either," she said softly.

Damon looked deep into her eyes. He'd imagined that she was sad because of him not making up his mind about college yet, but it seemed that wasn't the only thing she was upset over. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked, tenderly kissing her lips.

Amanda threw a brief glance at the dance floor. "It's just... I wish... never mind, it's not important."

"Amanda, tell me, please?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't want to worry about it right now. Let's just have fun. Come dance with me?"

He hesitated for a brief second, and with a seductive whisper she added, "I'll suck you off if you do."

She grinned at the sight of his big, shit-eating grin. She could always get him with that, she knew.

"You mean on the dance floor?" he quipped.

Amanda's peals of laughter were audible even over the thumping music. "I'm not that kinky, Damon! But I definitely will later tonight..."

"Fuck yeah!" he grinned, hopping off his barstool and sweeping her up into his arms. She squealed with joy as he carried her back to their group of friends.

Kelsey smiled when she saw Damon carry Amanda back to the dance floor. She'd tried to talk with him earlier, but he'd been very evasive, giving noncommittal answers to her prying questions. She'd finally given up, but she was still determined to get to the bottom of it all. She hated seeing Amanda unhappy, and the thought of going to college without her brother made her almost physically ill. There had to be some reason for him to hesitate in going to UCLA with her, Amanda and Carynne? She'd been mopey for most of the afternoon because of it.

However, Carynne had eventually banished Kelsey's dark mood in the way that only she ever could: with her seemingly unrelenting happiness. Carynne was a bright ray of sunshine in everyone's lives, and Kelsey knew she was the luckiest girl in the world to have first Amanda, then Carynne fall in love with her. She wasn't sure what she'd ever done to deserve a second such wonderful girl after she'd pushed Amanda into her brother's arms, but she thanked God every single day for it.

She kissed her brother and Amanda when they rejoined the group, then the two of them began dancing with Siara and Ryan. Kelsey had immediately liked the two newcomers, which admittedly was a bit of a rarity for her—usually she took longer to warm up to people, but Ryan seemed a funny guy, and Siara was really just a sweetheart. Plus, she absolutely adored Siara's accent; it sent shivers running through her spine to hear the British girl talk. She had a fleeting fantasy of fucking the gorgeous girl together with Carynne; it made her pussy tingle, though she figured that, judging by the way Siara doted on Ryan, the British beauty was probably not into girls. It was easy to see why she was so into Ryan, however, because he was an absolute hunk. He was maybe even more in shape than her brother, and he was very nicely dressed, wearing bright khakis and a deep burgundy long-sleeved shirt. Carynne had whispered casually—with a naughty giggle—that she wouldn't mind seeing him naked.

After laughing at her brother's joking attempt to imitate some of Amanda's dancing moves, she returned her attention to Carynne, smiling as she watched her girlfriend dance with Stacey in a very provocative way. Dancing wasn't really the right word for it, actually. Stacey had her leg trapped between Carynne's thighs, and Carynne was obviously grinding her pussy on it. The crowd around them was definitely enjoying the show, judging by the undisguised looks of naked hunger she saw on everyone's faces.

Kelsey snuck up behind Carynne and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, again loving the feel of Carynne's sexy body. She'd long ago said that Carynne was flawless despite being a bit small, and she hadn't ever had cause to change her mind. Carynne really was sublime. Her tits had grown nicely in the past seven months or so, and they were now the perfect size to accompany her delicious body.

"You're being really naughty," Kelsey whispered excitedly in her lover's ear.

"I know, but you like me that way," Carynne said with a husky voice, leaning her head back onto Kelsey's shoulder. Kelsey took the opportunity to suck on Carynne's neck, slowly letting her tongue trail across her girlfriend's skin.

Kelsey knew she was getting more brazen by the day, but she found she didn't really care anymore. She'd always loved being slutty, but really only as long as it was in relative secrecy with just her friends there. Ever since she hooked up with Carynne, however, Kelsey's reluctance to play in public had been slowly and patiently ground into dust. They hadn't quite gone so far yet as to fuck in public, but Kelsey got hot every time she remembered Carynne fingering her at school, right outside their classroom door while the class had already started. Her orgasm had been so hard she'd squirted clear across the hallway, and she hadn't been able to stop blushing throughout most of the class.

Wondering how far they were going to go this time, Kelsey slowly trailed her hands upwards across Carynne's tightly toned tummy and cupped her girlfriend's tits. She thought she could hear a small groan ripple through the crowd, although it was hard to tell with the music being so loud.

Stacey's eyes flashed as she saw what Kelsey was doing, and she moved a little closer, putting her hands on Carynne's ass. The trim blonde easily lifted her petite friend, and Carynne quickly wrapped both her legs around Stacey's waist, locking her feet at the ankles. Kelsey took another step closer, trapping Carynne's body between hers and Stacey's. Carynne obviously approved—if her soft purr was anything to go by.

Kelsey nibbled on Carynne's ear while her girlfriend made out with Stacey, and there was a definite buzz running through the crowd of onlookers at the spectacle that was taking place in front of them. With Carynne's tube top already helpfully sticking out about an inch from her skin, Kelsey easily slid her hands underneath, relishing the feel of Carynne's naked tits. She took Carynne's incredible nipples—which always seemed to be hard and firm, no matter what—between her thumbs and forefingers and squeezed them, eliciting a loud gasp of delight from her always-horny lover.

Stacey's tongue was flashing inside Carynne's mouth, and she slowly moved her gorgeous friend up and down in her grasp in an attempt to grind their pussies together through her Daisy Dukes. It didn't seem to be very effective, but Stacey just kept it up anyway.

Already pretty affected by the four Pina Coladas she'd had, the added excitement of what they were doing made Kelsey practically drunk with desire, and she teasingly lifted Carynne's tube top a bit. She paused for a second, waiting to see if Carynne would object, then she continued with a grin. If Carynne had actually objected, the world would have probably ended. Slowly but surely Kelsey exposed Carynne's perfect tits until the purple tube top was scrunched up on top of her girlfriend's chest.

The crowd gasped at the sight of Carynne's naked tits, and one overly-slick looking dude walked up close beside the three girls. "Hey girls. Need a fourth?" he grinned with undeserved confidence.

"No," Stacey said curtly before either Kelsey or Carynne could speak up. "Now fuck off."

The guy's face turned sour, and Kelsey giggled at his look of disbelief. Apparently he felt that putting a tub of gel in his hair somehow entitled him to every girl he wanted.

"You can't tell me you aren't ready to fuck, babe," he tried again, conjuring up a sneer that he presumably thought was attractive.

From the corner of her eye, Kelsey saw Damon walk up beside her, a dark scowl on his face; she tensed momentarily with worry for him. Stacey held up her hand to forestall him, however. "We'd love to continue, but it seems this guy here has some other ideas. I guess we'll have to stop," she said, loud enough to be heard over the music.

Almost a dozen pairs of hands quickly grabbed the douchebag, and he was yanked away from the girls with a loud yelp. There was a little commotion as he was forcefully herded through the crowd, then he was unceremoniously tossed out the nearest window. Laughter rang through the entire club, but it quickly died down again, and the majority of the people refocused on the three girls. Even the music seemed to dim as everyone breathlessly awaited what would happen next.