Consequences Pt. 06A

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Fantasies, Teasing and Boundaries.
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Consequences 06

Part A: Fantasies, Teasing and Boundaries

Main Characters

David: A successful Architect who wants to start a family, they start to play teasing games to spice up their life but it's getting out of hand.

Olivia: David's wife and business partner, a successful designer working in tandem with her husband. Begins to find her inner demon taking over her sexual desires. Inadvertently gathers 'lost' women around her that David calls her 'harem'.

Jane : David's first girlfriend who hurt him badly. The first to join the home after her husband proved to be a slimeball.

Ana: Olivia's former University roommate and sexual partner in their escapades when not studying. Finds herself becoming disenchanted with the city highlife and decides to look up her first love Olivia, almost destroying their marriage.

Bree: Former Wife of a famous ex footballer, Chase. Ex-beauty queen type who is looking for a new life and fresh adventures after the disappointment of her husband becoming a worthless drunk. Came to a truth or dare party and never left.

Jo : A recluse who always received criticism by family and friends because she didn't achieve expectations. Pretty and vivacious underneath layers of shapeless clothes to hide herself, friends drag her along to Olivia's party and she never goes back to her dingy little room.

Michael : An Architect who studied with David through University. Moving to the area and possibly join their firm but has problems with his wife, Sarah, who is having an affair with Wes Daniels.

Aleesha : A private investigator specialising in family matters. A tough cookie having gone through her own marriage break-up.

Monica, David, and Olivia's business supervisor and now a minor shareholder, totally reliable and a family friend, long term single mother but heading for a 'fling' with a handsome 'player' Mark, from the website company on the next floor up. Her office assistant is Dee.

Joannie & Francine, Real Estate Agents

Lauren: A gay woman who has a crush on Jo

Louise: Former long term girlfriend of a lawyer who lost interest in her.

Amber, Josh, Aaron and Rachel: New friends from a night club

Tania: David's first sexual experience and mentor in the art of 'love'.

Authors note. All geographic and other factual information is obtained from the internet and I have done my best to approximate as near as possible to the information available thereon. Therefore please note that no intention is meant to mislead or otherwise nor to express any opinion of those facts.

New thoughts on relationships with the ladies

During the last few waking hours of Sunday, into the early hours of Monday, David has an epiphany. Apart from his friend Michael at Uni and a couple of geeky guys he knew from gaming during his latter school years he hadn't had much to do with men. His memories always centred around women or his general sense of being happy with his own company. He had befriended one or two guys along the way doing summer jobs and they were usually great fun; it was one of those that dragged him out the night he met Olivia. David had a lot to thank him for, 'What was his name?' It was something that always reminded him of a TV character, Alex something, then it came to him Alex Knight from Pittsburgh, where had he dug that memory from he wondered. So what were the names of his geeky pals, he knew that one had a posh English kind of name, he thought it might have been Charles and the other one was from the bible, that's it, not John. It was Luke.

Then his thoughts meandered through why he did his best to keep men away from, Olivia's gathering of females and why he didn't like inviting men in. He'd even been worried about the builders coming in until he had Janes early description, it was something along the lines of, 'they could put a girl off men for life.' His first reasoning was that most of the ladies stayed as a rehabilitation away from men after bad experiences, so he needed to keep them safe, but what then?

He could tell from Bree that she had uncertainties, she had always been desired by men and the changes had knocked away some of the foundations of her self-belief. Really when it came down to it though, his reluctance was a typical macho-man fear of other men threatening his domain. It didn't much help that his beloved wife had a psychological sexual problem that constantly felt like a threat to him. His natural reaction was to retaliate, but that wasn't always the answer, deep down he knew that the only way he would let her go was if she truly didn't love him anymore but that was a real doubt for him already.

