Consequences Pt. 05C


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"If this place tonight is good, maybe we should just go again next Friday night," I wonder out loud.

Of course they now all want to know about the Adult place that Olivia didn't want to go to. So I thought the best way to deal with it is to say that Olivia got attacked by a man there and although he was thrown out, she isn't too happy about going back yet. The ladies fully sympathise with that and I got away with another whack which is a lot less than I deserve, the others look like they might whack me as well.

Not a good start to the evening, but the ladies went back to what they were doing without further comment. Jane had been busy fussing around and David wonders if she is cross, so he asked Olivia what she thought. "Maybe, Maybe not, she does get jealous of our closeness sometimes especially if she thinks I haven't been good enough, I don't blame her."

She came across to us, "When are you two going to get dressed?" she asks, mothering them.

"And when are you?" I said cheekily. "Although I do like seeing you naked."

She coloured slightly then admonishes me. "As soon as I can get in the damned bedroom."

Later, the ladies look fantastic as always and it reminds me just how lucky I am, Louise threw herself into it too and she glows, which is great; hopefully another lost soul saved. It is another great milestone for my camera.

The multi passenger vehicle turns up in good time, having picked up the other five friends beforehand. We arrive at the club in good spirits, everyone admiring just how glamorous everyone else looks. A number had been visiting '' and I was very worried about my bank account until I saw them all and wow! I am bowled over. I put my name down to be the person to undress them later and receive various coy and giggled responses. I particularly like how Francine looks in a very figure hugging number, her curves were beautifully arranged to full advantage and my hands itch to take hold of them. I couldn't resist showing her my admiration. Olivia of course notices and scowls.

The club is not full when we arrive so we were early enough to arrange enough seating between two close tables to take us all and hopefully one or two visitors. Aside from all other considerations I am aware that Bree is still smarting over the lost guest on Friday night at the pool hall.

The club isn't really noisy yet so we could hear each other "What's the latest numbers on guests including ourselves for our party?" I ask Jane, making conversation.

"At last count there is twelve definite females and about the same number of men but Dee hasn't said anything yet, neither has Monica. Of course we may yet hear from some of Ana's old friends." Replied Jane.

Ana swivelled around at the mention of her name, "Just looking at distance to travel I reckon there are three possibilities from my messages, a couple look like they were married so I don't include them in my numbers but I did invite partners and spouses, I hope that is ok?"

"Of course," said several voices at once, getting into the party spirit.

Dee put in guardedly that she has asked some people and is waiting on answers and Monica shook her head, she hadn't heard from Mark since their lunch.

"At the moment it looks like being somewhere between 22 and 30 so we will have to wait a few more days before we think about catering and drinks etc," summarised Jane

"Shall we dress the house?" Bree asks enthusiastically.

"Absolutely," replied Olivia and there are a lot of ideas thrown in, that bode well for help and contribution to the work.

"Could you organise that Bree? There seem to be lots of ideas and helpers." Jane asked.

"Love to," she replies and looks very pleased with herself.

I thought, 'every little thing contributes to their mental recovery' then I realise that Jo had been very quiet lately and I went to talk to her.

"Hey princess, what's up with you? You've been very quiet."

"I know, everyone says I'm different now but I still get a bit uncomfortable when I'm out of our home or my work." Jo replies.

He gave her a hug, "I'm sorry, I should have realised." I try to say.

"You shouldn't be sorry," she said, almost cross with him, "Look how many women you have to care for." she emphasised with a sweep of her arm.

"Ahh but your special," I said. "No matter what, you will always be everyone's girl, do you know that?"

She looks down, not sure and not realising properly.

"Do you know why everyone enjoys our meetings the most?"

She shook her head bashfully.

"It's because they get to play with you, they all love it so much it's the first thing they ask when we talk about the meetings. When do we get to bundle with Jo? they all say."

