Congressman F#ckbunny


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They were on their sides, and he was spooned in tight behind her trying to wrap his arm that was towards the mattress under her to get a better grip so he could use his free hand to guide himself into her.

She was terrified that if he rolled her onto her stomach, she'd never dislodge him. Quickly, she leaned forward and then flung her head back as hard as she could. Hoping for a direct hit to his nose, she partially caught it and his lip. The pain was sharp enough that he momentarily released her hip and she freed herself from him. As soon as he released her, she thrust her balled fist towards his dick and got a good shot into his balls causing him to curl into a fetal position to protect himself.

As Annie ran out of the gazebo, she picked up a hand-sized stone and took it with her to the beach afraid that he would come after her. She waited and waited, but he didn't come.

She stayed on the beach with her back to the ocean, facing the place where she expected her assailant to emerge, looking for her. Tears streamed down her face over the violation. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, but was only a little over an hour, the dawn began to break, and she approached the gazebo.

Anton was sleeping.

She couldn't believe it. He tried to rape her; she fought herself away, and he just fell asleep as if nothing happened. His lip looked swollen but nothing else was out of place.

She looked at the rock in her hand and at the vulnerable places she could hit him. She wondered if he thought her incapable of hurting him. She thought about it for a moment and struggled with the idea of attempting to kill a sleeping man. Although he had no problem assaulting a sleeping woman.

Then she walked past him to the couch, placed the rock beside her, opened her laptop, and began to type. Reading would be useless, so she wrote to get her feelings and emotions out of her. Her only other outlet for her anger and anguish was pummeling him or maybe swimming to that other island they had seen all those weeks ago.

As she began to type, she remembered some of the things that Anton had said, and what she thought was the truth slowly began to click into place.

It was a couple of hours later before she saw Anton sit up in the bed.

When he looked at her, she seethed, "You fucking bastard."

He shrugged, "You seemed to be enjoying it up until you woke up. Clearly, your body likes strange dick. For some strange reason, you're hung up on monogamy."

"Of course I am. I'm married, you idiot."

"Maybe you're just afraid that after experiencing me, you'll never really be satisfied with your husband again."

"My God, how can you be so full of yourself? My husband's...dick is a thing of beauty. You may have a little, and I do mean little, length on him, but he's got you beat on girth. So, if we have to pull out tape measurers to compare, is the best lover I've ever had really losing out to you? I don't think so."

That put him back on his heels. Women usually told him they loved his big dick. He'd never had one say their husband was of similar size.

"Hell, why do you think I married him? Well, there's a long list of reasons actually, and that list has grown over the years, but curling my toes and making my eyes roll back in my head were prominently on that list. So I couldn't care less how good you think you are or what kind of faint praise your whores fawn upon you. I have a real man at home that gave me three wonderful children. I wouldn't let you sniff his jock strap."

He chuckled, "I think thou protesteth too much. We both know that you enjoy my touch. When I was massaging you, your sex opened to me like a flower, practically begging me to enter you. Last night you were so horny, that you actually reached down to insert me into you until you woke up. On my boat when I was giving you the tonguing of your life, you had several orgasms and were screaming my name. You know that we would be good together and that scares the Hell out of you."

He was making her angry, and God she was so glad for it. No more facades or false pretenses. The mask was off of the predator that had been pursuing her since Miami. No more was he viewed as a harmless pussy-hound but as the predatory he truly was. Now could she, the prey, keep herself safe until they were released or rescued?

She scoffed, "You know, I don't get it. The persistence, when I'm clearly telling you 'no.' Since you don't like hearing that word, let's try another. Fuck off! You're lucky I didn't break your nose. I was trying to.

"I mean it's just pussy. Mine is nothing special." She hated using that word, but her dander was up and what was fear earlier had turned to anger. "By now you know that. You've had a finger in me, tried to get your dick into me, and according to you, your tongue in me. None of those were consensual. So, what's so special about mine that you're willing to risk jail to go after it?"

