Controlling Mom is a Snap

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A mother and son's nightly routine.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 08/16/2023
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This is the first story I've ever published on Lit! Hope you like it!

Warning: contains LOTS of incest content!

After a long, draining day at work, Melissa's car ambled into the driveway around 7 PM. She grabbed the bags of food she'd picked up from the drive-thru, climbed out of the car, fished her house key out from her purse, and let herself in.

Her son was sitting on the couch in the living room, staring down at his phone.

"Hi, sweetie!" she called out. He grumbled in reply. "I brought you some McDonald's, wanna come eat with me?"

"Maybe later," he said. She sighed, kicked off her heels, and made her way into the kitchen. "Thanks, mom." He thought to add. Better late than never, she supposed.

She ate slowly, hoping that her son would decide to come and join her. It seemed like he'd been avoiding her an awful lot lately. She'd never quite been as close to him as she was to Britney--her daughter--but wasn't it her duty as a mother to ask him if something was bothering him?

"How was your day, sweetie?" she called from the kitchen.

"Fine," he said brusquely after a brief silence.

"Did you do anything fun?"

"Not really."

"Hmm..." she mumbled to herself. If there was a rift between them, it was probably her fault. He'd had very little ambition as a high schooler, but they'd still made an arrangement that he could take a year off after graduation if he promised to go to school that next September. But when he'd told her that he'd decided not to go to college at all, she'd had a fit. She almost threw him out of the house, but relented when she realized he had nowhere else to go. He apologized by buying her all sorts of gifts from a small curio shop that just opened up in town--which was a little unorthodox, but she was still struck by his sincerity. She tabled the discussion and planned on circling back to it eventually. He was grown up now and he couldn't spend the rest of his life living at home with his mother. He knew he'd see it her way sooner or later, but approaching that conversation was proving more difficult than she imagined. She knew he didn't want to talk about it, and she certainly didn't want the discussion to grow heated again. So their relationship had been terse and tepid these last couple of weeks.

Once she'd finished her share of the cold, soggy fries, she decided to call it quits for the night. Tomorrow always presented another chance to try.

"Well, I'm beat so I'm going to go get ready for bed," she called to him from the bottom of the stairs. "Don't let your food get any colder than it already is, OK?"

"OK," he said, "I'll eat in a bit. There's just something I need to do first."

She waited for a moment, thinking he was going to fill her in as to what that 'something' was, but after a few moments of silence, she shrugged and then made her way upstairs to the bathroom. She turned on the ventilation fan, switched on the electric heater, and regarded her face in the mirror for a time. It would take longer than it usually did for her to remove the work day's makeup, but that was only because she'd been wearing more than she was used to these last couple of days.

And now that she thought about it, that seemed strange.

She rarely, if ever, wore lipstick, and yet here she was wearing a not-unflattering shade of pinkish red. Her hair, too, had been coifed and curled. She knew she must have done it, but she couldn't quite remember doing it. She looked great, she had to admit, but what had suddenly possessed her to start putting such care and effort into her looks again? It's not like she was trying to impress anyone. She wasn't in her twenties anymore.

A topic to contemplate another night, she figured as she reached for the facial wipes. She'd barely been at it for thirty seconds when there came a knock on the bathroom door.

"Mom?" her son asked from the other side.

"Just a minute, sweetie," she called out, wiping at her cheeks, "you can get in here when I'm--"

The door creaked open and he was standing there, looking like he wanted to tell her something. And, she suddenly noticed, he was also completely naked.

"Sweetie! What are you--"


She blinked a few times, meeting her own confused gaze in the mirror. What was she saying?

"Go on, mom," her son said, seated on the toilet.

"Of course, sweetie, sorry," she said, continuing to wipe at her cheek. "I must have gotten distracted."

She glanced back at him through the mirror every now and again. He was staring at her--well, leering was more like it. She felt so proud. He had such a healthy sense of curiosity.

She moved to wipe off the lipstick last, but her son cleared his throat. "I think you should leave it on for a little while longer, mom."

"What?" she said, puzzled. "Why? I don't need to wear lipstick to bed."


She set the wipe down as if she'd abruptly forgotten about it then admired herself in the mirror. God, this lipstick looked good on her.

