Consequences Pt. 11C

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The Games they play.
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Consequences 11

Part C: The Games they play.

Special note: This a part of a longer Saga and possibly includes occasional repetitions in the central theme as does life. It is not about any one category or description but comprises a series of sexual and other adventures connecting the central characters. It doesn't fit in any particular category of those the site offers and is placed mostly in Loving Wives because the central characters are just that. When no husband/wife relationship is involved I place the work in the next most relevant category, perhaps 'Coupling' if there is sex or in 'Novels', both of which are equally correct as far as I can ascertain. All of the parts are linked at the bottom of the last page, no matter which category they have been entered, so it is easy to navigate; that is a feature provided by the website. To make things easier I have placed the tags before the story starts so anyone who may be offended can decide not to read early on. There is a cast of Characters at the end of each section.

Tags: Gameplay, Watching, Multiple partners, Coupling, Anal, Sapphic, Questioning. Size Fantasy.


The Game is on.

Olivia turned a stack of cards with each of the four suits, numbers 1 to 4, gave them a good shuffle then did the same with the top rank cards. "Ok first round a kiss on the lips." She announced. The guys escaped each other on the first round of eight draws, Abby and Olivia found themselves in a full forty second kiss during which their fingers couldn't help but explore each other while the guys eyes watched intently. They came apart breathing heavily and flushed.

The guys were in tune as they kept an eye on the girls fingers, and then looked at the girls' hot faces with expectations of a great evening. The moments came though when Bill had to kiss Abby and their connection was tentative at best but the double men draw caused the most giggles from the ladies as they egged them on with promises of exotic fun later. Eventually the guys pretended to do it and the girls where having none of that, in the end they settled that the first drawn man could nominate his partner for the night, Olivia found herself being nominated as partner of someone other than David, it was another sharp reminder for her this evening of her tenuous relationship, but she brushed it off and threw herself into a kiss with David who secretly fingered her intensely. She came as close to a climax as she thought even possible as the others regaled them that their time was up. She sat back down next to Abby who turned to her and said "Damn girl how do you ever need anyone else? If you don't want him I'll take him off your hands." Olivia responded with, "you already have one" to which Abby was ready with, "so did you!"

Their evening became a riot of fun and excitement as the men pushed the women close to orgasm, David hit gold when he had to fuck Abby for a full minute but then Bill hit the same gold and Abby looked decidedly uncomfortable. Olivia reached across and whispered, "Imagine it's David, that's what I always do when I'm cumming, whoever I'm with." Abby looked at her astounded. "Why don't you just fuck David then?" Olivia was in nowhere land between her inner selves and couldn't answer, the question seemed perfectly reasonable, 'but where's the fun in that?' her demon was saying. Abby closed her eyes as Bill's hotness entered her, it felt good and then she moved her head and looked into David's face, his face showed his sympathy but she was pleading with him, 'It's you' her face said and he gave her a truly naughty look that had her already highly excited level rocketing to an incredible orgasm that totally mystified Bill who tried hard to keep up with her before time was up.

"I saw you looking at him," Olivia poked as Abby returned to her seat.

"My offer stands girl, first time I ever orgasmed from a look" she retorted. It suddenly occurred to Olivia perhaps for the first time since they started trying for a baby that she really could lose him to another woman. Abby was definitely his type with those big breasts, her hourglass figure and she was so damned sexy.

The evening drew to a close with the two ladies teasing the men relentlessly, Olivia cheated the cards so that she and Abby would come together on the last two turns. Bill had never seen two women together and was loving what he saw, his constant erection was getting painful as he watched Olivia fit the harness around her then allowed Abby to choose the one she liked the look of most. There wasn't much to choose between them, one was long and of average size diameter whereas the other was thicker but probably average length. Having heard Abby admit to being a bit of a fantasy size queen David was surprised when she chose the thicker one, it's more likely to bring greater pleasure he thought so maybe it's that kind of size she was referring to. When Olivia was ready, Abby kneeled across two dining chairs, her butt pushed seductively out at the perfect height for Olivia. The guys watched intently as Olivia applied lube to her weapon and then between Abby's vulva making her groan. As she did so, Abby moved back and forth pressing Olivia's fingers deeper and longer than necessary, it seemed.

