Consequences Pt. 07B


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The couple looked up at them with a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. "Hi," the wife said, "we missed you last evening."

"I'm afraid that family business came up."

"Oooh?" was the implied question.

"Sorry, I have been remiss about introducing them, haven't I? They are all just there." Ana gestured towards the ladies sitting along the pool and Olivia standing slightly away. "The gorgeous blonde standing back is Olivia," then she rattled off the other's names in order.

Sue and Alan were speechless for a moment, eventually she questioned, "that's your family?" Ana nodded reaffirmation. "That's some family, David is a lucky man."

"He is indeed but we are all very lucky too."

Sue was lost for words again. "Do you have him on a Viagra drip feed or something?"

Ana laughed adding, "that's not a bad idea." But David wasn't so sure his heart would survive. "We do tease him don't we?" She glanced to check on him, "but we are a very open minded group." Then she whispered, "You should see what's in our toy bag." Ana knew she had her when she replied, "No what? Did they not search your luggage?"

"No, of course not, I would love to see them try it though, they would be so embarrassed."

David sniggered. "And some!"

Ana moved to whisper into Sue's ear, "There's a cock in there so big that a horse would be proud of it."

Sue's blood rushed up her neck and she began to fan herself. Ana thought, 'Another size queen, this could be really great fun.'

Alan asked, "So how did you manage to accumulate a family of such lovely women, what's your secret?"

"I don't think it's me, it is my wife who people fall in love with." David looked up at her then, Olivia looked lonely. "Why don't I introduce her to you and perhaps the others later." Ana looked at him quizzically, wondering what he was up to. He gave her a reassuring smile and got up to walk over to Olivia.

Olivia looked for a moment like a startled rabbit, she was thinking, 'no, go away, leave me to suffer,' but he ignored the look and dove straight in "I would like to introduce you to these people, can you come?" She shook her head and turned away so he took her hand. "Come now, your looking so sad, surely you can spend a few minutes, they are so excited to meet you." Put so nicely she could hardly refuse so she just nodded and gathered the stuff that she was taking care of before going over to the others to let them know.

Back with the couple, Sue asked Ana, "Are they a couple?"

"Yes and no, they are working through a few problems at the moment, she's a wonderful woman."

"And she is the one whom they are drawn by?" Sue asked.

"That's not entirely right, Olivia and I were roommates in University and I came to see her recently and decided to stay. For the others, you could say that Jane fell into bed with Olivia and David and never got out, she and Olivia are very close. I could go on but each person in our group strengthens us and draws others to stay. Take Ruth for example." Ana gestured in her general direction.

The couple studied the group for a few moments before asking, "Is she the lady almost sitting in the lap of the pretty girl with honey blond hair."

"Yes that's her, she joined us for the first time last night but as you can see she is rather taken with Louise and our lifestyle.

"I have to admit that she looks like a woman who has just had all her wishes come true."

"That is pretty much right."

Sue looked at her but Ana wasn't inclined to say more, she had baited enough hooks already and now it was down to them whether they wanted to bite or not. She decided it was time for a question that was straight to the point. "How about you guys, are you conventional or do you like to play sometimes?"

Sue looked embarrassed for a while, obviously deciding and then she plucked up her courage. She leaned across to whisper to Anna, "My husband likes me to play and then I tell him all about it later when he's claiming me back, at least that's how he likes to think of it."

"Does he watch?"

"Sometimes he does but he never joins in." Sue said hoping to reassure Ana.

"So what are your preferences?"

"Usually it's a man and wife, but Alan likes a bit of variety." She cast a disparaging glance in his direction and Ana took full note.

"So you don't decide?"

"Ohh yes I do, but I enjoy it all, as long as the people aren't gross. I tend to see the same people though, it's more comfortable that way."

Ana nodded sagely although she wasn't quite sure what to make of this couple. David bringing Olivia over now would be a good thing, Ana thought, 'Olivia's judgement was usually excellent, except where it came to her husband.'

Olivia had done her duty and was turning back to him. "Come on love," he said. "It's not that bad, I promise. We just want another opinion on these people, Ana's got them eating out of her hand but I'm not sure." This brightened Olivia as he had privately hoped, she welcomed any opportunity to put a spoke in anything to do with him and other women. From his perspective, he was surrounded by beautiful women, 'why would he want another?' then he remembered it was just a game that the ladies liked to play and he suspected they were trying to distract him from his woes.

