Consequences Pt. 10C


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It was over all too soon, so David and Ana drove away in sadness. Ana had done her best to convince Christina to bring Tania to the retreat but was as uncertain as David. They drove the first part of the journey in silence until David pulled over again down some remote farm track and they embraced. Then they became engulfed in raw sex in their 'out of the way place,' rejoicing in their passion and closeness. For David though, there was a sense of 'deja vu' that he forced himself to shrug off. It got them laughing and chatting again but the underlying feeling did not go easily. Ana took control of the car and dropped him off at the airport heading for Ohio.


Aleesha was so shy and uncertain that David thought they would never share the same bed, in a way his conscience wouldn't have minded. But there was only one bed and Aleesha announced she was going to it, so David gave her time to prepare before he also headed for the shower room then followed her into the bed. They lay uncertain, not able to sleep, and eventually he reached out an arm, she allowed him to move close up to her and they stayed that way slipping into a fitful sleep. In the early hours he felt her exploring him, trying hard not to wake him. He let her become increasingly adventurous until he couldn't hide his morning wood any longer. She came close without touching so he placed his hand over hers and moved it to his growing hardness, she tensed for a moment but he persevered lifting his head and turning into hers to bring their lips together.

By mid-morning they were lovers and by lunchtime they were talking ten to the dozen, enjoying each other's company. He found her to be a demanding lover and enjoyed her unabridged expression of pleasure, she was not afraid to let him know exactly what she wanted and what she wanted more of.

Eventually they talked business and he told her about his recent adventure with Ashley and she admitted she was sorry she missed it.

"You may not have completely missed it because I want someone else to run it."

"Sounds like you are building up a team of investigation agents."

He smiled, shaking his head at that, not wanting her to think he had any intentions of treading on her toes. He thought she had done about as much as she could on the rape case there in Ohio and was ready to handover to the police.

He decided to get Phillips advice on what to do next as a police officer was involved. "I will speak to Internal Affairs and see what feedback I get."

David added "We feel like we are up against a date line" then he explained about the officer moving States. "Do you think we should get a reporter involved?"

"Please leave it with me David, I know you are agitated but let's try to work the system and if we get nowhere you can go whichever route you want.

David's actions were decided by their lust, they had agreed mutually that their affair had to be a one off, at least as circumstances stood. For some reason neither wanted to discount a possibility of being together in another time, another place, it seemed romantic to leave that possibility between them. So they stayed longer than intended and shut themselves away from the world, it could take care of itself just this once.

When he returned home, David was deluged by affection from the ladies who were there. He was surprised that 4 of the ladies were still on their cases but delighted that they had acted in his absence. He decided to call a conference with them and Aleesha at an hour when the targets were definitely out of action.

Lauren quickly asked if he wanted to be updated and he said, "Do I want to be?".

She shrugged, "It'll wait."

"Let me get all this stuff out of the way and we can get some private time to talk."

She agreed nonchalantly.

Ana, Rachel, and Ruth were the remaining ladies not involved in investigations since Jo was with Erika for handover. He was desperate to know how Ana's week had gone although her greeting had been enthusiastic. Because he hadn't got his update, the fact that Bree and Jane weren't there left him with a feeling of foreboding. He didn't want his overriding mood to be wrecked just yet.

Ana admitted that there had been no change since they left each other, she said that she had begun texting Tania and Christina and the friendship seemed to be continuing. "Does Zoe never ask about me?"

Ana shook her head.

"In that case I think we should get together again somehow, think about it."

Her expression acknowledged the sense of what he had said, but questioned him.

"I am just concerned that I don't exist as far as she is concerned, I think that I should be in her cognisance, she won't ask about me until she is. You definitely can't bring us up if she doesn't know who I am."

Ana tried to be enthusiastic about the idea but needed to think about it.

Their meeting later couldn't come quick enough for David, the whole time he knew he should be updating with Lauren and was finding things to do that could have waited, he was just avoiding.

The investigators reported that there had been another meeting between Olivia and Angela at Olivia's flat and there might even have been a meeting at Angela's place as they had followed Olivia there. They were working on getting some equipment in there. Also they were following up on the boys, not getting anywhere fast but were fairly sure that one was Daniel's brother. Working back from that they were trying to find Daniels home and were following a possible lead through his friend Ethan and mother Charlotte. They were also monitoring the café meeting place. There wasn't quite the pressure on the Ashley case, they were concentrating on previous victims but that was a slim hope. They were just working on his friends to see if they could pick up any clues. They handed over a bunch of memory sticks saying, "we haven't checked what's on there, thought you would want to do it in private."

Aleesha was very impressed and David asked his ladies if they would use her as their point of contact while he was involved in other things, the ladies were more than pleased as they hoped to pick up some investigative ideas and experience.

He could tell that Nina wasn't totally committed to sleuthing but he suspected it was because it wasn't good for her sex life. Don't you have any fun with Erika and Jo when you are on her case. She blushed a little, something he hadn't seen on her much, and that said a lot. Until now he'd thought she hadn't admitted to herself that she was into Sapphic fun. It occurred to him that she would like somewhere private for her webcam fun and then it occurred to him that the basement could get more use, she hadn't been introduced to the Sybians yet either.

