Consequences Pt. 03D


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In my drawer I had a strapless dildo that I thought was as close to matching Daniel's penis as I had seen in the online catalogues. I just hoped it didn't backfire on me. As I was unwrapping it David returned to the room with his camera, the naughty boy, but I trusted him. And once that was out of my mind, the thought of being photographed in naughty positions brought a little exhibitionist out in me. My mind diverted momentarily then to Bree, who seemed to delight in performing for the camera. I wonder if it was a little kink?

David stood beside me, looking at the toy as I was about to put one end inside me. I asked whether he recognised the fake cock, but he didn't answer. His eyes spoke volumes, though. He didn't like what he was looking at because he recognised it. Unfortunately, I probably shouldn't have smirked because it sent the completely wrong message, but I was delighted with myself for having got the right one.

He seemed to rise above it though, and I thought he had similar thoughts to mine because he nodded solemnly and moved away to watch me put it inside myself. I couldn't help myself from the next part, I raised the toy and put my end of it in my mouth to lick and suck it. I see his eyes boring into me and I am so bad to him I can't help it. Then I deep throated the long end to get him really warmed up, and finally, I pushed my end inside my already wet pussy, pushing it blatantly in and out of me to warm it up; but mainly to torment David.

In truth it didn't take but seconds for my little preliminary act before I turned back to the main event. I sought Olivia's attention, saying, "Surprise, Mrs Thurlow, I bet you weren't expecting me." Trying to put on a more masculine voice.

Her eyes are still shut, so she says, "Is that you, Daniel. Where are you?"

"Open your eyes and take a look," I allow. I'm standing beside the bed with my 'cock' at eye level. Her eyes open and her head turns, looking for me.

Then her eyes found her 'prize.' "Ohh wow, you really are here," her voice says. But there's a different tone to it, a breathless husky tone I hadn't heard before. I wonder again whether I am doing the right thing and decide it's too late to stop now.

Her hand reaches out to touch and stroke it and she says, "Is that all for me?" in that same voice.

"Of course. Especially if you're a good girl and tell me what's happening." I need her to speak her fantasy out loud for me to follow.

"I will. I will. Are you going to put that inside me?"


"Oh my, you won't cum in me will you?"

"I'll try not to."

"Oh dear, I have to send my David a message or he'll be angry with me."

I reach for her phone and hand it to her, then take it back after she has played out her role. I look across to him. He stands the phone on the side, recording the sound. This surprises me, so I raise a questioning eyebrow and he smirks in reply.

Her monologue continues and it is more than I was expecting. She is really living the fantasy. 'Shit,' I say to myself. David looks at me as I turn back, and he nods. Meanwhile, Olivia has slid down the bed and is on her knees. "I'm on my knees, in the Kitchen," she says. "You come up behind me and suddenly I can feel your fingers on my pussy, stroking through the fabric. You have very gentle hands, just rubbing up and down my lips." I follow her instructions. David quickly hands me a small piece of clothing that I grudgingly drape across her beautiful round derriere and then start to stroke, as Daniel was supposed to. "Ohh yes, that feels good," she says while pushing her pussy harder against my probing fingers.

She says, "You reach around to unclip my shorts while the other hand continues to take liberties." I imagine the shorts loosen and fall, and her pussy is there for me to adore. I want to caress and stroke her, lick and suck and probe with my tongue. I feel for David, now clicking his camera. This must be soooo frustrating for him. My fingers go back to working as they were before, but skin on skin as I remove the covering. My imagination had served me well, but now she is wet and puffy, wanting to be taken. I decided to take control and sink my strapless into her without preamble. She gives off a huge groan of pleasure as her imagined fantasy comes to fruition. Then, as I push the dildo back and forth-taking my own satisfaction from being on top-she races to a heightened climax. "I'm coming. I'm coming," I say. She does nothing but say, "Come for me, baby! Come for me! Push your seed deep inside my naughty pussy."

David watches with a mixture of fascination and rising anger, the anger to be stored somewhere deep.


