Consequences Pt. 01


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"Jeeze, that's some imagination you have but very exciting."

"You like the idea of a woman touching me?..."

David responds "That's almost funny. I'm a male... of course I would, girl on girl has always been a fantasy of mine."

He reaches over to stroke and finger her pussy, his cock now rigid... "I'll have to remember that for future play fantasy together" she thinks. "Not that we need much to get us started."

Later as they were relaxing together, he starts to think more on the last subject. He says, "Do you think I'm strange not to feel half as threatened by the thought of a woman being with you as I would a man?"

She thinks for a moment, now might be a moment to introduce a little bit of new information relating to her past. "You might be surprised when I tell you that I don't have any hang-ups about sex, male or female. I wasn't brought up with any preconceptions, my parents really didn't do more than warn me about some of life's pitfalls, mostly about unscrupulous types of men. They didn't tell me what was right or wrong about sex like the devout religious folks do, they just loved me, and I have always thought that I was so lucky to have such parents."

The long explanation was intended to mask the information she was leaking but David was astute enough to catch the main points and file them away. He had to think whether he wanted to know more.

Finally when she seemed to have said all she was going to, he thought and then said, "Hearing you say that makes me realise the threat is no different what the sex is, but somehow it doesn't change my feelings about it, it's the fantasy aspect I suppose".

"I guess there are lots of people who have fantasies that might over-ride common sense if they were given a chance of fulfilment." they agree.

"I suppose the main thing is that, if two people really love each other they have a relationship that makes them feel safe; up to a point. It's where that point is I suppose." David adds

Olivia sincerely hopes it's true, and decides she has to unload her past as soon as she can. Right now, she just feels too guilty.

"Ok Mr Demon," she says. "I've told you something, now it's your turn, surely you had something in your past."

David decides it's a good time to tell Olivia that "Jane and I were once an item."

"Before you met me?" She checks impudently

"Of course," he says, giving her bottom a playful smack.

"OK and?"

We were boy and girlfriend for a couple of years I'd say.

Where you lovers?

"Nooo." I was brought up much too 'properly' he says smarting at the thought.

"Just before I went to Uni, Richard moved into the area and swept her off her feet. He was the typical bad boy the girls go for. He always tries to give the impression that he is a paragon of virtue these days but who knows; I wouldn't trust him though."

She's not convinced that's the entire story any more than hers is, although she suspects that hers is a whole book where his might only be a chapter; albeit a very excellent chapter because he learned a lot from someone. 'Might be fun finding out though' she thinks. 'Let's just see if the dust settles and we can get back to where we were going with our lives, then maybe we'll share more; she certainly would" she'd decided.


Olivia decided to go into work on Monday and it gives them a chance to go to Lunch together. Enjoying their brief break at a secluded table in a café, it occurs to him that it had been mostly

a fun weekend and suggests "maybe it is time to get out more and enjoy some fun evenings and weekends, visit friends and take in any entertainment we can find." Then adds 'We should do it while we can, what do you think?"

"Maybe we've been stressing ourselves too much trying to conceive, it sounds like a good idea, we have a lot of time to make up for, all the years we've been obsessed with work." Olivia replies

David asks her if she would mind investigating. and she gives a big smile. Mean time "I'll ask Jane who she knows that might still visit clubs and venues and be able to offer some suggestions.

"You know what you should also do..?" David teases and her eyebrows raise questioning.

"I think you know how much I enjoyed your new dress last weekend," big grin. "Perhaps you should do some more shopping, he says suggestively, I wouldn't mind helping with the choice of underwear and nighties. It might be hard work watching you trying things on, but I think I could cope. A fashion show might be needed too." He grins.

She looks at him knowingly 'Yehh right!" allowing a suitable pause before she says," we'll see..."

"I will hopefully," he laughs.

Then keeping the mood going "Hey why don't you start this afternoon, on the way back to the office" he suggests, "I'll be able to pop down at short notice if you are desperate for my input!"