Now that all of Abby's delightful nether regions were slick to Olivia's satisfaction, she teased Abby's clit with the cock until she demanded more, it was her first time but she wanted it now. Olivia held her vulva apart with two splayed fingers as she pushed the thick toy against her opening, slowly at first as her body adjusted to the size then gradually bolder, she soon found Abby ready and willing after her recent unexpected orgasm. She speeded up then, but pressed her fingers against Abby's clit, rubbing as she knew Abby liked. Abby was not going to be long racing to her next climax and Olivia speeded up as Abby's breathing quickened and her moans became louder. She began to rotate her thumb around Abby's anus at the same time, raising her excitement level to another notch at the new experiences she was having. As Olivia judged Abby to be reaching her peak she pressed her thumb into the tiny rosebud igniting her senses as her orgasm rocked her entire body making her bend and vibrate so that the dildo slipped from her. The men had long since given up with the timekeeping, they just sat aching with desire for these two women.

They left the last cards for another day as Bill and David picked up their partners and carried them through to the bedroom. Olivia once again realised how it seemed wrong that David wasn't carrying her and each time she had such a thought it became harder to bear. Thrown on the bed the two women came together in a kiss immediately, teasing the guys yet again as their hands roamed over each other. The men grabbed their ankles with the same purpose in mind, to get their tongues where a good tongue should be. Olivia found herself casting glances at her bedmates, Bill was doing a good job on her and she was plenty stimulated but the situation kept rankling with her and she couldn't work out why. It's not like she hadn't fucked lots of people recently she thought, but then she felt disgusted with herself. Concentrate she told herself, make it a night for Bill to remember and she did because it was her idea and couldn't face the morning otherwise.

Abby was lost in David's lovemaking, she knew that her feelings were over the top from constant lovemaking during the time she had been with them, but now she was finding it completely intoxicating. She wanted more, be damned if she felt sore in the morning. As she cried out one last time her eyes locked with Olivia and she saw only sadness compared to her complete joy so she drew them together and tried to share some of her joy in a long kiss. Bill decided at that moment to pull out and leave his seed on the outside of Olivia's body. When the guys were resting the girls lay looking at each other, many words unspoken then Abby quickly swung Olivia's body over hers, kissed her hard once again then whipped her over the other side. Then she turned on her front, lifted up on her knees with her Arse in the air and presented her swollen vulva for Bill's delectation. Olivia followed her lead presenting for David and looking at Abby with tearful eyes mouthed the words. "Thank you so much."

David decided to throw out his first idea of giving his wife a good fucking but to make love to her instead. Occasionally Abby would look at him and he would blow her a kiss or give her that smile again, he would not forget what she had done for them. Olivia reached across to her and stroked her face tenderly, sometimes pressed their lips together or kissed some other part or just softly stroked her back and Abby reciprocated. She felt they were building a bond and hoped she wouldn't mess it up.

Then night seemed complete to Olivia when she pushed David onto his back then after careful further lubrication she slowly lowered he anus onto his rod. Next after laying back along David's body she motioned Abbey to straddle her face and he began rotating his fingers around her nipples. Finally Bill slid his length into her wanton pussy, feeling the strange sense of another cock through the narrow walls of her pussy so he tried to angle upwards to brush her front walls. Olivia was in seventh heaven, it was her favourite kink, a leftover from the day she lost her virginity she now knew. To top off the pleasure of the moment she found David's head next to hers, kissing her face while she pleasured Abbey.

Bill left some time in the early hours, by then he felt a little like a spare part even though they couldn't have been more welcoming. The ladies moved to lay their heads on David and with arms across his body they sighed and went back to sleep.

