Consequences Pt. 07C

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Adventures at Sea.
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Consequences 07

Part C Adventures at Sea

Main Characters

David: A successful Architect who wants to start a family, they start to play teasing games to spice up their life but it's getting out of hand.

Olivia: David's wife and business partner, a successful designer working in tandem with her husband. Begins to find her inner demon taking over her sexual desires. Inadvertently gathers 'lost' women around her that David calls her 'harem'.

Jane : David's first girlfriend who hurt him badly. The first to join the home after her husband proved to be a slimeball.

Ana: Olivia's former University roommate and sexual partner in their escapades when not studying. Finds herself becoming disenchanted with the city highlife and decides to look up her first love Olivia, almost destroying their marriage.

Bree: Former Wife of a famous ex footballer, Chase. Ex-beauty queen type who is looking for a new life and fresh adventures after the disappointment of her husband becoming a worthless drunk. Came to a truth or dare party and never left.

Jo : A recluse who always received criticism by family and friends because she didn't achieve expectations. Pretty and vivacious underneath layers of shapeless clothes to hide herself, friends drag her along to Olivia's party and she never goes back to her dingy little room.

Michael : An Architect who studied with David through University. Moving to the area and possibly join their firm but has problems with his wife, Sarah, who is having an affair with Wes Daniels.

Aleesha : A private investigator specialising in family matters. A tough cookie having gone through her own marriage break-up.

Monica, David, and Olivia's business supervisor and now a minor shareholder, totally reliable and a family friend, long term single mother but heading for a 'fling' with a handsome 'player' Mark, from the website company on the next floor up. Her office assistant is Dee.

Joannie & Francine, Real Estate Agents

Lauren: A gay woman who has a crush on Jo

Louise: Former long term girlfriend of a lawyer who lost interest in her.

Amber, Erika, Josh, Aaron and Rachel: New friends from a night club'

Tania: David's first sexual experience and mentor in the art of 'love'.

Authors note. All geographic and other factual information is obtained from the internet and I have done my best to approximate as near as possible to the information available thereon. Therefore please note that no intention is meant to mislead or otherwise nor to express any opinion of those facts.


From Part B

"Ok into the fray," said Jane turning towards Olivia and the couple. David turned to motion Ana away whispering in Ana's ear, "I'd like to get into some fray," she gave him a knowing look and knew exactly what kind of fray he wanted into.

Olivia watched them walk away and felt angry, that was her husband with her best friend, well perhaps second best friend but that wasn't the point, he was her husband; for now at least. What was that stray thought she had added? Could that be true, it frightened her to the very depth of her feelings. She got up to follow them, not quite knowing what she was going to do but knowing she must do something. Jane reached her hand out and held hers for a moment, "He needs some time to talk to her, it's about her self-esteem. Come on my darling, where's my Olivia? Join them in a while but give them a little time for him to tell her he respects her."

Olivia looked down at the hand of her closest friend, her anger seeping away but not gone, she sat down but did not respond. Jane looked at her and saw the anger behind the eyes and was relieved to see it. 'Finally.' she thought, 'She's coming back to us.' Jane didn't know what might happen in the future but with Olivia at her best it could be bright, without her she wasn't so sure. Now the problem was keeping them all together but she would take that one day at a time.


Now Part C Adventures at Sea

Authors note, this story was written over 12 months ago and as I now re-edit I find changes need to be made in this and the following Part D to maintain continuity of approach from previous parts. I have done my best not to interfere with the overall timeline and ask for patience with any glaring errors that have escaped scrutiny.

When an adventure might turn sour

At the edge of the pool, Jo is in her element, the centre of attention. Her target is a woman who to her looked like a goddess but the others were friendly too, one other woman and two men and all were looking at her as if they had missed breakfast and she was the next meal of the day. After a while they coaxed her inside to the bar where drinks were supplied liberally and so as the day wore on she became more and more tipsy and her friends became friendlier, more touchy-feely, and the world looked very rosy and she thought she'd never felt happier.

Standing at the doorway, Bree looked in with deep concern in her eyes, she loved Jo and liked to see her having fun and enjoying life. She didn't want to spoil what was obviously going on but her bones told her that it wouldn't end well for Jo. The problem was how long to let it run and what to do, whatever happened, Jo wouldn't thank her if she perceived that her fun had been spoiled. Bree's worry was that if she lost sight of them they could drag her off to a room somewhere where they would never find her. Bree was so torn; she knew Jo could handle a sexual situation but it was how they left her that worried Bree. How would Jo feel the following morning if they used her them dumped her in a corridor somewhere.

She saw a waiter and had an idea, calling him she asked, "I need to get a message to my friends, it's very urgent, can you help me?"

"Yes of course madam, where should the message go,?" Bree gave her room number and for good measure the room next door." The waiter handed her a piece of paper on which she wrote 'HELP come to the Sundown bar bring David, if I'm not there find me urgently' on the other side she wrote a list of the names who he might pass the message to.

As Bree was trying her best to get help, David and Olivia were sitting in the main lounge. Olivia was desperate to find a way forward with him but was getting nowhere fast. "So David, how do you see the future for us?" She asked.

