Congi Que 01

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Congi Que works at the seedy adult bookstore, so what?
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/13/2024
Created 01/19/2024
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Congi Que 01

So, my taken name is Congi Que and I have been known as the weird one, but I promise you, if you think I'm the weird Congi, then all that means is that you follow my sassy little half brother, Congi Bar, which is actually a good follow on your part since Congi Bar has a near perfect transitional body package to offer. But my point is that I'm just slightly taller, not weird. But not too tall for you.

[It could be argued that Congi Que is weird as hell and has nothing to be ashamed of in the body area, but not this time since we're just getting started]

Anyways, it's true that the six, minus one, of us look very much a like with our exterior appearances, but that has been easy to achieve given how hair styles, makeup trends and fashion themes work. I mean, one could say that our order goes from me, Congi Que, to Congi Bar next, then to Congi Mew and then to Congi Dae and of course, we don't talk about Congi Tam, and then to Congi Len in desirable order, but my story is not about keeping score. That would be weird.

But the scorecard might show that I'm the most pleasant, the one who has gym whipped his body into what I think you would find pleasing, friendly, non confrontational, the one who trades favors and trades compliments and the one who post the most appropriate selfies on Chang.

[We expected Congi Que to address the Tranny mandatory "I showed you my dick, please respond" selfie on Chang, but not this time for some unknown reason]

Even my ridiculous, infamous, mandatory, stupid and obligatory "I showed you my dick, please respond" bannered selfie was quite appropriate since I never actually showed my dick in the bannered selfie. It's just a Tranny gimmick thing to do, right? And nobody ever responds to them anyways, so.

[Typically, nobody ever responds to those Tranny thing selfies, but not this time since this guy, Jacob, from back in school, actually responded, but the response came with a few issues]

Well, this guy I knew from school, Jacob, he responded once, but I firmly believe that Jacob is the type of guy who might think one way based on physical appearances, but then he might think or feel another way or crumble when actually confronted with the possibility of getting physical, but the attention was nice, I suppose while it lasted.

[Under normal circumstances, this would be a good place to interject that there is more to that story than just told and it should be told, but not this time. Maybe Jacob deserves a second chance or something]

Anyways, like the rest of us test tube Tranny babies, I keep my hair darker and although the words "unkept bedhead style" may pop into your mind while we're flirting off to the side, I'd ask you to think more in terms of an "uneven shaggy cut" rather than a unkept bedhead style.

[This might be where most transitional people state that they are waiting for their hair to grow out to style it another way, but not this time since the "uneven shaggy cut" look works and frames Congi Que's face rather nicely]

And by the way, my new friends and followers, I'm just getting started with my story, so, what's with all the questions and comments so soon, hmm?

[Well, someone should admit that a class reunion meeting was held with that Jacob guy and that Congi Que was the aggressor before Jacob crumbled, but not this time.]

So, I'm not the most popular Trap on the Strip, but I do alright. And even though this may not sound like the best situation, I do work at the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore, which by the way, is a modern adult bookstore more than your daddy's seedy and shady adult bookstore of days gone by, well, unless your daddy is Mr. Kline, but he's the old timer odd ball, so, don't judge my place of employment based on that dirty old geezer, okay?

Also, ahem, if you guys would just back off with the flood of questions and comments for a moment, I'd like to finish this part with other than a couple of issues, I was this close to being in a serious dating situation with that guy Jacob, the end.

[Typically, this is where the author makes a "pinched" fingers symbol to indicate how close they came from being asked out for a serious dating relationship, but not this time because it wasn't really all that close since that Jacob guy thought more in terms of a half hour stand then a dating situation]

Anyways, sadly, Jacob is out of the picture completely now, but not just because he wanted sex first, but more for how he pulled out a contract stating that our time and activity would never be known to his nerd buddies.

I mean, he responded to my ridiculous "I showed you my dick, please respond" selfie and I was taken enough by that to follow up with that and then all that comes with a prenuptial? As protection against a couple of nerds? I mean, WTF, right? And just to get all of you on my side even more, hah, I would have! Oh, not the prenup stuff, but the other stuff, yeah, that's right, I would have!