Once she was done with her face, she pulled out her toothbrush. She was just squeezing some toothpaste over the bristles when her son stood up and approached her.

"Uh...sweetie?" she said, keenly aware of how close his swinging erection was to her. "I think you should maybe go put something on--"


"What was I saying?" she said, blinking.

"You were just telling me how much easier it is to brush your teeth when you're only wearing your underwear."

"Oh yes, of course. How silly of me!" She set the toothbrush down and began to strip. The blouse came first, then the skirt and the stockings, until she was left standing in just her bra and underwear.

"Wow..." her son murmured. "I never get tired of that." She smiled at him, turned back to her mirror, and began to brush her teeth.

Her son watched her the entire time. Well, there was nothing strange about that, she thought. It was important to be a good role model, especially when it came to dental hygiene. In fact, it became so normal after a little while that a part of her even forgot he was there.

Until he began to grope her breasts.

"Sweetie!" she exclaimed, the toothpaste oozing out of her mouth. "How dare you touch your mother like that! This is completely inappro--"


She cleared her throat and wiped the trail of toothpaste off of her chin. "I'm sorry, sweetie, what were we talking about?"

"Just about how much you love to have your tits touched while you're brushing your teeth."

"You're right, sweetie, I do! Good thing you're here to do it!"

He pinched and squeezed and groped as Melissa rinsed the brush and swished her mouthwash. Putting the toothbrush back, she pulled out her lotions and face creams so she could start her nightly skincare routine. Her son pulled away as she began to dab little bits of product on her face.

In the mirror's reflection she saw his erection begin to stiffen. It got bigger and bigger until he--amazingly--began to stroke it.

"Now, sweetie," she said, hoping her tone sounded placating rather than overly scolding, "you know that it's best to do things like that in private..."


"...unless, of course, you're too horny and you want to look at mommy while you're jerking. That's perfectly fine." Her son was stroking himself in earnest now, just to her side. He was such a healthy young man. She was so proud.

She stole the occasional glance at him--well, his penis, actually. When was the last time she'd gotten any dick? It was so...big and...hard. She almost couldn't stand to be in the same room as it--as him. The longer she stared, the more she--

"Mom," he said once she'd finished with her facial cream, gripping her shoulders and turning her to him.

"What is it, sweetie?" she said, glancing down at his erec--his cock. "Do you need to ejaculate?" He nodded. "Well, the toilet's just over there. Or you could use a tissue. I don't mind--"


"--if you want to cum in my mouth, though!" she exclaimed, falling to her knees and taking her son into her mouth in one big gulp. She bobbed up and down, taking it as far back as she could, pushing it in and pulling it out to match her son's moans. She sucked and licked, quickly settling into a rhythm, until his cock twitched and he came.

The shock at having cum in her mouth made her pull her head back and the rest of his load shot across her face.

"Sweetie!" she said, frustrated. "You have to let mommy know when you're about to cum! Now I have to wash my face again!"

"Sorry, mom," he said. She stood back up and examined the damage in the mirror.

"I can't believe this! How could be so--"


"--horny for your mommy?" she said, her expression suddenly playful. "Don't we do this every night?"

"We do, mom, yeah. But when I leave the room and close the door behind me, you forget. Like you do every night."

"Well, I don't know about that. I think I'd remember something like sucking your--"

"I'm gonna go eat dinner now. I'll see you at bedtime. Later, mom," he said, excusing himself and closing the door.

Melissa blinked a few times. What had she been saying? Well, anyway, she looked at herself in the mirror. This was certainly an interesting new brand of face cream she was trying out. But she supposed there was nothing wrong with doing something different every now and again. She rubbed it in, humming to herself as she did so, not noticing the strange taste in the back of her throat.

She wiped the last of her lipstick off without really thinking about it, and then removed her bra and panties, tossing them into the clothes hamper. Completely nude, she blew herself a kiss in the mirror, then switched off all the lights and fans in the bathroom and strode to her bedroom. Her son's door was closed. She gave it a little knock.

"Goodnight, sweetie," she said softly.

