Consequences Pt. 04D


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Olivia looks suitably aghast and frightened at that.

"The gyno said it takes about 24 hours for the sperm to fertilise the egg so if you are already pregnant you should be ok as long as there hasn't been anyone else, has there?" Jane raises a questioning eyebrow; she's about given up on trusting her. "The only hope you've got is to forget it ever happened, we'll put off telling David for a couple of days for you to pull yourself together. But I'm telling you this Olivia, I have had it up to here with covering for you, you were fine for ten years and now you need to get your head straight. If you step over the line ever again, that'll be it as far as I am concerned. I will not keep secrets from David, do you understand?"

Olivia nods forlornly.

"So you better pull yourself together and think of a really good reason why you have disappeared for the afternoon. I really think the only way you can do it is to tell him part of the truth. I will tell him the truth too; I missed my period and I booked to see the Gyno and insisted that you come too. But you have to look happy about it or he won't believe you."

Olivia nods again and makes a big effort, she can see a glimmer of hope where there was none and worst of all she didn't deserve one.


The Farm

"Right, let's go and see this farm, leave the explaining to me, I'll try to play for time OK?" Says Jane.

Olivia nods again. Jane dials David and catches him on his own so he is able to fill her in on what's happened so far.

Joannie had got the owner on the phone, the arrangements have been made and they are on their way in her car. She's telling David that the farm is on the market because the owner has died. "Evidently, the 2 sons are living and working a long way from here and have no interest in the farm."

Upon reaching the property David is immediately struck by the location, it's set in a small valley with hills on 2 sides and woodland on one. They approach through the woods that give it a feeling of remoteness even though it's not far from the main road. David feels that the location here is perfect, he says, "I like the feeling of tranquillity."

David is not surprised when Joannie finds the key to the property under a plant pot near the front door.

They wander around amiably, touring the house then consulting the map to see how the land lies. There are some parcels on the slopes of the hills as well as along the valley. He has put his architect hat on and is considering all the options for the place, it looks to him that there is enough variety of landscape to build in a testing golf course. He decides it would be worth getting approval for that use as soon as possible; to have it in the bank for the future. His mind began to embrace different ideas, he could see a health spar element and utilising that barn for events. It would be an expensive undertaking he decides.

David pulls out a notebook to pencil in the things that need to be done. "Do you think the owner would give us time to sell before we finalise?"

"I imagine that will depend upon what your offer is," she replies. "Where is the property that has to be sold?" David describes the location of his and Bree's house. She smiles to herself, 'Ellicott is a prime real estate location and the addresses he gives are almost super-primes.' She keeps that to herself for the moment, thinking that meeting David after all these years could be very fortuitous indeed, and he is still very 'Yum' after all this time, 'I wonder if he's married.'

"I think I might get my ladies to organise a house-selling party," he says from nowhere.

"Your ladies?" she questions.

"Ahem ahh, well umm, at the moment 4 of them live with me and another is due any time." Now he's really got her attention. David is saved for the moment as his phone rings and he exchanges a few words with Jane.

Shutting the call down he says, "Looks like they are coming after all, should be 10 maybe 15 minutes."

'This should be interesting,' thinks Joannie

It wasn't long before a car swept into the drive and out stepped two people who were more like film stars than housewives. 'Oh my,' she thought, 'You are a tease David; I shall have to watch myself around you.'

Olivia looked drawn but Jane was her usual sparky self, full of energy to embrace life. David introduced Joannie, trying to tell if Jane remembered her. He couldn't remember if she was in the same group of friends back then. Joannie led off as unofficial tour guide and David was very happy to let them get on with it, he wanted to make a few more notes while he was alone. During the tour Joannie fished for more information while David was out of the way.

"David tells me that you're planning to have a retreat here for displaced women, divorcees and the like, he says there are 5 of you already."

Jane replied, "That's right."

"Do you find any problems with getting on with each other in one house?"

