Consequences Pt. 08D


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Upon returning to the Lodge, they find that there are visitors, Olivia points out the couple, Mel and Kyle, whom she had watched over with Ana, then she startles because one of the guys who walked her back, Alex is there with his wife Kara, Molly and Kim were also there sans husbands but they have two guys sat either side of them. They decide not to interrupt, to Olivia's temporary relief, but Ana insists on introductions, during which Alex advises that Carl and Beth are coming later. "To what do we owe the pleasure of these visits? '' asked David. Ana replies that they had been out for a walk looking for them and came across these folks and invited them back for a drink. "We are thinking of having a game when the others arrive, want to join in?" adds Ana. Both David and Olivia give firm negative replies and the men look very disappointed.

"There are some things we want to get done," says David, "who else is likely to be in the game from our side.?

Ana asks Bree and she agrees to partner with Ana.

"Can the rest of us get together for a chat in say half an hour?"

Ana and Bree look to ask what they might be missing.

"Just going to chat about what you asked me earlier Ana, Bree already knows too."

The visitors look very interested at the secrecy but David gives Ana a hard look that says, 'this is totally private.' "We might play strip or dare cards, you never know what you might be missing" Ana tries to interest Olivia particularly because she suspects that two of the men at least are here to see Olivia.

Olivia also has an idea that the two men were trying to touch base with her and her demon is trying hard to rise but she's holding it down, relenting slightly she says, "I'll check it's safe before we all come down" and winks at them.

It isn't long before Carl and Beth arrive too and David notices Olivia's momentary alarm. We need to talk, he says, ushering her out onto the deck. "OK I am in the dark but I know there's undercurrents here so fill me in quick."

Olivia takes hold of herself and her demon and say's "Carl and Alex are the guys I told you about who walked me back."

"Anything else I should know?"

"The other couple are Ana's from earlier but I don't know the two guys with Molly and Kim."

"Thank you for your direct honesty, what's your demon doing right now?"

"Ohh, trying to get me to join in with whatever is going to happen."

"Thought as much."

Then David throws a curve ball at her "So what's the situation in your relationship with Daniel?"

For a moment, Olivia thought she wasn't hearing right and just said "Pardon?"

"Lauren told me that your relationship seemed closer than just sex. Thought I might as well ask while I had you and your demon's attention?"

David watched her mind working overtime as she was trying to formulate what to say. He wondered whether he was being unkind or hurtful, he supposed he might be doing it because of the two guys sitting in his home. On the other hand he would like to put a brake on her communication with Daniel, something about it made him feel threatened. He decides to give her time to think.

"I'm not quite sure how to answer David, my bad side is at loggerheads with me over him. My naughty side loves the sheer badness of having a young lover whereas I would prefer not to walk down that path unless it's in agreement with you."

David appreciated the honesty but knew it wasn't an answer to his question, so he waited.

She looked up at him, worry etched across her face, "What more can I say?"

"Try to focus on elements of my question, what's your present relationship with him?"

She gave a big sigh "He texts me sometimes. "


"Tells me he is missing me and wants to get together again when I get back"

So back to my question, "What do you or your Demon plan to do about him when you get back?"

She has another look on her face now, something akin to 'you asked for it so now you're going to get it'

"My demon wants me to get into a night of sex with him."

"Right ok, thank you for being honest with me."

"Are you going to leave it at that?"

"I'm not sure what I can say or do, if your demon gets its way you will be missing for a whole night and that will be that."

Her face searched his. "Aren't you going to say or do anything?"

"Since you already stepped over the final line, I've tried not to stop you doing anything unless it was against your will. It's not a game anymore that your Demon is playing, it's just trying to break your marriage and push me away. It wants what you had when you were in University but that life has gone now.

Olivia looks very distressed now so he decided to hold her for a while. Is there anything else I should know about before I drag your panties off again. He tries to be funny but she gives him a strange look.