"Goodnight, mom," he said from the other side, sounding faintly out of breath. Well, she didn't want to think about what he was doing in there, so she hurried to her room and closed her own door behind her.

Safely in her room, she took a long, deep breath. She was almost ready for bed, but there was one thing missing. Crossing the room to her vanity, she caught sight of herself in the floor-length mirror. She looked damn good for a woman her age. Her breasts had only a hint of sag, her hair was still full and as dark as it had been in her twenties. Her legs were shapely, and the hair on her crotch a neat well-trimmed V? When had she done that? Well, no matter.

Passing by her armoire without thinking to pull out some clothing, she moved to her vanity, where she struck a match and lit a tall stick of incense. She waited for the scent to permeate the air around her and then took a big whiff.

"Oh..." she said, suddenly feeling a little dizzy. It was amazing how quickly the incense worked to calm her down. Her son had brought it home not too long ago--one of the many gifts he'd gotten for her to make up for the fact that he wasn't going to college--and insisted she give it a try. He said it would help her to unwind at the end of the workday. Whenever it was lit and burning, she felt--

A knock on the door jarred her from her reverie.

"Mom?" her son said from the other side.

"Sweetie?" she said, trying hard not to slur her words. "Sorry, I'm not decent--"

But then the door slid open. The first thing she noticed was his penis.

"Sweetie," she said slowly, trying and failing to keep her eyes off of her son's hard, twitching cock. "Why are you...naked?"

"Don't you remember, mom?" he asked. "This is all a part of our nighttime routine."


With the door closed and the room full of incense, the world began to swirl around Melissa. The only things keeping her from passing out was the sound of her son's voice and the sight of his hard cock.

"That's right, mom. You remember."


"You remember what happens when you see me naked, don't you, mom?"


"When you see me naked and the air is clear, you obey everything I say after I snap my fingers and forget when I tell you to forget."


"And when you see me naked and the air is full of your special incense, it all comes back to you. You become suggestible and mindless."


"You become subservient and obedient."


"You become horny. So desperately horny."


"You become mine, mom. All mine."


"Oh sweetie," she said, crossing the room to his open arms and letting him wrap her up in them. She pressed herself into him as hard as she could, his cock hard against her belly. And then he kissed her and it all came back to her. Memories of screaming orgasms and tender kissing. Images of herself dripping in cum from one perfect cock.

Of course. She was her son's brainwashed sex slave.

"Yes, sweetie," she said, "Of course I remember. I love our nighttime routine."

"You're such a good slave, mom," he said.


"Yes, sweetie, I am a good slave."

"You will do anything I tell you to do, won't you, mom?"


"Yes, sweetie, I will do anything you tell me to do."

"You're completely obedient and subservient to me, mom."


"Yes, sweetie, I am obedient."

"I have some instructions for you, mom, before we get down to business. You're going to listen and obey me, aren't you?"


"Yes, sweetie, I will listen and obey."

"Your pubic hair looks great tonight. You're going to make sure you keep your bush neat and trimmed, mom. And you're not going to remember doing it."


"Yes, sweetie, I will keep my bush trimmed."

"You did an amazing job doing up your hair this morning, mom. You're going to continue to spend all the time you need to make your hair look nice and you're not going to wonder why you're doing it."


"Yes, sweetie, I will take as much time on my hair as I need."

"And that lipstick I picked out for you looks incredible on you, mom. You're going to put it on every morning and touch it up whenever you need to because you love how it looks on you as much as I do."


"Yes, sweetie, I love the lipstick you picked out for me."

"You're going to start wearing eye shadow tomorrow, mom. I picked out a nice electric blue for you, I think it'll compliment your new lipstick very well. We'll start with a little at first and go from there."


"Yes, sweetie, I will wear the eye shadow you picked out for me."

"You're going to go shopping soon, mom. You're going to go to the fancy boutiques and pick out some negligee that you know would impress a man."


"Yes, sweetie. I will go lingerie shopping."

"And I know you told me you don't like wearing perfume, but you're going to start changing your mind, mom. You're going to start wondering what it would be like to smell nice all day. You want to smell nice, mom. You want to smell nice for me."


"Yes, sweetie. I want to smell nice for you."

"You want to make me happy, mom."


