Consequences Pt. 08E

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Escape from being forgotten.
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Consequences 08

Part E: Escape from being forgotten

Main Characters

David: A successful Architect who wants to start a family, they start to play teasing games to spice up their life but it's getting out of hand.

Olivia: David's wife and business partner, a successful designer working in tandem with her husband. Begins to find her inner demon taking over her sexual desires. Inadvertently gathers 'lost' women around her that David calls her 'harem'.

Jane : David's first girlfriend who hurt him badly. The first to join the home after her husband proved to be a slimeball.

Ana: Olivia's former University roommate and sexual partner in their escapades when not studying. Finds herself becoming disenchanted with the city highlife and decides to look up her first love Olivia, almost destroying their marriage.

Bree: Former Wife of a famous ex footballer, Chase. Ex-beauty queen type who is looking for a new life and fresh adventures after the disappointment of her husband becoming a worthless drunk. Came to a truth or dare party and never left.

Jo : A recluse who always received criticism by family and friends because she didn't achieve expectations. Pretty and vivacious underneath layers of shapeless clothes to hide herself, friends drag her along to Olivia's party and she never goes back to her dingy little room.

Michael : An Architect who studied with David through University. Moving to the area and possibly join their firm but has problems with his wife, Sarah, who is having an affair with Wes Daniels.

Aleesha : A private investigator specialising in family matters. A tough cookie having gone through her own marriage break-up.

Monica, David, and Olivia's business supervisor and now a minor shareholder, totally reliable and a family friend, long term single mother but heading for a 'fling' with a handsome 'player' Mark, from the website company on the next floor up. Her office assistant is Dee.

Joannie & Francine, Real Estate Agents

Lauren: A gay woman who has a crush on Jo

Louise: Former long term girlfriend of a lawyer who lost interest in her.

Amber, Erika, Josh, Aaron and Rachel: New friends from a night club'

Tania: David's first sexual experience and mentor in the art of 'love'.

Ruth, Fay, Diana, Sue , New friends from the Ship

Molly, Kim New friends at the Resort

Authors note. All geographic and other factual information is obtained from the internet and I have done my best to approximate as near as possible to the information available thereon. Therefore please note that no intention is meant to mislead or otherwise nor to express any opinion of those facts.


The importance of Ruth

When no-one came back, Louise and Amber volunteered to go look for them and Jane came to sit by him, there was no sign yet of Bree or Ana but it was only 8.30 am, not yet time to worry. He couldn't bring himself to tell all to Jane he didn't think it was fair, so he just said he had discovered correspondence with Daniel and left it at that, said that she got upset with herself because she was ashamed and ran off. Jane was not dumb and suspected that there might be more to it but decided to let it lie, she did however remind him that he brought Daniel back into Olivia's life. He said they might make it a shirt day as it had been a while since the last one. Has there been anything discussed about the masked ball? He asked. "Not much, if we have a meeting we can decide who is going to wear which mask, might be fun." "Anyone have any idea where Ana and Bree are?" he asked but she shook her head. "When we've got ourselves organised perhaps we can send out messages to anyone missing plus our temporary members. "I think we have Molly and Kim still here" she said, "They seem determined to join our club."

"One thing I want to broach with you, I had a message from my Dad," and he got his phone to show her. She looked thoughtful as she read. Then she switched to internet search but David couldn't see what she was doing. Finally still keeping David in the dark, she called up the stairs "Ruth have you got a minute please" "A sleepy voice said "Coming Jane, just need a few minutes. Jane turned to David "She was a real soldier last night, one of the last to sleep, probably fell asleep doing something naughty" David smiled at that but still looked questioning at her. "Give me a minute, all will be revealed.

A very sleepy Ruth eventually staggered out of the bedroom and down to them, David immediately got up and made sure there would be hot coffee. Jane decided it would be a good idea to wait until Ruth had time to come around. I am sorry to wake you Ruth but this might be important to you and us. That caught her interest and Jane could see her making extra effort to come around.

David brought coffee and indicated to carry on. Jane said "Ruth, you were saying that you had hotel experience, "yes it was where I met my husband, it was my major at Uni and then I did my onsite experience before I became a Manager and subsequently a group manager. Hubby is loaded and wanted me to give it up of course but I kept in touch." David said "I can't remember all we discussed about our plans Ruth, but just to recap, it's going to be a full 18 hole golf course and all facilities, we are converting the farmhouse and extending to provide a full retreat for our ladies and changing the farm buildings to create an event and conference centre plus offices and now they want a Hotel.

"It sounds like a major investment," "It is, but both Janes family and mine are successful businesspeople and they are on board with us, our members will be able to invest in the scheme too, if for example they sell up their house but want to keep their money in Real Estate. "So if I join the group I could invest?" "Of course" The point about our project is that it's going to be a high-class golf and leisure centre right in the middle of an area with Baltimore to the north, upmarket resorts to the East and top-end residential towns to the west, yet its slap bang in the countryside; it's got our families very excited.