"After what you just said, you still want me?"

"Afraid so, somewhere along the road I must have been so bad that my punishment is to love and want you, at least until the next time."

She smiles up at him, unable to say anything that will help.

"If I forbid you from touching any other man, would it help?" he tried.

Then her demon woke up "wouldn't you like to know" and she had a devilish smile to accompany it.

He couldn't help but smile at her and say, "no I wouldn't."

He added, "Listen Olivia or Olivia's demon, is there anything else I should know, tease me if that's the only way you can tell me. I just don't want any more surprises or shocks. "

"My demon wants me to join in with them, it wants me to be alone with those men and their wives."

"The wives too? That surprises me."

"I think it's the only way."

"I see, and the other men?"

She just shrugged her shoulders.

Anything else?

"Just messages from the men on the ship. Ohh and from Josh, maybe others, I don't read all my messages sometimes when the demon isn't around. I have to have some things to tease you with."

"Teases are one thing my love but relationships are another and I'm past the teasing stage. What do you think, Olivia, you're a free woman now, who would you take as a partner."

"If I was going to I'd want you, the only other possibility is Lauren but I don't think she would, she thinks too much of you. Let's go and see the other ladies"

David is really surprised, not for the first time that day. "Are you sure?"

"Yes my love, if I go back in there I shall only worry all the time"

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing if it fights your demon"

"Stop trying to change my mind or I'll think you want me to have affairs"

That shocked him, she was right, what was his motivation here, who was he testing, himself or her. She watched him analysing and a small smirk grew on her face. "If you join I will" he said at last. Now it's her turn to be surprised and change her expression, "Well, why should you have all the fun, I might get to have their wives, I know that Ana's one wants me."

"Let's go and find the other ladies," she says decisively.



Everyone else pretty much went along with David's thinking on the men 'joining-in' issue although it was also noticeable that one or two felt they should keep their options open. I was beginning to change my opinion but didn't want to say so. My relationship with David today had been special and I didn't want to wreck that, my demon could go to hell. There was only one answer, to let him consider everyone else's view, but Ana could be very persuasive. If it was just this one couple I had an idea she would press for it, but I wasn't sure how David would take it, 'Could David and I join together, did I want those men, I wasn't sure, yes I was, the answer is no, right now I just want David and I don't want him to be with her.'

There was only one problem, I did want those men to finish what they started, and I had no idea why. 'Help me David' I thought, looking at him with pleading eyes. I saw him looking at me, he was trying to work out what I wanted to say. "OK everyone, the game tonight is, who can get Olivia off quickest?" David said and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Jane, Jo, Louise, Ruth, Lauren, and Amber looked at me like hungry tigers, with that team I would be dead to the world in no time. He turned to me with a questioning expression and I reached for his hand. I would give him such a thanking later.

I don't remember much after Louise started on me, the others closed in from both sides and below me, I was laid out on the bed with my legs hanging over the end. David kissed me thoroughly and by the time he released me I was fully loaded for my first orgasm, then they took it in turn licking me. He took next after Louise, I would know that tongue anywhere and he took me fast, it was almost unfair on the others even though they were more expert in some ways. At some point, I feel an extra tongue on my pussy and open my eyes to see Molly, her eyes on mine and her mouth now doing wonderful things to my clit. Time seems to fly past, at some point David must have left to see what was happening downstairs because I can't sense him near.


The game downstairs

Downstairs, Ana and Bree face a difficult decision, Kyle, Erol and his friend are down to just shorts, Alex and Carl are not far behind and very soon the atmosphere is going to ramp up. The question they are facing is how far to let it go, all the ladies are down to bra and panties, so the next deal will mean nakedness, and probably intimacy. They were also slightly jealous because the noises from upstairs sounded fun and naughty Molly had escaped to join in. David came down for a while, in his shorts, distracting the other women. He slipped in between Bree and Ana with a "How are you doing?" and was immediately distracted by their semi-naked bodies. Naughtily he began to stroke their naked parts and Kim came around to say hello, but started out by kissing him, if only to wind-up the visiting wives. He soon found hands exploring his body and he didn't mind at all, in fact he rather enjoyed the ladies showing off.