He was off again the following morning with Erika to the University, so privately he promised Jo a getaway when he came back. She was hinting that it was going to be difficult to get any more time off, even without pay, if he wanted her to help the others. Aleesha picked up on Jo's problem and he could see her brain working on solving it. He decided to see if Ruth would help out, then he wondered if Jane and Bree would help which meant he had to face another truth.



I texted Lauren, 'I need some help from Bree and Jane, are they still in town to ask? Do you think they would?'

She didn't come back immediately, so I went back to Aleesha. I am going to ask whether Bree and Jane could help, the problem is I can't put them on Ashley's job, can we shuffle things around? If we can, I need to get them on to some other work too, for the farm fitting out. I have messaged Ruth too but I know she is very busy getting the hotel ready

Lauren came back to me, 'there's no reason I know of that you shouldn't ask.' Which didn't tell me anything about what they were doing whatsoever, I groaned to myself.

So I text Jane and Bree simultaneously a list of what needed to be done, 'The farm completion is getting close, please order fittings. It is a big task, please, coordinate with Olivia and also see if a private webcam place might be possible at the farm. Maybe set up something temporarily at home in the basement for webcam fun, particularly unrecognisable. Next please find out who the contacts could be in Ohio to start circulating information about the rape, liaise with Aleesha and finally contact Angela for progress and keep pressure on her." I said thanks, but tried to be as businesslike as I could.he

"We will get started immediately," came back. That's something I thought.


Erika and I had a fantastic 2 days in each other's company, I did my best to make up for what her family failed to give her and in quiet hours it was nice to spend quality time one on one. She was surprisingly loving in her attentions and I felt a wrench when we headed home; that gave me pause to think more about her future within the family. As we pulled up at our driveway I made my mind up and turned to her, "Erika, I want you to know how much I care about you being in my family, I know I get obsessed and busy but whenever you're around I want you to make sure that we spend time together. I also want to tell you how grateful I am for what you have been doing."

He wasn't sure how she did it but suddenly he found her across his lap. It must have been painful but she kissed him thoroughly. "Thank you, I so wanted you to say something like that."

"In that case I'll say some more" I joked, moving my hand as naughtily as I could in the very confined position. She gave me one more quick kiss then heaved herself out from between the steering wheel and me, it was well timed because a part of me was looking for more space. We jumped out leaving everything behind and heading straight for the bedroom ignoring several questioning faces. Perfect as always, my ladies gave us time to make love before they came in to welcome us back, 'Retreat' style.


Coming back to earth the following day, I wasn't looking forward to coming face to face with Jane and Bee. At home there was no one around, so I messaged both Lauren and Aleesha to ask if they needed to speak to me. Lauren said it could wait but Aleesha said, "can you drop in if you are in town," so Erika and I headed out. She to give somebody on watch a break and me to my meeting. A good while later I took a sheet of paper that told the whole story of what happened to Olivia, names of those who were responsible, those who covered it up and those that stuck their head in the sand. It was truly damning. I rang Phillip from her office and arranged to drop a copy in to him.

I found the police to be prevaricating and Phillip somewhat shamed by the system so I angrily stomped out saying it was too late now. I messaged Bree and Jane to start sending out the story with names etc and make sure it's known that the police aren't acting; liaise with Aleesha who has a damning report to circulate. It was late so I went to my office to make calls to stir up people. I was extremely surprised to find Olivia in her office doing something on her computer, I didn't want to know. At first I kept my distance but then a feeling of "I've had enough" came over me so I picked up the report and marched into Olivia's office. Then I asked her who the boys were, do you remember them raping you, did anyone come to help? I drilled on and she looked stunned, seemed to go into herself then started to repeat 'help me' and other rescue calls. It went on as I described what I knew, as I was slowly taking revenge for all that she had done to me and then she broke down, tears running down her face and I decided it was time to rescue her as someone should have done. I knew I was a fool to do so but I was also a sucker for a damsel in distress.

I sat with her on my lap for what seemed like hours, repeating that she was safe now, that I had rescued her and telling her the boys would be punished. Had her phone not rang we might have been there all night but it seemed to bring her out of the shock. It must have been someone she was supposed to be meeting because she gathered her stuff and left with barely a look back. I didn't know what to expect but that seemed like a slap in the face to me. I shrugged my shoulders, packed my bag too and went home.

My ladies had decided to have a little gathering that evening to catch up with each other. I was slightly surprised to see Jane and Bree were tucked around behind and Ana was there so I was delighted that everyone was home bar Erika who was on watch. To their enquiring faces I did a quick update on the Olivia situation including that I had told her this evening. Sweeping my eyes across them all I pointed out that no one was wearing a shirt, they laughed at the omission, and turned to go upstairs, but Bree and Jane looked at him, uncertain if they should. I decided to go for a touch of humorous sarcasm, "Have you lost your shirts or torn them up?" It seemed to touch somewhere because they didn't respond "Hurry up, get those clothes off, I'll find you some new shirts to wear." I said solemnly, and didn't wait heading to my closet, meeting Nina along the way to come and collect hers, she was very tempting in just a bra and panties.