"Jail? Hardly. It's your word against a sitting congressman who, so far, has been squeaky clean. I like my chances of having charges pressed just fine. Don't even bother with your being drugged on the boat. Daniel was witness to your begging me to fuck you. Not that it matters. He'd say anything I asked him to, anyway."

His arrogance irritated her. But clearly, he'd been in this situation before. His reasoning was too practiced.

Hearing him say that about Daniel, the final piece clicked into place. She said, "You know, I think I get it now. I do. The dancing at the club and the drugging on the boat. Nevermind here.

"I know that you and Daniel were working together on this. He wouldn't do anything without discussing it with you. Both of you were worried that Alexis and I were getting too close. You knew that your raping me would force Lexi to choose Daniel, who would support you, or me, the long-lost sister. What made you bank on her picking Daniel?"

He smirked at her. She was very close to the truth but hadn't quite put the last piece in place.

"It was obvious that the two of you were determined to strengthen your sisterhood. That sounds like such a lovely and noble endeavor. It was never going to happen, but it is better to put out the match before it turns into a forest fire."

She scoffed, "What makes you think it wasn't going to happen? As long as I make it off this island, you know that I'm going to tell her about this conversation. I may not win, but I'll be stunned if at least you don't lose."

"You still don't get it, do you? Want to know why she won't be leaving Daniel and coming to Jacksonville to live near you and your family?"

"It doesn't matter if I want to know or not because you can't help yourself but to tell me."

Ignoring her verbal jab he continued, "She's like an adrenaline junkie but sex is her choice of high. I don't even know if it's the orgasms or not, but she loves the attention, the sensation, the high. She loves it all. She's as addicted to it as a junkie is to meth. She couldn't walk away if she wanted to.

"Once Daniel wins my seat, he and I will both be in DC, and she'll come with us. She'll be the perfect party favor. She won't be the difference between huge deals or not, but she'll be worth hundreds of small favors, which I'll turn into a few well-paid big returns. And she'll love every second of it, and Daniel will love watching."

"I would ask how could you use her that way, but I guess it's second nature to you, and I suspect Daniel has already been doing that some."

"Some? Hell, how do you think he passed his constitutional law class. He watched her as his professor screwed her several times. A few years ago, an assistant DA was invited to one of our swinging parties, where her ass was taken and a favor earned. She even knows about it but cannot help herself."

Annie didn't believe that last sentence but couldn't say definitely that it wasn't true.

"So if she's a junkie, shouldn't she get help. What kind of men are you and Daniel that you would see someone burning themselves out and not help them?"

"It doesn't matter what I say. You already have your answer to that question."

She paused a moment before replying, "God damn you."

He just smiled.

Annie walked back out towards the beach feeling like she was in a much more dangerous situation than she ever imagined.


That morning, John was working from his office when his phone pinged several times and all of his emails pinged as well.

He had received plenty of unsolicited offers since news broke of the kidnapping. Several people had offered to help him get together ever how much money he needed if he would just give them a little personal banking information. They must think he was stupid.

He even had a couple of private investigators reach out to him offering to help conduct a search. One even seemed somewhat credible, but the expenses were too high, and the world is a big place to search without any real leads.

This was different though. It was like someone was bombarding every account he had all at once. He would be surprised if even Annie could do something like that. Not that he kept his accounts secret, it's just that the two of them usually communicated in person, over the phone, or through texts.

The message he received was the same across all accounts. "We are getting closer to finding her. Will update you once we do. Hang in there." Signed, "A Friend."

That was odd. Who would send that to him? Was it someone in the government? Maybe. If not, who else could it be?

He knew better than to get his hopes up, but he wished them well in their efforts. God knows he hadn't heard anything from the FBI in weeks.


That night on the island, Annie warily prepared to sleep on the sofa. Anton patted the mattress on the bed, inviting her to join him. She responded to his offer with a middle finger.

The next night it was her turn to sleep on the bed. She was nervous about doing so and wondered if she would ever be able to sleep there again and actually get any sleep because she feared he would try to rape her again. She could sleep with a rock next to her for a weapon, but he could just as easily remove it while she slept.