"Not so far, everyone is delighted to be part of the whole and it's a lot less arduous than managing a home alone. It will give us more time for pursuing other interests and pleasure time," Jane teases, having been clued up by David on the phone while Joannie was out of earshot.

Joannie is hooked by the mystery of course, but as they walked, chatting about the property and their plans, Jane is beginning to warm to the woman. She tried, "You'll have to come to our next party, it's to be a Demons and Succubus theme, do you have a partner you would like to bring?"

"I am firmly single at the moment," she said. "I got rid of my cheating husband a year or so back. My receptionist, Francine, would kill me if I didn't ask her to come though, your David is a real lady killer but he doesn't even seem to know it. I swear the woman was panting," at which they all laughed; imagination filling in the scene.

"She sounds perfect for us," Jane added more spice to the juicy mystery they were building up.

Joannie turned to Olivia and asked, "Are you one of his ladies too?"

"Ohh, most definitely," Olivia replied, also warming to the game being played out. "Hook, line and sinker," and for the first time she gave one of her warmest smiles and Joannie found she was breathless for a moment.

"Ohh my," Joannie thought, "She really is stunning."

Returning to David, he notices that they all seem very friendly which is a relief and Olivia seems more herself too.

"We've invited her to our next party," Olivia enthuses.

"That's great, we must invite Francine too," responds David.

The ladies look at each other and share a huge knowing grin.

David looks on, slightly baffled. "You are both very welcome," he follows up, "And if either of you want to bring someone, all to the good."

"I'll talk to Francine," Joannie says, "or maybe you'd like to? David. I'm sure she would appreciate the invite coming from you." There is a shared giggle from the Ladies so David rises to the challenge saying, "I will, and I'll take her out to dinner too!"

He looks on smugly, having taken the wind out of their sails.

Of course Olivia never allows him the last word. "Will you bring her home too?" The devil in her says, whilst staring him directly into his eyes.

'Aha,' thinks David, 'The gauntlet is thrown down, will I take up the challenge?' He asks himself. "Why not?" he replies, "I'm sure she'd like to see what we have to offer."

Jane and Joannie watching from the side are delighted by this repartee, although Joannie isn't yet clued in enough to understand all the double meanings. Jane just has visions of another fun night at Chateau Thurlow. Olivia is deciding whether to let him get away with this one but his smug smile leads her to make up her mind and so she calls his bluff, and of course gets the last word.

"That's great David, why not make it Friday, she can meet Ana as well," then adds "You must come meet us all too Joannie." Joannie is not about to miss such a chance.

Arriving back at the cars, Olivia reinforces the invitation they have given and exchanges phone numbers. Before they pull away the two ladies turn as one to look back at him, Olivia asks, "Are you not satisfied with 5 adoring women?"

"More likely 2 more for your Harem!" He retorts.



About mid-afternoon, she gets a call from Mark, "So sorry to be slow getting back to you, we are still working on the project, want to give you all the information." Monica doesn't know what to add and she isn't about to let him off the hook that easily.

He continues to fill in the silence, "Look I am sorry about this, how about I buy you dinner to make up for our tardiness, do you think your hubby would mind. She decides to play her cards close to her chest."

"I don't think he'd object, what do you have in mind?" she asks with just a hint of sauciness. He's obviously thinking about that one because she hears an intake of breath

Monica decides to change tack, "David and Olivia have already left the office, so it will have to be tomorrow now, do you have any space in your diary?"

He sounds like he's turning pages and then he says, "If I shuffle things around a bit I could do around 11am, how does that sound?"

So Monica takes her time also making her own paper shuffling sounds, "Sorry, Tuesday is a problem because David has a meeting that will run on."

He tries again, "How about Wednesday or even Thursday?"

Wednesday will be fine I think but let me check with them that nothing has come up.

She leaves him on hold for the moment. "Now what were you saying about Dinner?" She'd caught him unawares,

"Umm how about tomorrow evening around six?"

"That sounds good, I just need to check if I can get a babysitter."