Bree relates her first days

Tuesday came and went without a noticeable incident. The boys weren't available this week so Jane went with Bree to help make a start sorting her house out. She still hadn't made her mind up how to go forward as a part of it was down to whether David and Olivia would welcome her into their house. She would much prefer to be part of their vibrant family, but they hadn't known each other for more than a couple of days. Bree decided to chat with Jane about her dilemma. She felt somehow confident that she could talk to her friend, even though she seemed very close to David and Olivia.

Around 11:00 we stopped for a coffee break, and I decided that now was my best chance.

"Jane," I said, "can I talk to you in confidence?"

"I suppose so, Bree. We have known each other for a while through parties and gatherings."

"I thought so," I said. "My problem is a bit similar to yours. I am not sure what to do next and I need time to think. I am very happy that we've decided to begin a business together. It's exciting stepping forward into a new world, and I can't wait to get started."

"I agree," said Jane, allowing me to move the subject on.

"My problem is this place. I don't want to be on my own, rattling around in this big house, getting grumpy and lonely. That's just not me." Jane smiled in agreement but let me carry on. I was trying to get to the point but afraid of rejection even from her. "The thing is," I said tentatively, "I was wondering if David and Olivia might let me stay at their house. I'd try to pull my weight and not be any trouble."

Jane's face lit up. "Why don't you ask Olivia herself. She really is a wonderful person." Besides, you silly billy, why do you think they pushed two beds together and are looking out for one big enough for six," Jane finished with a reassuring smile.

I needed a bit more convincing. "But, I don't know whether they have other people?" I said hopefully.

Jane laughed and said, "At the present rate of our sisterhood's expansion, who knows how many there might be. I am pretty sure that Jo will join, because David and Olivia are pretty hung up on her. Come to think of it, we all are."

My face must have lit up at that. "I do like her and love to tease and tempt her. She is such fun."

Jane smiled indulgently, and said, "Me too, and I think she might be special for all of us. She keeps hinting at joining, but Olivia and I have talked about her. We don't want her to make a rushed decision. We'd like to let her in slowly, make her feel loved and wanted, but also let her get used to us so that when she finally moves in she will do so knowing all the facts."

"I suspect that she will come to us most nights and weekends anyway. She will at least want her share of David, and will start sneaking clothes across from her room as soon as she can; she does seem determined. Do you think you could take her under your wing, when needed?" asked Jane.

My heart swelled when Jane said that, because there was so much to interpret from those last words-an assumption that I would be there and a trust that I would take responsibility.

Jane continued, "Let's pull together some of your things and put them in the car. You can ask Olivia tonight and then we'll move you in," she finished with a wink. "Your biggest problem will be finding somewhere to store your stuff until work in the main bedroom is finished. Some of my stuff is still in boxes." With an afterthought she finished, "The builders are supposed to be coming this afternoon. Let's see if we can get back in time to check them out." Then she smiled conspiratorially.

Looking around me, I had doubts, but I had a goal and it helped a lot. I had to get my stuff together as quickly as possible! I hoped I had enough cases and boxes.

Later, towards the end of day, the builders did turn up. David got delayed at the office, but Olivia finished up her meeting with David and Monica and made it home, with time to spare. Two guys arrived, and Olivia was to take them to the bedroom, with Jane close behind (Of course we'd made it!).

I turned to the coffee machine and checked what I could get for the guys. The way they looked at me had nothing to do with drinking and a lot to do with eating - me! My heart gave a little flutter because-although they weren't my type-a girl loves to be appreciated and, dare I say, lusted after.

Jo arrived a little later, carrying an armful of her things, and I rushed to help her. "Come with me," I whispered, "Let's find us both a nice place of our own." She looked at me questioningly for a moment, and I said, "I'm to be your guardian angel, my lovely." Her face burst into a wide grin. I was so pleased, having been again fearful of rejection. But of course she was surprised and just needed a little reassurance. I think that what I said made her realise that she was welcome there, and that someone was going to make sure she was ok. We found storage places in one of the bedrooms, and spare items stayed in boxes we stored in the basement. First chance I got I told Olivia and Jane, and they agreed without question.