"Yes, sweetie. I want to make you happy."

"You don't want to talk to me about college. The timing just isn't right."


"Yes, sweetie. I won't talk to you about college."

"Soon, you'll realize that you don't want me to go at all. You want me to stay here with you."

"Yes, sweetie. I want you here with me."

"Good mommy. Good, obedient mommy. Now, for the main course. You want me, mom."


"Yes, sweetie, I want you."

He pulled her mouth back onto his and Melissa quickly lost track of time, drowning as she was in her son. Her eyes went wide, her nipples hardened, and her pussy moistened. When he was finished kissing her, he wiped the drool from his mouth and watched as it dribbled from his mom's open, expressionless mouth.

"Time to move on to the next phase of our nighttime routine, mom. You know what that means, right?"


"Of course, sweetie," she said, a huge grin spreading on her face. "It's time for you to fuck your mommy goodnight!"

"Why don't you get ready for me?"


She quickly moved back to her vanity and hastily applied lotion to her legs, belly, and tits. He watched her the entire time, his cock throbbing. Then she took out some lip gloss and quickly swiped the wand over her lips, making sure she was soft and kissable for her son.

Then she moved over to the bed, laid down on her back, and spread her legs.

"Come fuck your mommy, sweetie," she said.

He was on top of her in an instant, holding his cock just a few millimeters shy of her entrance. He kissed her and she let his tongue go wherever it wanted.

"Tell me what you are, mom."


"I'm whatever you want me to be, sweetie."

"Tell me that you're my brainwashed sex slave and you love that you belong to me."


"Yes, sweetie. I am your brainwashed sex slave and I love that I belong to you."

He slid inside of her, slowly at first, forcing his cock in as far as it would fit.

"Oooh, sweetie," she moaned, "fuck me. Please, fuck me."

He began to pull back out, as slowly as he'd gone in, and then, just before his tip left the warm wetness of her pussy, he thrust all the way back in as hard as he could.

"Oh! Sweetie!"

And he fucked her with wild, reckless abandon. Perfectly conditioned, Melissa matched his rhythms with her own thrusts and squeezes. His eyes flitted between her cloudy, lust-filled expression and her tits, furiously bobbing up and down. He bent down and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

"Oh, sweetie! God! Oh, sweetie!" she moaned as he fucked her. They never once changed positions--he loved seeing her subserviently beneath him, taking every inch he gave. The sex had been like this since it started all those weeks ago. He hadn't meant to brainwash his mother into sexual slavery when he brought the incense home--all he'd really wanted was for her to get off his case about skipping out on college. But it didn't take too long for the power to go to his head (and his cock) and for him to start changing some other behaviors. First, he made it so she was always nice to him, always cleaned up after him, and didn't mind that he spent all day every day in the house. Then he made it so she'd give him a weekly allowance, and the amount only grew as the weeks wore on. Then, one night, out of the blue, he made her want to kiss him goodnight. It started with a very chaste kiss on the cheek, then he changed it to his forehead, and it wasn't terribly long before she was giving her son a goodnight kiss on the lips.

After that, he made her change her wardrobe to more fashionable clothing. She had the legs for skirts and high heels, and she rocked the stockings and fishnets after he planted that suggestion. Her long-held aversion to makeup, nail polish, and other 'girly' things came next, and that's when he finally threw caution to the wind, admitted that he was attracted to her, stopped denying that he wanted to fuck his mother, and fucked his mother.

The incense worked like magic. He came into her room every night and fucked her until she couldn't take anymore and then erased her memory. Her waking mind had absolutely no idea about their 'nighttime routine.' The only downside was that it was getting harder and harder to control himself around her when she was awake. He hoped that he would never grow so complacent that he would end up ripping her clothes off before he had the chance to trigger her. He supposed that he could program her to always be his slave when they were in the house together, but that would mean taking away the power he had over her in this state.

And, truth be told, a part of him loved that more than the sex.

But still, the sex was great. He'd turned her from a chaste, conservative lover to a horny sex kitten. It took just a few snaps to make her soaking wet and she always took what he gave her, no matter how hard.

"Sweetie..." she moaned, her mouth open, her eyes glassy and staring into space, her face beet red.