He made the decision for her when he once again went to the bed to sleep and patted it for her to join him. She would spend the rest of her nights on the couch.

A couple of nights later, she was sleeping very lightly. She woke up to Anton grunting and jacking off while standing right beside the couch. He was making a big production of it, and before she was coherent enough to run away, he was successful in hitting her with copious amounts of his jizz.

As she was exiting the gazebo to get away from him, she could hear him say, "Whoa. It's been a long time since I came that much." He called to her, "You don't know what you're missing, Babe."

She shivered on the beach the rest of the night and avoided him as much as she could on their little island the rest of the day.

The following morning, she woke with even more jizz on her. She jumped off the couch to scream at him when she noticed a rock lying not very far from her. It was an oblong stone and appeared to be just over one foot long at its widest point.

She considered what she might do to the sleeping Anton with that stone. She meant it when she said that she would kill him. Now that the opportunity was presenting itself to her, she hesitated to go through with it.

She turned from the stone to Anton and screamed, "You fucking prick." She hit him with her fist as hard as she could on his shoulder.

More than likely, the 120-pound woman only left a small bruise on the 210-pound Anton. He sat up and rubbed his shoulder and looked at her.

"Good morning, that looks good on you. Don't worry, you'll get used to waking up covered in cum. I know Lexi has."

Another dig at her sister. Annie was fairly certain because of who was saying it, she was now immune. "What are you, some kind of animal?"

"Hey, it's really up to you. You have three holes where I could put it, but you refuse, so you get to wear it instead. Your choice."

"Oh sure, why don't you come over here and let me give you a world-class blowjob that you'll never forget. You'll have to beat me to death to get me to open my mouth, and I assure you that you'll be less of a man than you were when we arrived on this island."

He smiled, "Now you're getting feisty. You remind me of your sister saying things like that. What happened to the woman that had to say 'weenie' instead of 'dick' a few weeks ago?"

"I've spent the last several weeks with an asshole who keeps trying to rape me. I'm all out of genteel southerner. Now you're stuck with the justifiably pissed-off bitch until we leave."

"I'll take that. Why don't you get on your hands and knees, and I'll make you my bitch."

"Seriously, if I wake up and your dick is near me again, I'm going to try and pull it off. I doubt there is any dick tape in the first aid kit."

He just laughed at her. She was no match for him. He decided to tweak her a little further.

"You know, I probably shouldn't share this with you, but since you're saying such sweet nothings to me, I'll tell you anyway."

"God, do you love the sound of your own voice. No wonder you're a politician."

"Well, listen up, girlfriend. Want to know how Lexi turned out the way she did? Daniel and I were in law school when we heard about this cute sophomore that was into bungee jumping, snowboarding, surfing, and other thrillist types of activities, including sex.

"She was no virgin when met her as many in the fraternities knew her well. She was attracted to Daniel, the older law student, and he invited her to a party we were having. Of course, she didn't know this party was just for her. We slipped a little molly into her drinks, and that was it.

"She must have done five guys that night, including me and Daniel, multiple times each, and was looking for number six when she finally wore down. The next morning, she wasn't upset. You could tell that she enjoyed it.

"Instead of pursuing some kind of extreme activity after that, if she needed her adrenaline fix, she'd just have lots of sex, usually with me and Daniel, or others we approved of. The rest is history."

Annie was raging inside. She remembered how Lexi used to call her after each of her big adventures, including the 3,000+ foot zip line on her trip to West Virginia which also included a bungee jump. Then those adventures stopped. Now she knew why.

"If I knew some sort of martial art, I would enjoy beating you to death."

"Well, if the timetable holds, you have two weeks to figure out how to do it. Good luck.

"I know you think I'm some sort of monster, and I don't really care. But know this, I'm probably pretty normal in DC. Remember the female senator from Pennsylvania that retired suddenly following the death of her long-time female chief-of-staff who was killed by a male staffer?

Annie nodded her head.

"They were having an affair. All three of them.