[Normally, this is where the author would down play their sexual experience and desires, but not this time because it was just made clear that placing a couple of non-contractional pucker kisses on Jacob's hard dick would been in the cards and in the stars!]

But whatever since that guy had to bring the Lawyers into the mix, which, was made worse because I had actually hoped that our first "official" date would have been to watch the newly forming Middleton flag football team practice at the football field. I mean, that's still a date, right? Slurping Frozen Twirly Swirls in the grandstands or while leaning up against the metal fence while watching the coed team practice? That's legit, right? I mean, I'm a little taller, but I would still fit right under his arm, so.

[It does sound like a legit date, but not this time since that guy Jacob already stated that by contract, all of his couple of pucker kisses on his fat cock would be in secret, private and private, secret and sitting together while slurping Frozen Twirly Swirls in the grandstands is not private, secret]

And don't even get me started on the two nerds since I used to game with them way back when! And by the way, the two nerds, I mean, their dads are the Lawyers and all, but the joke was still on them because I would have placed a couple of pucker kisses in a certain place on Jacob in the sports field parking lot and right in front of them!

[Circling back and reading between the lines, it almost seems fitting to accuse Congi Que of wanting to perform side seat sex on that Jacob guy in front of the two nerds in the sports arena parking lot, but not this time, not at least until the muddy waters of the story clear up a little bit]

But not all was lost since I had a backup plan because the coed flag football practices are open and available to anyone who wants to watch. BYOFTS.

[Normally, having a backup plan would be considered as having a Tranny trick up the fishnet shirt sleeve to ensure max mingling with the people, but not this time because of, um, ooh, um, because of a reason that's a valid reason and you should be more worried about how the author can be sex seduced and has practiced putting pucker kisses in some places with long veggies like bananas and cucumbers]

And OMFG, fine, I'll take a break and address a couple of your live feed comments now, but, tee he, only because I can tell from the structure of a few of your live comments, that a couple of you have been to the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore while I was working! And thanks, SlackerJack062, for mentioning that I am just slightly taller. I promise you all that my quick kisses while we're slurping Frozen Twirly Swirls next to the metal fence will land on the underside of your chin. And for the rest of you, who have clearly visited where I work, like with my hair, I prefer the phrase "underdressed" as opposed to "near naked", but, tee he, I do get a kick of how most of you straight8 guys giggle when you questioned me about working "near naked" as the peep booth token teller. Ahh, we have fun, right?

[Hmm, it seems that the back story of how Congi Que came to work as the near naked token teller at the shady "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore is a little cloudy and it deserves an explanation, but not at this time]

OMG, guys, enough already with the heat lamps and the thumbscrews of your comments and questions! I mean, I wasn't even looking for a job. All I wanted was a pair of leather wrist cuffs so I could hang out with the goth crew one night and the next thing I knew was that I was circulating around the backroom making sure that the customers had tokens for the peep booths and the rest is history, the end.

[You might think it's the end, but not this time]

{The Peep & Pull adult bookstore front door chime jingle, jangle}

"Sir, I would like to see a pair of leather wrist..."

"(Munch, munch) you're hired. I'm Leo, your boss (munch, munch) and you start at 8pm on Friday and Saturday nights (munch, munch)."

"Oh, I wasn't looking for work, but I am looking for a pair of leather wrist cuffs, so?"

"(Munch, munch) grab any pair of wrist cuffs from the wall display to my left, put them on and then get with distributing the peep booth tokens to the customers in the back room as required, stay out of the peep booths and other than that, I would suggest a darker face on Friday nights and this starburst red thing you have going on right now can be for Saturday nights (munch, munch)."

[To be fair to Leonard, it should be noted that he has never crossed any lines with Congi Que in the six months since Congi Que has worked the peep booth backroom of the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore, but not this time since Congi Que has lightened up enough to almost be able to be accused of becoming a temptation of sorts over time]

And the rest is even more history, folks.

[OMFG, here we go again, skipping over the best parts of the history lessons of how Congi Que started out as the shy, scared and skittish token teller to the near naked cock tease tempting peep booth token teller of today and that needs to be told, but not this time, I guess, again]

Well, near naked is a relative term. LOL, it is so not a relative term, but I'm still mostly untouched, so. Besides, it's just inside of the building and the bookstore has dark smoke tinted windows and I always start out with a warmup suit, so, it's all good.