He looked at her, not knowing what he could say if he didn't know himself.

"Look love, more than one thing has changed in our relationship, you have committed multiple adultery and fallen for someone else and I'm just waiting for you to tell me what your plans are. Isn't that true?"

"How many times do I have to repeat the words, I have not fallen in love with someone else, there is only one man I love and that is you." She started to get a little loud with exasperation as she neared the end of her statement

"Okay, let's work with the assumption that you do love me, what now?. After what you have done with other men we can hardly say we have a marriage anymore, it's not like you didn't know what the consequences might be. You see I already did give you the same freedom as other members of our family and I don't know what else I can give."

She sank her head into her hands, "I don't know David, I just want my life back, I want you in my bed giving me the strength to face the problems in life, your smile, your support, your kindness, your enduring love, your, your, your everything."

David decided not to throw anything back in her face, it would achieve nothing. "Look the best I can give you right now is time and I can try my best to be everything you ask, except for sex". Her face rose and fell in one continuous movement.

"So I have to sleep in another room if I don't want to hear you rutting with another woman?"

"That's more than a bit hypocritical don't you think? But you could always join in, I am sure the others love to have you, and I wouldn't mind a cuddle, it would be nice to remember what it was like when you laid on me."

"And all these other women you are after?"

"Ohh I think my hands are already full, but I don't want to spoil their fun, that one that Jo has her eyes on looks like she has potential, so you never know." He was baiting her he knew, in a way it was just the way she used to tease him, which he suddenly realised might be a mistake.

He decided to sweeten it slightly saying, "don't you have any fantasies left to do? I am sure you don't need me." In that moment he had passed her the ball to play with, he knew it, knew he might regret it. But how much worse could it be? He already had during his endless hours of self-inflicted punishment and guilt, given up any hope of ever truly getting his wife back and all he could do now was keep her happy and safe, at least until the baby was born."

Unfortunately, it was that moment that an announcement came over the loudspeakers "Would, David, Olivia Jane and Ana please come to the Sundown Bar as a matter of urgency". They were gone before the message was repeated.


In the bar, the four people were helping Jo off of her stool and moving to the door, they all looked slightly drunk but it seemed to Bree that they had purposely got Jo really drunk. She couldn't understand why they would do that; Jo was an enthusiastic and willing lover, but of course they wouldn't know that. At the sound of the loudspeaker, Jo turned looking for the people named and saw Bree at the entrance, then she turned to her friends and said something, they didn't look happy but couldn't exactly stop her as she rushed over to Bree. Her words slurred out "Hi Bree do you want to come have some fun with my friends?"

Now Bree was in the spot light, all she could do was play for time, "Where are we going my lovely girl?"

"To their rooms I think, they seem very excited about me joining them and I thought it might be fun."

"I don't think we should go anywhere unless David knows, do you?"

Her alcohol confused brain had trouble with that one and Bree could see her 'friends' getting fidgety, but finally she said, "I suppose so, I heard his name called, is he coming? I hope so soon."

Still playing for time Bree said to her, "Perhaps I could come and meet them until David comes".

Her face lit up, "that's a great idea" and she took Brees hand to lead her across to her friends.

As Bree was led across, David and Olivia then Jane and Ana all arrived at the place Bree had just left. They watched as Bree exchanged introductions with Jo's friends although they didn't look overly pleased to see her. Then Bree spotted the others and she was fired up with the question she was dying to ask, "So what do you guys have planned for my sweet sister?"

"Sister?" one asked.

"Yes we think of ourselves as sisters, we keep an eye on each other, making sure we are all safe." Bree purposely played it down, wanting to know what this was all about. One of the men was intrigued by her question and said, "What makes you think that we have anything planned for Jo?"

"I can tell by your faces that you have something in mind, you don't bring a young woman into bar and get her drunk for nothing. What did you have in mind, multiple penetrations while she licked pussy?" They tried to hide it but for the barest instant their faces said it all and Bree's anger let loose. "What kind of monsters are you people, you didn't need to get her drunk to do what she enjoys most, so what else did you have in mind, don't tell me you are into truly nasty stuff, did you think she was on her own for Christ's sake and no one would miss her?" and Bree got really mad. "I assume you would need to get rid of the body!"

Then Bree raised her voice. "Guys I need some help here; these guys are in to snuff sex". Bree knew full well that it was most unlikely but she now really didn't like these people. Everyone in their group arrived quickly and surrounded these people and at the same time there were raised voices as other holidaymakers made their feelings known and Ships officers rushed out to see what was going on.

David stood tall and strong at least an inch or two above the tallest of the four. In a hard voice he asked for an explanation of what they were up to. The four looked around as people streamed towards them from all directions. He said, "The last I saw of you people, you were having a pleasant conversation around the pool and Jo here was very taken with you," he pointed to Jo's intended. "Do you want to come clean or shall we wait for the Captain to arrive."

The woman he had referred to spoke first, "We were just looking for some fun but my husband and the others wanted to be involved."

