Consequences Pt. 03C


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He crooks a finger at her and she sidles slowly forward, frightened of what he might do. He draws her close, bends into her and kisses her thoroughly with a full embrace. She swoons in his arms.

Bob chimes in, "It's right what they said, he is a damned sex Olympian. Lock up your wives and daughters everyone."

"I want some of what she had," says a female voice.

"Me too," says another.

"Line up here ladies, we are auditioning," says another joker.

As this last part of the discussion is going on, the older policeman has been standing beside David, listening. David does no more than turn to the officer and asks, "What do you think? Guilty or not Guilty?"

There is an uproar of "Guilty" from the growing crowd who have increased in numbers as people spill out of the bar.

"Put them in Stocks," suggests one with a healthy imagination.

"Stick them in the Cells," says someone else.

"Can I get locked up with them?" asks another.

Not having long left before he is pensionable, the officer thinks, 'What the heck.' And says, "Guilty I'd say."

"So what's the punishment for gross mental abuse and infidelity? And there must be other crimes here." David asks, "Perjury maybe, destroying a man's self-esteem?"

There's a chant of "D I V O R C E," Tammy Wynette style, from their audience.

Ignoring the chant, the officer continues the theme loudly so the women can hear. "Do you want to file charges on these 5 women, sir?"

"Certainly, officer, a night in the cells might do them good. And there's a few here that want to keep them company."

Behind them, the other officer is providing backup and standing manfully. Bree's hands have wandered into his pants and he's trying hard to keep an erect posture. The Drunks notice and shout, "How about causing bodily harm to an officer? That erection has got to be an offence. It's got to be worth another night in the cooler."

"For him or for her?" shout the other Onlookers, as they also make their opinions clear and call for a stiff sentence.

The officer whispers to David, "If I were you lad, I'd get home quick while you're ahead."

David hops into the passenger seat, with Bree falling on top of him, and the other ladies follow very quickly. Bree does a lot of butt shifting, and supposedly reaches under to pull the back of her skirt down, but finds that it is a lot more difficult than usual and takes rather a long time. An obstruction gets in the way that she needs to move somewhere more comfortable and he lifts his hips to help. They are still fidgeting 5 minutes later when they arrive home.

As they walk towards the house, Bree whispers to Jane, "I see what you mean, very fulfilling." Jane is genuinely speechless.


Inauguration of DSL inc or DS?

The ladies file into the kitchen for an inaugural meeting of the DSL or David's Sexy Ladies. Soon to be called something far more scathing by David, substituting for the word sexy, although he can't make up his mind whether it should be just DS (David's Sluts). But for now he makes his way to the bedroom from whence he'd come earlier and makes it known that he's sleeping alone with a loud bang of the door.

Sitting around the table with the coffee machine burbling nicely in the background, Ana opens proceedings by mentioning that she has to fly to New York in the morning and is leaving early. She makes Olivia and Jane, with David hopefully, promise to come to see her the following weekend, and she promises to take them around to see the sights. Jo offers to drop Ana at the airport which is gratefully accepted. Olivia, watching on, thinks Jo is determined she wants to be with them all.

So the ladies chat and joke about being in a sisterhood, and eventually Bree, sobering up a little, asks, "So, what's the qualification for being in the sisterhood?"

Jane proffers an answer, "Well, how about we all have a thing about David in our own way. You all seem to love having him there watching over you, making sure you're ok. I noticed you all asked his permission on what you wanted to do and accepted his conditions, except Olivia. And he made sure everyone understood."

"Of course our leader," she says, turning to Olivia, "was helpful with her rotation of the spinner too. I thought the evening went really well."

"I can't argue with that," Bree puts in. "My old man is history and so is my invitation from Peter to New York. I'm having too much fun."

The mention of Peter leads to a discussion about him, on what he'd been up to and the consequences that seemed to follow him around.

Getting back on track Bree asks, "Any other qualifications?" Jane, Ana, and Olivia look at each other and laugh.

"You have to have a kink," suggests Jane.

"Do you guys have kinks?" Jo asks, already knowing some of the possible answers but wanting to hear it from them.

"Ohh yes," says Jane, inexplicably feeling proud of hers but also realising she might open a can of worms.

"So what counts as a kink? What do you guys have?" Jo follows up.

