Consequences Pt. 08B


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Then finally she lowered her wet pussy on to him and began to rotate her clit against his pelvic bone, her next climax wouldn't take long and as he watched her, David asked. "So what got you so hot?" He could see she wanted to hold back the answer so pulled his hips back a little withholding some of the pleasuring. "Come now you promised to be open and honest, no matter how bad it was"

"Well first I woke up with visions of Lauren fucking me with her dildos one on one, then Ana and I talked about the time we were blindfolded and had to feel 5 cocks and identify which boy was which."

"And how did you go about that?" David couldn't help himself asking although he couldn't make up his mind how he felt about the answer. A month or more ago he definitely wouldn't have wanted to know but now, was he becoming immune to Olivia's ways? And what did that mean about how he felt about her. Whatever the answer he found himself enjoying her being bad and as a result no longer felt bound by their bond. Right now he was just enjoying sex every which way he could, later he would think about it.

Olivia rose and fell on him several times, distracting him before she said more, knowing what she said was going to be wrong whatever way you looked at it. Seeing the rising pleasure on his face she continued, "the boys blindfolded us and then stood in a row and freed up their cocks. We were all as high as kites I reckon, but Anna and I went along the row one by one starting at opposite ends and at each one we felt and stroked and licked and sucked and got them near the edge. Then we said who we thought they were, when we finished we went back along making each one cum," She was lost in her memories now still rubbing and stroking her pussy on his cock but with a steady rhythm that kept her on the edge until she reached the end of her story. "I remember, we had man juice all over us when Ana and I rolled into each other, needing to bring each other off, we were absolutely covered in the stuff" she smiled in remembrance.

He noticed that she hadn't brought herself to climax yet, so there had to be more, he waited patiently savouring the movements of her tunnel against his sensitive parts. She looked at him now, knowing this next part is going to make him angry, 'but maybe just words' is not so bad she thought. She upped her rhythm again but realised he must be able to read her like a book by now, so settled back to her ideal rhythm, just teasing at her clit and g-spot in long measured strokes, close but not too close. She began to describe the scene, the hot tub with naked men along one side when they approach and sit opposite, the men praise her body and tease her, then dare her. David is beside her, he's her rock, giving her the strength and support for her to be daring and lose control. She can't help teasing herself with her fingers as she admires the men's bodies and they tease her, making her more and more horny, daring her to finger herself more and deeper, then to reach over and touch them. Somehow the idea of the game comes up and in her fantasy David is angry but doesn't stop her. Eventually, after she has admired and played with the men they blindfold her and fuck her one at a time and she has to name them. As she describes each one as they fuck her in her imagination she speeds up he movements orgasming as she imagines each one filling her. With every orgasm, imagined or real, she describes how David is watching and he is angry but doesn't do anything, so she moves to the next one and then the next. Finally she cries out, "Why don't you fuck me David, rescue me make me yours" and she falls forward on to him. He rolls her over and takes her the way she wants him to, bringing her to her ultimate peak before finishing himself deep inside her.

He holds her for a while, spooned against him, wondering, and then said, "Is that actually what you want to do Olivia?"

"Right now, no way," she said emphatically.

She continued "You took me and I am yours, maybe the fantasy while you are making love to me is a way of using it up. I know we have tried it before with Jane but every time I get a charge like that I am going to try and tell you, to drag you away and let you take command, can you live with that?"

"Of course, I would be more than pleased, it would give me back some hope."

She turned back to look into his eyes. "Really David, you're not just saying that?"

"Really, I can cope with your libido up to a point but for example if what you just imagined actually happened there's no way I could stay and watch or come near you after. But now you see, I might hurt any man who goes too far when told no. I've realised it's also up to me to say no, or to stop what's happening and if I knowingly let something happen then it's up to me to live with it, but I still won't let you into my bed. I cannot bare the reality of someone being inside you and it won't be long before I stop altogether. I will not follow on, I won't do it for you or knowingly for anyone."

"We are getting heavy again so let's leave it there" he added. "I would rather spend my day remembering your body unsullied except by me or the ladies, and I'll be back for more later." He grinned making her respond with a wicked smile too, but inside she was digesting everything he had said and was wondering what her demon would do, right now she was frightened.

"Are you going to play with Lauren now or do you want seconds, she reached down to fondle his sponge finger and felt a twitch, so continued her caresses. So now how shall you have me this time, hmmmm?"

He decided that her breasts looked particularly edible and thought that a good place to start.

About half an hour later as they lay caressing each other head to toe, there was a light knock and Jo popped her head in. "There's volleyball on soon, want to come?"

"I am about to now," joked Olivia. "How long have we got?"

"About 15 minutes."

"Long enough. Come here wench." Jo giggled as Olivia pulled her onto the bed. It might take longer but Jo would reckon that having the attentions of both David and Olivia at the same time was worth a last minute rush to the volleyball game.