She gives him a knowing smile and says, "I think a bit of shopping would be a good idea, you better be available at short notice buster."

After a silent moment while both consider, David broke their musings, hoping it was a good moment to ask, "Are you worried about getting pregnant?"

"I don't think so yet, we can get ourselves checked by the Doctor if our fun doesn't do the trick. I suppose we ought to discuss what other options there might be if we can't conceive."

"What are the options do you think?" he asks

Olivia thinks for a moment and then says, "Well I suppose it depends on which of us has the problem. There's adoption of course, there's drugs to increase chances, I believe there's artificial insemination and I suppose there's surrogate father or mother. Can you think of any others?

He catches the reference to surrogate and retorts "It's one thing to adopt maybe not knowing who the parents are but there's no way I am bringing up the child of a man who's been inside you. I am not a pervert like those men who like being cuckolded." his voice rising unreasonably sharply.

What's got into me he thinks when he realises how he reacted and tries to soften his point by saying "Sorry love I over-reacted."

"That's OK, I think I might feel like that if it were the other way around. I'm sure it won't come to something like that."

Olivia decides that this conversation needs to get back to more pleasant things. At the next Lingerie shop she motions for him to stop to look in the window. Do you like that? she says pointing to a bra that showed pretty much everything behind a pretty pattern. His mood brightens noticeably as he approves, and his imagination pushes his eyes in search of other outfits that might be even more daring, if it were even possible.

Meeting Jane

One afternoon after the party, David finds himself less busy at his office in the afternoon and looking forward to going home. His mind starts to go over the party of the previous weekend and his wife's teasing and he thinks again of how he likes this side of her.

He wonders about Olivia's friend, remembering how little he knows about Olivia's life before they became a couple. That aside, David decides he should speak to Jane and find out what she was talking about if he can, they were close once and it would be good to catch up with her one to one. He telephones and invites her to meet him for coffee when she's in town. She is intrigued as to whether anything has happened and readily accepts. He suggests a day and a public cafe.

On the day, she gets Richard, her husband to drop her off, to take in some shopping before her meeting.

Settled into a quiet corner at the café, David eventually asks Jane "I know we go back a way and I don't want to take advantage of the relationship we have or had before you met Richard. So, stop me if I step over the lines. I am concerned however about this friend that Olivia met up with. Olivia and I have talked a bit about it, but I feel that there's more to it. Trouble is I don't know where to start without seeming like I'm questioning her. If she's got something to tell me, that's up to her but I've never pressed her about her former life before she met me. As far as I am concerned, she is what she is to me, and I don't care what her previous life was, unless it comes back to harm her in any way. Her being sick like that worries me in that way, I can't put my finger on it though."

"I can see where you're coming from" Jane accepts. "I was just puzzled by the fact that she was coming out of the bedroom looking sick and dishevelled and then seeing her friend behind her just after she stepped out. It just seemed a strange place for them to talk and then she becomes sick. I know it sounds extreme, but I was just worried if something was said or done to her to make her feel that way."

"So, David started, "this couple, who were at the party, can you tell me anything you can about them before I ask Olivia again, I don't want her to think I'm overly worried or something."

"Well, all I know from my friend is that Olivia and Ana were best friends, at Uni they roomed together, I think."

"I wonder why she's never mentioned that to me it's innocuous enough. in all probability. I might have even come across her at their graduation, but I was so caught up in seeing Olivia after so long and then meeting her family for the first time that I don't remember much."

"Well, I don't have much else I can add, but I'll see what I can find out when I talk to my friend, if I can do so without showing any special interest" said Jane "It might not be soon though."

During their meeting she receives a call to come home quickly, and he drives her there. It turns out to be just her house alarm going off, but there's no evidence of what triggered it. He offers to carry her shopping in while she investigates and then she directs him to drop her purchases in her bedroom.

"Take a look at our new ensuite fittings while you are there David, I think you might find it 'interesting'" "being in your line of work" she adds. After placing the shopping on her bed, he takes a look and can't, but admit that it looks innovative and fun.

