Conversations with Amy (All)


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The kids were perfect, and loved 'camping' out in my upstairs spare bedroom. Amazing what kids can do with a pile of cushions and two sleeping bags. Sure, they could have had their own rooms, but this was more fun. I got them off to school with a minimum of fuss and anxiously waited for Aim to come by.

Chapter 2 Amy tells Rob about last night

She appeared on the dot of 10:00, with an "Oh, were you waiting for Me." look on her face. We laughed and she suggested we go downstairs. I had to raise my eyebrows at that. My basement is 2500 square feet with 2 storerooms, exercise and Jacuzzi in one room, a huge entertainment center in the main room, along with a leather couch, stone-top coffee table and a gas fireplace. There were no windows, just one sliding glass door with steps up to my patio. The basement was also soundproofed so you can watch the wide-screen nice and loud without disturbing the rest of the house.

"Better lock the door. I don't want any surprises while we talk."

Talk about piquing my curiosity. We settled on the couch and she immediately curled up with me, placing her legs across my lap while snuggling against me. Instant hard-on! She felt me stirring and smiled. "I know what you've been thinking about. What, no Bren last night?"

"Yes Bren last night, very nicely too. Now, wench, you owe me!"

"I know, but where do I begin?"

"Start from when you left Andy and me on the sidewalk."

"Alright, but did Andy say anything?"

I told her what we both said, and she loved it.

"He's always looking at me, at my ass or tits. I swear that old man has never looked me in the eyes. Thanks for protecting my reputation."

"Your reputation is fine by me. In fact it went up considerably yesterday. Although, this", gesturing to our position together, "surprises me."

"I know, but I made a few decisions last night, well it won't surprise you after I tell you the whole story. And if your hands get a little bored, this lets you make the most use of them. In fact,” She opens her legs and grabs my cock, "I can use mine as well."

Oh this is going to be fun! She jumps up and strips naked. Easy to do when you are barefoot, in spandex shorts, and sports top. She says, "I am not messing up my clothes this time. Come on, Rob, you too."

Who am I to argue with a force of nature? I strip off my tee and shorts. My cock about halfway hard as I sit back down. "And I checked the calendar today. I am a couple of days away from my period, so I should be safe from getting preggers, but I also bought a diaphragm this morning to make sure."

Now I was shocked. My best friend just told me in no uncertain terms that I would be fucking her and cumming inside her. My cock got the message loud and clear and jumped to full attention.

She giggled and trapped it between her thighs, teasing the tip with her fingernail.

"So talk already, before I just attack you right now."

Still laughing, she says, "Alright, alright. I'll save him as a snack for later." She brushes the drop of precum off with her finger and sucked it off.

"When I left you two dirty old men, I went straight into the garage and snagged the biggest of the magazines. After I took a quick shower, I read it cover to cover. Every word, every picture, and even every ad."

"How much masturbating did you do?" I interrupted.

"You horny bastard. Quit interrupting and let me tell this."

From the flush on her face I knew I hit the nail on the head.

"So I might have touched myself a little while I . . ."

I held up 4 fingers, she shook her head and held up 6 fingers.

". . . was reading. The pictures were great, but the stories and letters were even hotter. I was reading about girls having sex all kinds of way, even in the ass, and loving it. Oral sex, oral and anal - or is that anal oral, domination, teasing, toys, pain, girls and girls, guys with guys, orgies, and a few things that I really was disgusted over."

After watching Aim maul her tits, I think she might enjoy some of the more pleasurable aspects of pain, but I agreed with her that there were many things not in my playbook.

"I stayed in the bathroom and kept reading until the kids got home. Thanks again for taking them!"

"Hey, you know I love them. We had a great time. Bren was surprised, but you know how she feels about them."

"What did you tell her?"

"Exactly what happened!"

Aim's eyes got real wide.

"As you were leaving yesterday, you asked if we could baby-sit because you wanted some quiet time with Dave."

"You bastard, when you said 'exactly' I thought my heart was going to stop!"

I just grinned, which faded quickly as she mimed a swat toward the end of my cock.

"Where was I? I cooked up a nice light dinner; my husband, the porno king, wasn't going to fall asleep on me! After dinner we went in the bedroom to watch on TV and cuddle. This was pretty normal for our romantic evenings, so other than the kids not being home and it being earlier than usual, he was clueless."

