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Standing up, I looked at Alison and said, "You have the legal custody of our children and as you know, strictly speaking, I shouldn't be anywhere near here. The Restraining Order is still in force and I could be arrested for breach of the Court's ruling. You will need to decide what to do about last night, but if you want my advice, try talking to her and advising her about drinking and drugs, not preaching to her! You are in no position to do that in any case!"

Before Alison could reply, Jane looked at us both with a deep frown on her face and said, "Restraining Order, what order? This is the first I have heard of this!"

"Before the divorce was finally settled, your mother was granted an order preventing me from coming anywhere near to you both. You mustn't blame her for that, I am an alcoholic and at the time was incapable of looking after myself and she was rightly concerned that I would do something stupid. That's why I have not approached you or Alistair since then. I will admit that I have kept an eye on you both. I have attended the school sports grounds when you were playing hockey, you didn't see me, I made sure of that. Please don't think that I don't care about you, because I do, very much. I have never missed your birthdays since I have been sober, but you never responded so I thought that you no longer wanted me to be part of your life."

Turning to Alison, I said, "I would like you to petition the court to get that order rescinded. I want shared custody and I want to be a major part of their lives again."

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" she responded stridently. "By your own admission, you are an alky and once an alky always an alky I won't let you anywhere near my children!"

"Alison," I said rather wearily, "People in glass houses really should not throw stones. How do you think the Children's Panel will view your current lifestyle? Make no mistake, if you don't do as I ask, then I will be compelled to use the information I have in my possession to ask for full custody of our kids!" I had bugger all information other than what I had witnessed last night, but she didn't know that and I was gambling that she wouldn't take the risk.

That brought her up short. "I don't believe you, you have nothing on me!" she cried vehemently.

"Try me and find out, if you're that sure! But you also need to think about your public and employers. How would they view your swinging lifestyle?" I retorted.

I turned to Jane and said, "Sorry you had to hear that, but your old enough to know what has been going on when you and Alistair are farmed out to your friends.

Jane said, "Yes, we are both well aware of what's been happening. Julian gives me the creeps. He is always trying to catch me when I'm getting changed! I have taken to locking my bedroom door when he is around."

Alison turned on her daughter and demanded, "What do you mean? Are you saying he has been making improper advances to you?"

"Not yet he hasn't and I take precautions never to be alone in the same room as him. You couldn't have failed to notice that? He's looks at my breasts as if he was visualising what I had on underneath my blouse. If Alistair hadn't come to my rescue last week, he would have barged in on me while I was in the bath. Alistair caught him trying out the handle to the bathroom door. It was locked but he had a screwdriver and was trying to turn the safety lock override on the outside" Sally explained looking at me for confirmation that the door lock could be over ridden from the outside.

"I don't believe you!" Alison screamed, "You're just trying to make trouble for us. He would never do such a thing! He has done everything in his power to get you to like him and this is how you repay his generosity, by vilifying his name and reputation!"

Recovering my wits, I ordered them both to pipe down and retook the control of the conversation. I turned to Alison and said, "Clearly there are some issues you need to discus with your husband and hear his version of events."

Turning to Jane I said, "I believe your version of events and if he ever acts inappropriately towards you again, get on the phone to me immediately. I'll be having words with him before I leave. Now I suggest you go to your room for now, I need to talk to Julian and your mother alone."

She protested that she wanted to be present when her allegations were discussed, but I overruled her and ordered her out. I was surprised when she rather meekly obeyed.

As she left, Julian entered the room. Alison rounded on him immediately and accused him of trying to seduce her daughter. He denied vehemently and said she was the one that came onto him and kept teasing him with flashes of her tits and panties. I wanted to knock his block off when he made that suggestion and lunged at him, he jumped back and it was only Alison's intervention that prevented me doing him some serious damage. She ordered me out her house and I told her that it was not really all hers and that I was still entitled to half of it. She reminded me that I had signed it over to her as part of the divorce settlement. I countered that she had tricked me into signing it away when we split. She laughed in my face and simply said, "Prove it!"

Prove it indeed! I had no way to do that, but in her present circumstances I knew that she was vulnerable so I replied, "Look, if you fight me over the issue of access to my kids, I will make life very difficult for you. I have plenty of money to drag you and your lifestyle through the courts for a long as it takes. I will also apply for a review of the divorce settlement claiming that you inveigled me to sign the papers after plying me with intoxicating liquor. I don't really want the house or the money, I have enough of that thanks to my Uncle John, but if you don't put the access issue right, then it will be a hell of a court case. I promise you the tabloids will love it!"