David watched for a while as another hand was played and more clothes were shed, all the while he is caressing all three ladies, his fingers burrowing inside their remaining lingerie, his mouth kissing Kim's neck, making them gasp and moan occasionally. The visiting men didn't think much of it, which was partially David's intention, he was fed up with these men thinking that his ladies were easy targets. He thought his women were out of their class and the men's behaviour had made him their enemy. The only guys he didn't have anything against yet were the two with Holly and Kim, neither of whom seemed in the slightest disturbed. He got up to get drinks and asked Kim to help him, she of course expected something else, which he wasn't opposed to in his present state of erection so he lifted her into his arms and slid inside her with ease. She mewed with pleasure and a little bit of pride having got the best man and who could blame her.

Back at the table Mel turned to Ana and asked, "Is he always like this?"

"Pretty much, depending on what's going on, they are making me jealous as hell right now."

"I know what you mean"

"When he goes up we'll go and see what's going on if you want? Just you though!"

Mel nodded enthusiastically.

David carried a quivering Kim upstairs, not knowing what else to do with her, Ana, Bree, and Mel followed behind with his permission and the game was put on hold. "You'll have to get naked" is all he would say and he waited outside of the door until they were ready. Mel had never seen anything so erotic in her life, Olivia was spreadeagled across the bed and the ladies were spread around her, pleasuring both Olivia and each other. She watched as Ruth brought her to climax and David motioned her to be next, Mel was both shocked and delighted. "It's a competition to see who can get her off quickest" he whispered to her, ``she might get a kick out of it being you."

He watched as Ana went to Olivia's head and kissed her with great passion, then they broke and Ana asked, "How are you doing lovely, what's the score"

"I've lost count, it's like permanent heaven, I am so lucky."

"Do you think he'll finish you?"

"Ohh yes, he's determined to fix my demon and it has not taken control today no matter how hard he tried"

Ana kissed her again to heighten her pleasure, she had been a distraction when Olivia should have been concentrating on Mel doing great things to her. David called for Bree and Ana then and they went into the room next door, popping a blue pill he was determined to put himself to the test this night. His main aim though was take the pressure off himself to join in with whatever eventually happened downstairs.



My nth orgasm ripped through me again and I was beginning to feel like the next might be too much and then I heard David say, "turn her over ladies," and for a moment I was bereft, then I was lifted and I just knew who was going to be under me, who was going to be on top, and no doubt Molly would be in there somewhere too. That was the beginning of the last few minutes after which I became unconscious.

Jo told me the next day that Louise won the first challenge so they had several rematches, changing the order each time. Ana, Molly, Kim and Mel all had to go downstairs and that's as far as she knew. Jane told me that nobody else left the bedroom, not even David. There was a mystery in the air and I couldn't get to the bottom of it although I was sure that it involved Ana and Bree not being there.

I woke earlier than most and lay awake going over what David and I had talked about and what had happened. I knew that there were still some unanswered questions that he wouldn't let go. Thinking about it made me wonder about messages and I automatically reached for my phone on the bedside table. There had been a number of new messages since I last looked, Daniel drew my eye first, he was trying to keep our relationship going and despite my best intentions I couldn't help going to his messages first, he sent me a photograph of himself stark naked with a hard on and I quickly clicked past it lest anyone should see, then checked over my shoulder that no one seemed to be looking my way so I sneaked another longer look, as always he looked delicious to my eye and was asking for a similar photograph of me. He would have to wait for that, I wasn't even sure that I should do such a thing.

