Consequences Pt. 03B

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Truth or Dare.
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Sanity returns to the Thurlow Household

As Olivia looks up at David with something a little akin to wonder at how his kiss can make everything seem so much better or at least wipe away the guilt she was feeling.

So, Bree is wondering if the dress she is wearing is just a bit too revealing. She admonishes herself, she's a single woman, now. Why shouldn't she show a little flesh? Jane had told her that some hunky young single men were coming to the game, and it made a little tingle run up her spine as some very naughty thoughts ran through her mind. Nope, her mind was made up. She was going to look good. If no one else did, she was absolutely sure David would appreciate her dress. She had heard so many good things about him.

Ben, Mike, and Frank were also dressing and joshing each other about what they were wearing. One thing that they all agreed upon was that Ana, Jane, and Olivia were smoking hot, and they were really looking forward to this chance to meet them again: each savouring their own lascivious private hopes.

Jo, on the other hand, was definitely having second thoughts and wondering what she was letting herself into. She'd heard all kinds of things about these Truth or Dare games, and what she'd heard made her both excited and frightened. Suppose they asked her about her sex life or to take clothing off. Her face went crimson at the thought. "Come on girl," the boys had said, "nothing is ever that bad. Let's have a good time." She'd heard the boys talking about the gorgeous women that were having the get together, and when she looked in the mirror, she just depressed herself. She looked like the pretty girl next door. It didn't help of course that she normally dressed worse than the girl next door, very conservatively would have been a kind description.

One of the boys calls to her asking, "You decent?" Hearing an affirmative, he put his head around the door. "Come on, girl, hurry up. Why aren't you dressed yet?"

"I am dressed!" She explodes.

"Guys, he shouts, come and see what Jo says she's going to wear." They arrive together, all three peering in at her, not yet stepping over the threshold.

"That's what you always wear," says one, and she turns and sticks her tongue out.

Ben, always the more daring of the group, steps into the room and takes command. "Let's have a look," he says, going through her closet. He finishes doing so, looking disgusted. He turns to Mike and says, "You are going to have to bite the bullet. I know she cheated on you, but you are going to have to ask Ver for help. She and Jo are buddies, so I am sure she'll help if you ask nicely and explain what's up." Mike's face drops. Ben continues, "Sorry my friend, we need you to take one for the team."

Fifteen minutes later, Ver arrives with her arms full of clothes. It was fairly obvious why Ben had chosen her, because they were about the same height, and having once seen Jo in bra and panties, he reckoned they were pretty much similar, only Ver didn't cover her figure up nearly as much as Jo did.

Ver enters without a word and walks past the boys arranged along the passageway, giving Mike a firmly placed 'I don't care' look as she passes him. Then she bursts into Jo's bedroom and firmly slams the door to give the three guys a definite 'keep out' message. Half an hour later, the boys are chomping at the bit, they are going to be late if she doesn't get a move on.

Eventually the bedroom door opens, and someone they don't recognize steps out, her head down, wishing she was anywhere but here right now. The guys, colluding as one, move past her to the doorway and say, "Come on, Jo. Hurry up."

Jo does no more than turn around and shout, "You bastards." And clouts them all with her bag.


Back at the Thurlow Home

Back at the Thurlow home, David begins to prepare their furniture and the things they will need for the game. He picks up the Spinning board and takes it to his workshop to give it a quick coat of fast-drying white paint. He stands it on edge, facing away from him, and is fascinated by the workings on the rear. They look very complex for a simple wheel. That should give Olivia something to play with. 'Might keep her out of trouble for a while,' he laughs to himself. 'No chance of that, I hope' he's also pleased to acknowledge.

Going back into the house, he finds dice, a large coin, and a tablecloth to lay across their central occasional table. He plans to place sofas on all four sides, with the table between, and have a comfy chair set off to one side. He then sets up a table with glasses and drinks in a corner of the room. He places small side tables at the ends of the sofas and lamps on the tables.

