Consequences Pt. 09A

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David goes ballistic, too much?
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Consequences 09

Part A David goes ballistic, too much?

Background. I have moved the Main Characters list to the end of this piece to make space to add a little background to anyone joining the saga two thirds of the way through. If you read my profile (and I would be surprised if you had) it says; My inspiration comes from the polyamory relationship of the central characters from Elliott Kay's books in the Good Intentions Fantasy series. The interaction of the Succubus, the potty mouthed Angel and the too good to be true young man who rescues them and finds himself bonded to them, is the essence of my attempt to transfer such a relationship into a non witch/demon world. The love that grows between them is stretched by the needs of the Succubus, the young man's moral principles. (particularly of being a hypocrite) and the Angel's love of the others that doesn't fit too well with her job as an Angel.

I don't want to spoil the books for anyone who wants to try them but I thought I would give a quick list of some of the characters as I interpret them from the Kay books and leave you to decide how my own characters have generated themselves by comparison.

  1. The too good to be true, all american, young man.
  2. The Succubus who for the first time in her life becomes bonded to a good person.
  3. The Angel, who always cuts through the crap in any situation, loves both the succubus and the good guy.
  4. A pair of witches, lesbians living together who decide to have a fling with the one man they admire.
  5. A future society girl who enjoys both the good guy and the succubus but wants to see what else the world has to offer.
  6. The good guys' friends, male and female, who support him through thick and thin..
  7. A female investigator who becomes involved with one of the friends.
  8. A Succubus bonded in servitude to a Top ranked Devil, collecting the souls of evil men.
  9. An enigmatic woman from the past.

In my Consequences saga David the Architect has been brought up with old fashioned standards, putting women on a pedestal and caring for them as his first obligation. He meets and marries Olivia (the Succubus??) and they build up a successful life until they start trying for a baby, during which their exploratory play, leads her inner 'Devil' side to push its limits. After a close run experience where their relationship is almost destroyed, they are joined by Jane (maybe the Angel?) but it signals the beginning of a polyamory lifestyle where Olivia pushes the boundaries of her bond to the others and Jane tries to keep them all together. My saga explores sexuality interlaced with relationship issues, and a slow build adventure into revenge and the creation of a new business where charity and profit making work in tandem to mutual benefit.

Author's note. All geographic and other factual information is obtained from the internet and I have done my best to approximate as near as possible to the information available thereon. Therefore please note that no intention is meant to mislead or otherwise nor to express any opinion of those facts.

There is no sex in this posting as it links Book 8 with Book 9.



Relating to Jane what happened to him.

We arrived back at our home in the afternoon, and the entire trip had been straightforward without incident. Nobody really spoke to me but somehow I didn't care and that wasn't like me. Had I changed that much? When we arrived home Jane indicated that she needed to talk to me as soon as I could. So we packed away and then headed to the home office.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I am doing just fine but I sense something has changed with you and I'd rather get it out there."

"I have an idea that I am going to be answering questions again and again so would you mind if I recorded our conversation. You can stop it any time you like." She looked at me considering the possible consequences of recording, but agreed.

Ok I will start by saying that I do feel a change in me, I recognised it on the way home. I did a lot of thinking but realised that no person who came through what I experienced Saturday night, could not be affected. But I'm going to give it some time, try not to do anything I might regret later. Ask your questions and then we can discuss afterwards.

"So what happened afterwards?"

"I had a really good day on Sunday, I forgot all my worries and just enjoyed myself. When I woke up that morning I found that no one came home from the night before so I thought, hey! why don't I do something for myself too. I just went on a whim and it turned out great. It was so different I felt like a new man."

"What did you do?"

"I took a boat along the coast to the other end of the island and I just walked around with my camera, I can't wait to see my shots. It was so great just to let my senses absorb everything around me. Then I found this fantastic café where they were happy to let me people-watch, I had coffee and more coffee and then a beer then dinner and so it went. I was still sitting chatting to the staff when the time came for closing up. The boat came and got me in the morning."

"But what if the boat hadn't turned up?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I would have got out one way or another, it would just have been about money, I didn't feel that anyone would care much."

"That's not true and you know it."

"I do know but some things just make one feel that way."

She put her hand on his shoulder, "Do you still want us here David, have we destroyed your faith in everything?"

He looked at her, almost as if he was seeing her for the first time. He took her in. everything about her then switched off the recording and said, "I will always love you Jane, I always have. What I think has happened to me is that my faith in women has been, how can I say it? You know how I used to put women on a pedestal, you knocked that a little when we were young, but after that I never had anything but respect and a need to please women. Systematically Olivia has tried to destroy that and what happened Saturday night was I suppose the final straw. For the first time ever I came back to you guys and I didn't worry one bit, I didn't care what happened on Saturday night or when any of you got back. I even assumed that some might never come back. My day alone was like a breath of fresh air that I needed to face the coming weeks and months. You want to hear something awful, if Olivia loses her baby and if any of the others want to terminate theirs I don't mind at all."