"She didn't retire willingly, and the male staffer didn't kill the other. It was a small sex party. Senator Billings liked rough sex and thought her chief-of-staff, Eva, should, too. Well, the situation got out of hand, and she ended up killing Eva. Choked her to death. Timothy, the male staffer, was participating too, and a few calls later the capitol police had him picked up and in a mental hospital for evaluation. Now he's there permanently, not fit to stand for trial. She dodged a real bullet on that. I hear that Timothy is kept so whacked out on Thorazine or some other concoction that he'll never be able to think straight again.

"It's too bad, too, because he had a wife and kid. Oh well, you play, you pay."

He loved Annie's reaction. She was so easy to read...and tweak. He'd love for her to join the three of them in DC.

"The reason I know about it is because Carolyn was there that night. Told me all about it. One Hell of a story. I tell you what, Annie. Once we're all in DC, I'll divorce Carolyn if you'll come up to be with us. I believe you're enough like Lexi that we could party all the time. You're such a sexy woman that you'd have senators and/or ambassadors lined up to sample your charms."

He just grinned at her as he watched the multitude of expressions cross her face.

Disgusted didn't being to convey how Annie felt. What was there to say to something like that? She found a bit of jizz that was still on her, wiped it with a finger, and threw it at Anton.

He laughed it off as he once again watched her storm out of the gazebo towards the beach. He couldn't see her eyeing the big stone as she left.

He called after her, "Two weeks, Annie."

She wondered; was this to be her next two weeks? Waking to his semen all over her. Once again, she'd have to bring the couch cushions to the beach to wash them. Bastard. What could she do? Endure the assaults or fight back.

As she walked onto the beach, her heart sank to her stomach when she saw yet another plastic cargo crate on their beach.

Their supplies were restocked, again? Would they have to stay there even longer? She wasn't sure she could endure it. How much worse would Anton get before he just raped her repeatedly until she killed him or he killed her.

That worried her. What he told her that morning would be something he wouldn't want anyone else to know. So why would he tell her...unless he planned on killing her?

Now she really was afraid.

That night, she set her tablet to vibrate around 2:00 am.

When it went off, she slowly opened her eyes to look around. The dim blue lights built into the gazebo provided the only lighting and it was barely enough to see. She could see Anton on the bed, hopefully sleeping. He was facing away from her.

She slipped off the couch and crept just past the bed where the rock from the previous morning still lie. She picked up the heavy piece of limestone and raised it above her head, intending to smash it down into Anton's skull, saving herself and hopefully her sister.


Hundreds of millions of people held their breath watching on news channels, internet streams, and other forms of video, waiting to see what Annie was going to do.

The blow to Anton wasn't shown, but the next scene showed Annie sitting on the ground by the couch with the rock lying next to her and tears streaming down her face.

Chapter 3

Five days earlier.

It was late afternoon, and John was at work. It was the same day he had received the message from "A Friend."

Adam had the day off and was at John's house with all the kids until John got home from work. Adam was alternating with his parents to keep the kids after school.

When John's cell phone rang, he could see that it was Adam so he answered.

"John, you need to open the link I just sent you. It's Annie, she's with Anton on an island. It's where they are being held. Since you are at work make sure you click the SFW link. There is an NSFW link, too."

John closed the door to his office and clicked on the link.

The opening scenes to the old TV show Fantasy Island began playing. The narrator's voice had a thick Colombian or Latin American accent. He began, "Welcome to Fuckbunny Island. My name is Mr. Roarke, like in the TV show, and I'll be your host."

A picture of Becca, or Bunny, in an evening gown, appeared on the screen. "This is Bunny. She works for Congressman Anton Fitzbrunner." A picture of Anton in a tuxedo appeared next to her.

"They are both married and have been having an affair for quite a while." Multiple video clips began playing of Bunny and Anton fucking in several different locations. "So, from this point forward, we shall call the congressman, Fuckbunny, since clearly, he enjoys that so much."

"Interestingly enough, the congressman has many bunnies he loves fucking." More videos of different women, including the symphony director's wife and Mrs. Doukas, appeared on the screen.