Anyways, back to my story that begins with a rejection due to contract verbiage disputes, which resulted in a "gag" order being issued against me by the judge, my weird desire to explore relationship stuff and how things at the sports field evolved into obtaining more friends and most importantly, tee he, how I keep my boss Leo in check with food because all Leo cares about is going all "munch, munch" all the time, so.

[The Pizza Shop front door chime jingle, jangle]

"Congi Que, normally I would yell at people like you, but not this time since I appreciate how you stop by the Pizza Shop and pick up a Sub Combo for your boss at the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore because it's a known fact that my precious boyfriend, Jimmy J, doesn't even know where the seedy adult bookstore is located at to make a delivery anyways, so?"

[Typically, this would be explained, but not this time since Jimmy J and Leonard have an endzone style handshake, fist bump, elbow smack and chest heave dance down pat for when Jimmy J enters the adult bookstore]

"Oh, um, yeah, right, um, well, Suzie, moving on to the next subject then, um, don't forget the beverage because my boss likes to go all "slurp, slurp" too!"

"Oh, for a purdy boy who makes certain that my Jimmy J never learns of the GPS coordinates of the shady bookstore, I mean, I got your back, Congi Que. Also, I mean, I'm just asking for a friend, but, um, tell me true, Congi Que, are there really little holes cut into the sides of the peep show booths, hmm? I mean, my friend has been crying about knowing something like this, so?"

[Historically, Congi Que would explain the little side holes as air circulation vents for each peep show booth like he does with the wives of the regular customers, but not this time since time was running short]

"{Hands off the white food bag with a Sub Combo in it} so, I see you're sticking with starburst cheeks these days, Congi Que and it suits you, so, um, now you owe me a trade back now since trading back is one of your trademarks, so?"

Oh, I had a trade back ready to go alright!

"Suzie, I have developed almost full control of the bookstore's video catalog now that I can add special "shorts" into the mix, so, for a sneaky bathroom creeper video of you adjusting your work uniform tonight in the Ladies room of the Pizza Shop, I'll load it into the "local & random" selection, so?"

"Hmph! Nice try, perv purdy boy!"

"Did I mention that your arch rival, Vicki, did I mention that it's Vicki's mom who keeps the peep show booths clean, hmm?"

"What? Vicki Vixen's mom, Vivian Vixen is the peep show's house mom? I mean, a short creeper video of just my butt, Congi Que? While I'm innocently adjusting my work uniform in the Ladies room, hmm?"

"Oh, I want everything that your precious boyfriend, Jimmy J, hasn't saw or had in over a year since you cut him off from sex, so, everything but your lovely face, Suzie!"

[It seems that Congi Que has grown a pair and they are filled with nerve and we would love to talk about that further, but not this time since being so bold with Suzie almost made Congi Que pass out]

But I snapped out of it and made my way to my work to buy off my boss with food. Which works every time, by the way.

"(Munch, munch) Congi Que..."

[Historically, Congi Que's boss at the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore has referred to Congi Que as "kid", but not this time since week by week, Congi Que has redefined the "underdressed" work uniform more and more as each week passes and it all works out because Congi Que has the peep show customer base cliental and the tipping system figured out]

"(Munch, munch), Congi Que, if you can pull off half of what you just explained (munch, munch), then sobeit. I mean, we could use a few fresh faces in this place and if we call it a "after flag football practice eat and greet" party, well, so be that too! But keep things as legal as possible since I'm getting tired of (munch, munch) dealing with Lawyers."

[The feelings over Lawyers should be discussed further here, but not this time since it was basically covered somewhere above]

"(Munch, munch), but one of these days, Congi Que, we're going to talk about why you haven't made it so you have a test tube fem boy family reunion all up in my place (munch, munch), but that can be for another day (munch, munch)."

[Historically, the Congi crew argue worse than any naturally born sisters and that might be why there hasn't been a backroom filled with Congi boys, but not this time because Congi Que doesn't like to stand right next to Congi Bar, but only for the pronounced height differences]

Oh, I'm not opposed to inviting all of my fem boy half brothers up to the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore for an evening of fun, but, um, um, I mean, it's scheduling conflicts from their side and that's the end of that, but even the customers have been asking about that, so, maybe in the future, but no promises.

