Cop Town Girl Ch. 01


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They both gasped and groaned as their orgasms approached. They climaxed together, clinging to each other, kissing passionately as Kyle filled her with hot semen and she splashed her warm seed on his belly. The musty aroma of hot semen filled the air as they fucked each other fervently.

The couple slowly came down from their respective sexual pinnacles and kissed and fondled each other tenderly.

"That was wonderful," Penelope sighed.

"It was the greatest," Kyle grinned down at her.

"You took my cherry," Penelope giggled.

"I took your cherry," Kyle chuckled.

"Now get off me you oaf and find me something to drink," Penelope pushed on Kyle's shoulders.

Kyle looked hurt.

"Don't get all sooky on me honey. Once I've had a couple of drinks and if you can get it up, we're going to fuck again," Penelope eased herself out from under him.

Penelope spent the night with Kyle Beamish and enjoyed the sex but was a little concerned that Kyle was already becoming too clingy and mawkish.

"Penelope, I want to tell you that..." Penelope put a finger to his lips to silence him.

"It's just sex Kyle; I'm not your girlfriend or anything," she kissed his cheek at the door as she left.

When she climbed into her car she saw that she had left her cell phone on the passenger seat. There were five missed calls and as many texts from her mother begging her to come home. She initially thought it was just her mother expressing regret at their arguing but she had a feeling that there was something seriously awry.

When she arrived home she found her mother sitting in the lounge wearing a housecoat.

"It's your father; he died yesterday. He was shot in the line of duty apparently," Rosemary said mechanically.

The only memories of her father that Penelope had was from when she had been a boy; but they were fond. She knew that her gender dysphoria and transitioning had caused the breakdown of her parent's marriage and she felt extremely guilty about it. She also believed her mother's wish for Penelope to fully transition into a woman was spurred by the need to validate to herself that leaving her husband was justified.

"I'm going to the funeral," the words just fell from Penelope's mouth.

"No Penelope! They hate us there! When I left that place I vowed I would never return," Rosemary said savagely.

"You can't stop me mom!" Penelope was crying.

She had often thought of her father and although she knew he had turned her away at ten years old she could not stop loving him deep down, even though he wanted nothing to with her or her mother.

They argued until they were both exhausted but eventually Rosemary reluctantly agreed to accompany her daughter to Balwyn Texas to attend the funeral of Charlie Bishop, Sargent in the City of Balwyn Municipal Police Department.

Nearly the whole of the PD turned out for Charlie Bishop's funeral service. Rosemary and Penelope deliberately arrived late so that they could sit up the back of the church. Charlie hadn't remarried after his divorce but he did have a common-law wife who sat in the front row near the casket and accepted condolences. It was a different story at the graveside service, Rosemary and Penelope had to walk the gauntlet through a sea of blue uniforms, many of whom remembered Rosemary.

Most of the officers who spoke to Rosemary were very polite and offered their condolences; some even spent a few minutes chatting to her. Rosemary suspected that Charlie never admitted to anyone that his son had become a transgendered woman; he couldn't have stood the shame and the perceived slur on his masculinity.

Many of the officers stared at Penelope; especially the younger ones. She wore a knee-length black dress, sheer black pantyhose, black high heels and a string of white pearls. Her mother was dressed identically and both having long blonde hair they could almost be sisters.

An older man in a police uniform bedecked with medal ribbons came over and took Rosemary's arm and led her away from the crowd. Penelope couldn't hear what was being said but she saw her mother becoming angry and then burst into tears. The man offered her a handkerchief but her mother pushed it away. The man tried to hug Rosemary but she shoved him away. He said a final remark to Rosemary which caused her to raise her hand but he caught it and then he turned away from her. He walked deliberately over to Penelope and loomed over her.

"Your Daddy is better off dead than seeing you like this," he whispered in her ear.

Penelope froze. She was used to the occasional slur from the uneducated and bigoted; but this was like a knife to the heart.

The man kept walking back to the graveside but Penelope thawed and sprang after him; she grabbed his forearm and made him stop.

"Why would you say that?" her eyes were blurred with tears.