At the earliest opportunity, I took Olivia aside for a chat. I brought wine to help seal the deal I hoped for. She didn't even wait for me to ask, as she must have read my expression, or more likely she's just a very fine lady-I think the latter. She just nodded her head, "You've got your storage space for now, and there should be much more once the builders have finished."

Olivia continued, "If you don't want to leave stuff in your house you might want to consider one of those store places where you hire a container. They are fairly big, I think. I suspect you won't be the only one needing it. I expect Ana will want to bring some stuff or buy extra things down here. And I don't think it will be long before Jo moves in. I feel like I'm losing the battle with her. She's made up her mind and won't be delayed."

She continued in the same vein, "What do you think, Bree? I am very tempted to give in." Olivia asked.

"I expect Jane has already told you, but I've been deputised to be Jo's Guardian Angel and I've made a small start just now. To be honest, I think you're just delaying the inevitable. She may change over time, but you could say the same for me or Ana." Her eyebrow raised at that in question. "Yes, I think Jo's here, for good," I replied.

Olivia smiled at that, as if it was what she hoped to hear. And I was relieved to get it right. Maybe she'd feel the same about me one day, or maybe someone would come along. Who knows? I was certainly enamoured with being part of this family, especially since it had come along just when I needed it.

Olivia sighed, "OK, are we good then?"

I smiled and just said "Yes, thank you."

She took a deep breath and asked if David was in yet. I said I'd thought I'd heard his voice but I'd check.

"Will you ask David and Jane to come see me? And when they come out, will you send Jo down? If there's any change I'll make sure Jane lets you know, but I just want to check that they are happy with Jo joining, before I tell her.

I smiled again and said, "Of course." Then I gave her a huge hug.


Olivia talks about her growing 'family'

I knew that Jane would be happy for Jo to join us, as we'd discussed it on more than one occasion. And I knew that David really liked her, but I felt that they deserved to be consulted. I also needed to keep them up to speed on Bree joining us, although again it had already been discussed. Finally, we could bring David up to speed about the works.

They came and went, happy with everything. I think that both had long since adopted Jo and it was just a matter of when, rather than if.

Given our increased 'family' size, I had asked the builders for improved storage schemes for all the bedrooms to accommodate lady things. It was no problem, and the builders went away to calculate materials and labour costs. It hadn't taken long, but they seemed to be professional-in that they took detailed measurements and specifications on top of what I had already given them.

When Jo came down, I looked at her face and felt for her. She sat opposite me in our office and looked across at me pensively saying, "You wanted to see me?"

I felt like a headmistress for heaven's sake. Although, my wicked self said, 'putting her over my knee is not a bad idea at all!' Pulling myself together I asked, "Have you really given a lot of thought to what moving in with us would entail?"

"I haven't thought of anything else all day. My boss kept asking me if I was ok."

'Ohh dear,' I thought. 'It's worse than I imagined.'

"Right," I said, "if you move in, you'll need to help with the chores. There will be lots of help, so decide now what you would prefer to help with, maybe the garden or cooking or washing or cleaning. It's up to you. We just want everyone to pull their weight, so there's no griping. I'll ask you to contribute towards our day-to-day costs. If you tell me how much things are costing you now, I'll see if we can't make sure it's not more. Hopefully because we are all sharing it should be less. You're our family now, so I want you to feel relaxed and happy with us all."

At the last statement, Jo leapt out of her chair and crashed into my arms and onto my lap, kissing me and repeating, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

What could I do but indulge her! After having kissed the girl thoroughly and allowing my hands to wander over every detail of her body (and she a lot of mine), we came up for air and I tried to bring back some sense of propriety, some hope! In between her kisses I tried to run over everything else she needed to know, and hopefully some of it got through. As my hand was back exploring between her thighs I was interrupted by a knock on my office door. David's face came around the door, took one look and said,

"Need any help?"

"Yes," I said, "carry her up to bed. She needs to go through our initiation ceremony."

His eyebrow went up for a moment, and asked, "Me too?"

"Of course, you big oaf. Let's get her upstairs and fuck her senseless! The poor girl is desperate!"

As we made our way upstairs he asked me, "The same as Jane?"

"Yep," I said nonchalantly. "We can't have favouritism."

"What about Bree?" He whispered.