"Wow, that's a lot of change in you David, I don't know all that went on between you and Olivia during this holiday but she really must have done a number on you."

It was a half question because she was intrigued but didn't want to ask out right.

"She did a number and then some, in fact I am not even sure it's as bad as what she has on her phone and that is saying something. She says it is even worse than what she did Saturday night."

She looked unknowing so he thought he would check, "Did anyone look at my phone while I was gone?"

"I didn't but I can't speak for anyone else."

"I'd checked whether it was still in the same place but I couldn't be absolutely sure."

"What is so important about the phone?"

"It's full of stuff she has been up to."


"For a while I had two worries, how bad was it and how long had it been going on."


"I don't know, but what she did on Saturday night made it all irrelevant really, she just pushed my face in the shit then put her foot in and rubbed my head in it."

"Ohh I am sorry."

"Me too but it's all history now."

"What do you mean?"

"I want her out of my life but I can't stop protecting her, I promised I would. But as far as I am concerned, from now on she is just one of our 'waif and strays.' My worries now are whether she could do something that might destroy anything else."


I wrote an email to my Dad on Saturday afternoon, but I didn't send it. I was going to give her one last chance Saturday night. If she had any self-respect or cared for me she would have behaved like a wife all night and come home with me. But she didn't even come home by the following day.

"You did rather give us our freedom."

"I know, but she is supposed to be married to me, and married people worry about each other. I know I am expecting too much in the circumstances. I just felt disappointed but when you see what she did, you will realise why I needed some kind of reassurance that I mattered. Don't get me wrong, I also realised that I was being unfair and could have been doing the same. However, if you say to someone 'have a good time' it doesn't imply that they should not care how you feel about what they do. I have always cared too much really and I guess I shouldn't expect other people to have my standards."

Jane thinks, 'I feel like there is something I should say but right now I can't think of the right words.'

He continued, "Since I got back I have realised that you all need to find out what you really want, it has been too easy to slip into this cosy fun life we have been having. My concern is that when the fun gets jaded what happens then? And the pregnancies scare me to pieces now. I had this vision of having lots of babies in my arms and no mothers.

Olivia held his hand, "you're a good man David Thurlow, too good for us."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because no one cared enough to come home or even to check on you."

That struck him fully for the first time, he had been so busy escaping the misery of Olivia's behaviour that it was all he thought about.

Jane continued, "I can't tell you about the others, what they did or where they were, because I just don't know and I have a feeling you don't want to know. How do you feel about us all now?"

"Disappointed, very disappointed, there's worse words but what would be the point in saying them. I never want to lose any of the ladies who have professed to love me but I guess it can be only words and I don't feel loved right now by any of them." he thought for a moment "I know it's my own fault, I gave everyone their freedom, but it was because of Olivia, how could I hold to my principles when she was committing adultery right, left and centre and then expect better from everyone else. It felt so hypocritical."

''That much?, we had no idea"

"Neither did I until I got hold of her phone and saw a message from Daniel show up. I quizzed her about it and she admitted that they had been messaging and then I caught her looking at a nude erect photo he had sent. She admitted that she would have masturbated to it, and then she showed me something she had done with some unknown person. I tried to allow some leeway, tried to control it, even be a part of the fantasies but as always she twisted my words and turned them on me. At some point she told me that she had done far worse than she did Saturday night."

Do I dare ask?

"At one point on Saturday night I could see she was excitable and so I took her outside and made her climax. She then went straight to the two couples she was seducing all evening like I was just incidental and of no importance. Moving along a bit, she left them to take two young guys outside. I found her about to take them into a place that was supposed to be special to just us. It was probably the last nail in my coffin. I tried to stop her with a sign that said she was dead if she went in there but she could have turned back because I walked away in disgust. As far as I am concerned the very notion that she was despoiling what was supposed to be important to us was enough. I decided to go to bed and told everyone who was still around. Later I get messages with photos sent to me by her but I ignore them, I assume they are pictures of her and the boys. Then I get a real time message from her, she wants me to watch her get fucked by two couples. I refuse, then there is some back and forth as she tries to change my mind and I eventually say something final and disconnect. I turn the sound off my phone and go to sleep eventually.

I woke up the next morning and there's a really long message. She had carried on as if I was still there and sent the entire video. I watched it and was violently sick, then I looked around to see if anyone had come home and no, so I packed up and left.

Jane rarely swore but I heard her say "FUCK!" with emphasis. I feel sick listening to you David. Is there more?

"Probably, going back to when I got hold of her phone, at first I deleted her messages, video's, photos' and everything but sent them to myself just in case I changed my mind. Then I felt guilty and sent them back to her. The messages are still on my phone and as soon as I can I shall download and archive them."

"You must suspect something very bad David?"

"I do because she told me so," and he looked at her to see if she really wanted to know, unsure, he asked her outright and she nodded her head.