When he comes down, she offers him a coffee and they sit on the stools amenably around her kitchen bar. "Couldn't resist your invitation to take a peek in your ensuite Janey, looks like you guys have some fun in there, and that bed, there's room for 4 at least." He laughs "If Olivia saw all that, she'll want something like it."

"Well," she says, colouring slightly but unable to resist a barbed retort "we can't all be Vanilla like you David, some of us like a bit of fun." "You know that variety is the spice of life" she says winking at him. He finds himself heating up rapidly and remembering some hot but not very hot times they had had in their youth. "Can't think what you mean" he says trying unsuccessfully to hide his embarrassment. "Well," she says, becoming perhaps too bold "you were always such a prude, did you ever try to get past first base with me? you don't know what you might have missed out on." She laughs trying to cover up the attack she was making on his manhood.

David feels somehow robbed and gradually very annoyed. Jane sees his face and fast realises that she's overstepped the mark. Why did it rankle with her that David was too much of gentleman back then, even after all these years?

Remembering how Olivia had once brought it up with him, David is realising not for the first time that being a 'gentleman' was not necessarily what women want, particularly when they were young and out to experience life. Still, it is too late now, so all he can do is make his marriage to Olivia as exciting as he can.

Jane realising she's out of order, changes the subject slightly to try to rescue the situation before she put their friendship in more jeopardy. Back in the day she had really been hung up on him, and if only he'd been a bit more passionate and exciting. But then there was Richard, not as handsome but boy he was exciting, he literally swept her knickers off. She decides to try and pump David more for anything else that was troubling him.

"So, we haven't discussed anything that earth shattering so what's really troubling you David?" was her opening gambit

OH, I don't know, I know she felt bad but she was so down all weekend. I kept worrying that it was something I'd said or done wrong. Now I'm wondering if that Ana woman said something or reminded her of something awful.

It doesn't sound like you did anything untoward David, tell me more, I understand that you wouldn't want to divulge deeply personal problems.

So having been warned against doing so, David feels like he can, ('go figure',) he passes on as much as he can remember aside from 'personal' observations which were just too much for his sensibilities! Jane begins to become deeply suspicious about the friend but is afraid to say anything more to David without knowing anything definite. Perhaps she thinks, I should meet this Ava, relishing the challenge and the chance to help David. She had always felt she made a mistake and may have hurt him badly.

Despite the life that she and her husband enjoyed she had always wondered if her young mind and body had led her to make the wrong choice at that time. Those of her friends who didn't know her intimately would have been surprised at her secretly thinking, "I'd love to get my hands on David's body; ohh well!"

David is given a lot to think about and decides it's time to talk to Olivia about Ava to see if she'll open up to him. Thinking "Maybe it's time Olivia and I should explore our sex life more too, I am obviously boring" he worries and his mood sinks.



I didn't have a lot of plans for Friday, a few chores around the house and some ongoing work, nothing urgent. I spoke to the office midmorning and David answered, we talked about what me might do over the weekend and I was looking forward to just time together, maybe a trip to the coast if the weather is good. I suggest this to David and he is enthusiastic about it. In such a good mood together, I say I will look out our swim gear, "shall I look out my tiny bikini?" I wonder out loud. "In that case" David suggests "we'll find somewhere really private, as that bikini might get a helping hand to take off."

I tease back, "ohh really! who's hands would that be then?". "You never know who will be on the beach" he quips back.

I love this teasing it somehow creates an electricity between us. Even after the years together it's still there, we've just been slacking for a while but this feels new and exciting, I'm letting a little of my old fire come alight again.

Ana phones me during the morning and asks how I am. I reason that she wants to know how things are with David. I'm fairly pissed with her at the moment because she'd come on to me right off the bat, no thought to what my life might be like.