Olivia and Jane were as usual sleeping one on either side of him, usually with their heads on his chest. It seemed to them to be out of nowhere when he suddenly announced in the early hours. "I think we should invite some of the people who are coming for the party to dinner one night this week, a kind of meet and great, is that the right description, try to get to know some of them before they arrive here for a party. "He thought for a moment, we should have Ver, Aleesha and Marlene over again for example and we should try to get to know people better instead of just meeting up at clubs or whatever."

"What brought this on?" Asks Jane.

"I was just laying here thinking about the friends I had made over the years and realised there is so few men and then I asked myself why I don't like men coming into my home."

"We are protecting our ladies at a difficult time aren't we?" Jane responds.

"That's true, but I can see in some that their self-esteem is based upon knowing that they appeal to men."

"There could be something in what you say but it could be wrong to bring too many new men into the house too soon, it could be hard to get a good safe balance."

"Yes your right, we would have to tread carefully but I think we could try with people they already know well enough but consult with the ladies first of course. For example Aaron, he knows Rachel already, but ultimately it would have to be Ana and the others decision first and if any of them feel threatened we'll have to forget the idea."

"Maybe," says Jane. "Perhaps we can discuss it with them when we GET UP." She said the latter loudly by way of a hint to go back to sleep.

Olivia has been silent throughout because she is concerned about showing preferences. She and Jane had tried hard to scour Daniel from memory after his misbehaviour or should she be thinking her misbehaviour. In some of her fantasies she still visualised him but she was trying had to replace his image in case David became suspicious.

There is a moments silence while Jane decides whether she wants to continue any conversation when she would rather be asleep, then David says. "If I gave you the names of my past friends would you mind looking them up for me?"

"Not at all," she says willing him to shut up and go asleep. And then she sees Olivia's face and thinks 'Ohh heck' then giving in says, "I must say David that I am surprised that you would invite men, some of whom might have been close to Olivia."

"I know," he says. "I am trying to get over my insecurities but Olivia also has to give up her obsessions. I shouldn't have to worry about who is invited into this house as far as Olivia is concerned. I do plan to talk to Angela about my problems, maybe she and her associate should come sometime too. What is his name by the way?" He decides not to say more.

"John Thomas I think," says Jane. And closes her eyes, willing the others to do the same.

Monday morning came all too soon for everyone at the Thurlow house, their visitors had to leave early to get home to change before going off to work so David, Jane and Olivia had to rise early to discuss things they had thought of. First the Holiday was mentioned to which the newcomers looked a bit downcast, until Olivia invited then to join the holiday if they could get the time off. She emphasised that they had a place booked and paid for with plenty of bed space. Then she mentioned leaving clothes or possessions here if they intending to keep coming. Rachel asks if she can talk to David privately as soon as possible, which surprises everyone.

"Where do you work?" He asks.

"Well that's part of what I want to talk to you about," she said hopefully.

"I'll be in our office today, why don't you come and see me there, just telephone when you're on your way, does that work?" She smiles at him gratefully.

Finally Jane says, "David wonders if he is being a bit selfish by dissuading men from coming to the house. "All the ladies look at her with serious thoughtful expressions, occasionally glancing at David. She senses a feeling of "So what," from amongst them but goes on. "He's thinking that if you meet anyone interesting or have friends you want to come, we'll invite them for dinner beforehand. It's so that we can get to know them before we make guest lists for our parties and get togethers. This is serious because we want our joint home to be a haven from past terrible experience and unhappiness. Perhaps when we have a bigger place it wouldn't have to affect anyone who didn't want to be involved but for now he's thinking low key, just people we already know. Anyone got any comments? This has to be unanimous decision and we don't want the idea of being a haven to be spoilt in any way."

No one says anything, seemingly deep in thought. Jane adds, "let us discuss a few examples and see how you feel, just say if you have any feelings about any of them, good or bad."

"First Josh and the others who came with you Amber. Incidentally, I need their names and contact details please. Could you message me?" Amber nods and otherwise nobody has anything to add. Jane could sense that they thought this was one for Olivia but she was determined not to say anything and leave the dice to fall as it would.

