Consequences Pt. 04E


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Louise, James partner, after the call

The call from Jane had completely thrown Louise, she had been the one to end the relationship with James and thought that she would be ostracised from his friends, so a call from someone in his close social group was a big surprise. She and James had been a couple for close on 6 years and her biological clock was ticking. During recent times he'd been arriving home later and later, and she'd begun to suspect that something was going on; he was also frequently out playing golf with his buddies so they saw very little of each other.

Their sex life, well that was a joke, when they first met they could hardly keep their hands off each other but lately she could count the events almost down to special occasions or after several drinks at a party. She had even broached the possibility of doing something to spice up their love life. She was becoming so desperate that when he mentioned that one of his acquaintances was into swapping she was seriously thinking about agreeing if there was a chance of livening up their own relationship; but nothing more was said.

Things had reached a head when one weekend he'd been missing almost all day through to the early hours on one jolly or another with his friends. She had had enough, no matter how much she thought she had loved the man, there is a limit if the life is not worth living. She had given him an ultimatum and he barely listened, always attributing her complaints to her Latin temperament, so by the next weekend she had moved out leaving behind a damning letter setting out just how badly he had treated her.

Days had passed and she hadn't really spoken to anyone outside of work or her immediate family and she was beginning to wonder if she was an old maid. Now her world seemed to have changed in one phone call, Jane hadn't said much but it sounded like her group were determined to put their relationship failures firmly into the past and start having some fun. The more she thought about it, the more excited she got. She just hoped there would be no complications regarding James and that she would be able to talk to Jane or Olivia about those concerns.

As she was thinking, she happened to walk past a full-length mirror and it caught her eye, she twisted and turned, appraising herself. You've still got it, she thought considering herself, and found herself wondering what she would wear. Maybe it's time to splurge a bit on some eye-catching outfits she thought.



Getting a call to go out with Olivia's group was a big surprise and for a moment she thought that someone might pump her about Michaels case, but no, Olivia wasn't even going to be around until later when they got back. But that was fine, she'd admired Olivia from afar and welcomed the opportunity to join her circle of friends. She wasn't sure what 'wearing blinkers' might mean, but hey she was a tough cookie, how bad could it be? More likely to be something embarrassing she suspected and that was nothing in her line of work. She thought she'd take up the offer to go after lunch to get to know some of the ladies, how many there were, was it 5 including Olivia, they must get on well she thought.



Talking about lost friends has made her think back. After her husband had taken her, in every sense of the word, she'd lost touch with most people she knew. It was only by coincidence that she had met David again, and him being friendly had really surprised her. So much so, that something inside prompted her to invite him and his wife to their next party. Even more surprising they had kept in touch since and even became friends.

Now thinking back, she couldn't recall having any true female friends, sure there had been acquaintances but the only people close to her had been male. She recalled that she had probably treated them all abysmally, although now she knew that David had got the worst of her. She decided to do some searching on the net and wondered if David could recall their surnames, all she could remember was their Christian names, Ryan, and Jason, that was it.

It has been quiet upstairs for a while now, so Jane thought she might risk going up, you never know, she might get detained there.

End of Consequences Four Part E


To be continued.......

©2022 Bacchant2

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