"Ohh, she's going to be icing on the cake. But I want to think of something special for her, the same ceremony but just something a little different. In the meantime, I want to tease her about it some. With a bit of luck, Jo is about to scream the place down, and Bree will be wondering what is happening to her."

David laughed heartily. "Sounds like fun," he said.

"I'm thinking of roping Jane in, too, so that we can keep her going for a long, long, time. Let me know what you think."

"I will," said David.

We started slowly, teasing Jo's body from tip to toe, giving special attention to her erogenous zones so that we gradually brought her to her peak and kept her holding there. I turned to David and asked, "Front or back?" This confused him for a minute, as I normally insisted he take the back. I had had an understandable thing against him taking pussy, but it was way too late now. He thought he understood why, but of course not. He thought it was pregnancy, but I was far more hypocritical than that. And now I had my own needs.

"I really don't mind," I said, surprising him, "She's on the pill, so you would be safe. And it won't be the first time, will it?"

"What size are you going to use? Bigger or smaller than me?" He asked.

"Let's give her the choice," I replied as I headed to the toy box, from which I took 3 recently purchased strapless models.

"I prefer these... less straps," I said. "Although, I have to wear panties." I showed Jo-who was in something of an erotic daze-one at a time, starting with the smallest (which was an average size) and working up to 'Jane size'.

Jo bit on her lower lip at the first one and harder for each successive one.

"I call this 'Jane size'," I said. "It was her choice to buy."

"Ohh, I like Jane's ideas," Jo said, "but maybe later. I'd better be careful the first time," she said, pointing at the average sized one.

I looked at David and said, "Looks like you get the front, better make the best of it, my Bull." I took hold of his penis, "I want some of this too, so make sure there's plenty left for later."

David nodded assuredly and felt honoured and lucky. He had desired this girl since he first laid eyes on her and couldn't get enough. He positioned himself so that he could taste her. He agreed with the others who said she tasted delicious-like a spring flower-and he couldn't wait for more. The first sweep of his tongue spoke the truth of what they said, and he devoured her without delay. But she came close too quickly, too close to exploding, and that wouldn't do. 'Maybe later,' he thought as I found the lubricant.

As David slows down his attention, he watches as I coat the dildo at both ends. Then I press one end to my vulva, rubbing it first along my own outer lips, then spending time revolving it on my clit-pleasuring myself as I press in and out several times. I recover my concentration as David catches my eye, and together, we roll Jo onto her side.

Jo looked behind herself, slightly frightened as I started to stroke a lubricated finger around her anus. "Shhh, Baby. We won't hurt you. I promise this will be the experience of a lifetime, won't it, David?"

"Ohh yes," said David, "Jane said it was so good that she passed out."

I continued, "Now, Baby, I want you to really relax. Will you do that for me? Will you make Jane and Bree and Ana proud?"

While my fingers are stroking and pressing against her rosebud, David helps to excite her by stroking her clit. Before long, Jo is back on her high and needs no more persuading. My pressure soon finds Jo opening up and my finger pops in easily enough.

David said, "I am going to lay on my back now, Jo. I want you to sit astride me, with your legs either side of my waist. You want me, don't you, Jo?"

"Ohhh, more than anything, David."

"Come on then," he coaxed gently.

She took a long, slow time getting there, but get there she did.

'She really is high on expectation,' David said to himself as he gently took her small waist in his hands. Then he said, "Are you ready, my love?"

She nodded, so he slowly lowered her, little by little. I helped by gently holding her outer lips open for him to enter.

Inch by inch he took his time, and then her lips turned into a smile as she felt herself full. And she just wanted to stay like this forever. He bent her forward so that her clit would rub against his pubis, and he moved his hips back and forth.

'It also gives me better access,' I thought.

Jo followed David's guidance and began to rock back and forth, rubbing her clit and stroking his cock inside her pussy-as well as stroking her vulva lips as he bent back and forth. I moved in time with them, as her lovely bottom pushed back, so my finger penetrated further in. "Ohhhhhhhhh," hissed Jo, "that feels soooooooo good" She kept going and going, rosy colour beginning to wash across her chest up her neck to her cheeks. She looked delicious.