"I'm disappointed in you." David said, "When I saw you at the pool, I thought you looked like a woman with a bit of pride in yourself, not someone to be bullied by these cretins."

One of the guys bridled at that, trying to threaten David. "Mister" David said, "You are in big trouble and your trying to threaten me, you really are more than a cretin aren't you, I can't see why such handsome women as these would want to be married to people like you." He knew he was goading them but he also knew there was no evidence against them and he would just love it if they tried to swing a punch at him.

The man's friend pulled him back and the two women pushed forward to try to speak to David and his ladies.

"Look I'm sorry, I can't change what has happened and we have a few more days on the same ship, how can we put this right for you?" said Jo's former favourite.

David thought for a moment, "It's going to be up to Jo. When she sobers up we will talk to her and see what she wants. If she wants you, will you come?"

"Of course I will, I would do anything to stop this."

"We'll see about that but tell me please, what did you have in mind for her?"

"Your friend, pretty much got it right, I don't know why the men thought it was a good idea to get her drunk, I will be having nightmares about this for the rest of my life."

David thought for a moment, then said, "Let's see what happens, we are a forgiving bunch because all our ladies have suffered in some way and know what's it's like to be associated with arseholes. If Jo agrees we'll make you a penance, perhaps you two should spend time in her company at hours that your men might want you. Let's see how they like that." He turned to the other ladies for additional input but they were all thinking about how they enjoyed this manliness in him, 'and how soon they could get his trousers off.' Finally he said, "Give your room numbers and names to one of us so that we can communicate with you."

As he turned to leave, now surrounded by all but Louise, (who was currently oblivious in a 69 with Ruth,) the two women looked at each other in mutual disbelief at how they had got into this.


No rest for the wicked

David was cross that an incident was ruining their holiday as well as the ongoing issue with Olivia. He couldn't see why on a cruise liner he had to keep an eye on his ladies, all of the time. They needed to have a discussion and returned to their suite; now much altered by the stewards. He sat on the bed waiting for everyone to come in. Olivia wasn't with them so he texted her. No reply came immediately so he asked the others but they couldn't help. "I don't want to start without everyone here so while we are waiting I wondered if there's anything we can do to keep in touch with each other. It's just to make sure everyone is ok when we are apart, you guys need some privacy so I don't want it to be intrusive."

Some minutes later David still hadn't received a reply so he checked the time and saw that it wasn't so long before dinner, tonight the ship was providing entertainment followed by dancing. He asked the ladies if they knew what they were wearing for the evening and the resultant discussion gave David a chance to slip out, letting Jane know what he was doing. "Can you have your phone by you he said, just in case there is something up. Incidentally, what's happening with Ruth? She seems to be with us 24/7."

Jane said she would ask. "It's probably time I pulled them out of their sex marathon anyway."

David wandered for a while, first to the lounge where he had last seen her and then the other bars and lounges but without success. He wandered around the decks and began to think she was in a cabin somewhere. Given their current relationship problems he was not about to intrude; he would rather not know. The last place he could look was a small area up top, the only spot that one could see forrard. As he climbed the many steps his mind told him that this was really an unlikely place for her to be unless she didn't want to be found and if so why not? It was not like she could do anything more reprehensible than she had done before.

However as David was about to open the door he heard voices, he knew how easily she sensed when he was around but he wasn't in the mood for games so for a while he just tried to hear what was being said. He would know Olivia's voice anywhere and he thought he heard other voices which made deciphering one conversation confusing. Then a couple decided to leave and the door opened towards him, he caught the door and allowed the couple to exit then before the door could close again he slid in. He could turn right or left around the communications tower, there was no light but he thought there was a couple leaning against the rail to his right so he went left and leant against the rail himself.

Hoping he hadn't been heard or sensed, he took time to admire the night sky, so full of stars there beyond the pollution of any cities. For a minute or so he didn't hear anything and he began to think that he was wrong. Then he heard her voice, "You're a very naughty man, we are supposed to be here to discuss how we can tease my husband.

"Anh, but a bit of practice wouldn't hurt would it?" A male voice said and again it went quiet, then there was a little moan.

"Stop that," she said.

"Your pussy says you like it, you are wet for me," the man said. "Why don't you let me please you, obviously your hubby isn't up to the job."

There was more silence and it was enough for David. He walked back to the door and pulled it open allowing the stair lights to cast a glow over him so that he could be seen from all around. Standing there holding it open he looked directly at them seeing just a silhouette that he didn't want to see and he said, "Are you going to be busy all evening Olivia, we were waiting on you. What shall I tell the others?"

There was a scream from the rail, and she uttered "How?"

David didn't respond he was angry and trying to hold his temper, he spoke to the man. "I don't know who you are friend but you have a count of 2 to come past me and down these stairs, no I've changed my mind," His anger having won the day, David strolled across and drove his fist straight into the man's gut then followed up with a kick in the nuts, at which the man tucked into a ball in agony. "I heard the lady say that she was married, and yet you pushed on, I didn't give you permission to touch my wife did I?" and then he kicked him in the arse hard.