Conversations with Donna


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"So are they . . .?"

"If they are they are keeping it really under the covers. Actually Rob is retired. He spends his days taking it easy and he and Amy spend part of almost every day together. He's like another grandfather to their two kids. I doubt he would cheat on Brenda anyway; he's a pretty straight shooter. Amy wouldn't be screwing around either; she strikes me as pretty straight-laced. If she has ever had anyone other than her husband, I would be surprised."

"So telling them they live next to porn-central wouldn't go over to well."

"If they know, they aren't involved; if they don't know then I don't want to tell them. Maybe William has heard something?"


"Another neighbor, Amanda, and Jessie's boyfriend."

So this one isn't the William and Elise you mentioned earlier?"

"William is--Elise died in a car wreck a while ago. Jessie and William got together recently. I can ask him."

"Other than William, I have no idea what to do next?"

"Well no reason to get uptight right now. We have some information and we can slowly get more. You are well ahead of where you were just 24 hours ago."

"The IRS?"


"Yesterday the IRS called me to talk about Frank-less. I put them off because I am not supporting him, so any trouble he is in is no concern of mine. I need to think more about this."

Amanda took the remains of lunch and headed out.

"Suzi thanks for everything."

"No problem Donna, we do this stuff all the time for the people we love." She stopped short as the word love came out.

Donna froze for a second as well. "Yes, we do, love, yes we do!"

Suzi went back to work on an emotional high that made Jessie and Ronnie blink from the glow coming off her.

"Tell me she didn't get laid over lunch?"

"No, Ronnie, she didn't. She just spent it with her girlfriend."


"Don't worry it will become clear. I won't ruin her surprise."

"The only woman who has affected her like this is . . . are you are telling me Suzi and . . ."

"I'm not telling you a thing, it's not my place. Just let it lie and be happy for her."

"I am thrilled for her, but if she keeps glowing like this I will need my sunglasses. That smile is brighter than the flaming sun!"

"Give her time to get adjusted. I know she loves us, but I don't think dear, sweet Suzi has ever really been in love before."

William came by to pick Jessie up for dinner, so Suzi had a chance to ask him about Joan and John."

"You are kidding, Joanie and John running a porn site, movies, and magazines?"

"Look at this pic?"

"That could be Joan alright. Oh God, that's John for sure and I think seeing John suck on a cock is an image I could have done without. What the hell is he wearing?"

"It's a submissive outfit designed to make his . . . openings available. We sell them downstairs. You would look . . ."

"Finish that line and you are a dead woman, Suzi."

Jessie and Susie laughed at William's face. It was priceless.

"Seriously, I had no idea this was going on. From these pictures it's no doubt Joan, John, Frank, Sylvia, and a few others in the neighborhood are into some interesting things. Elise and I were clueless I guess.

"Donna is also right, Rob, Brenda, Amy, or Dave aren't in there. Maybe Joan and John wanted a neutral zone around them. No, that's not it; Rob would probably get up on his high horse and get pissed off--especially with all the kids in the neighborhood. Amy and Dave would probably get disgusted; they are both great people, but very straight. I don't know what else to tell you, but if I hear anything, I'll let you know; or should I go to Donna?"

"Donna's the main person interested, she is worried about Frank. I'm doing this because she's interested."

"OK Suzi, sure you are doing this only because Donna's is interested."

"What do you mean?"

"Suzi, you would do anything Donna asked you to do, and you know it."

Suzi blushed from Jessie's words and William got in a laugh at her expense. But as she saw them draw together she knew she wanted something like what they had, only with Donna.

Suzi at Donna's again

After work she blasted through her house and got to Donna's just as she was pulling in with the kids.

"Perfect timing."

"More perfect than you know, I am cooking you all dinner!"


"Well if I'm a guest I get to show off a little for you. How about a stuffed flank steak with almond greens and homemade mac-and-cheese on the side?"

"Sounds heavenly!"

While Suzi hit the kitchen, she also watched Donna and her kids. "She was a marvelous mom." She engaged each child with conversation and touching, and loving hugs as they each shared their day. The youngest wasn't too talkative, but you could tell she loved time spent with her Mommy. Suzi loved watching and in many ways wishing she was more a part of it.