"And I love to take your picture, you are so naughty and funny, you make everyone smile. So you see, it's not just that pretty pussy every ones after," and I smile, gave her a big kiss, and whisper, "But I'd love to get my fingers on it right now!" to which she giggled as I had hoped.

"If you don't get hooked up perhaps we might catch up later. I shall be keeping an eye on you, and the others, but you can always come and help me or even distract me." She definitely liked that idea and brightened, I thought perhaps it had given her extra purpose to over-ride her insecurities.


A chat with Bree

David wanted to talk to Bree, and together they wandered around and end up against the bar, a good opportunity to chivvy up a waitress for their table. "I really hope you have a good evening my darling, you deserve it," he says

She looks at him questioningly, cannot think what he might leading up to.

"First of all, I want to apologise about that guy at the pool hall, I know you liked them both," she give him a weak smile, she knew from other conversations it was not his fault. "Are you happy otherwise?"

She thinks for a moment, "Mainly yes, it is taking me a while to find my way I think."

"You may not think I pay enough attention but I do worry about you."

Again she gives me a half smile.

I cast around in my head for something else to say and "Have you ever thought about becoming a mum?" came out of my mouth. [I know, I know, sometimes I need to put my brain in gear before I speak.]

This time she grimaced "I wished!"

I realised it is a really stupid question in a night club and hope I hadn't made a bad start to her evening, so I started joshing with her about the men who pass by. It took a while but I think we got there when one went past that she actually made the right noises about. I follow his movement to see if he is alone, and he is, although part of a group. 'Now how to engineer a meeting between them,' I thought, 'I probably need help from an expert.'

I turned to Bree and said, "Right he's yours, now we have to find a good looking couple for Ana. This could be fun huh?"

She seemed to join in, "What else?" she asked.

"We need a lady for Jo, I am thinking perhaps a curvy older woman?"

She smiled, "That sounds like Jo, one of her fantasies."

"Then there's Jane, you can guess what we need for her."

She smiled not needing to speak the obvious answer.

"Now Olivia is a surprise for you and partly a surprise for her." Her eyebrow went up, "I challenged her to seduce a woman for a change but if we see a boyish looking man I'd like to see what she does."

Now Bree looks shocked again, "Really! to do what?"

"Play with her, maybe invite them both to the party. It's also her favourite fantasy to play with a man like that and then I rescue her."

"Ohh, phew, I thought you were, you know!"

I laughed, "You mean a 'pervert', I'm not that generous. Call it more like a test, although I do feel hypocritical."

She looks intrigued again.

"I get to play with all you lovely ladies and I know that she does too but I still feel bad." I am sure I must have looked suitably sad because she gave me a hug.

"But you don't have affairs David, we are all family."

"I know, I know, that's what Olivia says and thank you for reinforcing what she says. She and I have reoccurring conversations about it, today is an example of why we were gone so long as well as trying to work off her lust."

She smiled at that.

"I think I just make it worse. It's not funny I know, but if I were to stumble into a room with a naked woman surrounded by several naked men, I wouldn't be a least bit surprised to find Olivia is that naked woman at the bottom of the pile."

She looked shocked again, "But she's your wife David and everyone can see how much she loves you."

"I think we have talked around some of it with you all, but Jane and I are trying to help her get the problem under control, it's like a demon inside her that takes over, her lust completely takes control of her."

"My god, I didn't realise," then suddenly Bree looked like she had an epiphany and her whole face blanched, "I'm so sorry David, I never thought, I hear mention of young looking men but never thought more."

"That is usually what sets her off, so far as I know, but there's more to it than that and some of it is my fault."

"That I find hard to believe," and then she thought, "I suppose you two do spend a lot of time teasing each other."

"Yes indeed and that is why I am taking a risk with a young looking man, but until I am told otherwise, I am, trying to test her to see if she can stop of her own accord and get control of herself. Trying to stop her from throwing our marriage down the pan. And of course I do want to please her too so I am completely messed up really."

End of Consequences Five Part C


©2022 Bacchant2

To be continued......................

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