The next morning they slept late and called for brunch in their room, the young man bringing the food in was welcomed by David who had unthinkingly left the bedroom door open. The guy nearly crashed his trolley as he caught sight of two naked bodies lounged across the bed, arms around each other. The noise awoke the ladies who both went to look at the cause, completely oblivious to their nakedness. This one was definitely Olivia's type, David thought, but he was interested to see her reaction with a guest around. He was in control of the situation as far as he was concerned so there was no need for concern.

Spotting the young man Olivia quickly undressed him with her eyes then spoke to Abby, "This one is definitely my usual type and I think David is testing me."

Abby's first reaction was one of surprise, he was far too young for her tastes, she had enough of them at the school where she taught. Olivia asked, "What should I do?"

Cautiously Abby replied, "It's going to be too difficult for you to do anything without it being too obvious, so why don't you pretend you haven't noticed, there's plenty more like him."

Olivia nodded, her friend's advice was good but she couldn't resist giving the poor guy a quick flash of her breasts accidentally of course.


The ladies libido had been heightened so much that David had great problems getting them to dress and go out. They teased and played with him incessantly, and he could hardly complain, but he had one more thing that had to be done, visiting Olivia's parents. After that they could spend as much time as they wanted in bed until it was time to fly home. Abby was definitely coming with them for a while and she had told her husband by email about her trip to The Retreat; as much as she could.

Just after breakfast David's phone rang and he became involved in heavy conversation on important issues back home. The ladies, in their present mood, didn't want to be cooped up waiting for him if he couldn't play. He suggested they take the hire car, a convertible, and head off towards the parents' home. With promises to follow by taxi as soon as he could, they headed out in a high mood with plans to visit a shop or two along the way.

On the way Abby sat in the front alongside Olivia, and soon they were behaving like a couple of conspirators as David suspected.


There were road works in the centre of town and the trip took far longer than expected, standing still for long periods on a hot day was not much fun. I was fiddling with the radio when I heard Abby say "I don't know what you would call the effect you two are having on me but I am super revved up, all I keep noticing are tight buns and full packages.

Would that catch my attention? Of course it did, I'm no size queen but the idea of such a distraction was a welcome relief from the boring standstill. "Ok, what's the prize for the gal who spots the biggest one?" I played along.

"That's easy, the winner gets the first try!" Abby jokes.

We carried on looking out of our open windows at the people passing by, commenting on this and that and then Abby hit the jackpot at one particular stop, saying loudly to a guy standing not far from the Kerb "Do you always carry a zucchini in your pants?"

The guy stepped forward checking who had said it and then quipped back, "Nahh it's all meat lady, you just ain't been lucky enough to try some as big."

"You mean like a German sausage or a haggis," she joked back.

The guy was obviously proud of his meat because he said slightly indignantly "Nope it's the real deal and it ain't even hard yet."

"Nahhh, I would need to see something like that to believe it."

The guy did no more but open the car door and get in, then saying, "head down that side road if you're brave enough." Abby turned to me and said, "What do you think, do we trust him?"

"There's two to one, what's he gonna do with that weapon?"

Abby grinned, she was certainly feeling frisky.

"Put the aircon up high and bring the roof up then" I instructed.

While Abby attended to the roof, I followed his instructions heading down a back lane into a disused yard, then pulled behind a part dismounted building, and turned off the engine.

Together in unison we pushed our seats forward and lowered the backs so that we both had a good view. He was sitting central with a smirk across his face, legs wide apart and definitely filling out his pants more than before. "So what do you think ladies?" he asked with a teasing grin.

"Hard to tell right now, we'd need a better view than that." said a daring Abby who was fast moving outside of her normal behaviour. She turned to me, I was also grinning at her bravado. I couldn't believe that this lovely woman was so like-minded. He wasn't my usual type but hey, I was always up for a new experience. I decided to play along, reaching across to take hold of his zipper and slowly drag it downwards. Abby joined the game, reaching beside me to undo his top button then spread the two sides apart in the wake of the zip. Our new friend lifted his but as we reached each side to drag the pants off and let him spring loose.

