Consequences Pt. 04C


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"Well," says Olivia, "That item on the agenda turned into a big one. Shall we see what the lawyer has to say and we can start looking at what farms are coming up for sale. All in favour, (they all nodded) ok let us move on to the next item."

She reads out 'We want men to play with; whether we include some men for photo sessions and other occasions and how we go about choosing them.' "Any comments anyone?"

"I think we have talked about this a lot," says Jane trying to avoid David's eyes, "We've pretty much decided to invite a few possible candidates to occasions and parties and see how they fit in, Bree and Jo have just fitted in without question. Personally, I think it does not matter what sex people are, its whether they fit, we have a good thing going between us, people might come and go but we are solid."

Everyone is so impressed by what Jane said that they start clapping, they couldn't have said it better.

"Ok the next item is embarrassing," says Olivia and the others give a few encouraging whoops to keep her going.

Jane helps her out saying the heading is "what Olivia was up to on the way home." Olivia reddens and David steps in to help her out.

"Shall I tell it love?"

"You'll make it worse," she says, "but I guess it better be you."

David regales them with the story and there are continuous, "woo hoos," and "whistles," as it goes along.

"I hope you put her over your knee and gave her a good seeing to after that," puts in Ana.

"I'll remember that thought," says David giving her a knowing look, she flushed beautifully.

"That was fun," says Jo, "we should have more dares like that."

"Definitely," supports Bree, "How about some ideas, we could have this on our agenda next time."

Next on the list is "A themed party, example: Devil and Succubus; ideas for parties and gatherings and organising them.'

"Sounds a good start for Bree, Ana, and Jane. I think we have discussed this a fair bit; we were talking about having the devil idea before the holiday. Can we leave it to you guys when you're up and running?" says Olivia, back in full Chairwoman mode then adds, "Maybe we can make a list of ideas for our next meeting.

Smiles all around and they move on. Next it's 'Setting up our new Event Organising Company,' says Olivia.

Then Jane continues, "This is a bit heavy to go into in depth, its early days as we've been too busy having fun," she laughs. "Guys, shall we just start putting the word out as we go along?"

David continues, "I think it's too early to expect too much until you've sorted your lives out."

Item 6 is a Birthday list, celebrations, ladies nights, Anas future schedule. Olivia continues, "Again we have talked about this, can you all let me know your birthday please and I will make sure everyone knows."

There's complete agreement on having ladies nights but it's decided to wait until Ana moves permanently, they agree that they all know what Ana is trying to do so they move on for now.

Item People for party invites, let me have the name of anyone you think might fit with us or you want to add.

Item 8 is the holiday; we've mentioned the date we have in mind and we are waiting to hear if Jo can make it and what dates Ana will have available.

Jo is getting fidgety by now and is moving from lap to lap, stroking and kissing, really making out with first Ana and then Bree. Olivia decides to move things on quickly.

"Item Sybian purchase, we have made our choice and Ana wants to deal with the order. Do we want 1 or 2?"

"If we can afford two, I think let us get them?" Ana says, tailing off the sentence as a question, and they agree.

"We want thoughts of what we should have in bedside drawers for item 10 please, there is a quick round up on what David has suggested, wipes are suggested and maybe a few more toys."

"Now. Item 11, it's the Kinks, should be number one on the list really",

Jo is fidgeting still and Bree says, "I know someone who has a thing for anal," then she positions Jo so that she can rub her thumb around her rosebud, Jo yelps but pushes back.

"David's got into us females masturbating," says Olivia, smiling. "Anything new for Bree?, haven't noticed any groping lately."

"I'm just resting," says Bree, "Got this little one here to keep my eye on." She adds very fondly.

"I will tell you that story about Olivia's kink shall I? Ana says hoping that it will mean that her kink will be by-passed." Olivia gave her a 'please no!' look. Everyone else gave their encouragement so Ana ignored her.


Olivia's University Story

Ana was sitting on a bed gazing at her best friend and lover Olivia. She had never seen her so vibrant and she felt a little pang of jealousy. Before her lay a young man, she could not tell how old he was, could have been anywhere from 14 to 24, he had one of those angelic young faces, a boyish, slim body that is hairless but looked to be soft yet strong all at once. They knew he had to about their own age or older from the things that they had talked about but it hadn't mattered to Olivia. Right now, she was kneeling beside him, one hand was stroking all over his body, the other was stroking the boy's cock up and down and across the head.

She had been doing it for what seemed like forever it was like she could not get enough and was imprinting his body on her brain. And still she continued, sometimes stopping to kiss his lips thoroughly, sometimes to trail her lips all over his neck and upper body and sometimes she'd adored his cock with her mouth licking and sucking as well as the kissing. The boy moaned constantly with need as Olivia kept up her pleasuring of him., But Ana did not think she was doing it for him, so much as it was the pure eroticism of exploring the body that was at her total command and control.

'This was eroticism at its finest' she thought as she watched Olivia's thumb rotated on his anus at the same time as she speeded up her stroking, Ana had to concede that although she was more a multi-orgasm girl herself; non-stop when she was under the spell of Olivia's knowing and skilled fingers and tongue. She watched as Olivia rubbed the boys cockhead faster and faster, then bent forward to suckle on him, the boys hips rose with oncoming orgasm and as it was about to reach the height she pressed her thumb into his rosebud, driving him to almost bend double as his orgasm was heightened further and he exploded into her mouth.