Aleesha has previously discovered when the cleaning staff fix the Hotel rooms. Sarah goes home on weekends and the usual maid normally goes in on Saturday morning. Aleesha has become acquainted with the maid by gossiping to her about her job. This Saturday, Aleesha waits until the maid is almost finished in Sarah's room and goes in to ask if she can use the bathroom. The maid says she is about to move on to the next room but allows Aleesha leeway to use the toilet as long as she closes up after her. "I'll come and let you know when I'm finished." Aleesha says.

As soon as the maid is gone, Aleesha is quickly to work, she has a number of mini cameras used for collecting video and photo shots. She places them carefully to collect a view from all angles and positions; the modem is also safely out of sight. There is a risk that she might be unable to recover the kit but that's part of the job. Aleesha will be positioned nearby, in the hall to collect public shots, Her laptop is ready to activate the cameras and collect video and photos on her hard drive. The cameras have continuous recording function and the largest memory available but she wants to make sure on at least one occasion.

She decides that Sarah and Wes may try to get together on Monday having been apart since Thursday. Her surveillance the previous week had noted that their affair was heating up and they were together most nights. Michael had not been certain that Sarah would be home since his parents were available to look after the twins. He had made up a lie to cover his own activities and David had come to his rescue to confirm that they would be together if asked. Sarah had decided however that she would be with the children, saving his parents from helping out.

Aleesha waited from 6pm onwards on Monday, she didn't want to risk anything, then her heart was in her mouth when Wes arrived relatively early and went straight to his room. She sat until nearly 8pm and with no sign of Sarah, she was wondering how long to wait, too long and someone might take notice of her, it was already possible that Wes might notice her if he came out again. She decided to give it until 8.30 and was considering repositioning herself so that her face was not noticeable if Wes came back out. Then Sarah was there, almost in front of her, and behind me I could hear Wes come out of his room. They had obviously been communicating by phone from the Lobby and were highly anxious to get together.

Aleesha started the cam on her laptop quickly and was so pleased she did, the couple met outside Sarah's door and embraced with such passion that it might have been months apart not a weekend. What she recorded might have been good enough on its own because their hands were all over each other and Aleesha was beginning to wonder if they might start something big. Then there were big sighs and they broke apart to open the door.

Aleesha moved her position now because she didn't need to continue surveillance, the transmission from the cameras was starting to come in and it was hot, they were ripping off each other's clothes right now. Aleesha always felt uncomfortable looking at such personal intercourse so she just flicked back and forth to make sure it was recording ok. It was hot though she thought and was sure that Michael wouldn't want to see it. She did have to take photo shots for printing so she had to pay some attention, primarily she'd need photos of sex with both faces in the photo, but she did take a snap of every position and facial expression. It wasn't long before she had all she needed and left them to it.

She decided to ring Michael from home so that she could relieve her baby-sitter. He answered with a feeling of dread and she didn't want to give him the news, he was way too good a man to hurt like this, she believed. "I'm sorry Michael," she began, "It's bad news." There was a silence and she assumed he was taking control of himself.

She decided to push on, "Shall I show him the photographs tomorrow?"

"I can't see any reason to delay," he says.

"Ok, I think I'll try to catch him at work tomorrow, might as well get it over with." He doesn't respond. So Aleesha continues, "Do we let Sarah have the information?"

Michael thinks for a while.

"No," he says, "Perhaps you could contact my Lawyer and advise what I have, then send what they ask for. Is that ok with you?"

"Yes that's fine, how are your other arrangements going?"

Michael is relieved to move on to something else. "I am very pleased to say that I have the job worked out with David and I have seen a suitable house. I suppose I have to tell Sarah but I am trying to decide whether it might be better for a representative to communicate with her, once the divorce proceedings are served things might get unpleasant. Maybe now might be a good time to send her a message."

"That might be a good idea, as quick as you can. Send her a link to the house and ask her to confirm that she is happy for you to sell your house in Boston," says Aleesha.

"I'll get straight on it," says Michael, and then another change of subject, "Anything else you need me to know?"

