Consequences Pt. 08A


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Lauren, fell into his arms for a while, her nipples now pressed against his chest very much aware of him as she indulged in the waves of her orgasm, savouring every feeling as it passed through her. She whispered to him, "thank you David, I really have missed you so much." Then she realised that her hand was still surrounding his hardness.

"Why don't you stroke it for a while?" He said, "I promise it won't bite."

She smiled at him a little guiltily, "I'm sorry that was a bit selfish of me wasn't it?"

"That's perfectly fine he said, I love pleasing you."

"I want to please you too" she responded sadly.

Olivia thought that now was a good time to join them and perhaps redeem herself a little bit with Lauren. She stepped down quietly and approached them and David watched her coming, having no idea what she planned. Olivia came up beside Lauren and startled her a little.

"Why don't I show you how?" she said in her most gentle voice.

Lauren looked at her daggers for a moment, then David said, "She wants to make amends Lauren, let her try won't you?"

"Are you sure David? I still share the hurt you feel."

"I'm sure. You and I haven't had a chance to talk yet but we will tomorrow, please don't make any assumptions yet I will explain then, but for now let's just enjoy the moment. I certainly am." Lauren smiled at him then, he had such a good heart, so she decided to relent for now and see what tomorrow brought.

Olivia could see the war inside Lauren and she understood it, 'I would be just as mad' she thought. So she did all that she could just to help her, touching Lauren very gently, being close to her, speaking softly and joining in her exploration of David's body. Together they touched him, stroked him, kissed him, not always his sexual parts but eventually joining as one, two women glorying in their shared enjoyment. At one point they shared a little laugh at something and Olivia turned to Lauren and kissed her on the lips. Lauren didn't pull away but she didn't respond either she just felt these new and different lips on hers.

Olivia pulled away and whispered, "I'm so sorry Lauren, I know you can never forgive me but I mean it with all my heart. If I could turn back time and be in my right mind I would never ever had let it happen but I can't make it right, all I can do is try to get well, be a better person and try really hard to control my demons." Then she kissed her again and this time Lauren responded, even reaching out holding her. Finally they broke apart and looked deep into each other's soul."

Lauren obviously saw something in Olivia's deepest part because she kissed her again quickly and gave her a hug. Then with a small smile they went back to tormenting David, but every second of the torment was worthwhile to have seen what just happened.

Olivia showed Lauren everything she had learnt about pleasing the male body and it gave David pause. There were definitely questions arising. Then he started to feel left out when Olivia began to show Lauren how a man could please a woman and the scene became very hot indeed. Lauren for her part couldn't help herself from pleasing Olivia and soon they were in a very passionate situation while David sat on a bar stool, drink in hand and a raging hard on. Eventually one or the other remembered him and they motioned him to follow as they moved to the couch. Olivia asked, "Would you like to feel what it's like to have him inside you?"

"He is very big." Lauren said eyeing his cock suspiciously, then motioning to her pussy that seemed very small at that moment.

"It is fine I promise you, your pussy opens naturally to enjoy him and he is a wonderful lover, he would never hurt you if he can avoid it. When he breaks your hymen there is a little pain just for the moment but then it becomes wonderful."

Lauren looked unconvinced.

"Come on" said Olivia now dedicated to giving her this opportunity. "You've got nothing to lose, it's just us and if you give it a good try at least you can look him in the eyes and remain the same. I promise we will take very good care of you."

Finally Lauren made up her mind and nodded, "stay with me won't you?"

"Of course, I'm going to do everything to make this the best experience possible." Olivia told David to get the lube.

"Come to her David" Olivia then proceeded to position Lauren in the best position for entry. She spread lubrication on him and her, particularly teasing her to ensure she was ready. Then gradually, inch by inch pushed him inside, Lauren had the momentary pain and then Olivia continued to coax them together again. She coated her fingers with more lube and began stroking her clit, pulling, and touching to give her maximum sensation, she saw Lauren sigh and push herself towards Olivia's knowing fingers, at which she signalled David to start slowly moving.

They took it slow, building up the pressure of his cock on Laurens inner walls, gradually she adapted to him, then welcomed him inside her so that progressively he penetrated deeper. As David felt her open to him, he began to move quicker and concentrate on hitting all the right spots. Eventually he became deep enough so that he could rotate against her clit thus allowing Olivia's hands to explore elsewhere, a lubricated finger stroking the area behind the vulva and another stroking around the anus, then her mouth suckling on her nipples.

When Lauren reached her climax her cry was going to be loud and Olivia quickly pressed her fingers to Laurens lips. They really didn't want to be disturbed, this moment would forever be private and special to the trio. "Come inside me David" Lauren croaked, in between breaths. And David built up speed wanting to push her to another climax. As she cried out once again so he joined her in his own delight with a deep groan, pressing as far inside as he could and releasing his seed deep within her channel. Olivia looked on with pride, a strange thing but she felt great pride in her husband.

They cuddled together on the couch, David, and Olivia either side of Lauren and both enjoying caressing and teasing her wonderful breasts. They were sleepy, but even so, Lauren would find herself heading for a mini climax at the behest of their fingers, especially Olivia's expert digits caressing her clit to quickly bring her to the boil. Lauren laid back in their arms with a huge grin on her face as they dozed and played, she even reached across to his cock and began to fondle his softness delighting in how small it was and then how she made him grow all on her own until he was fully hard. And then she even tried sucking on him and elicited a huge grin from David. Olivia could see she was unintentionally teasing him so she scooted around to help and eventually to Laurens delight, his rod pulsed and he rocked his hips fucking their hands and mouth until his cum shot into the air, making Lauren giggle with a feeling of success.

Sated and tired the three made their way to join the others on the big bed, very happy with their day, especially Olivia. For once David fell asleep without a final thought of what Olivia might get up to next.

End of Consequences 08 Part A

©2022 Bacchant2

To be continued in Consequences 8B


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