Consequences Pt. 06E


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"What makes you think any of us are unhappy David, you are trying too hard, it seems to me." Jane insisted. Both the others agree strongly.

"Yes, stop it David, you should be thinking of having fun yourself tonight," Said Ana.

"Okay, Okay, I get the message, so you three better watch out."

He adds. "One other thing that might be fun for you to do with the others, we need to stop having to cart the toy bags from one room to another. Can you decide what we should have in each room and stock up the bedside cupboards?"

That suggestion was accepted with full enthusiasm, then Bree said, "Ok boss but we were in the middle of preparing lunch, so it's over to you now."

I wandered out to the kitchen and was relieved to find Lauren in charge with the others pitching in. I sidled up and kissed her on the cheek, "How are you doing," I asked.

She turned and beamed at me "I couldn't be better my darling, how about you?"

"I am getting there, the others just told me to stop worrying and concentrate on having fun, and then they sent me to help with lunch."

"You are in luck because my lovely girls and I are almost there."

"Fantastic. Bree, Jane, and Ana just went up to bring Olivia around so they might have started their lunch, already." We shared a knowing snigger. "I've also asked them to liaise with you guys to choose toys so that there's enough in all bedside cabinets."

For that one, Lauren gave me a very personal kiss that inspired me to explore her body some, she didn't seem to mind. "Can't wait for my next lesson." she said.

"I'll make sure I have the toys with me," I smiled.

"Sounds good."

"Incidentally what are you wearing tonight, Demon? or succubus?"

She looked confused, "Do I have a choice?"

"Why not? If I was you I'd be a Demon so that you can seduce any new pretty girls with what you're packing" I smiled hoping she took my comment as intended, fun.

She did check my face, and asked "You're not messing with me are you?"

"No way, it seems like such fun to me, you know how much I love to watch you."

She smiled knowingly, "Want to come and join in ehh? I will have to see what I can do."

"I'd love it." I said with a naughty grin.

Then, "While I think of it, what do you make of Erika? She's had a bad time with her education and I'm thinking of finding a way to sponsor her through college."

Lauren looked at me in her way of assessing whether I mean what I say, then said, "I'll talk to her and let you know."

"Thank you and I suppose you better join us, have you moved in yet?"

"No one asked" she exclaimed.

"Well the door is open you can consider yourself invited but come and go as suits you, just make sure you have plenty of clothes here."

Talking to her reminds me to speak to her boss, it doesn't take me long to realise that our paths have crossed because he immediately recognises my name. It helps me to get Lauren some time off although unpaid. I am thinking she won't need money except for her flight but run it past her. I get another of those looks and she goes off to think about it.

My libido reminds me that there must be something good going on in Olivia's bedroom so I can't resist going up to look in for a while and am very pleased, as I stand silently at the door watching the fun. Then Olivia stops licking for a minute to turn and give me one of her welcoming smiles that makes me feel warm. Rightly or wrongly I at least feel we still have that connection.


Michael at a hotel in Town

Sarah is early for their lunch appointment and sits in a convenient corner watching the comings and goings. A smart but informally dressed man enters, she does a double take realising its Michael who looks relaxed and handsome, it reminds her of when they first met. He spots her and steers her towards the dining room. Their lunch goes really well, she can see a future maybe where they can get along but time flies by and Michael must be getting along to David's home to change for the party.

Michael makes sure he is there early for the party, helping out with preparations and leaves it until the last moment to dress, a ready-made demon costume. His mind is a little absorbed by the lunchtime meeting, she was much friendlier and more interested in him than she had been for a long time, it left him with questions he didn't want, or at least hadn't expected.

As he finished dressing he looked at himself in the mirror and felt silly. Then he pulled himself together, took a deep breath and stepped out of the door onto the landing. There in front of him were some of the ladies and he no longer felt important, they looked so alluring that it made him feel totally insignificant. He followed downstairs with them to finish preparations and greet guests as they arrive. David came through with his camera and gathered them all one at a time and then together to record the stunning array of females that he spent every day with. Michael began to realise that David lived in an entirely different reality to everyone else. The visitors began to trickle in, all throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the theme and looking good. As the evening went on, the wide range of long demon tails found themselves exploring places that became very naughty, alcohol flowed and the party really got going.

A little later than most, someone came in who took his breath away for a while, she didn't look like she normally did, her usual work clothes were intended to dress down and not to impress. He stood unable to speak or move, just staring, mouth open and she moved through unaware of him. He thought perhaps he shouldn't speak with her, not be too friendly, perhaps it wasn't right to mix business with pleasure. He decided to circulate, to chat with the ladies and allow them to introduce him, it was useful to meet Joannie and Francine, also Monica and Dee again.

He turned away from them and bumped straight into Aleesha and the world stood still. He stammered in a way that he had never done and she just looked at him, they both wondered if they were allowed to get to know each other and eventually, Michael burbled out, is our professional relationship finished?

"Yes as far as I know, I planned to have a bill sent out next week."

Any reason why we can't be friends then?

"Ummm no"

From that moment on they spent the entire evening together and found themselves eventually closely packed amongst others. A special moment found them face to face dancing close, squeezed in the middle of revellers and he couldn't resist risking a kiss. For the first time in years Aleesha was tempted, and drawn to indulge in the kiss, it felt good, special, like it was meant to be and they threw caution to the wind. The kiss lasted as long as they could without tearing each other's clothes off and they raced to find a quiet place to kiss some more. They talked and talked between kisses and touches, so the night went past too soon. It wasn't like her to be impulsive but she took him home.

Michaels flight was booked for late afternoon, they finally got out of bed for lunch when Aleesha's boy was due home. They chatted until he needed to return to the hotel, to pack and head off to the airport. She drove him to the hotel and they got out to say goodbye, but they couldn't resist one last long embrace. Was it meant, one couldn't know, but at that very moment, Sara was booking out and heading for the exit.

End of Consequences 06 E


To be continued in Part 07 A

Copyright © Bacchant2 2022

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