I had a long message from Victor, apologising for the trouble he caused. He had let me down by boasting to David but I don't think he ever told David the whole truth, although I couldn't be sure. David had a habit of storing things up and hitting me with them when I least expected. My good side knew I would have to tell him the whole truth soon. Could I also tell him about my latest messages with Daniel. I decided that I would as soon as I could and before my demon took over. Mind made up, I continued checking my messages.

David was also awake, going through his messages, he was sitting on a chair the other side from Olivia and if she had lifted her head she might have seen him, it amused him greatly watching her antics when she discovered the photograph. It was going to be such fun later teasing the truth from her and he let her be while he checked his own messages. The stand out message was from his father, apologising for interrupting his vacation, in summary he was saying that the projected margins were indicating that they needed to build a hotel anyway, it could either be done as an extension of the house or as a standalone building, either way all of the development had to be in the vernacular which would put the price up a bit but would probably give the place a touch of class. His Dad was asking for his opinion, particularly as to the size of hotel and running thereof, also on the choice of whether to extend the house or perhaps build near the golf clubhouse. David had some views but he wanted to speak to Olivia, Jane and one or two of the others.

David thought he should have some fun first and got up and wandered around to Olivia's side of the bed. As he hoped, she was looking at her phone screen and was oblivious until he was almost upon her. She tried to shut down her screen but he was ready for that and grabbed her phone from her. She responded crossly but couldn't make much noise because others were still asleep. He took her hand and drew her from the bed, leading them both naked downstairs where the mess from the previous night was waiting.

They went to the couch and David drew her onto his lap, although she put up a good fight which he thoroughly enjoyed, given that she was naked. "Shhhush," he said "you'll wake them. I know what you're up to but I also have something important to talk about." She is torn because she loves to tussle with him as it always ends with great sex but quick as a flash she suggests they talk about the important stuff first while continuing to wiggle on his lap. He though, isn't having any of her delaying tactics. Holding her phone out of reach he said, okay tell me or I can read for myself, it's up to you. She decided to tell him, hoping to brush over the photograph or anything worse. "Don't forget I can check" he said and then decided to play dirty. He had a hard on from feeling her up while she struggled and wiggled and he knew how much she got hot playing this game so he lifted her body and slid his hardness inside her, she was that ready and therefore suspicious. It had the effect he was hoping for, she stopped fighting him, he added to the torture by brushing his spare hand across her clit.

He teased "I think the best thing we can do is have a look through your message history person by person, what do you think?"

She was concentrating now on grinding against him so might have agreed to anything.

"How about you help me, who shall we start with," he wasn't going to be too intrusive though so he pulled up the list of people who had messaged her.

"I see we have Victor, what's that about?"

"Later please, I promise!"

Hot and sated, they cuddled and he almost didn't pursue the discussion. She saved him the choice, I really want to come clean David, I have two things stopping me, one is my demon who is afraid you will stop my behaviour and two I am ashamed.

"How much do I love you?" David asked

"More than I deserve."

So I've had to take a pretty hard look at myself. In particular why I let you do what you do, because in all honesty I could stop you, I think. So that's me being honest, I think I understand about your demon and the effect it has on you. My second honesty is that for some reason I like you being bad up to a point. I think my problems are dishonesty, fear for your health and particularly that of the baby. And I hate being abused as if I were some kind of pervert. That'll do for now but I'm sure there are other things that keep me awake at night.

"So that's me coming clean." He added

She looks at him interested, as if he were finding logical ways to make it easier for her.

Let's take your second problem first, perhaps we can swap things we are ashamed of. Would you like me to start?

She nods her head with a sense of dread.

I am truly ashamed that I let you have those three boys and under my own roof to make it even worse. So it's your turn.

I am ashamed that I did that to you David and that I even thought of Daniel. The problem is that shame doesn't seem to stop me or my demon. He sent me a picture of him naked with a hard on and I enjoyed it very much. If I had been on my own I would probably have touched myself thinking of it. Isn't that shameful.