He led Olivia to them and then introductions over, he excused himself for a while. He went back to the others and inserted himself next to Jane, "How's the hunt for the best filled trunks going?" he quipped.

Jane ignored the veiled sarcasm, by saying, "That was good of you to include Olivia."

"I thought so." He sassed.

"What are you up to David?"

"Right now my darling wife needs a challenge and I'm giving her some."

Jane looked at him, her mind putting together the evidence, she was determined not to be outwitted "You're not trying to make her jealous I hope."

"I wouldn't put it quite that way, I am giving her a chance to run interference."

"You devious man," she punched his arm.

"I need to introduce you next so don't look smug just yet, I am just worried that I might mess up Ana's game."

"No don't do that David, she really wants your approval you know, so help her, don't hinder her."

For some reason he himself didn't realise before, David found himself surprised by those words. Ana always seemed so confident and self-assured.

"Don't look so surprised my love, I believe she thinks you see her as some kind of society slut and she's desperately trying to clean up her act so that you will like her."

"But.." he started to say.

"Utt Ahh," she stopped him. "Be honest with yourself for a minute and tell me that you are sure about her, I know you are growing to love her despite seeing her as competition, but all I'm asking you to do is think about it."

He did stop to think because he knew it was wise to listen to Jane; although sometimes it took a while to sink in. He turned around from his sitting position and looked up at the group, Ana's new friend looked very close to her and Olivia was in close conversation with the husband.

Ana caught him looking at her and gave him a radiant smile, he didn't think he'd ever seen her look more beautiful and he blew her a kiss and then another.

She waggled a finger at him which he ignored and pointed to their cabin suggestively. Was that a little colour he saw in her face, he wasn't sure but right this minute he just wanted her naked alone. David turned to Jane and asked, "Can I be really bad and ask you to come with me to be introduced to the couple?" Jane was on the ball and selfless as always and nodded, whilst inside she hated it. She would much rather go to their cabin.

They wandered up to the group and David introduced Jane as another of the beautiful ladies in their family then asked them to excuse Ana for a moment.

Initially Jane came with them and asked Ana "Is there anything I should know about them?"

"She's bi and a bit of a size queen, he likes to hear what she gets up to with other people and sometimes watches but never joins in."

"She sounds a bit wicked and he sounds totally uninteresting," commented Jane.

"That sounds about right, perhaps Olivia will have something to add, she seems to be getting on well with Alan."

"What do you think, is there any fun to be had or not?"

"There might be something in her interest in size but other than that I can't be sure, perhaps the others might want to talk to them although they seem to be doing well chatting to various people at the moment. Jo seems to have found someone who meets her interest." They turned to look and saw Jo in deep conversation with a group of four people, all of whom appeared to be possibly in their early to mid-forties and all paying keen interest in her. Although they were a nice looking group it wasn't hard to pick out the one that would appeal most to Jo, she had bright smiling eyes, attractive in a buxom kind of way with a full body and Latin features set off by a very well-endowed chest. They turned to each other almost as one and said, "Yep that's the one."

"Ok into the fray," said Jane turning towards Olivia and the couple. David turned to motion Ana away whispering in Ana's ear, "I'd like to get into some fray," she gave him a knowing look and knew exactly what kind of fray he wanted into.

Olivia watched them walk away and felt angry, that was her husband with her best friend, well perhaps second best friend but that wasn't the point, he was her husband; for now at least. What was that stray thought she had added? Could that be true, it frightened her to the very depth of her feelings. She got up to follow them, not quite knowing what she was going to do but knowing she must do something. Jane reached her hand out and held hers for a moment, "He needs some time to talk to her, it's about her self-esteem. Come on my darling, where's my Olivia? Join them in a while but give them a little time for him to tell her he respects her."

Olivia looked down at the hand of her closest friend, her anger seeping away but not gone, she sat down but did not respond. Jane looked at her and saw the anger behind the eyes and was relieved to see it. 'Finally.' she thought, 'She's coming back to us.' Jane didn't know what might happen in the future but with Olivia at her best it could be bright, without her she wasn't so sure. Now the problem was keeping them all together but she would take that one day at a time.

End of Consequences 07 Part B

©2022 Bacchant2

To be continued in Consequences 07C


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