Ana's mind wandered back to earlier in the day. The girls had come across this guy while they were sitting on the grass of the park near their campus, revising together. The first unusual thing that struck Ana was when Olivia touched her and indicated the boy, she never did that when she was studying and rarely even when they were out and about at weekends.

It was usually Ana who might spot someone she liked the look of, and then she would turn to Olivia who would give a nod or a shake of her head. Sometimes she might even give a sexy growl or make a sick face; she didn't do either of the latter very often but when she did, her exaggerated antics would often make them burst into giggles.

So, first of all, Ana was surprised, and therefore she examined the boy much more closely, he looked really young she thought but very nicely put together, yep she wouldn't throw him out of bed, that's for sure. But turning to look at Olivia she looked like she wanted to eat him alive, her face was flushed, she was moistening her lips and she was staring far too long. 'I'll have to do something about this,' Ana thought, so she started getting up.

Olivia tried weakly to hold her back, embarrassed by herself a little, but it didn't take much to shake her off. Then with her usual aplomb Ana just wandered across and sat next to the guy. He was totally tongue tied at first and Ana loved that effect she had on the male gender. Before long she was rubbing her shoulder against him, reaching across him, and laughing as they became acquainted.

As she was building up her seduction she would occasionally look over her shoulder to check on Olivia, she was a picture, like a Volcano about to go off, she was sooooo jealous. This made Ava smile to herself, thinking 'I love it when a plan comes together' paraphrasing some old TV program.

Once Ana thought she'd reeled her fish in, she once again looked back at Olivia and mouthed, "Well what are you waiting for?" She said it so the boy would hear her and he gave her a questioning look. Brazenly she said to him, "My friend is behind us, she has the hots for you but she's too shy to come over." The boy immediately turned around and seeing this beautiful pixie glaring back at them, he was completely smitten. He just stared and once again couldn't find any words. And as they say, "that was how it all began."

The 3 youngsters spent a great day together, enjoying many things of mutual interest, their music likes, films, the usual things, but it turned out he was only in town for a few days, visiting some relative or other. Ana couldn't recall, did she even know his name? As with all her conquests, Ana didn't take long to get all three of them into bed together.

This was far from unusual this term, as Olivia's and Ana's time together had passed into their final year. They had roomed together since day one and found in each other more than a burgeoning friendship, becoming soulmates in many ways. Although they were not alike; one might say that they complemented each other perfectly. Ana was a curvaceous stunner, taller than Olivia with red hair and a confident outgoing personality, whereas Olivia, another stunner, was pretty with short blond hair cut in a pixie-like style and with great legs and curves in all the right places. But when she gave one of her smiles it transformed her from pretty into a completely entrancing radiant beauty. She was always composed, relaxed, and even tempered, with few pre-conceptions about life whereas Ana was determined and fiery with an unquenchable lust for life.

When Ana made her mind up that she was going to do something there was no stopping her, which sometimes made her a bit rash or insensitive. Together, they were unstoppable and anyone that took their fancy had no chance whatsoever. Her bedroom antics became legendary within their circle of close friends.

In the beginning, it had been their arrangement that if Olivia found a note on their door with the large letters CBL (come back later) scrawled across, Olivia then knew she'd be studying in the Library until much later that night; it was a good thing that Olivia was imperturbable about it.

But as the weeks and months passed by, Ana would somehow be sure to inveigle Olivia to become more involved in her bedroom antics, and the note became a thing of the past; not that Olivia objected, she loved sex, exploring all its possibilities and new experiences. So, now it wouldn't matter, on rare occasions when Olivia wasn't involved, Ana still preferred having her around and always gave her a welcoming smile and occasionally looked into her face to share her pleasure. None of which meant that Olivia was shy at finding her own lovers but she was more studied and thoughtful in her approach. Especially in arranging new experiences.

Ana's thoughts came back to the present, she watched as Olivia finally took pity on the poor boy (or should that be 'exceedingly lucky' boy) and brought him to the climax he had desperately been looking for, so that when he came he did so with great gusto. The boy had done good, she thought, they had both rode his lovely cock while the other enjoyed his inexperienced but eager growing talent for cunnilingus and this was his 3rd ejaculation or was it his 4th, for a moment she'd lost count. 'c'est la vie' she thought and took the wash cloth to Olivia for them to clean up some.

Eventually they had all fallen to sleep together and in the morning he was gone. Ana had found Olivia was completely unperturbed, like nothing had happened. Ana was puzzled; yet part of her was relieved, 'Odd though.' she thought

"And that's about it." Ana finishes.


The meeting continues

David steps in, "That confirms what we thought, doesn't it Jane?"

Jane grinned, "We could be in for some interesting times ehh?"

"How many young looking men or women shall we invite to the party?" They tease.

Jo says, "I'll keep you busy," and gives Olivia a knowing smile.

"Have we got time for some photos?" asks David,

"We are good for time," says Jane.

David has already been enjoying the glimpses of pussy as the women moved in their shirts. "Let's have you all just sitting for one serious one," he says knowing that is going to be pretty hard to get from them, as they have been serious for quite some time and are fidgety.

Jo remembers David's new kink, then Olivia's teasing in the car, the ladies agree and think Olivia should give them a re-run.

Olivia decides to retort with a challenge to all, to outdo her with an even better show and tease. It was going to be very difficult for David to concentrate for a while.


©2022 Bacchant2

To be continued..............................

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