"Sorry no, I haven't had time to check the school but I'll do so tomorrow once the big deed is done."

Then he makes up his mind, "No I need to tell her. If necessary can I ask you to send her some photos when I've spoken to her. Let me ring off now, I want to get this over with.

Michael rings Sarah, the phone rings several times but he keeps hanging in there. She doesn't answer so he rings again. Finally she picks up then without greetings, she says just the word, "Michael." He steps straight in, "I am sure you didn't want me to interrupt your 'fucking', it took you long enough to answer, but it's an appropriate occasion for me to tell you I shall be commencing divorce proceedings tomorrow."

For long minutes she is trying to work out how he knows but he doesn't give her time, "I will be sending you details of a house I've found and I need you to agree to sell our Boston place. You don't have to agree, but if you want to see the children it will help if you live within driving distance. It's up to you, I am going to try and make the purchase without your help." And then he cuts the call without notice.

Next he writes a message giving her an online link to the house he has found, if she is interested, he also gives her the details of his Lawyer, asking her to send the details of her own Lawyer. He waits to see if she gives him any kind of reply. He doesn't know whether to get a photo to send too. His heart says he wants to hit her with it but his brain says hold it in reserve. He calls Aleesha back and recaps the phone call and the message. She agrees to withhold the photos from her but will contact Michael after she has faced Wes.



After a seemingly action filled day on Monday, David wakes late and is sitting up, mulling over the things he wanted to do. The ladies are cuddled up on the bed beside him but he knows they are awake because occasionally he hears a murmur as they whisper to each other. He loves the intimacy between the two and has high hopes of something quieter this day. He decides to call Michael to see how he's getting on; he's thinking that the Farm might be the perfect project for Michael to cut his teeth on but then changes his mind, this is going to be his baby.

Michael told him an abbreviated version of what had happened the previous day, now feeling that there wasn't much point of keeping it a secret. He told David what Aleesha would be doing. This struck David as very risky and he suggested to Michael that he make sure that Aleesha had someone with her in case the guy got angry.

"I'm sure she knows what she's doing, but I'll check anyway, thanks for the thought, I've been so eaten up with my own self-pity that I'm not thinking properly."

"I completely understand, incidentally if you need somewhere temporary to stay down here, let me know. I am aware of two houses that are standing empty waiting for divorce proceedings to go though, I'm sure they would prefer to have someone trustworthy in there." He looks at Jane to check that the idea would work for her and she smiles and nods. "Ok buddy you're probably anxious to get your day started so I'll let you go for now, let me know what happens as soon as you can, I'll be thinking of you."

"Thanks David I will.

"Sorry Jane, that was really presumptuous of me, I got carried away."

She smiles back, "No harm done, just don't do it again or I'll cut this off." She says, grabbing him tightly. Olivia rolls over, her breasts breaking free from the covering sheets. David's attention is now 100% distracted,


The question about Saturday morning

Olivia asks the question she's been wanting to speak since Saturday night. She slides over beside Jane and starts to fondle her to distract him further before asking, "I still don't understand Saturday, why didn't you come for us and take us back as you always said you would."

"Well you know the things that make a man or woman want to keep their partner their own, overriding everything is fear of losing them, it includes not wanting to be compared with someone else or even risk losing a mate to someone else."

He stopped for a moment to get their reaction but they just nodded.

"Even though I'm coming to terms with a freer relationship I really didn't want to watch my ladies being fucked by that huge cock and I definitely didn't want to enter you after that thing had been there. The way you're behaving at the moment I fear that your lust will take you over and you'll leave us."

"I know it's the same for Jane, but she's in control, she never comes across as putting her 'kink' before our relationship. I thought I did well, I came through it without getting angry about it and that was a big step for me. I rationalised that you were both in a safe place and I couldn't complain whilst there were 3 beauties next door. My second biggest worry was that someone else would make you pregnant but knowing Jane was with you made me feel safer. I know in my heart that you wouldn't risk our marriage by letting someone else inseminate you." he said, twisting the knife.