"Didn't he ask about the kids?"

"Of course! I told him that they were with you and Bren, teaching you how to videogame."

"You got that right; they were kicking my butt on that computer."

All this time she was squeezing my cock between her thighs. She would smear the precum absently while she talked.

"Well he started getting hard and got on top of me for our normal thing. You should've seen the look on his face when I forced him over and I ended on top of him, which pushed him deeper in me than he had ever gone. I started slow fucking him and after a second or two's confusion, he didn't say a word. It was real nice being on top of him, controlling the action. He started straining against as I kept slooooowwwwing the pace down to make him last."

My fingers started teasing her pussy while she was speaking. My god, she was already soaked.

"You know by doing that,” pointing to my fingertips. "You are making it hard for me to talk."

I pulled her to my lap, and with her facing away from me. Bending her forward, I slid my cock into her cunt.

"Fuck, you weren't supposed to do that. You . . .ooohhhhh!" Was all she wrote when I tweaked her nipples. Pinning her down against me with one arm and playing with her breasts with the other. I told her to keep talking.

"How do you expect me to talk while I have your cock in me? Oh, just fuck me."

"Open your legs wide."

She did it.

"Now open your eyes and look in the mirror."

"Oh shit, that is hot, we look better than any porn mag. I can see your cock going up inside me. The hell with Dave for now and fuck me."

She tried to touch herself, but I wouldn't let her hands get close. She tried to lift up, but my grip stopped her. In a minute she was positively panting out of excitement and frustration.

"Settle down."

"No, I need it so badly."

"Stop. You need to learn how to control yourself. You have to be in charge, not your cunt. So calm down and talk to me. The fucking later will be even better. So get a grip and start talking."

"You know I can always leave."

"I know that, but think of this as a lesson. Right now you are turned on and would probably do something foolish just for an orgasm. Besides making the sex later sweeter, this will help you work on your self-control."

"Shit. But promise me you will fuck me later."

"Try and stop me later! Now talk before I put you over my knee and spank you."

She tightened her vaginal muscles, warning me that this was going to be very difficult. "OK, but if you cum before me, I am going to make you lick it out of me!"

"You call that a threat?" I lifted her 100 or so pounds up once and let gravity sink her back on my shaft. She threw her head back and it felt like she damn near came. Holding her by the waist, I talked to her while she calmed down.

"In the state you are in; if a stranger walked up to you and offered you his cock would you take it?"

She thought about it and honestly nodded.

"Do you see the problem? You have been repressed about your sexuality for so long; you are acting like a kid with a new toy. I bet if one of those sluts from the magazine was here, you would do anything she says?"

She doesn't answer.

"There is no reason not to enjoy your new-found sexuality, but you have to learn some self-control, or you will hurt Dave, the kids, and even yourself. Worse, you might catch something like AIDS. Trust me, love, you don't want that."

I paused to regain a little control myself. This was harder (no pun intended) than it looked. She was so exceptionally sweet. "That was Sylvia's problem. If she had an itch, she scratched it. Objectively, she is an attractive woman. But once you realize how out of control she was, you wouldn't touch with any part of her body with someone else's hand."

"I am nothing like her!"

"No, but if you let your cunt guide your behavior, you would be. When you ran your errands this morning, did anything out of happen?"

"Well, I noticed a lot of guys and they noticed me. The girl who sold me the diaphragm offered to fit it for me personally."

"You see how easy it is to lose control and how dangerous."

"Ok already, I get the point, and I will try. But . . ."


"I got her number," she mumbled. I could see her blush in the mirror.

Now that was a surprise. Little Aim, a closet carpet-muncher. "Wow! Or are you just telling me this to get me to fuck you?"

"No. It caught me out of the blue. In Dave's books there were some pics and stories. I read them and was intrigued, a little. Then out of the blue, the clerk at the pharmacy offers to . . .. I was too flustered to say anything when she did that. Then she gave me her number."

No wonder Aim was so hot-to-trot. She's running on a sexual high. Did I help create a monster, or just helped the monster slip the leash?