By now, time is moving on faster than he would like. He glances up to Olivia and a better-looking Jane, who is still enjoying the comfort of Olivia's arms, and the occasional little kiss she gives her face and lips. He says, "I am thinking I should sit on a single seat near the drinks, so that I can keep everyone well topped up. Olivia, if you sit at the other end, you can take charge of the Swing board. I'm thinking if you like that idea, then it's up to you who to put next to you. What do you guys think about your positions? Shall we have Ana on one side and Jane on the other? Can I leave you guys to decide?"

They look at each other conspiratorially--as they seem to do more and more often. "Don't worry yourself about it, David. You just sit down last wherever we leave a space. Like you say, it will probably be the odd seat, but we ladies will have to decide who we'd like to have in touching distance before we get up close and personal." Olivia winks at him lasciviously.

'They are just insatiable,' he decides to himself. 'And I wouldn't change them for anything.'

Getting back to the arrangements, David pulls the curtains, and without thinking, turns off the main light, leaving the room temporarily in darkness. 'Oops,' he thinks. 'Should have put a table lamp on first.' Then he hears giggling from Olivia and Jane and decides to take his time and let them have a few moments.

Guided by his inner map of the room, he very slowly makes his way back to one of the side tables opposite those 2 ladies, He can just make out their shapes, and yep, he's right, they are making out. Turning just one side table on to give soft lighting he sees they are hellbent on 'make-up' sex, quickly pulling shirts off each other now that they can see. Having successfully gotten naked, they both turn to him and crook a finger. He glances at the clock and then thinks, 'What the hell?' and starts ripping his clothes off.

Their sex is needy and hurried. David takes them both as he did at Jane's house, though he is more tender in his lust for them than before. He takes Olivia first while kissing Jane, letting her know that she has nothing to be frightened of. As he plunders his wife's sweet pussy, Jane turns to her and says, "He's making golden seeds today, my love. Squeeze them all out of him. Take them deep and make babies." All absolutely just for fun, of course, but Jane has a strange premonition she can't explain.

Regardless, David has saved his sperm for her, and he brings her to her climax quickly. Then he can at last allow his mind control to relax. Through her spasms she is saying, "Cum in me, David. Cum for me." And she tries hard to tighten her pussy muscles around him, heightening both their senses; hers already on edge from her climax. Her tight grip on him quickly pushes him to the brink and he fucks hard into her, wanting to push his cock deep inside her. She raises and opens her legs as wide as she can possibly go. He pummels down into her, pushing against her clit and going deeper and deeper, hitting against her cervix as he has never done before. Through it all, Olivia hits another unbelievable climax as she sucks him dry of that golden seed.

Lying there, bathed in the aftermath of bliss and heat, they hold each other. The three together bathe in the warm feelings they have. Suddenly David's eyes shoot open. "Ladies, quick it must be getting very late and look at us."

Olivia smiles contentedly, unflustered. She could never get enough of this. "Don't worry, my Darling, leave the last few chores down here for us and go and wake Ana nicely."

He can't help reminding her, "Don't forget that spinner. There's something different about it that you will want to understand."

David gathers fresh water and enters the bedroom quietly. Olivia has drawn the curtains so Ana can sleep, so he takes his time feeling his way around the bed. He places the water on the side table and places some soft kisses on her face. Feeling her begin to stir, he reaches to the bedside light and turns it on to its low setting, then stands up to look down and admire the parts of her shapely body that are not fully covered. Eventually, she stirs again, and her arms search the bed for Olivia's body. "Come here kitten," she moans, "and let me stroke your fur."

All of a sudden, her eyes catch sight of the tall outline of a big man in the shadows. She squeals, sitting bolt upright, hard against the headboard with the sheet pulled tight up under her chin.

"Oh oh,' thinks David. 'What have I discovered about her,' not realising that she hasn't yet identified him. He does however realise she is frightened and seeks to calm her. "It's ok little one. It's just David." Her eyes still look haunted.

"Olivia sent me up to bring you some water and wake you, as it's getting late." Her eyes look everywhere in the room--as if she is frightened of something. 'What do I do now?' he searches his mind. 'She must be in some kind of shock.' He decides to open the curtains to bring in the full light of day. This seems to be the right thing, as her mind now realises where she is and why.