David decided not to join the volleyball crowd straightaway until he had checked to see who else was still around. As he was finding something to wear he noticed Olivia had left her phone on the side, he remember her taking a message just before she left and he found it still turned on. He couldn't help seeing that her list of messages was on display and could pick out names of people they had met on the boat and at the resort. Being nosey, he found the last two messages were about trying to keep in touch and he didn't look closer, having an unpleasant feeling that he was breaching Olivia's trust.

Then he saw the name Daniel, and not long ago. A quick search found a trail of messages back and forth.

Thank you for having me at the party - messaged Daniel

(It's always nice to see you) - replied Olivia

Do you think we will see each other again?

(I don't know, I've hurt a lot of people.)

I was surprised your husband let you

( It's complicated he doesn't exactly let me, I'm sure I will be punished.)

Won't hurt you will he?

( Not that kind of punishment)

I'd like to see you again

(I am going on vacation)

There is a gap in the messages, then during the cruise Olivia wrote

( I had a close run thing with a man yesterday )

What kind of thing?

(I nearly got fucked at the top of the ship and now I am really horny and frustrated)

Wish I could help!

(I am sure you could)

How would you like me? 😉

(Everyway, how long could you last!)

For you I am sure I can last as long as possible

(Is that a promise?)

Definitely, when?

(We'll see)

I hope so

Then there is another gap

I thought about you last night

(Hope it was nice thoughts)

Very nice, you are the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world

(I doubt that, some of my friends are beautiful too)

I dreamt we were in bed together all night and we did all kinds of things to each other several times

(Sounds like a fun dream)

Do you want to hear about it?

(Not right now, perhaps another time)

Oooh sorry if the timing is bad

(I'm sorry too)

Ok another time maybe, bye for now


David isn't quite sure where this conversation is going so he forwards the messages to himself and deletes the history of the action. There were later messages but nothing more than hints along the same line. There are other messages that need to be checked but the time is flying by so he forwards them all and goes on downstairs. He hates to do it but he knows that he is going to have to get a look at her messages more often.

He is unsurprised to find Ruth and Louise deep in what looked like intense conversation so he decided to wander over just to check that all was right for them. It seemed like it was about Ruth wanting to spend as much time with Louise as she could because of an uncertain future whereas Louise wanted to be with the rest of her 'family'. David felt he should join them and as soon as he could, he would send Louise off to be with the others while he talked to Ruth.

"What am I to do with you Ruth?" he asked and she eventually poured out her woes. He tried to establish whether she had decided she was a Lesbian and whether she could accept the rules of their family about sole relationships. He felt as if it was similar to the experience with Lauren but made harder because Ruth wasn't in total control of her life. "It seems to me Ruth that taking control of your life is the biggest issue here, your hubby doesn't seem to be particularly difficult."

"No, it's just that he doesn't want any word getting out about my leanings" she said.

"So supposing you took a job that took you away for several months of the year, do you think that might ease the way some"

"How do you see that in the situation?"

"Well I was wondering if it would look good if your hubby could claim to be a patron of the Retreat and as such you held an active role in the organisation. It's just a thought, how much have they told you about what's planned for the future.

"A bit but there's stuff not being discussed because it's still in the planning stages."

"Yes that's true, because we are concerned not to jump in before all the paperwork is signed and sealed."


"How much can I trust you Ruth? Are you going to be able accept our ways, no single person relationships, completely open minded on all matters appertaining to inter-relationships? And put the interests of the 'family' above all others".

"I think so, why wouldn't I?"

"Well there could, and I mean only could, be an occasion where there is conflict of interests."

"Like what?"

"Well supposing that part of something we have planned your husband decides he wants in on, maybe a share or something?"

Ruth thought about that for a moment, "I have no trouble with what you say but I would want something that prevents my husband putting pressure on me."

"That's probably a good idea, I might get our lawyer to draw something up that our family can show their relatives whether ex-husbands, lovers or just near family."

"I would like that," she agreed.

"The other thing you need to think about is worst case scenario, would you be prepared to leave your husband on a permanent basis if push comes to shove. You know that we already have three members who have been through the situation but I think you need to consider all the possibilities."

She made an expression like it's something she had been giving a lot of thought to but might need an extra kick to push her further.

"Ok, are you ready to swear an oath to me and are you ready to have your initiation?"

"I have heard much about the initiation with you and Olivia," she grinned wolfishly "Will I be restricted to just one?"

He pulled her to him saying "You will fit very nicely with us, I like you very much already"; then she surprised him with a kiss.

Pulling away she looked up at him and said, "that kiss surprised you ehh?"

"It did a bit, I know we have been together but wasn't sure where you stand on our relationship."

"I admit I have a thing for other women but it never stopped me being attracted to men, it's just that my husband doesn't have what it takes, the poor man, he'd much rather be at his club or playing golf."

This time it was David who pulled her into a kiss and made it a good one until he felt her body press against him. He reached around and unclipped her bikini top and began to stroke then kiss her erogenous zones as she sighed with pleasure. When, some considerable time later, he thought she was ready, he slipped his length inside her. Something told him he should treat her gently again like a virgin, but she let out a vibrant moan and cried out with profanities encouraging him on until she climaxed. Finally as they laid side by side, she said, "I actually feel fucked!" and together they laughed.