There was no doubt, he was a big boy.

"My you are a big boy aren't you" cooed Abby, "it isn't even hard yet, what happens if I do this?" Her hands encompassed him and she stroked just enough to tease him, his manhood rose to epic proportions causing us both to gasp. For a while Abby and I just admired him, it was a wonder of nature.

"Wow." came Abby's voice. "You are a stallion." She carried on stroking his cockhead and drew nearer, getting a closer look as her hands moved up and down. It was too much of a temptation and I reached to encompass the head rubbing with my fingers and thumb across the plain making him jump as his nerves responded. Abby and I were fighting now for access, there was plenty to grab hold of but we both wanted the most sensitive area.

Then, she cheated using her lips to kiss the head and my hands had no chance after that, he wanted her to suck on him.

First though, she swiped that tongue across the sensitive parts of his knob and then kept doing it back and forth, back, and forth. The guy nearly shot off the seat as his body reacted to what she was doing, then she tried to get him into her mouth and it looked impossible without scratching him with her teeth. She got her lips around him and swirled her tongue around the head and he moaned loudly. "Fuck that's good." She motioned me to swap places and I tried to but could do no more than swirl my tongue around and around him. Our attention together as Abby pumped him with her hands, seemed to bring him close. Abby said, "I want to try him" and I moved to give her space, her legs went to the ceiling as her panties came off and the guy was not slow to appreciate the view. She moved around uncomfortably until she could hover above his huge mast.

I watched Abby trying to ride him with apparent slow success. A loud "Ohh Yess" and "Wow" from Abby, and a male exclamation came from the back as they managed to squeeze the head inside her resisting vulva. I reached between her legs to caress her clit and her resistance seemed to ease as she managed to slide up and down a few inches. Her face screwed up in determination completely lost to the excitement level she had reached as I had seen Jane do when she first joined us. I was concerned that she might tear herself and said softly. "Easy, don't damage yourself," trying to resist the depth she was falling on her downward strokes. I added, "You don't have to take it all, just enjoy what you can."

'Hark at me.' I thought, being an absolute hypocrite, but for some reason my demon was not pressing me. I decided that he just wasn't my demon's type and for the sane part of me he just wasn't David.

The guy was finding it frustrating and looked resigned as Abby reached her climax with the help of my knowing fingers. She bit her lip in temporary satisfaction and lifted off. "Your turn," she said. I decided that I could finish him off but not inside me. I sought out all of his most sensitive areas with one hand while I pumped him with the other and my tongue licked back and forth across his sensitive head. It didn't take me long to get him to the edge and then as he exploded into the air, the banging started. On the windows, on the roof, on the car body, a rhythm started, bang, bang, bang. and then a chant joined in, "Fuck her deep, fuck her deep."

'Who the hell are these perverts?" I screamed at our guy.

"You don't want to know!" He shouted.

Abby and I scrambled into the front. I turned central locking on but knew it was easy to break through the roof covering if they tried hard enough. The pounding continued as desperately we moved our seats forward.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a taxi sweep up beside us, and some guys move towards it. Our engine kick started. "Someone got out of the Taxi" Abby informed me. I rammed the car into reverse and shoved my foot down hard, there was a scream but I wasn't about to check out what had happened. The taxi started to move away and I hit the break to switch to forward gears. Two bodies stood in front of us and I threw caution to the wind driving straight at them. Engine screaming, with my foot to the floor, we headed in the same direction that the Taxi had disappeared and the bodies dove to either side almost too late. "Which way?" I shouted, not wanting to tear my eyes from the route the Taxi had taken.

"Straight on and then left." Abby replied, looking at the satnav.

"No, no" said a voice from the back. "It's jammed up that way, take a right."

I followed his instructions yet it felt like we were heading back towards our Hotel. I glanced at the satnav, it seemed to agree and then it suddenly swung around and aimed us back to the Hotel. "What the hell!" I exclaimed.