"I think there is a video of her having sex with that dance partner she had, Victor was his name, the one I put in hospital. I suspect there is also a gangbang. Jane's eyes went through her brows in shock. She admitted that she's been doing one on one across the internet, who knows what that entailed. But when she describes what she'd done as much worse than Saturday night my mind can't even imagine. On that video/message she does just about everything that is physically possible. What other perversions would she get into, surely not pain? Do you know what, I am dreading finding her dead from making a snuff movie, the way she allows people to treat her it almost seems inevitable."

"Ohhh Ohhhh, Ohhhhh OHH OHH stop David, please stop, I can't stand this."

"Do you now understand why I ran? Like a coward"

Jane was crying now, and she nodded in between her sobs.

Eventually Jane recovered enough to ask, "Does anyone else know of this?"

He said "Nope just you and me and the perpetrators" then stopped to pause the recording and whispered as quietly as possible. "And as soon as I can Angela. The only safe place for Olivia is somewhere controlled."

"What should I say if anyone asks?"

"Let's just stick to the fact that no-one let me know they were safe, I don't think there is any need to spread the rest around in all its glorious technicolour. Not knowing what's on that phone is worrying because so much of what I just said is based upon what Olivia implied and she could have been exaggerating. I'm not sure what to do about it, if anything"

They tried to continue but Jane was too upset and they clung to each other. Eventually she stood up and said, "I need to go for a walk and think. I believe it would be a good idea for you to arrange to see each of the ladies one on one as soon as possible. Then, she left, passing Jo who asked her if she was ok. David heard her and asked her into the office and shut the door behind her. She became nervous having seen Jane in tears as she came out..

Jo wanted to know what was going on too, so David repeated to Jo what he had told Jane, again recording what he hoped he could play to the others. At the end Jo looked guilty and David could see there were more questions inside her. "Go on Jo you might as well ask anything you want as long as you are prepared to hear the answers. At the end of this meeting I am going to ask about what your intentions are for the future, that's a question I'm afraid to ask too.".

"It's about what's been going on with Olivia, I feel like you have been spending all your time arguing with her and then suddenly your best buddies and now you aren't even talking to her."

"The problem for me Jo, is that you love Olivia, she was your first and I don't want to diminish your feelings, it's not for me to do."

"I think you should let me decide," she says determinedly.

"Ok your choice."

David stopped the recording, saved it and started anew, then he recounted Olivia's problem and as much as he could remember of what had happened, including his own mistakes as they went along, mistakes that he now realised were twisted to make things worse.

David watched as Jo's face became whiter and whiter and when he recounted the recent stuff she jumped out her chair and rushed to the bathroom. He stopped the tape, waiting to see if she came back and had any further questions. Then while he was waiting he restarted the tape and continued filling in some of the details. He saved it and then started dictating the mistakes he thought he had made, his reasoning at the time and the consequences. Again he stopped the recording and saved it, then while still waiting he began to save the files to his laptop.

Eventually Jo did come back and he held her for a very long time. Then she said, "You are the only man for me, I am so sorry that I let you down, if it's any consolation Louise and I were together and I was with some other women. I slept through late, that's all." Thinking that was all she could say she stopped for a moment and then added "It's up to Louise to tell you about herself." David nodded his agreement but thought he could read between the lines.

David said, "It seems possible that you and I might be looking after a whole bunch of children on our own, don't you think?" Unexpectedly for him, she positively glowed at that idea and he suddenly felt one of his worries ease. "I would love that David."

"Incidentally, did you get the Doctors check that I arranged?"

"Ohh yes he came Sunday and tested us all, he said he would email the results to you."

"OK thanks."

Jo went off to make coffee and promised to bring him one and he decided he should check his emails. He had emailed his Dad the opinion about the number of rooms for the Hotel and confirmed that they had Ruth who was an expert, being an ex-regional manager. On the safe side, he had taken the precaution to email Aleesha to do a confidential background check with a report to be received in person. Thinking about that, he decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to get Aleesha to do a check on anyone who gets closely involved with the group, so he rang her to discuss how it would be best handled.


Aleesha becomes more involved

David underestimated how fast Aleesha worked because she was quickly into a report that was pretty much what Ruth had said about herself, except more detail on her education and work background. It made for a very good CV, she reported.

"Is there anything on the husband?" he asked.

"Not much from my enquiries about her except the basics, would you like me to check?"

"Yes please, let me tell you what I do know to help you get started" and he proceeded to tell her everything he knew.

"Ohh my, so you have a potential new member as well as a hotel manager?"

"That's what Ruth is excited about, she was worried that her husband wouldn't let her spend time here otherwise. My concern is whether he is the type to want to stick his nose into our business"

"OK leave it with me"

"One more thing, I want to put in place an automatic background check on anyone who wants to join the group, especially if it continues to grow. Can we sort out something that you will do automatically short term? The only thing is, the reporting might have to be one to one and then give me access to a file, perhaps online?"

Leave that one to me David, I can see where you're going, clearly you don't want people to know you are having them checked. There may be something that's really private, give me a second. He opened his door to the garden and stepped out of the house, trying to give the impression that he was wandering aimlessly while he waited.