Later they took a walk and as they headed back to the Lodge she said, "can we not leave it too long before we do that again, I have a lot to make up you know." He smiled and promised he would do his best, then he told her about their big plans. When he mentioned the proposed Golf Club she asked, "Is that what you're afraid Gerald might want in on?"

"Perhaps, but we are designing the retreat so that it could be ideal for a hotel too; we want to be failsafe."

There was no sign of the other ladies, so they continued on to the Volleyball court, to discover it set in a bowl where the audience sat on the grass slopes around the central play area. There was a women's match in progress and glancing around he noticed women in various stages of undress, many topless but then he found his 'family' and was almost surprised they were all still wearing bikinis with sarongs or beach covers keeping them protected from the sun. It was soon apparent that they had already collected new acquaintances particularly of the male variety. Ruth and David moved around so that they were behind their group but at the top of the rise. "I am going to show you a piece of magic now," he said. "Would you agree that Olivia can't know that we are here?" She agreed. They sat down directly behind her and he watched carefully as she chatted with guys on either side of her and others who would have liked to be closer. Ana was also there, as was Bree, Jane, Louise and all the others, family as well as new friends, so the interest was watered down somewhat. But for some reason, Olivia's star shone brightest and Ana's a close second. The guys seemed to be working their way closer trying to shut out their competition and David noticed a few women, probably wives paying close attention.

Then it happened, one of the guys whispered into her ear and she responded, then turned and looked up the hill giving one of her usual welcoming smiles and a raised eyebrow, he smiled and shrugged not knowing quite what she was asking but sure he'd find out soon enough if he waited around. She frowned before turning back to her acquaintances.

"What was that about?" Asked Ruth.

"Well first of all was the magic, she knew I was here when we agreed she couldn't possibly know and second she was pleased to see me and finally she was asking my agreement to something. I just smiled and shrugged because I had no idea what she was asking and she wasn't too happy with my response."

"Is this is normal between you two?"

"Well its becoming common, normally she wants my agreement to do something."

"Ohh, what could it be?"

"Well since she's surrounded by men it's probably some fantasy she would like to play out and have me rescue her before it gets out of hand."

"Ohh my, like what?"

"Well you can bet your life it will be something involving their cocks and her hands or pussy."

"She wouldn't would she?"

David explained about her problem.

"What will you do?"

"There's not much I can do but trust her, would you mind going down and ask her what she was asking?"

She agreed and went down behind Olivia and whispered to her and then received a reply. She didn't stop and came straight back. "She was just checking it was ok chatting with the guys"

"Not much I can say about that is there" Ruth agreed not. Soon Olivia looked around again and he smiled warmly and nodded, she gave him one of her radiant smiles in return and winked, and he hoped that was a promise to him.

He left Olivia a good while as he and Ruth watched the game for a while then walked around the arena, looking here and there to take in the site. When they returned to their original position he was mildly surprised that she was still there, he decided to walk down to Olivia like Ruth and bent down to whisper in her ear and said, "In a while I am going back to our bed to have hot sex with Ruth, come and join us if you want, no pressure." She looked unsure then nodded her head.

He returned to Ruth and said, "let's go to bed." For a moment she looked surprised and then a huge grin spread across her face.

"I'll expect even better this time you know."

He grinned, "you've never lived."

"I can't wait" she replied with an equally cheeky grin.

Below, Olivia turned at just the right moment to see their interchange and decided wisely not too leave it too long. She turned to the men around her and gave them her phone one by one, very quickly she had gathered several numbers and received accompanying kisses and elicit squeezes. Two of the men accompanied her to the rise, saying let us walk you back. She gave them a smile each and entwined her arms in theirs.



I was having such a great time at the game, there were so many men who wanted my attention, then David turned up and I am so torn, my demon says there are so many men I could play with all day and my heart tells me I should be with David. Then he tells me that he's going to fuck someone else and I am invited, what's a girl to do, and then I thought quickly and gathered all their phone numbers, after all you never know. My two closest new friends offered to walk me home and it sent a tingle through me, he did say, 'as soon as I can' after all. The two men were so passionate, the thrills ran right through me. as soon as we turned a corner they gathered me into them, their hands were everywhere, four hands inside my bikini, one on each breast another probing into my wet pussy the last teasing my clit. Ohh my this was soooo tempting, they quickly brought me to my peak and began to try and remove my bikini.

"Not now boys, I have a good fuck to go to,"

"Not better than we are going to give you they bragged."

"Don't you believe it, perhaps we shouldn't be friends after all."

The men looked somewhat shocked, "but why are you here then?"

"Well I like a bit of fun sometimes you know, but he's waiting for me right now and is probably between the legs of one of his other ladies so I should go and save the poor girl before he wears her out."

"Other ladies?"

"Ohh there's about 8 of them here and 2 more back home." She surprised herself by being proud.

"And he looks after you too?"

"Ohh very nicely, numerous orgasms every day." She thought she might as well make a good job of bragging for him even if a bit exaggerated. Still maybe she should set him a minimum to keep her happy, she giggled to herself. Then she left them standing aghast.