Now I've had this message" and he nodded to Jane to show her. As Ruth read the message David and Jane could see the excitement grow inside her it was like a geyser building to an eruption. Then she realised that she was making assumptions and jumping to high expectations and visibly deflated.

David, not being one to disappoint, said. "First of all can you add your opinion to how many rooms we might need in such a hotel and second, could you handle it? And finally what's your hubby going to say if we dare tell him.

Her geyser erupted then, and she embraced both of them, thoroughly. When she came down, he made her take several sips of coffee.

Eventually repeating "So question one "How many rooms do you think?

"Give me time to check she said, I need to look at the expectations for the development including the golf course."

I want a rough estimate for now so they can do the figures, then

"Question two. Can you do it? It will mean arranging everything for the running of the Hotel from day one dovetailing with the other facilities. We'll do the plans but you will advise on practicalities, hopefully Olivia will do the design drawings and specification and you will advise and input at each stage. Perhaps if things move forward you could put together some ideas. The whole has to be in the style of the surrounding countryside and established buildings, I think we will be looking at an imposing but historic design. A huge version of the "White House" he joked but both ladies looked thoughtful at that, 'wouldn't something like that put us on the map'.

"Sounds so wonderful and great she bubbled, and I will be able to be with you guys, I love you all soo much."

"What about your hubby?" David asked

The question brought her back down to earth. Let's leave it for now until we know more, I don't want to get my hopes up and then have to look a failure.

They both nodded in understanding.

Louise and Amber came back then.

"any luck?" he asked

"No but we messaged and got a mysterious text back"

He looked at the text, "If he really wants to find me he'll know where I am."

He turned back to Jane and Ruth. "What else did you have to tell me Jane?"

"Well a quick scan of typical golf courses said 80 to 100 rooms but I'd like to put my head together with Ruth and anyone else she thinks might help. If we are having the conference centre there too our peak demands might be higher, and if we have facilities for non-golfers then well." she tailed off, they all began to feel it was running away with itself.

"Perhaps I will advise a number but tell them to design so that we can extend and add without impacting on everything else. Suggested David

"So we will look at Hotels at Golf courses and conference facilities."

"Sounds great, OK, I'll leave it with you, do whatever you think is best"

The two ladies put their heads together as if he had asked them to do the thing of their dreams and he supposed it was in lots of ways. He left them to it with a final request, "Text me when Ana and Bree get back please, just want to know they are safe." He noticed that Louise and Amber joined them and were becoming excited by the ideas, he added to Jane "Bring the others up to speed when they finally come down, don't want anyone to feel they are left out" Jane gave him an acknowledgement and smile.

He fetched a blanket and 2 pillows, rolled them up and headed out.

He found Olivia at their little hideaway, she was hiding away as best she could looking miserable. "Hi" he said, "Budge over" then he began spreading the blanket and put out the pillows, he expected a fairly long stay. "I didn't get on to the other important thing," he said, he handed her his phone. At first she reacted like it was hot, then realising of course that it was his phone, she carried on reading. He expected to see a change for the better in her but the reverse happened. "You don't like the idea?" he asked,

"I don't think it's up to me" she said, "I'm not seeing a future for us."

"So you don't think you would want to do the designs?"

"No not really, I imagine you are thinking that the best thing for us will be to cut all ties"

He nodded sagely at that, he wasn't going to argue at this point.

"And the baby?"

She hadn't taken the step of thinking about that question yet, so she admitted it "I haven't thought about that yet"

"If you left, do you think you could leave her or him with us?"

She found the thought painful and her face reflected it.

"Did you ever think about names?" he asked trying to bring her around some, 'it was easy to say that they could split this or that but babies were different.' "I like the name Pierce, it reminds me of the old Bond star, and how about Autumn, that might be a nice girls names" they were off the cuff but he thought it might get her mind working. Unfortunately she just shrugged. 'My! she is in a deep dark place' he thought. Had he not been supremely disenchanted at that moment, his approach might have been very different but he wasn't in the mood.

"Ok well you make up your mind, is there anything else I can do for you, anything you need."

"Just sit David and stay with me a while."

They sat in silence for a good long while, Jane messaged to say that Ana and Bree were back and Angela messaged the first date she had available to which he returned his acceptance and put the appointment in his diary. All the time Olivia watched him, "You getting me locked up when we get back?" "No I assume you will carry on as before, I want to tell her all the things I've done wrong right up front and get her to take your case more seriously, see if we need someone more specialised in your problem" then he added "I am not taking no for an answer and if she doesn't start taking it seriously I'll get you someone else."

"I see"

"I have been looking it up. What you have is a thing call Nymphomania, it's not curable but it can be managed, you just threw me off balance this morning. It's said to be initially triggered by certain events. I would suggest you think back and try and remember when it started and see if you can identify something that might have triggered it. I am sure Angela will be better at it."

"I would like to hope that I keep my dirty girl but manage it better." he added, knowing he shouldn't.

David notices she brightens slightly.

"I hope you will carry on with your holiday the same as Ana and Bree, they came home at last so I'm guessing they enjoyed their evening. I am wondering what their faces are going to look like when they see me, I feel like I have enough going on at the moment."