She pondered tat for a moment and then said, "Very well, I will petition to get the Restraining Order lifted and agree to you seeing the kids as often as they wish. Will that suffice?"

"That's all I want from you, but he," I said pointing to Julian, "had better keep away from Jane or there will be trouble!"

I felt a lot better for getting that lot off my chest and more importantly, I had conned her into the concession from her that I craved.

Chapter 4 - Retribution

Things moved on, my relationship with Sally had blossomed. We were now openly living together in my flat, Brian still had his own room but now it was upstairs. I came to love him just as much as I loved his mother. We did all the things families did together until one day he floored me by asking why I didn't marry his mother, so that I could really be his daddy. His innocent question caused me to stop and take stock. I realised that he was right, I loved his mother, I loved having him around and teaching him how to do his homework, there was no good reason not to get married. I reflected that I had been pretty selfish, sharing my life and bed with Sally. It was a pretty one sided partnership and she had never once dropped any hints that she wanted to formalise our relationship.

I took her out for dinner one evening shortly afterwards and when dinner was over we went for a drive to the coast. I parked on the cliff top and we watched the sunset over the sea. I waited until it was almost gone and drew the little box out of my pocket and taking her hand, asked, "Sally, I love you more than I can put into words. Please will you marry me?"

She looked me straight in the eyes and I could see the tears welling up in hers as she pulled me close and whispered, "Yes, oh god yes!" She opened the box and withdrew the ring from its little holster and asked me to put it on her finger. I slipped it on and she kept lifting her hand to watch as the fading sun glinted of its many facets. We went straight home and celebrated by making love most of the night. I managed to come four times that night, with more than a little help from her.

We announced the news to all the drivers the next day and they were pleased for us. I phoned Jane and she was surprised that I had found someone else. She asked if she could come and meet Sally and I of course said yes. She brought Alistair with her and I gathered from the conversation that Sally had briefed him on why I had not been to see them. Things were awkward at first, but gradually he came around.

The next few weeks were busy. We both wanted a quiet wedding and arrangements were made for a local registry Office wedding. Apart from Brian, only Jane and Alistair attended. The service was short and we celebrated with a couple of Cokes and a nice meal.

A few weeks later the shit hit Alison's fan! A national tabloid newspaper had gotten hold of some pictures of one of their parties and wrote an alleged eyewitness account of the orgy. Since they had photographs and everything, Alison could not really deny it. According to the article, they had been subject to a typical newspaper sting. They had invited a couple to one of their parties after they had approached Julian and expressed an interest in the swinging lifestyle. Unfortunately they turned out to be reporters and as Julian had charged them a couple of hundred quid for access, serious questions were being asked about whether they were operating a brothel.

Alison phoned and asked me if I could take Jane and Alistair for a few weeks until the fuss had died down. They were being besieged by reporters and TV crews vying for an interview and she felt that it wasn't fair on our kids to be exposed to the circus. We were more than willing, even if it meant some rearrangements in our household. The basement flat I gave to Jane, she was now almost eighteen and needed her own space. Alistair shared with Brian and they seemed to get along OK.

The story continued to make front page news and Alison and Julian's employers decided to cut their losses and terminate the series they had been filming. After a while the publicity died down and Alison asked Jane and Alistair to come back home. They both refused point blank, but they did visit every week. Neither of them wanted to lose contact with their mother.

It was some weeks later that Jane returned from visiting her mother in tears! Sally pushed me out of the room and told me she would talk to Jane alone. She said, "Sometimes a woman to woman talk is what's needed." She was right and once more I thanked god for giving such an understanding and loving wife.

After about an hour, Sally came out and related what had caused Jane's distress. Apparently, when Jane turned up at home hoping to see her mother, it was not a scheduled visit. Usually, she phoned ahead first to make sure that Alison was at home. This time she was in the area, so she just popped in on the off chance that she would be home. The front door was being guarded by a large black man who refused to let her enter. She made a fuss and Julian appeared asking what all the commotion was about. When he saw Jane he had smiled and invited her to join them, saying, "Come on and see how your mother and I make our living now that your father has fucked up our careers!" She entered the lounge to see her mother, naked and having sex with two black men at the same time. There was not a lot of space as there were film cameras dotted about recording the action. She tried to back out the room but Julian was standing right behind her barring her exit.