Jane colours somewhat and says, "Mine is size!"

"How do you mean?" asks Bree, with a good idea of what she means but wanting to hear Jane say it anyway.

"I have this thing for Big Cocks," Jane blurts out.

"Real ones or fake ones?" Asks Jo.

"Both," says Jane.

"Well, I like the sound of that kink," says Bree, now more interested.

"Get your own kink," laughs Jane.

"How about you, Olivia?"

Olivia isn't quite sure what to say.

Ana, realising that David isn't around, decides to tell her tale from University but first says, "I think her Kink is boys. She likes ones who are legal but young looking, slim, hairless and virginal. She probably likes virgin girls too," Ana adds, giving Jo a devouring look that made Jo's pussy tingle.

Olivia is somewhat taken aback, since she hadn't thought about it. Her answer would have been 'teasing David,' making him jealous and very randy but she was worried about that at the moment. Olivia decided that truthfully she rather liked anything badly behaved or naughty and said as much.

"Ohh my," Jane says, "I think I agree."

"And you, Ana?" asks Jane.

"Well, I have a problem, I have lots of kinks. You name it, I like it. She laughs at herself a little bitterly. You know David came to see me today to save me from a nightmare. I think that's what you might call it. I hadn't really paid much attention to him until then. We had a cuddle, but Olivia is always my first. Anyway, he held me and made me feel better and then surprised me by picking me up, still holding me close, and sat me on his lap."

"We talked and shared confidences and secrets and we felt really close. I felt some of what you get, Olivia, and I desperately wanted some of that, someone who really cared." Ana is starting to tear up, as are her audience so she adds, "But I think he's working me out and will find my kink, and I want him to because he cares enough." She sniffles a little. Olivia finds herself unreasonably annoyed by David's affinity to Ana in this story but does the right thing and reaches to put her hand over Ana's, and the others follow suit.

Ana needs a moment so asks, "What about you Bree, do you know what yours is?"

"I don't know," she replies, thinking about it. "I sure do like putting a hand inside a man's shorts, but is that a kink?"

"We all saw the Officer's face," they say, laughing, and Ana follows up, "We all like that!"

And the laughter doesn't stop. "I haven't tried yet," a quiet voice says.

"Well you're under orders to do so. It's the best way to get a man under control," a louder voice instructs.

"You know, now that I'm a part of this sisterhood, I think I will." says Jo.

"Choose wisely though," her advisor says. "You don't want them to think they can do anything like it themselves, this is a female-only right."

To which the ladies fool about laughing.

Ana is not about to let Bree off the hook. "And you were saying, Bree?"

"Well, let me think. There's definitely some things I haven't tried, and they are high on my list. I haven't tried pussy yet, or butt stuff or multiple partners or doing stuff in public places. There's so much!"

Jane, Olivia, and Ana exchange a look and Jane says, "You've definitely come to the right place for all of that." And again the laughter rings out. "Is there anything you've seen or heard that gets your juices flowing?"

"Well I always get the urge when I see tight buns, male or female. I have this urge to want to grope them, but that's not unusual either."

"We'll work it out," Ana smiles. "For now, your groping fetish will do."

"Sooo, Jo," says Jane, taking the lead while Olivia appears lost in melancholy thought, "as the youngest of our new sisterhood, and probably, no, definitely the most inexperienced, any ideas about yours?"

"I have enough problems deciding which sex I like best, male or female," she blushes. "Oh dear, I shouldn't have said that."

"Of course you can, darling," says Olivia, putting her arm around Jo. "You've heard everyone else telling their secrets, so come on now, relax, you're in the company of people who care."

Jo stammers slightly, "Well," looking at Olivia, "I was so excited when you said I was coming to bed with you and David together. I was so wet and then you licked me and I... I thought I was going to explode. Then you stopped and I thought you were teasing me. I was so excited. Can I have threesomes or more-somes as a kink? I'm getting tingly just thinking about it now!"

"I call that wishful thinking," put in Ana, "but I think 'Moresomes' should be part of the sisterhood motto." No one contradicts her but there's a lot of thinking going on about who would make up a fun moresome.

Jo is on a roll and continues, "Maybe my kink is older men and women. I mean, you're both older than me and I don't like boys of my own age at all, I just hide from them."