"Good for you, but I do have a suggestion for you. If you want to 'experiment', fine. Just don't be stupid. Get to know her, become friends. Don't play the one-night stand game, that's where things get the most dangerous. It's like playing Russian Roulette."

"I know, and I'll be careful. You know what's weird. I can talk about this with you. A day ago I thought my life was over, now I have girls making passes at me. Do I have a sign saying 'Horny Lady, will fuck for anything' on my forehead or something?"

Laughing, "No, it's nothing like that. Let's just say you are more aware of it. Those guys have probably looked at you before, you just either never noticed, or you never saw it in a positive light. The clerk may have been mooning over you for months, and you buying such a personal item gave her the nerve. Either that or the fact you can't seem to keep your hands away from your cunt." I say slapping them away for the third time.

"I can't help it."

"Yes you can. In fact you need to start limiting yourself. Think of it as self-control 101. Masturbate only as often as you orgasm when you make love with Dave."

"I'll try, but it does mean Dave is going to be one lucky guy."

"I bet! So do I get the Dave report or not?"

"Oh, if you insist."

She struggled briefly, mostly looking in the mirror. I wish I had a camera! I've never seen something as purely erotic as us in the mirror with our legs open, my cock inside her and my balls hanging there. "Where the hell was I?"

"I think you were on top of him, slowly fucking him to death."

"Well not exactly to death, but I wanted him to be as excited as possible when I tell him about discovering his little secret."

"So I am fucking him nice and slow. Every time he gets to close, I slow it down, or stop. I knew I had him when he started begging for it. The rush I felt when he begged me to let him come. At that point, I told him. . ."

"I found your stash, Dave."

"Huh, what?" he said a little nervously.

Three quick pumps up and down got his back arching again. "Your stash of dirty, disgusting magazines, you pervert."

I don't know how he looked so horny and guilty at the same time. At least he didn't deny it or offer lame excuses. "So you like looking at dirty, ugly sluts. You like watching them suck cock. You like seeing cocks exploding in their hands and on faces. You like watching them get fucked between their tits, in their raggedy pussies, and up their assholes. I bet you even like seeing cum drip out of their slutty cunts." I punctuated each sentence with a hard drop down on his cock. His brain might be having trouble, but his cock was like a brick. "I am so fucking mad at you right now."

"Look baby, I can explain," he said.

"Oh, like you didn't really like it. Sure that's why I found 17 magazines."

"Well, honey,”

"And my towel, one of my nice new towels, all covered with your dried sperm, disgusting." Now at this point he is really confused. His mind and body passing some very confusing messages.

"I have a few questions for you, you pervert, and you better be honest for once. You bullshit me and I will pull your cock off by the roots. I'll take away your favorite little play toy. Fuck cutting it off, 10 lbs of pressure and it'll pop right off at the root. It'll hang there as useless as male nipples. As I said that I gave his nipple a hard twist. Damn I thought I had killed him from the yell. But his cock seemed to get harder.

"How long have you been doing this?"

He hung his head down, "A long time. Most of our marriage."

Now that surprised me and hurt me a little.


"I don't know. I just did it. The mags helped a bit. I really started when you were pregnant with Callie and sex was too painful for you. We had never gone a week without making love and suddenly we went almost 10 months. I was a walking hard-on."

That made sense, I knew it was hard, but it wasn't exactly easy for me either.

"How come it didn't stop when we started making love again?"

"I guess by then I was kind of hooked, and I also discovered the magazines. They were so different, so dirty and provocative. I didn't see it as a bad thing; I mean I wasn't cheating on you, just jerking off."

"Have you ever cheated on me?"

"No, baby, not that. I have never cheated on you!"

"You mean if one of those sluts walked in the room right now, you wouldn't fuck her?"

"No way. I love you!"

"Did you ever do Sylvia?"

"Sylvia, hell no. I think Rob and I are the only two guys in the neighborhood she didn't try to nail."

"If you aren't BS'ing me, then you might be the only one."

"She made a play for Rob. Wow, he never told me."

"How come Syl left you alone?"

"Because of you and Brenda. Well I guess just you. I mean Syl knew we were happily married; she usually ignored guys she couldn't get. Why the fuck would I want her, when I had you?"

"That didn't stop her with Donna's husband?"