Anyways, what I proposed to my manager was a friendly after coed flag football practice "eat & greet" party as a way to clearly show that the "Peep & Pull" is more modern than seedy and to give me a chance to become better known by the people and if I get a chance to rub it in that guy, Jacob's, face that my contract bylines are worthy of a couple of contract entry modifications, I mean, sobeit that too!

[This might be where it would be noted that Congi Que is better at techy stuff then getting revenge, but not this time since this should be quite interesting and entertaining]

So, I put into play, my play to invite a few of the coed flag footballers up to where I work to prove that the lighting is questionable, the booths are clean, the token teller is hot and tempting and that a modern adult bookstore is not your uncle's seedy, shady, disgusting and repulsive business establishment. Well, it's still Jane's uncle seedy adult bookstore, but some people are stuck in their ways and that's that!

[This would be a good place to call out Jane's Uncle Buster, but then we would have to add that Congi Que knows he has 23 wrinkles on his limp dick, so, not this time]

Anyways, I came up with a great plan to spread the word about a coed flag football and that was a quick announcement on social media and a visit to the practice field to field any and all questions and by the way, ahem, Copperhead201, I mean, I'm about to block you! You did not catch me "spreading" them in the restroom hallway a couple of weeks ago! It's just that because I'm slightly taller, I mean, I was best suited to reach up and smash a spider on the hallway wall and that's all, the end, you're blocked!

[Oh, also, hmm, Copperhead201, I mean, Congi Que didn't think anyone caught that a couple of weeks ago, but not this time, we guess, since you just dropped that comment with a good level of details and you know, post photos fool because you might have the only known photo of Congi Que's exposed cheeks]

But I still needed the people to agree to the "eat & greet" at the "Peep & Pull" adult bookstore, right? So, I stopped by the sports field and well, I froze. I froze right up! I froze up so badly that I couldn't even get out of my truck in the side parking lot of the sports field and it wasn't because I hadn't fully over covered dressed in my usual warmup suit.

[Ahem, not this time???]

Fine, I was half frozen in place because Suzie had finished and forwarded her work uniform wardrobe adjustment creeper video in the Pizza Shop Ladies room and that was just a little mesmerizing to watch, so, I mean, sue me.

[Oh, this would be a good time to ask who the cameraman was because that wasn't Jimmy J, but not this time. But tee he, a sparkly red bejeweled butt plug totally suits Suzie!]

Well, it did, so.

But enough of that since I'm not going to admit that I unfroze just enough to beep my truck horn to get someone's attention and I'm especially not going to admit that beeping my truck horn was more of a nervous elbow reaction accidently beeping my truck horn from watching Suzie's creeper video, but nonetheless, I put into play the socially acceptable beeping of my horn to draw Gwen's attention.

[Hmm, it seems that a nervous elbow reaction is not the same as rubbing one's self over a flashy red bejeweled butt plug, but not this time. Tee he]

"(Beep, beep)"

[Historically, as we all know, a double "beep, beep" implies that someone is sitting in their truck while looking sheepishly shy, yet it means there is a green light for the person being beeped at to approach the truck window and engage in conversation, but not this time because someone was ignoring normal social protocols.]

"(Beep, beep) excuse me, Gwen, but I just beeped my horn at you twice on purpose and it is proper social protocol for you to respond, so?"

[Historically, a second announcement gains the desired outcome, but not this time because someone else thinks that speaking through an opened truck windows carries as much cred as the infamous and popular Tranny posting of "I showed you my dick, please respond" selfies on Chang, which actually carries zero cred, by the way]

"(Honk, honk)"

[Historically, wait, OMG, Gwen actually is responding by casually strolling towards the open window and leaning forward to see what the meaning of all this was about]

"Well, Congi Que, I mean, I'd ask what the meaning of all this is, but then, you know, then you'd tell me and then, you know, I'd have to listen and then we end up in a viscous circle of "he-she said, she barely listened" until midnight, but you've managed to get me to a street worker lean into your truck window, so, let's hear what the meaning of all this is then, so?"