Donna seemed to have a Radar for when people want something because after a while the family was sitting at the kitchenette sharing their day with Suzi too as she cooked. Each child also helped a little with the meal, from Donnie grating cheese for the mac-and-cheese, Joey carefully chopping almonds under the eagle-eye of her mom and a press-down chopper, and little Sophie holding her finger on the knots tying the stuffed and rolled flank steak together. Donna made a salad and opened a bottle of wine for her and Suzi.

Dinner was fun and Suzi really liked how included she felt. Two of the three kids liked her cooking, Sophie didn't say anything, but they way she was shoveling in the mac-and-cheese said it for her. After dinner another round of homework and a little TV got the kids all in bed by 9PM.

"God, its marvelous having you here, Suzi. That dinner was superb; you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to, Donna."

"Well thank you! The kids loved it and they really like you!"

"I'm glad; I like them a lot too. It was weird just watching yesterday, thanks for making me feel so part of everything today."

"Well now you have seen my life. Rise up and get the kids in gear, spend the day dealing with PR stuff, then come home and spend time with the kids before bed. You can see why I haven't had much of a social life."

"Sure, but I also can see how much you love them. Donna, no matter what happens, or doesn't happen between us; I will do anything I can to make sure Frank doesn't get to those kids!"

Donna quietly poured the last of the wine in two glasses and took them into her family room.

Her house was large, about 4,000 or more square feet. Upstairs was the kids bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kids rec-room with a TV and videogame console, plus a library and games on the shelves. The downstairs had a formal living room, formal dining room, kitchen, kitchenette area, informal family room, and the master suite. It was spacious and well lit. Donna sat down and put the two glasses on the coffee table in front of her. She then held out her hands to Suzi and had her snuggling almost in her lap without a word.

Stroking her hair, "Thank you for that, Suzi, more than I can ever tell you. Battling Frank has been so aggravating; it's nice to have someone else in there with me."

Suzi snuggled deeper and once again her thoughts turned more carnal as she felt Donna's warm body next to hers. Donna's hand on her hair felt so special, but she was starting to feel very warm inside and the fire kindled had little to do with the kids, Frank, or their friendship. She was still on an emotional high, but her physical needs were starting to show themselves.

She kissed Donna on the neck and felt her shiver just like she did in the store with the glass toy. That shiver went from Donna and went right down Suzi's spine.


"Oh hell, who is calling at this hour? If it was work they would have called my cell".

"Sorry Suzi."

Reluctantly Suzi slid away and let her reach for the phone. At that angle Suzi got a clear view of her profile, her face, extended arm, and her chest. She had changed after work into a comfortable top and shorts, she was wearing a bra, but it was just enough to give her back some support from those lovely breasts. Suzi wondered if she had them as a model or did they come in after the kids were born. Either way they reminded Suzi how sexy she is and how Suzi wanted to make love with her.


"Oh Frank, what do you want?"

"No, the kids are in bed, you know this is too late to come by and see them. Stop marking your little calendar and planning to tell the judge how many times you tried to see the kids and claimed I wouldn't let you. You never call in the early evening or on the weekend; you only call after you know they are in bed. Go to hell."

"Yes, your buddies at the IRS called me; they want to talk to you again. Maybe this time you will get the jail time you deserve."

"Again, go to hell Frank!"

"No, you can't come over now. You can't come over this late any day. We've gone over this. The restraining order says that. You come over I call the cops, it's easy."

"Are you fucking spying on me?"

"None of your business Frank. Spying on me is against the restraining order. I guess I do get the call the cops."

"Don't give me crap again, just call your lawyer and listen to his advice. I do promise when the IRS gets you I will laugh at your sentencing hearing, you asshole."

She hung up the phone forcibly and sat there slight hyper-ventilating.

Suzi touched her carefully, but Donna didn't pull away. She pulled her close and Donna came against her nearly in tears.

"I can't understand how he can get to me so damn easily. God I hate him!"

"It's OK Donna; it's me here, not him."

"Suzi, he knows you were here last night and I think he knows we slept together."

"How can he know that?"

"I have no idea, but he was dropping sleazy hints. God, he makes me so mad."