"Baby, you missed a big rumor on that one. Ask Brenda or Rob. Donna was looking to dump him. She set them up. Made sure they had time and opportunity and waited. That asshole might have been married to one gorgeous lady, but he's was also a dog. Donna dumped his sorry ass and kept the house."

"Damn, I never knew. OK, pervert, now back to you. I am still very fucking pissed at you. Do you know why?"

"Because I was masturbating?"

"Hell no."

Now he was really confused. I started a faster pace, keeping him off balance. "Care to guess again, you pervert?" Every time I called a pervert, or used foul language his cock seemed to jump inside of me. Time to go for broke. "I'm talking to you, you fucking perverted bastard. Do you want to know why I am so pissed off at you? With your hiding in the garage, pulling on your cock, filling up my towels with your cum. I bet you used to lick your hand when you were done." Another jump and his face got red. "I bet you like the taste of your own sperm, don't you, pervert?"

Now I was fucking him faster, using my knees to lift up and then dropping down hard. He was clutching at the sheet and pushing up, grunting with the effort to keep up with me. He was unable to talk so I kept verbally abusing him.

"Yea, big stud with your porno queens, fuck me like you mean it. Come on you can do it. Maybe you're imagining that I am one of your big tittied sluts, with your cum dripping out the side of my mouth as I bend down to kiss you. Come on, my little fucking pervert, fuck me or I'll get off and let you play with yourself. Yea you can sit in the garage and pull your pud while I find a real cock to fuck. Maybe later I'll let you suck his cum out of my cunt. I'll have to take pictures so you can enjoy yourself."

He started cumming, and so did I. I was trying not to, but it felt so good. As soon as I felt his cum inside me, I went off. Damn, that was one of the best orgasms ever. I collapsed down on him, my cunt milking his cock. Yes! This is what fucking should be like. I recovered before him, so I kept going with my plot and plans.

Lifting up, his softening cock popped out of me, it looked so nice covered in nice gooey sperm. Rotating on my hands and knees, I get back on my pervert, in something we've never done, a classic 69 position. Grabbing his balls, "So you like looking at cum-filled cunts. Take a good look, pervert. I hope you like it." I could feel his sperm leaking slowly out of me.

The bastard actually started to protest. "Honey, why . . ."

"Pervert," I said squeezing his nuts a little. "I don't think you yet understand the rules here. I am still pissed off at you, and you haven't even figured out the reason why. You owe me, you SOB, so start paying. You like cummy cunts and you like the taste of your own cum, so do it, eat you cum out of my cunt!"

"Babe, I know you’re pissed, but you can't expect . . ."

Squeezing his nuts harder, "Less talking and more eating. While you are doing that I'll be playing with your cock." I felt a tentative lick. "Get real you bastard, you have been thinking about this for years." I pressed my cunt down on his mouth and started humping it all over his face, spreading his cum and my wet juice all over. At the same time I was trying to swallow his soft cock. Finally he started getting into it. I could feel his mouth and tongue. He was a bit rough, and his five-o'clock shadow was like sandpaper, but it hurt so good!

His cock was also getting harder already. He also realized that I was treating his cock just like he was treating my cunt. Good deep, firm licks got him good deep hard sucks. When he tried to slack off I would lighten up on his cock. He might be a pervert, but he wasn't totally stupid."

"You actually got him to not only lick your pussy, but eat his own cum. Aim, you are amazing!" I reached around and started teasing her breasts, tugging lightly on her nipples as she ground against me. She threw her head back against my shoulder. Her tight ass pressed against me. She was watching herself in the mirror again. Her eyes glued to her cunt, looking at how wet my balls were from her sweetness.

"You keep this up and you are going to have to screw me. I can't stand it much longer."

Smiling the whole situation, I start pushing her forward, slowly. My cock starts sliding out as she bent further over. She reaches out and her hands slap down on the coffee table, she pushes back and I enter her fully again. I keep pushing her forward, and I stayed against her. Using my legs we topple off the couch in slow motion. She ends up on her knees, her face and chest on the stone table top. Her beautiful ass in the air. I am on my knees behind her, my cock still buried inside her. I watch her looking in the mirror as I take one long, full stroke. Her eyes close as she shudders so hard she feels like a vibrator.