"Ok next Aaron." There is no comment but Ana gives her a smile and a nod.

"Next Nathan, he seemed like a very nice guy Bree, will you let me know?" Bree looks delighted and also nods.

"Ok next is Ver, she's a female for those who haven't met her and her friends are Gary, Frank, Mike, Andrew, Ben, and Paul. They are all around Jo's age. Any thoughts Jo?"

"They are just good guys looking for fun, I don't think they are a threat to anyone."

The others agree citing how well three of them behaved at the 'Truth or Dare' party.

"We must have another of those one day," says Bree. "That was fun!"

Absolutely no one argues with that sentiment but no one dares to look at David.

"OK." Jane moves on. "So there's just Angela and her associate John Thomas, I don't know whether John T would be a good thing but he's yummy," she adds. There's a general range of ribald comments about what his attributes must be if Jane likes him and Jane becomes slightly flustered because she hadn't thought about that at all, (well not lately).

Olivia adds "You should know that Angela is my psychologist, I am seeing her about something from my past. She seems really nice and has already been to the health spar with us but she also seems to be interested in what we are doing here. I think she's angling to be involved with our future plans. At the moment I can't see any harm in her, she joins in with us and it might be handy to have someone like her to chat things over with. Of course, we might have to keep her from getting too 'involved', if you get my meaning. Let me know privately if you would like to talk to her."

Jane finishes up by adding that there were still invites out to old school friends and asks if anyone else had someone they wanted to add. "If you could give me a way to try to track them down, that would be helpful. Also if anyone has a personal issue they want to discuss please come and talk to me, I'm always available."

When the group's newcomers head off, it leaves seven of them breakfasting, they didn't all have to get up early but the previous day had been so fragmented that they were keen to catch up. In particular David and Olivia were dying to know what Jane and Jo had said and done. Jane turned to Jo with a smile saying, "Jo was the wonder women, she took Lauren into the other room and had a long chat despite the screams from upstairs!" Adding a raised eyebrow.

They turn as one to look at Jo, who looks bashful, "I sat Lauren down in the other room, told her how much I liked her and how much fun I had with her and then I saw her face dropping cause I think she thought I was telling her we were finished, and I thought she was going to cry" Jo looked sheepish at that but her narrative raced on as if she couldn't get it out fast enough. "Then I said I didn't want to end things with her, only I love everyone here and especially David who is going to give me a baby, and I said one day I wanted to look after all the babies when their mummies are busy." Jo continued on along the theme eventually telling Lauren that if she wanted to keep seeing me then she had to surrender herself to their ways when she was in the house, or words to that effect. Jo continued "She asked me a lot of questions about my relationships with everyone else and she looked a bit shocked. I don't know why, it's not like I go out on the streets or something. Anyway I left her to think her about it and said if she wanted to join with us she had to put on her shirt before she came back to join us, and that was it really. I left it up to her whether to remove her panties." As one, the others all applauded her, she had come such a long way since she first came into the house.

Louise looked a bit mystified so Ana whispered in her ear, "I'll tell you all about it later, if you do an excellent job with your tongue tonight!" and that had the required effect of making her colour from neck to forehead just as Ana had hoped.

By chance Louise had to leave next and then Ana turned to the others and said, "She has an amazing tongue, who is going to help me with her later?" And from the accompanying wink they all knew exactly what she meant. "Shall I bring the toys?" Laughed Jane, relaxing into the fun and feeling not a bit tired despite a very long evening, a night of lovemaking and not much sleep.

Ana and Jo were next off to work, then David said to Bree, "Have you any plans?"

Also feeling frisky after Ana's antics, Bree said, "Why David, what are you suggesting?" Wink. Olivia and Jane couldn't help letting a snigger sneak out.

"Well I thought we could spend the morning in bed and then lunch and perhaps back to bed," he smirked.