"He can't know. He might have seen my car, but how can he know what where I slept. This is a comfy couch."

"I don't know, but what he said and how he said it."

"I am surprised you didn't mention the movies."

"No, I see that as my ace. If he wants me in court and I'm perfectly willing to let the judge see them. Let him make claims for being a better parent. God, I know he just wants money and part of me wants to pay him off to just get him out of my life."

"Dane geld, Donna."


"Historical reference, once you pay the Dane, he never goes away. You give him money once; he will just hit you up for more and more. Then he will use the money you gave him to justify to some judge that he deserves it on a regular basis. He has a job, right?"

"I think so, at least he had one. He was a dispatcher over at the fire department. He tried to become a fireman, but couldn't pass the physical."

"So he should be able to look after himself. Maybe you should sue him for child support."

"I tried that, but the judge said that I made more than enough money to not need it. He thought that Frank would be more willing to be part of the kids' lives if he wasn't mandated to spend a monthly sum; besides even state minimums would be beyond his ability to pay.

"I also discussed that with my lawyer and on his advice I dropped it. Sure if he can't pay the state can make his life miserable, but with my earnings it's unlikely they would throw him in jail. It would just look like an ex-wife seeking revenge and do more damage to my business than any benefit."

"Well I wasn't there, but I do think that anything the state could so to make his life miserable would be a help to you."

"I would rather hold the movies as a trump card than try any minor battles."

Donna was still shaking. Suzi stood up and took Donna to her bedroom. She slowly stripped her of her clothing and when she tried to say anything, Suzi just put her finger to her lips and told her, "Trust me!"

She laid her down on the bed, on her stomach, lit a candle and told her to wait there for a minute. She went in the bathroom and dressed for bed. She also got out a lotion container and went back in the bedroom. Using her hands to warm the lotion, she slowly massaged Donna's back, shoulders, arms and legs until she could feel her relax. The small amount of lotion was well worked in and the warmth and pressure of her hands finally got Donna relaxed. She fell asleep while Suzi was working on the back of her thighs.

Suzi stood there for a moment, her own body on fire from seeing and touching so much of Donna. But the small smile on Donna's face meant more to her than anything. She pulled a sheet up and decided to at least do one of the things she mentioned earlier. She set the clock for 30 minutes earlier, stripped off her over-sized tee/night shirt and slipped into bed with Donna. A couple of seconds adjustment and they were intertwined again, like they had been this way for years. She fell asleep knowing that she was exactly where she wanted to be, needed to be.

Donna woke up ahead of the alarm clock once again, even on the earlier time. She felt a little strange being nude; but remembered all of last night with crystal clarity. She pulled Suzi tighter against her and waited for the alarm to wake her. She didn't feel any need to rush because Suzi truly looked like and angel when she slept.

She felt good in her arms. She was smaller and fit well against her. She gently kicked the sheet off and laid her out straight and took a minute to just look at her. She was shorter and thinner than Donna, smaller in the hips and chest, but nicely proportioned for her height. Her hair was dark, not the black sometimes associated with Asian women, but a very dark, multilayered brown. She was clean shaven, which reminded Donna of a party once years ago when she was first clean shaven, the first time by another girl. There were 6 of us struggling models and you pour in some tequila and crazy shit happens.

Donna gently stroked Suzi's body, the side of her neck, her ribs and belly. Suzi turned toward Donna, as if she was chilled and moving toward the only source of heat. Donna took her in her arms again and enjoyed the smoothness of her skin when the alarm rang.

Suzi woke with a start, and then relaxed as Donna twisted to turn off the alarm. It brought one of Donna breasts right to her face and she couldn't stop herself from kissing it. Donna didn't seem to mind, so when she turned back, she nuzzled her breast again.

"Thanks, Suzi, for last night."

"It was my pleasure, love. You needed to relax after asshole's call. I am glad I was here for you."

"You keep doing things for me, when can I do something for you?"

"Oh we will get to it!" Suzi said. Then she took Donna's nipple in her teeth and gently bit on it until Donna moaned in response.

"I do so love beautiful breasts and these are so perfect. You didn't have these when you were modeling."