Ana looks down for a while, as if she is remembering. Then having done so, she seems to gather her senses. At last, she looks up at David and smiles. "I'm sorry, David, I was startled for a while." He comes down to his knees beside the bed and kisses her again, just sweetly, trying to make her feel better.

"You know," he says, "You and I have things to talk about."

She feigns ignorance. "Really? Like what?"

"Well, I sense that you don't feel comfortable."

"Ohh really?" she hedges.

"As an educated guess, I wonder whether you're not too sure if you're welcome here? Would that be possible, do you think?"

"Well, maybe," she allows.

"I think it's a bit more than maybe," he pressed.

Her eyes turn down. "Well, it's true, isn't it?"

"Well," says David, "let me tell you how I see it."

"Ahah," she allows.

David continues, "We have a bit of a difficult situation here. Jane has come to us for refuge and she and Olivia are--against the odds, I might say--building a tight bond between them. I can't figure it out, but life is sometimes strange."

David continues, "Then, this beautiful lady," as he is looking at her, "who also has a bond with Olivia--in fact, almost a lifetime bond--comes to stay. Now, I use the term 'bond' here very loosely, because your bonds are very different, and the time that has elapsed since you and Olivia were together is significant."

He collects his thoughts then continues, "Don't forget, I've seen you together with Olivia, and I know how much you mean to her. I have also watched her with Jane. I think Olivia has such a big heart that there is room enough for both of you. What's important is that it is different for each of you, so it's always special to each one. I know she loves me in a different way to either of you."

She looks at him and intercedes saying, "I am very, very jealous of you, David, but she doesn't love me as much as I had hoped she did. I'm sorry. I can't help it. Sometimes it creates a kind of blackness in me that is overwhelming, but I don't want to hate you. I want you to welcome me and like me. But it hurts, and I'm a bit jealous of Jane, too. Although, I'm not quite sure what their relationship might be based on."

David looks down at her with sorrow etched deeply across his face. For Olivia's sake he wants to like this woman, but she makes it so damned difficult. He pulls her to him and arranges herself on his lap--like the little girl she once was. On an inkling that came out of nowhere he changed the subject slightly, asking, "What happened to you Ana, when you were a girl at home?"

She looks up startled, "How do you know? What do you know?"

"Ohh! I have these magic powers," he laughs. "Today, I've also got magic sperm, according to Jane." Her face changes from anxiously searching his face to a smile that lights up her beauty.

She studies him intently for a few seconds, then seems to make up her mind with a shake of her head. "You, me, and maybe Jane. we all love Olivia, don't we?"

"Yes, we do. How could anyone not love her. She is the light of my life and I suspect that you're now coming to your senses. You have realised that she is yours, too. But I am not sure you're the settling down devoted type of person. You have a huge capacity for what life has to offer, and if truth be told, you probably want both. Am I near the mark?"

She smiles at him, admitting that he is near the mark. "How about this, You and I have our own little bond. You can come to me anytime and I'll be there for you. You can tell me your confidences and your dark secrets. I won't think badly of you, I promise, but everyone needs someone else they can share their burden with. In return, I will make you as welcome as I possibly can in my family. I am kind of repeating myself, but I promise that you are very welcome. We are just going through a testing time where we are all finding out about each other. I will always be here, Ana, if you promise to be honest with me. It hurts me to give my wife to you. It always will because you have a past between you that I am not part of. But I'll try to hide it. I think Jane somehow knows because she comes to me when she knows I am hurting."

Ana looks at him with new eyes, like for the first time she is seeing this kind man. 'Why haven't I seen him before,' she asks herself. But she knows the answer, and it doesn't need saying, it's blindingly obvious.

"I understand and give you my bond, but what you asked at the beginning is shut away deep. So, I still have to ask you to keep it a secret. Maybe it might be ok to tell Olivia, because in a way, I would rather you tell her than have to tell her myself. I just couldn't bear to see her face when I told her, so yes, do that for me please David, and I will tell you first."