"Sorry," she laughed. "Nathan's meeting me for lunch and he might want something sweet after," and she waggled both eyebrows saucily. "Ohh and both builders will need looking after, but I might be able to fit you in for 5 minutes before I go to lunch, that will be more than enough time, won't it?"

Jane and Olivia laughed so much they were only saved from falling on the floor because they fell into each other on the way. Bree of cause was ready to burst too and it was a good 5 or 10 minutes before sanity resumed. By which time, David had made a fresh pot of coffee trying to pretend he was sulking. The trouble was every time they saw his sulky face it set them off laughing again. He thought, 'my day can only get better.' But then they jumped on him and thus ended any gloomy thoughts. Finally, as he escaped he said, "so that will be a rain check then?" And the ladies were foiled from getting the last word when the builders stepped in the back door.

Jane shot off to get showered and Bree headed to sort out clothes while she waiting for the shower to be free. David asked, "Bree will you ask Jane to come down when she comes out of the shower please."

Olivia turned to David and said, "OK buster what are you up to?" He looked at her, admiring her lovely features and pulled her into a kiss. Then he suggested, "How about we shower together?" Sliding a hand up her leg. She gave his hand a push back wanting to keep him on track. "Spill." She ordered, "you are up to something."

"You my darling are going to have fun, depending on what the shrink says, I have plans for you."

"Like what?" She says suspiciously.

"You have all those fantasies, let us do them."

"But what?"

"No buts." If Angela will see me this morning, You, Jane and Me will come home to bed this afternoon. If Angela has agreed, you two are going to bed. Then over the next few days or weeks or however long it takes, you are going to tell me all your dirtiest fantasies or memories while you masturbate for me. I am going to make a list and then we are going to work through that list. When we've done, we'll keep the ones that don't affect our marriage and we are going to have a long, happy, very horny, great marriage."

"But David that could sometimes hurt you really badly, I don't want to hurt you or wreck our marriage." He hugs her to him taking her to his lap as they always do in such moments.

"As I see it, if we don't do this, there is a big chance that you will be unfaithful to me if you haven't already been. If you are unfaithful behind my back it will inevitably break my heart and our marriage. I have to have faith in Angela and hope that eventually she will get to the bottom of the problem, but in the mean time I have to keep us together. I might try giving you some of your own medicine and have an affair every time that you do, but I think that will just make matters worse." She nodded vehemently at that, 'more than a bit hypocritical,' David thought. But he had to remember it was about treating her as a sick person or the consequences where potentially final, and he didn't want to think that far down the road just yet.

"You are feeling fairly happy with life at this very minute aren't you? So tell me what you think and feel," he suggested.

"That's a very wide question my darling and it hurts me to feel what you want to do for me, it's way beyond what any man should have to put up with. You've already gone beyond what any reasonable man would accept but you keep coming back for more punishment and I can't believe how lucky I am to have you as my husband. I can't tell you how much I love you and by the way, just in case you have any of your self-doubts, sex with you is out of this world, I am literally still tingling."

After a moment she goes on "Despite all my obsessions I always want you as part of it and I don't understand it yet. There I am, wanting to fuck some stud or other but all the time I want it to be you. I have these obsessive needs that start to take hold but then it gets blurred. My fear is that I will get lost without you and end up with no self-respect and become a complete slut, being used by others. Worst of all, if it becomes a downward spiral and it happens more and more so the thought gives me a nightmare."

David nods his understanding gravely, it was what he suspected and feared and it was why he needed to talk to Angela quick.

David asks, "Once you've worked through your fantasy does it come back?" This gives her pause and while she's thinking Jane comes in wrapped in a towel." Olivia relates briefly what they are discussing and what David has just asked. She smiles and moves in beside David so Olivia has her legs in her lap. Olivia and David are both very taken by what Jane is not wearing and sneakily peak down the towel, of course Jane takes full note and decides she might tease them depending how this discussion goes.