"Do you know why you're shy?" Olivia asks, taking Jo's hand. "Do people say unkind things to you?"

"Well, my mom and dad always wanted me to be something special, but I'm not. I'm not good at girly things, or sports, or any subject at school. I'm just me, so I keep out of everyone else's way."

"Come here," says Olivia, and squeezes Jo on her lap. "I think you're very special, and I know David does because he told me."

"He did?"

"Yes, honestly."

"Didn't you spend time with him after the game ended?"

Jo decides to stay mum about what happened with David until she has time to talk to him.

"It was just unlucky that things didn't go as planned," Olivia winked at Jo conspiratorially. "And you know why, so I don't want to bring it up again tonight."

"Are you going to tell David?" Jo asks.

"We'll first have to see how he is, don't you think?" Olivia says cautiously, knowing that she had far overstepped the mark. The others look at her and their unsaid words say that she doesn't have a choice.

"Ladies," Jane asks, "will we accept lusting after older men and women as a temporary kink for now?" They all smile and wink at her.

Olivia whispers in Jo's ear, "Want to come to bed with me to help me forget my worries? In the morning you can go and wake him up nicely. How does that sound?."

Jo nods vigorously, she had begun to lose hope of being in their family.

Olivia wasn't really thinking that far ahead. Three was already a lot and she had to first resolve her own problems.

Jo sees her face and leans back to whisper, "It will all be ok. He loves you so much. I hope someone loves me as much someday." Olivia is so touched and guilty that she finds herself slightly out of control and struggles to keep back tears.

"I really hope you're right," she replies. Jo reaches to put her hand in Olivia's lap and squeezes her inner thigh. Olivia puts her hand on Jo's, but after a while Jo's small hand moves a little bit higher. 'Oh my,' thinks Olivia, 'what a few hours in this house can do. She was so shy when she arrived.' Jo's hand slides a little higher. 'But how she's come on!' The other ladies smirk a few moments later when Olivia lets out a sigh as Jo reaches her target.

Not long after that, the ladies get their biggest surprise yet. David suddenly arrives through the door. He looks like he's not long out of the shower. His hair looks slightly damp and tousled. He's wearing only his usual bedtime boxer shorts. Bare chested, his abs look good, his arm muscles are well defined, and his legs look strong. There is a concerted biting of lower lips. "Good evening, ladies," he says with a beatific smile, as if nothing else had happened all day. "I just realised that I ought to take a photo or 3 of you all for your inaugural record. What do you say?"

As one, the ladies look at what they are wearing and then each other. Most seem to prefer looking at David's abs. There are no objections, so he lifts up what he is holding. "These, ladies, are the new sisterhood uniform for weekends." He raises them for all to see. He has 5 large white men's shirts; all his own. "My thinking, purely selfishly of course, is this is all you'll be wearing, maybe with panties if special circumstances arise."

Nobody knows quite what to say, so they all look at their chairwoman, Olivia. "Well, I've no objections," she says. "I'll be in heat all day looking at the outfits too, so it's not just David's fantasy." There's a fair bit of laughing at that. They can see the benefits.

David continues, "So ladies, here's what I think we could do. First, let's get you posed in your current clothes, looking ladylike and demure, perhaps posed around the couch. Then I'd like some bra and panties shots. And finally, shots with you wearing your new uniforms. We'll see how you feel about those, as my imagination will be pretty active once we get to the underwear stage. A man's shirt on a woman with nothing else is pretty near the top of my fantasy list, well for women's clothing anyway. Do I have to have a kink too?"

The ladies start to wonder how long David had been listening to their meeting.

"Yes, David," they agree. "What kink shall we give him, ladies?" asks Jane.

While they are thinking about it, David bends at the waist to get his camera from the low cupboard behind him. With his butt nicely displayed, shorts tight against his buns, there is a palpable intake from all 5 ladies at once. For a few minutes David rustles around, making the search last as long as possible. After looking in the wrong cupboard, he tries another. All the women's eyes are looking in the same direction as he takes the camera and turns to face them. At this point in time he could probably have got them to do pretty much anything, but gives them his most charming smile and motions for everyone to go into the lounge. As he sets himself up opposite the couch it is noticeable that several hands accidentally touch his butt as they go by.