My memory kicked in this morning and I had realised that such thoughtless impetuosity was typical Ana. She was like that back in the day, a snowball gathering admirers but rolling over anything along the way. She wouldn't have even thought of anything beyond her immediate needs except probably me, she was caring and adoring to me and I bathed in her glow. She hadn't seemed that surprised that I was at the party and assumed I was the same person I was. The speed that I responded to her told me a lot about myself. I learnt during that evening that my old inbuilt fire hadn't been shut out, just quenched, or overtaken by other interests.

Eventually after some catching up she got around to asking if she could see me. I refuse, but Ana offers to visit when David is most likely to be around. I mull it over for a moment, with the situation as it is, I am not feeling ready to meet them. Ana is very keen, and presses a little, as she says she feels guilty and wants to put things straight. I realise that it's probably an inevitability and maybe time to deal with things head on. So, with some reluctance I decide that it's probably time they met David. I decide that later today might work if they aren't too early. I tell her to make it after work but ask if she could ring beforehand to confirm the time so that I can make arrangements with David.

I try to put the issue to the back of my mind and leave it to her to ring before she comes. They come too early of course without ringing, and I am immediately worried, but Ana quickly embraces me closely, bringing memories of all-night fun we enjoyed back in the day. Remembering how we drained the men and then played into the night, always finding ways to indulge ourselves using more and different toys to heighten our pleasures. Ana is insatiable and even with a clear head I could not resist the pleasures she brought me.

Ana caresses me now, murmuring words of concern and kisses, I knows this is wrong, but even after all the years my feelings are touched by this woman and my body betrays me. I want her closeness even though my mind is saying no, no, no. Then Peter comes up behind me, he hugs me too, caressing me like I have been bereaved, they seem to care what their tryst at the party may have done to me and my relationship with David.

But, soon the hugs become more, the hands travel along my body and they want more, I can feel fingers undoing the buttons of my top and the catch of my skirt, now they are falling away. Anna is kissing me passionately, her hands pushing eagerly inside my bra, teasing, and stroking my nipples. I'm lost to her even as my conscience is telling me how wrong this is.

The bra becomes loose as other hands from behind me undo the clasp. I am short of breath, gasping with pleasure and the feel of bodies encasing me; my body has taken complete control and my mind has lost the battle. Anas fingers have delved between my pussy lips, I am so wet that she has no problem as 2 fingers begin to fuck me, stroking my inner walls as she knows I likes the best. My pussy opens like a flower to her as hands from behind have completely undressed me, my own hands have not been idle, I have begun addressing her and her bra falls away. Her superb breasts remind me just how beautiful she is as I fondle them and stroke her.

Another hand joins the fingers in my pussy, I take a deep breath, trying to relax my pussy as two sets of 2 fingers begin working back-to-back in tandem fucking me like a very fat cock. then two fingers leave, and for a moment I feel a great sense of loss, but Ana drops to the floor below me and reaching up adds her tongue to the action as well as returning the 2 fingers and I feel wonderfully full again. A finger behind me is now wet with my juices and begins to stroke around the rim of my anus, around and around, teasing me open and pressing for entry.

I gasp at the invasion, but it only serves to heighten the ecstasy of the orgasm I am quickly reaching; it hasn't happened to me this way for a very long time, his finger enters me and probes towards the most sensitive area, giving pleasing feelings higher than the initial discomfort. As I relax, he begins to fuck my arse with his finger which reminds me so much of my lusty history when Ana and I had tried and made sure we enjoyed every new sexual experience we could explore. Ana asks me if I remember their toys from their days together, but I am only able to nod as I am escalating to another shattering orgasm heightened by my completely wanton and perilous behaviour. My legs feel like rubber and Ana, aware of my state, helps me upstairs to the bed and Peter goes off to find the bag of toys in the car.


Come Friday, I decide I'm going to close the office early, send Monica home early for a change, get some champagne and flowers and book a table at an upscale restaurant. I will get home in time to surprise her, romance her and ravish her and then we can celebrate the evening. Perhaps, to save driving we should book into a hotel for more ravishing if we have any energy left, I wondered.