"They will need your reassurance David that they won't lose you."

It was the first thing she had said for so long that he almost jumped when she spoke.

He bowed his head "I won't forsake them, I did my best to make them feel wanted before they went but I guess it's not enough. I do understand really, I wouldn't want to be in their situation."

Then she really surprises him. "Would you like me to speak to them"

"Would you? I haven't said anything about us to anyone, except a very abbreviated version to Jane because she was worried."

Of course she would, she is such a love. What did you say?

"Just told her you had been communicating secretly with Daniel, I don't suppose I convinced her, she is way too perceptive and she told me off for inviting Daniel to the party. But she didn't labour it and now she's excited about the plans for a Hotel. I didn't tell you that Ruth was a Hotel manager when her husband met her."

"Why, that's wonderful for you David" she said.

"Not you, us" he reacted sharply. "We may separate personally but there must be some way we can work together"

Then he calmed and continued, "I guess, anyway I told Jane to make sure nobody in our group should be left in the dark, she'll assume you know but what you say is up to you." then in afterthought "I take it you will come back to us"

"I will. Ohh and thank you for sending all my messages back to me David."

"I feel bad about that, I have no right to look at your messages let alone take them anymore. I promise you that I have not looked at any of them and I haven't interfered with your secret life at all." He smiled at that which confused the hell out of her. Inside her feelings were all a jumble and she really didn't want to make decisions.

He stood up and put his hand out "Are you coming?" she thought for a moment, smiled ruefully then put her hand out too. "Waste of a hidden spot" he said glibly as he bent to pick up the blanket and pillows then he took her in his arms and just held her.

He felt tears on his shoulder so he hugged her tighter until she yelped and then he looked down into those eyes that always entranced him and he couldn't help crushing her lips with his. For just a short while he stopped feeling like she had been despoiled.

"How are we going to do this?" She asked

"Just act normal for the remainder of this trip," he looked at her strained face "well do your best." "If I kiss you again will you be my Olivia for a few hours?"

"Welllll" she looked up at him coyly, "possibly if it is a really good kiss with lots of touching" I can do that he thought and made as good job at it as he could, she was certainly very flushed and unbalanced when they parted. She looked up at him her eyes hooded, "You know, they say that make-up sex is the best"

He had to admit he felt pretty horny himself, 'Ohh hell!' he thought and drew her back into his arms"

Seemingly back to normal, they were again side by side but a lot closer. His mind was still in overdrive although he felt less despair. However his mind had gone back to an earlier thought about the consequences of promiscuity at a place like this, he needed to do something but what, then he had an idea. He reached over and trailed a finger along her skin and she moaned her pleasure. "I want to take a walk up to reception while I am recovering, I have decided to get all our pregnant or promiscuous ladies checked over. Will you come with me, I am sure that you would know more about the things we need to have checked." "Why now David?" "I'm thinking it will be easier to get everyone done including our new members while we are all in one place, also I want to send out a message about what the dangers are," "

"What do you want checked?"

"I was thinking sexually transmitted disease but mostly I want to check the pregnancies."

"I believe that the Hotel requires people to have a medical beforehand"

"That would be extremely good news, it would just be the babies I want to check."

David thought he saw her doing some quick searching of her memory but couldn't be sure.

She hadn't seemed to object so he said "Shall we go, we can take your clothes off again soon and if it's a shirt day you will be well looked after, then tonight it's the mask party and you will forget me again, just set up your phone so you can send a 'help' message if you need to, I don't want you getting hurt.

Olivia was completely non-plussed by that, she decided she would have to think it through very carefully.

Their afternoon in shirts deciding on masks was great fun, they had ordered more than they needed and there were men's and women's so they joked about the possibilities endlessly, mostly of the potential sexual connotation. At one point the ladies all hid behind a low wall and then popped their head up one at a time and David had to guess who they were. Having all those barely clothed highly sexed women in a small space could only lead to one thing and at one point no one showed their mask for so long that David looked over to find the whole lot writhing together with hands and fingers very busy on each other, he just leant on the wall watching them getting more and more excited until eventually he started pulling bodies out to have his way with them. The squeals of fun and delight were totally entrancing and David wished aimlessly that every day could be like this all day. Later David came back to earth and realised what he had said to Olivia earlier.

For the evenings entertainment the ladies were torn between hiding their identity and showing themselves off, eventually showing off their assets won so that David could have identified them even with a box over their head. The Hotel laid on entertainment and the guests all sat around tables to listen and watch, the tables were arrayed around a central dance floor. Once the entertainment was over the band withdrew and the lights were lowered then music came from a disc jockey who was well concealed somewhere out of sight of the dance floor, or at least that was the impression the hotel was trying for. David's entire table got up as one to dance while the floor was relatively empty, he was very aware of the admiring glances coming their way from the groups and couples at tables around them. He whispered that they were being admired to his nearest dance partners and the word soon spread, as he could have predicted the ladies played up to it, more and more as the evening went on and the floor became more crowded.