"We have started making these adult movies in response to public demand and you mother is in high demand right now." He said grinning. "You see the public are tired of these glossy contrived pornos, they want realistic films that look as though they are shot by amateurs depicting real life married couples fucking and getting fucked. Your mother certainly fits the bill on all counts. This movie is supposed to be from one of our parties, that was before your father tipped off the press and screwed up our lives."

Jane tried to push past him, but he grabbed hold of her and forced her to watch her mother in action. The two men had changed position and another woman had joined them. She had her head between Alison's thighs and was busy eating her out. Jane tried once more to escape from Julian's clutches, but he restrained her by whispering that he could arrange for her to join in and help her mother out. At that she stamped down on his shin and foot and he released her howling at the pain. June took her opportunity to escape and came straight home to us.

I was furious and stormed out the house and drove to my ex home and to confront Julian and Alison. Lucky for me, they must have finished for the day as it was just Julian who answered the door. I brushed past him and into the lounge. It was tidy and clean, there was no evidence to support Jane's claim about what had taken place there earlier. Julian stood at the door grinning like the cat that had just gotten the cream. He must have been expecting my arrival and cleaned up all traces of the debauchery witnessed by Jane. "Can I help you?" he asked, still grinning. "Do you want to borrow a movie or something?"

Then Alison joined us. She was fully clothed and acted as though nothing was amiss. I told her what Jane had said she had witnessed and Alison denied it! When I told her that Julian had suggested to Jane that she might want to help her mother out and participate herself, I saw a flicker of anger cross her face before she recovered her composure and said, "I'm sure that Jane was mistaken, nothing has taken place here today, I can assure you of that. Jane must be making this up as a way of seeking your attention!"

This was futile I thought, clearly Alison was protecting her husband and as I left I turned to Julian and said, "If you ever touch my daughter again, I will break your legs and ensure you are never without pain for the remainder of your life! For your information, I never talked to the press about you and Alison's lifestyle. If I had, there would have been much more salacious detail than what they reported!"

Turning to Alison, I told her, "I doubt if either Jane or Alistair will want to talk to you anymore, but if they do, it will not happen here or in your husband's presence. Do you understand?"

She nodded and just for a second, I thought I saw a little remorse in her expression. The realisation that she had called her daughter a liar and in doing so had probably alienated her forever may have penetrated what she had of a brain.

I was right, both Jane and Alistair wanted nothing more to do with their mother.

Life goes on and our family business prospered.

Three years had gone bye and I had won some new contracts. The courier side of the business was expanding. Jane entered the business starting as a courier driver to learn the ropes from the bottom up. I pushed her into business development and she soon we had more business than we could comfortably handle. The business was attracting interest from the national players and we sold out. One of the conditions was that Jane had to transfer with the business or the deal was off. She was more than happy to do as she had met a man that she strongly fancied. We expect to hear that there will be wedding bells soon. Alistair is still at University studying engineering and playing rugby.

As for Sally and I, well we are settled into a comfortable life style and thinking of selling up and moving abroad. The only reason we have not already done so is Brian. He has still got a few years of schooling left and we are delaying any decision until he has decided what he wants. I think he wants to be a fast jet pilot and has joined the University Air Squadron. It's early days yet and he has a lot of hurdles to overcome to achieve his ambition.

Things did not go so well for Alison. Julian had pissed off and left her, but not before clearing out the bank accounts of everything he could get his hands on. Suddenly, Alison was stony broke! Her 'movies' had made some quick money, but Julian had diverted that into his own pockets.

She came to me asking for a loan, but I refused.

She lost the house as she could not afford the mortgage payments, Julian had re-mortgaged it to the hilt before he left her. The last I heard was that she was a 'hostess' at some night club in London.

As retribution goes, it was minimal, but I am happy with the way things had turned out.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Consequences like, Marcus Ward was found one night mugged to death in a dark backstreet… by a … local taxi driver 🤨


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

nice build lousy ending, anticlimatic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A well written and entertaining story that allows karma to dictate the revenge, but, as much as I like happy endings, in real life scum often rises fastest to the top and lingers the longest.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Story is good, but why would he be piddling around when his daughter is in fear of sexual assault? What would be more pressing in his life?

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
You pretty close to Matt Monroe

Your male Characters are some of the biggest pussies ever

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