Consequences Pt. 09B

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Family reconciliation, and online interest.
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Consequences 09

Part B Family reconciliation, and online interest.

Character List at the end of story

If I had you - Rod Stewart from the album Human

I could change the world

If I had you [by my side]

I could change the world

If I had you

My momma told me not to worry (I don't cheating)

She said "It'll all come to those who wait"

But as I wait, I feel, oh, no

That it's much too late

That's why (never too late, baby)

Part B

David's interview with Bree continues


David said, "I haven't seen Rachel and Erika yet so I imagine they will have things they want to talk about. Who do you think is the next most uncertain of the other ladies that I ought to talk to? I want to see all of them privately but look after the most worried ones first."

I think they are much the same, Amber is not sure because she is just not certain about herself full stop. I think she joined because of Olivia.

"Enough said"

Louise was probably with a man or men Saturday night and that might have unsettled her. Not much you can do about that.

Jo is okay I think, she loves you.

"Lauren has no reason to want to leave or feel uncertain except that she let you down Saturday as well, which to be honest is really surprising. I honestly thought she was yours through and through outside of her being a lesbian. Nobody's going to change her sexuality, so as I say, its perplexing. She must have got into a big orgy and fell asleep exhausted."

"Jeeze I think our people were having sex with everyone in the place."

Bree turned away a little shamed faced. In his present mood David was not going to pull any punches, he was going to say that as often as he could over the next few days.

Finally there was Ruth, she'll be back I think but they had a different flight to us.

I think I will message her just to touch base, we have a lot riding on her at the moment and if there's going to be any changes from her I need to know, asap.

Bree decided he needed some time to do everything and he had given her plenty to do and think about.

It wasn't long before Rachel and Erika came in together. "How have you two been getting on together?" he asked.

They looked at each other, a little colour showing, "She's insatiable" Rachel finally admitted and it gave him the best smile of the day.

"Can I move in to your bed?" he asked

"Great," said Rachel. "Help at last," she joked and Erika poked her playfully in the ribs.

"Anything else I need to know besides you two fucking like rabbits."

"No, just work," said Rachel, "and Michaels on top of it." The girls flirted with him for a while, took turns sitting on his lap and wiggling while he took liberties with their assets.

"Want to lock the door ladies?"

"We just came to tease," Erika said, "we are supposed to be at a girls' night."

He smiled, "ok you better go before I lock you in anyway."

"Promises, promises," they teased.

"More like a threat" he came back.

The girls looked in two minds.

"How long do you have?" he asked.

"About 10 minutes."

He was now feeling very frustrated. "Go before I take advantage regardless" he said.

Giggling they left the office and received pats on the bottom as they passed by.

He was packing up to call it a day and relax for a while with the others when his door opened behind him. Being busy He didn't look up so the first he heard was "any reason I can't talk to you like the others?"

Without looking back he answered, "You can listen to recordings of the discussions like the others if you want."

"You won't talk to me then?"

"I don't have anything to talk to you about yet but as soon as I do I will."

"What are you talking about?"

"I have enquiries being made to find out what caused your problem?"

"Why do you care?"

"Call it my goal in life if you want, I am going to get you better so that you can live a normal life."

"I suppose you want my gratitude"

"Not one bit, I am honouring my promises, our bond if you like. I said I would take care of you. I am going to stick by that until you're well. come what may."

"Don't you think I should be consulted and kept informed."

"Which one of your persona's should I consult?" he looked around at that and gave her no doubt of his disdain for her.

She just glared at him.

"Well?, should I make an appointment in between your gangbangs?"

He saw her wince at that but she held her cool.

"So let me know how I know which person I can consult and I will be happy to do an update as often as necessary but I won't waste my time on the slut."

She just looked cross.

He looked at her, "Can you remember any event that's locked inside, maybe something that started out horrific but became something else?" she just looked slightly confused. Well if you have a moment of lucidity perhaps you can delve into your memories. We are looking for something that triggered your nymphomania and things that might reawaken it. She actually looked interested then. "How far back?"

"Well I'm guessing it will be since you have been interested in sex. It may even be connected with your first experience or one of your first. Then moving on perhaps something so significant that it affected you but got buried away. It might be someone that you trust, could be a brother, step brother, step father, mothers lover, neighbour, teacher, doctor, it's a long list."

Again she looked thoughtful."

"Wow! you've been in here for about 10 minutes and you haven't fucked anybody." I said sarcastically, a smug smile nearly went across my face, I had enjoyed saying that so greatly and I just stopped himself in time.

Her hand came out in such a smack across my face that the whole house must have heard. My hand went up to the side of my face, the heat and pain was well worth it, I savoured every single sharp pain and I smiled at the pleasure of my success at getting the reaction.

"Into pain now are we? I was only saying earlier that you probably were. I better check your insurance to see if you're covered when you die in a snuff porno film" He looked at her, daring her to repudiate him.

"Come on then, you're the one who always gets the last word, tell me I'm wrong."

She took control of herself.

"I am not into pain David"

"So you say."

"What else are you not into?"

She couldn't see any point in following his taunting.