He is deciding that he might enjoy this evening after all. The ladies sit 3 abreast on the couch. All but Jo take turns in that position, with the others on their laps or on the floor or on the sofa arms. Jo always seems to be sitting on someone's lap with a hand finding its way between her legs. The older ladies are delighting in teasing her and there are several squeals of pleasure as their fingers hit the right spot. She has flowered so much during the course of her visit, and the ladies are all delighted with her wanting to enjoy them touching and teasing her. Jo seems to throw herself into being the centre of attention, with great delight.

Olivia senses that this could be the first time Jo has ever had so much attention, and the sexual tension makes it even better. Her imagination thinks, 'Now, all we need is another male for us to play with.' Her naughty mind wanders to Daniel. 'Would the ladies all like him? That would be essential.' Her mind gets stuck on imagining him also moving from one lap to another, at having his cock surrounded and stroked by a new hand. 'We could train him to keep himself hard. What a dirty mind I have tucked away inside my head,' she decides, then thinks foolishly, 'I wonder how I can persuade David. I'll have to start working on him. In the meantime, perhaps I should sound him out or something.'

Then she comes back to reality and remembers how much trouble she is in, and wonders what is keeping his explosion contained. His good mood right now is worrying. Waiting for the hammer to fall scares her.

Back to what's happening outside of Olivia's fantasy, David sees what's going on with Jo and makes sure to highlight the scenes. He motions the ladies to get her legs nicely spread for the camera. Jo seems oblivious, like an accidental star of a show. Even Bree, who is throwing herself fully into this new experience with gusto, becomes aware of the behind-the-scenes action and joins in, allowing Jo and the others to reciprocate.

Once David has organised as many poses as he can devise and his models have thrown themselves from position to position, He says, "New members, it's time to get down to undies."

Olivia, Ana, and Jane cheer and clap to encourage them. First Bree, being the more comfortable of the two, starts her slow undress, undoing zips and pulling the sleeves down then shimmying the dress off, jiggling, and stroking her arms across a fine pair of breasts. "Anything else?" she asks demurely from under her hooded eyebrows. She seems turned on doing a strip for her friends.

"Yes please," the others say.

"Later," says David.

Next it's Jo's turn, who has become suddenly shy, so the others decide to give her a hand--or several hands. Their 8 hands flow up and down her body, stroking and coaxing gently, making her feel comfortable and good about herself. Of course the hands make her feel even more horny, and somehow they slip down zips and undo buttons as part of their performance. Before she knows it, she only has her bra and panties left.

"Now it's the third virgin member, Ana," says David.

She looks up, trying to work out how long it has been since she lost her virginity. She looks at David with questioning eyes, but Olivia answers for him, "You're a virgin member because I wouldn't let him fuck you."

"Until now," says David with emphasis, making a point.

"Ooooooh," says Ana, "that is a relief. I thought maybe I'd been doing it wrong all this time." Everyone falls about laughing. Ana puts on a virtuoso strip performance and would have been naked had she not been reminded of the underwear shots. David didn't actually say anything, but their eyes met in understanding.

David got them to repeat some of their previous poses, everyone finding it even easier to finger and stroke Jo, keeping her on the very edge of climaxing. It wasn't long before her face was bright red and she was panting. David let them have free rein then because they were enjoying falling on top of each other, taking liberties, kissing, and as many silly things as they could think of.

Poor Jo had started uttering and moaning, "Oooohhhh, please don't stop." But the ladies were unmerciful. They were all having too great a time. It was very late, but no one cared. As much as anything they were enjoying their sisterhood, the friendship, the personal attention, and just belonging to a fun group.

Inside, despite his feelings from earlier in the day, David was taking huge joy from watching them delight in their newfound camaraderie and free friendship, as well as the pleasure from their activities--which was definitely having an effect on his enclosed part. The enlargement did not go unnoticed by his models, resulting in even more lascivious behaviour as they tried to make him fill out his shorts.

Eventually it was time for the shirts. "Shall we go upstairs," he suggested. As it seemed like a good idea, the ladies made their way up. Olivia takes the bull by the horns and asks the ladies to give her and David a hand moving a bed. They move it next to the bed in the largest room and push them together, spreading the sheets to overlap. This provides a great space to pose on and settles any questions of who sleeps with whom.