Over the next minutes she, which seem to David to grow longer and longer as his anger grows to such a boiling point he wants to hit something, she recounts her harrowing story from when she was a child. How back then her mom was a single mother, her mom used to show her off letting the men have glimpses of her body. Sometimes she would hear her mum and the men rutting in the bedroom next to hers but sometimes they would come to her room. She would be asleep, and they would touch her or make a noise and she would wake and look up and there would be the shadow of a man. He would come to her bed, and he would also stroke her, and he would make her touch him and then he would lie beside her and....she tailed off, the memory of all those years ago becoming too much.

At this point Ana broke down, clinging to him. He hugged her back, his whole body wanting to crush the men who had done this to her. He found himself crying uncontrollably, hugging her so tightly he must have been hurting her. He wanted to kill her mom and kill those men, throttling them all to death to give her some kind of healing. But as sanity returns, he knows he has to devote his angry energy towards letting her talk about this as often as she can, maybe convince her to see a specialist. He made up his mind to make it his goal to find an excellent specialist. He would deal with the problem of getting them together when he finds the right person. He knew Olivia would help.

Then out of the moment, she giggles, shocking him out of thoughts of retribution.

"What?" he asks.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you," she teases.

"Maybe I'll put you over my knee," he jokes.

"Ahhh you guessed!" David has no idea.

"Maybe I'll tell you some of it. There was this one man, I liked him better than the others. He used to tell me that I'd been naughty. I was always naughty of course, but I wasn't going to tell him that. Anyway, he used to say, 'If you don't tell me, I'm going to put you over my knees.' And then he did. He would bend me over, pull my skirt up and then my knickers down. Then he would punish me to try to tell him what I had done. He used to do all kinds of things, but he didn't really hurt me or hide himself in the dark.

A light bulb goes off in his head. 'That's it, could it be her kink?' He thinks and then totally against the awful mood, a really naughty smile creeps across his face. "What?" she asks looking up at his smile.

"Ohh just something, if you're naughty again," he teases.

Her eyes searched his and a heat begins to grow around her groin, starting from her clit and winding its way through her, as her imagination started to go wild. An equally salacious grin crossed her face, and she bit her lower lip in anticipation, her bad memories lost for now.

They both banked their lusty thoughts somewhere within easy access, sooner rather than later. David was inclined to throw her on the bed and give her some of his golden seed, but good sense eventually won over. They needed to get ready, and fast.

David heads off to wash up and get himself dressed, where he finds Olivia and Jane trying to get ready. So, he does the sensible thing, grabs some clothes and heads to another room as quickly as possible, to get out of their way. He just says, "It's fine to go in the other bedroom if you need anything. Ana is probably in the shower by now."

Olivia and Jane stop what they are doing and look at each other, but shake their heads--slightly disappointed, and get back to what they have to do. 'Jeeze,' thinks David, 'the sexual high in this house is palpable. I'm going to have to watch what I say, or nothing will ever get done.' He wonders whether anyone coming into the house would sense it.

At just after 6:00, Bree breezes in, bringing extra sexual tension with her. She is most definitely dressed to kill. David has gone to the door to greet her and finds himself struggling not to let his eyes roam all over her body. Getting a grip on himself, he tries to look her in the eyes, but in the moment realises he has caught her doing the same, and she blushes beautifully. As he leads her into the living room, he hears some intakes of breath, and he lets her bathe in their admiration before introducing her to his ladies. Somehow, he now thought of all of them as 'his' ladies. 'Whatever next?' he wondered. Gratefully, he passes Bree into their care and by the looks on their faces, he could have stopped the number of visitors at that point. They were obviously very taken with her.

About 10 minutes later, He breathes a sigh of relief as there's another knock on the door. He looks upon 3 presentable guys, all with nice features that make them attractive to the fairer sex. He is tempted to look at their crotches to try and name them but decided that was way too weird. He ushers them in and spots a little waif of a girl seemingly trying to somehow make herself disappear.

He put on what he thought was his most winning smile and said, "Hi, you must be the lovely Jo."

She slightly unstiffened and tried a weak smile back. "I am, sir."

"I'm nobody's 'sir'" he said, "I am David, your 'gofer' for the night."

At last, she smiles properly and he is entranced. She is really pretty when she smiles. "What's a 'gopher'?" she asks. "Isn't that some kind of animal?"