"Just to finish up I am having that guy Zac investigated, I'm going to have him regardless, and I intend to take his life apart and destroy him."

"Ohh and I am having that guy Mark's balls too, I told him today that he has to either divorce his wife and start a monogamous relationship with Monica or he stops his behaviour and treats his wife properly."

She starts to look impressed so he put a stop to that.

"Sorry, you wouldn't understand monogamous would you? It means he has to be faithful to his wife or girlfriend, that kind of thing." Her raised spirits collapsed and she just stood feeling helpless and lost.

He re-opened his laptop, pulled up the recordings. You wanted to hear, be my guest. I'll come back in 10 minutes or so.

He found Jo and said, "I need you to go watch-over Olivia while she listens to the recordings, can you do that?" She gave him a big smile and jogged off. Time went by and he heard nothing so he made his way back. He found Olivia crying in Jo's arms. He tried to feel something, he really did but he couldn't, he just turned back and got another cup of coffee, she knew of course and a new burst of misery ran through her. He was about to rub it in a bit more then decided he would save the pleasure for another day, he was going to extract every bit of misery he could from every single bastard who had crossed him and Olivia was at the top of his list.

He decided to call it a night but wanted to make sure he had a bed to himself. He went into the garage to see if a spare bed was accessible, then realised he was putting himself down again. So he went to the smallest bedroom and settled himself in, took out his laptop and immersed himself in the memories of Lisa, then sent the email he promised and attached a photo. Quick as a flash a reply came back, smiles, questions, and a comment about the photo being a bit lame. So he wrote back telling her something about what he did and about their Sanctuary. This time he attached a photo that is sexy and sultry. They chatted back and forth until he felt himself falling asleep and said goodbye, grateful for a release from the world he knew.

In the morning he discovered two bodies in his bed, they were spooning together fast asleep and he wondered how late they had come in. A thought came to him that for the time while he was away they effectively were living to their own rules. He started to wonder if he was being hypocritical with his ladies just because they were within his ambit. Was that what was behind his doubts about them, was it them wondering if they could do anything right? This was not a good start to the day he thought, he was only just starting to get some backbone as he saw it and didn't need to start doubting himself now, especially with the consultation coming up. He moved over to spoon with the girls for a moment and allowed himself to enjoy stroking their soft pleasing bodies. A bottom pushed back towards him and immediately his own body reacted.

He was behind Erika who must have been half awake, because having pushed into him she also began to caress Rachel who in turn gave off a little mewl reminiscent of an expected pleasure being welcomed. He felt Erika's hands begin to caress Rachel further going up to her breasts, cupping and caressing them, then he noticed her begin to nuzzle and kiss the back of Rachel's neck. He thought 'Erika knows exactly how to push her buttons' so he copied her doing to Erika what she in turn was doing. He heard Erika realise that he was copying with a little chuckle as his mouth also settled on to her neck.

Erika began a series of caresses that she knew both she and Rachel liked and he emulated, except when it came to the finale, David smiled to himself when she groaned with frustration. He was thoroughly enjoying getting revenge for the previous days teasing. When her fingers slipped between Rachel's legs he followed suit and she whined with frustration. He grinned enjoying every moment until she said 'Jeeze what does a girl have to do to get fucked around here." He slid Rachel gently to one side and pulled Erika onto her back, his hardness found its way automatically to her tight opening and Rachel spread her thighs across Erik's lips. David reached for Erika and their lips met, joined in a true three way, their bodies connected end to end.


Another day, an appointment with the psychologist.

David was aware of others who wanted to talk to him so made sure he connected with them at Breakfast. Louise, Amber, and Lauren were next but all were heading back to work so he set up a meeting with them as soon as they got home. Next he had arranged to see Jane in his office after breakfast and then an appointment with Angela at 10am. Olivia was at 11am and Jane was accompanying them both.

With Jane, he ran through the conversations with the others the previous day including his communication with Olivia and then went over what was likely to be discussed with Angela. As he recounted his interaction with Olivia, in graphic detail, he noticed Jane becoming increasingly disturbed but was biting her tongue, which made him start to worry about his approach.

Then he updated her in the same way he had with Bree and let her know that he had given her the tasks. Finally he asked her, who do you think Molly and Kim will contact, Ruth or Fay or Sue? She wasn't sure, but would ask around. When he told her about the call to Mark, her eyes went wide with surprise, perhaps even shock but then she shrugged her shoulders and couldn't stop herself asking.

"What do you think Monica will do if she finds out you spoke to him?"

"I suppose I will deal with it when it happens, I didn't tell him to stop seeing her. just to stop double timing her."

Jane couldn't help speaking her mind, "If she's in lust with the man she might not see it that way."

Jane did however show interest in the Zac matter which was new to her and gave her full support to the investigation. They talked over the process of obtaining background searches on anyone joining their retreat and she pointed out that a reporter looking for a juicy story might try to infiltrate their group. She added, "you never knew what an angry husband might try," then she recounted an experience when a friend tried to get her involved in something.

All that done, they took their time travelling to Angela's office sharing a car. Jane sat up front with him and Olivia in the back; nothing was said which was strange for them.