"Nope, I was seriously flat-chested. Donnie brought them with him and the two others added to them. I do try and keep in shape, but they aren't all that big, just between an A and a B cup, but they are mine."

"Nope, they are mine now!"

Suzi pushed Donna onto her back and straddled her. She kissed Donna right between her breasts and pulled them against her face. Then she kissed Donna.

It wasn't their first kiss, but it was one that they each had been thinking about. Their mouths came together and their tongues touched and their bodies slid together like they had been this way a million times. When the kiss broke, both ladies were short of breath and obviously aroused. But the sleep timer on the clock went off and they both knew that if they didn't get up, the kids would be looking for Donna soon.

At the bathroom door Donna looked at Suzi. "Give me 5 minutes and when you hear the shower, come on in."

"Are you sure? We might be late."

"I think we can stand it. But if I am going to spend the whole day horny as hell, I want to tease you just as bad so I know you are horny too."

In the large shower they explored each other with a degree of intimacy only two lovers can achieve. When they came out they found the kids were already up and waiting for breakfast. In a burst of energy, Suzi whipped up Egg sandwiches with English muffins and ham. Sophie wasn't as impressed and asked for more mac-and-cheese. But she settled for scrambled egg and cheese.

With the kids in the car, Suzi and Donna kissed one more time before heading in opposite directions. Neither saw the car parked down the block as they came out the front door.

Frank puts in a brief appearance

"Fuck! Goddammit, I knew you were a fucking lesbian, now just fuck or something so I can get it on video." Frank cursed the laptop as he replayed Donna and Suzi from last night and this morning. "Christ they must have fucked in the shower. Why didn't Joanie add a camera in there?"

He slammed his coffee down and then gently made sure the laptop had saved the files. Then he laughed. "I almost have the bitch now; wait until the judge sees her and her girlfriend. One good sex session with the kids in the house and He would own her!"

Frank thought about the girlfriend. "I wouldn't mind a little piece of her myself. No wonder the ice bitch is finally melting. I always figured she would pick up someone from the neighborhood, but no, she finds this super-sexy Asian bitch. She looked a little familiar, probably a girl from her office!"

Frank thought about the camera again. "Where the hell are Joan and John anyway? I haven't heard from them in two weeks."

He drove by their house but didn't see either of them out. He did see that sanctimonious asshole Rob out working on his garden with Amy like normal. Frank went by quickly so they didn't recognize him. He saw Amy bending down and remembered what a hot piece of ass she looked like, but what a cold fish she was face to face.

"Fuck 'em, I'll get to Joan and John another day. "

Suzi at work once again

Later in the afternoon, after Suzi spent most of the day flying high again, much to the delight of her co-workers, Donna called.

"Sorry baby, I have to go out of town. I have an antsy client and I need to deal with him. I'll be back Friday night. Why don't you bring a few things over on Friday for the weekend? I'll free up some closet space. Bring a suit if we want to sit out."

"Am I moving in?"

"Let's talk about that after dinner on Friday. In the meantime you can at least have some space to put stuff. This way you don't have to keep running back and forth to your place every day."

"You are too much!"

"I know! OK, I have to run. I am on my way to the airport."

"What about your kids, I can watch them if you want."

"Oh baby, I appreciate that, but I have some standing arrangements with a cousin of mine. The kids adore her and her family too. Plus she had medical power of attorney if anything happens. We can re-think stuff later, but this is kinda their routine."

"OK, Donna. I'll miss you and the kids!"

"Love you, see you Fri!"

Friday arrives

Friday night couldn't arrive fast enough. Suzi thought she should give Donna and the kids some time to themselves, but couldn't do it. She pulled in right behind Donna.

Donna warned her it was traditional to have a pizza night when she got home from a trip. So she enjoyed sharing pizza with the kids and Donna. For some reason pizza seemed . . . a little . . . well not really Donna. The lovely and elegant Donna catching stringy cheese with her fingers and taking large bites of a sloppy sausage pizza didn't sound like they would go together. But Donna made it work, she made everything seem like it belonged in her world, even Suzi.

Donna spent part of the evening on the phone while Suzi had fun with the kids. Once they had gone to bed, she dragged Donna off the phone and back into her bedroom, locking the door.