Lauren as always was extremely fetching in her shirt, her breasts pushing so much out that the bottom rose above her nether regions. I could not help stroking the exposed skin and she gave me one of her, 'I have to put up with so much' looks but didn't flinch so I kept caressing for as long as we were together talking.

I was after an update on anything I needed to know before we were all back together. "Jane and Bree are here I see?" and Lauren replied that I had said they could, so there was no reason why they shouldn't.

"Did they get my letter?"

"Yes, earlier when they came back following your job instructions. I assume that was ok with you?"

"Can't argue with that," I said. "Is Ana still with us all the way?"

"As far as I know"

"Nina settled in?"

"Ditto" she grinned.

"And everyone else?"

"They will just need to update you about their own tasks but let's leave that until tomorrow, Yes?"

"Sounds good to me, how should I deal with Bree and Jane, is it ok for me to just leave them as part of the group with no special attention?"

"I think that's probably for the best, I don't think anyone else will be happy if they are treated any better than minimum."

"OK that fits with how I feel, I almost didn't give them a shirt but that would be more of an issue than I want to make, I won't go back on my word but I can't help feeling that I have lost them."

Lauren looked sad at that last comment.

"Do you know why they didn't come back after a week?"

"I believe that they were at Bree's house, I haven't pushed for more, do you want me to find out?"

"Let me know if you hear anything otherwise I guess that one is down to me in due course."

She nodded sagely and I thanked and kissed her, finding her lips surprisingly receptive.

It was a good evening but we had a surprise. About 9 o'clock Olivia walked in the door, took one look at everyone else and went and put her shirt on. Everyone was so surprised they were speechless and didn't know what to say or do, so they pretended there was nothing new, similar to Jane and Bree.

When bedtime came around, Jane and Bree made to leave, "You are either here or not?" I added a raised eyebrow. They didn't answer so I said, "You can use the bed I was using, now that I'm back in my big bedroom" and I waited for them to look relieved and turn back before I walked away looking for Lauren again. "Could you go to Olivia and ask her what her plans are please. Thanks"

"What if she intends to stay?"

"Put her in any room but mine, I doubt Jane and Bree will want her with them but hopefully everyone else will be with you and me." I gave her a cheeky look at my assumption.

"OK I will do my best."

"I owe you."

"Yes, big style."

"How are you getting on with Nina?"

"Don't see much of her."

"Keep me posted, she seems to be highly motivated sexually and if that means problems ahead I'd rather know sooner than later. I have asked Jane and Bree to organise a private webcam area in the basement so that it doesn't affect anyone else."

Lauren nodded satisfied and went off to talk to Olivia and I headed back for the meeting and hopefully to my bed sooner than later. (Not what you're thinking! For a well deserved sleep.)

End of Consequences 10 Part C

©2022 Bacchant2

To be continued..........................


Main Characters

David: A successful Architect who wants to start a family, they start to play teasing games to spice up their life but it's getting out of hand.

Olivia: David's wife and business partner, a successful designer working in tandem with her husband. Begins to find her inner demon taking over her sexual desires. Inadvertently gathers 'lost' women around her that David calls her 'harem'.

Jane : David's first girlfriend who hurt him badly. The first to join the home after her husband proved to be a slimeball.

Ana: Olivia's former University roommate and sexual partner in their escapades when not studying. Finds herself becoming disenchanted with the city highlife and decides to look up her first love Olivia, almost destroying their marriage.

Bree: Former Wife of a famous ex footballer, Chase. Ex-beauty queen type who is looking for a new life and fresh adventures after the disappointment of her husband becoming a worthless drunk. Came to a truth or dare party and never left.

Jo : A recluse who always received criticism by family and friends because she didn't achieve expectations. Pretty and vivacious underneath layers of shapeless clothes to hide herself, friends drag her along to Olivia's party and she never goes back to her dingy little room.

Michael : An Architect who studied with David through University. Moving to the area and possibly joining their firm but has problems with his wife, Sarah, who is having an affair with Wes Daniels.

Aleesha : A private investigator specialising in family matters. A tough cookie having gone through her own marriage break-up.

Monica, David, and Olivia's business supervisor and now a minor shareholder, totally reliable and a family friend, long term single mother but heading for a 'fling' with a handsome 'player' Mark, from the website company on the next floor up. Her office assistant is Dee.

Joannie & Francine, Real Estate Agents

Lauren: A gay woman who has a crush on Jo

Louise: Former long term girlfriend of a lawyer who lost interest in her.

Amber, Erika, Josh, Aaron and Rachel: New friends from a nightclub.

Rachel Studied planning and development and now working with the Thurlows.

Erika The Thurlow Business is to sponsor her to University

Tania: David's first sexual experience and mentor in the art of 'love'. Comes back into his life with her long time confidante Christina