Angela came for David on time and whilst he was settling in, she said, "You called for an urgent meeting so it's over to you." David started out by saying that he felt that Olivia was a serious risk to herself, that her condition had worsened and he wanted something done to protect her from herself."

"Ok now perhaps you could fill me in on more background."

He began, "I have spent some time recording the errors I've made and recording events" at which point he handed a memory stick over to her, then sheets of paper upon which he had written down all that he knew.

She looked at the stuff realising it would take time to go through so asked him to wait outside while she went through it.

Sometime later Angela came out, she went to her receptionist and asked, "Is there any flexibility in my Diary today? After a moment she was told, apart from lunch hour there is only half an hour this afternoon. Angela looked over her shoulder and pointing at a particular appointment, asked, "can you ring these folks and see if you can delay them by half an hour this is going to take longer than expected." Then added "Ohh and if I am not out by lunchtime could you get something in please" Then to David's surprise she called Olivia in. The time rolled past and finally Olivia came out and Angela followed, gesturing to him to come back in.

"David you have set me more to do than there is time for but I'm doing my best and I will try to see Olivia again as soon as possible, I am thinking perhaps during the evening but not at your home. I don't want it to be in town because it will restrict time too much so somewhere not far from our homes. Can you arrange something?"

He thought for a second "I think that can be arranged. I will confirm later today."

She smiled, "Good, ok back on to what you're here for."

"There is no doubt that there is a major problem here, I agree with your assessment and now that you're back from holiday we will increase the regularity of treatments, I just want to get someone else on board so that my busy schedule doesn't interfere with the regularity and frequency of treatment. Does that sound acceptable?"

Yes it does, "Although my wife and I are no longer "married" in the everyday sense, I will continue to maintain my other responsibilities and dedication to get her well again."

"You mention your relationship and although she doesn't argue that she is in the wrong, she does see things differently to you. She feels that you apply double standards to her and that you encourage her. I am simplifying of course because it's obvious that it is much more complicated than that. All I am saying is that she feels that you should bear some responsibility.

David found that last comment intensely annoying, she's was still singing the same old song and refusing to accept responsibility. It took him a moment to gather his wits before replying.

"I think I accept that in what I recorded about the mistakes I've made, but what I would say in my defence is that I have been constantly facing a 'fait accompli'. I will discover something very wrong that she has done, then I will try to make allowance that she is sick and try to see it from her point of view, then I will try to bend to become part of her behaviour and therefore make it possible for her to enjoy what she does but be safe. She always takes that as a permission to do something even worse and lately she rubs my nose in it afterwards. I have stretched my feelings to breaking point and Saturday night was the final straw."

Angela could sense his suppressed anger and decided to be cautious with her approach. "Please understand that I have only been able to skim the information you have given me so I don't understand your reference to Saturday night."

David reached across and gave her another memory stick. "On there are recordings I have made of discussions with some of the other women in our group. It was the last but one night and there was a mask party but people didn't wear much else." He went to go on and describe how it was from his point of view up until he went off to the Village.

Angela just nodded and added, "Let me go through all this before we talk again."

Can I also tell you that I have a copy of everything that was on Olivia's phone but she tells me that some of what's on there is worse than what I have seen thus far. I also have photos she sent me while I was in bed Saturday night and the messages and video that came later. The only thing I have actually seen are two videos of Saturday night and I was violently sick afterward so frankly I don't want to know about anything else, there is also one of her in a gangbang that she organised for herself. I am protecting myself by making the decision that the marriage is over and that she is just one of the women at the retreat, except I will not have sex or sleep with her. To be honest I feel she is just a slut or whore and I can't take any more of the hurt. My body is now trying to protect me, yesterday whilst going over it all I had a breakdown and I can't allow that to happen again.

Angela just said "A breakdown are you sure?"

"Bree was with me and said I lost contact with the world. She said that she couldn't get my attention and I seemed to go off on something completely unrelated. It's a black hole in my memory"

She "mmm'd" for an instance and then said, "I think for a while you should try to stop analysing and looking back on what has happened to you. Leave that to me if you can."

I just want to warn you Angela and I am not being melodramatic when I say that she displays multiple personalities. One minute she is the pillar of society, the next she will be a sex kitten who will wind you round her finger and then suddenly she will be completely out of control. She believes what she is telling you now because she needs something to hang on to, of trying to stay sane but she is losing her tenuous link with sanity more each day.

Having said all that, I should tell you something else. So I related the matter of Zac and the investigations I had initiated, I also told her the general investigations of Olivia's past and that I had asked Olivia to think back over her past. I also said that I was going to see her parents and perhaps get them to agree to see her if she wanted.

"You have obviously been doing your homework."

"Yep, online, audio books, borrowing hardbacks from libraries, you could say I became more and more obsessed with every risk she put herself in."

"Well now you have to stop all that, at least for a while. I do think you should rethink what's acceptable to you and what's not, I find the sexual side of your relationship very confusing."

"So do I, some of it was fun but no longer. When we settled our differences after she had an affair with an old friend we were supposed to limit what we did by obtaining our partners permission beforehand, but at some point that stopped and I found myself trying to decide what I could cope with, but sorry I am repeating myself.