"Charlie was so proud of his son. He bragged that he would serve beside him when he grew up. Your dad was a legend in my PD but when you turned into that and your mother left him, it broke his heart," he gripped Penelope's wrist until it hurt so much so that she had to release her hold on him.

By this time Rosemary had rushed over to protect her daughter.

"Take that thing back to hippy-ville with the rest of the freaks. You're not wanted here," he hissed and turned away.

Rosemary wanted to leave immediately but Penelope had become incensed and was determined to stay. She had always refused to be bullied by those who hated her because of her gender. They stayed for the internment and then went back to their hotel. After yet another argument Penelope left her mother at their hotel and went to The Longhorn bar to attend her father's wake.

The place was a typical cop bar with Lone Star beer on tap and cheap well drinks; it was packed with men in blue uniforms, now in disarray, men in suits, equally disarrayed, and plenty of women. As expected, most of the men were drunk and boisterous, trying to outdo one and other as they told tales of daring-do and the shenanigans they had gotten up to on the job with Charlie Bishop. Penelope soon realised that her father was a legend in the Balwyn PD and was both honoured and revered by most of the other cops, the white Anglo cops anyway.

"Well I never knew Charlie had a daughter from his first marriage but then he never talked about Rosemary and his kid after you guys hit out for California," one of the drunken police officers said talking squarely to her tits.

"Yeah well I don't remember much about him; me being so young and all when we left," Penelope deliberately misrepresented herself.

She went from group to group listening to stories about her pop. Of course some of the younger cops tried to hit on her but when they found out she was Charlie Bishop's daughter they soon desisted out of respect. Not everyone was pleasant to her. The man who had aggrieved Penelope and Rosemary at the cemetery kept looking at her contemptuously and Charlie's common-law wife, as drunk as any of the men, came over to her.

The woman was thin but with obviously enhanced breasts; she was tanned with long dark hair and hard-faced; but attractive in that untamed sort of way some men found addictive. She had changed out of her funeral attire and was wearing a denim skirt that was too short for the occasion, tan nylons, ankle cowboy-boots and a western shirt worn open to show off her bountiful bosom.

"I know who you are and what you are. Your daddy wanted you to be a cop but you became a sissy," the woman hiccupped.

Another woman came over; she was bigger and dressed in jeans, chequered shirt and cowboy boots. She took the other woman by the arm and led her away and then came back.

"You don't remember me do you?" the woman said.

Penelope shook her head.

"We used to play together in fourth grade right down the street there. You used to steal my dolls and I used to steal your toy trucks. I'm Molly Harper, one of the few lesbians serving in the Balwyn PD," she held out her hand.

Penelope shook it and tried to remember Molly. She vaguely remembered playing with a bigger girl who sometimes beat her up when Penelope stole the girl's dolls and a smile crossed her lips.

"There won't be more than six people in this whole town who know who you are and that's a good thing. They say your daddy despised you for what you became but I think he was secretly proud of you. You know he followed your progress through college and UC Law? We can get a bottle and I can tell you all about him if you like," Molly grinned.

Molly got a bottle of bourbon and two glasses and they found a seat outside in back on the patio where smoking was permitted. They lit up and Molly told Penelope about her dad.

"Look Charlie Bishop was basically an asshole; I ain't gonna sugarcoat it. A misogynist, racist, bigoted, womaniser who drank too much and was rumoured to be on the take. He passed up promotion to stay on the street," Molly put out her cigarette and immediately lit another.

"But he schooled me. Most of the PD here are assholes, they hate women, they hate minorities and they hate homos. Charlie Bishop had equity, I'll give him that; he hated everyone equally if you weren't an Anglo hetero male. But for some reason he took a shine to me and showed me the ropes. Publicly he called me a box-biter but on the beat he treated me ok," Molly studied her smoke.

"There are rumours that his death was linked to organised crime; like I said he allegedly was on the take and who knows how far up that goes. He was shot at point blank range behind Morganson's Hardware. You'd think that with one of our own being shot we'd be balls out trying to find the killer, but the investigation has stalled already and the hierarchy don't seem too keen on lighting a fire under it, if you know what I mean," Molly said bitterly.

"I'll tell you one thing doll; you're better off out of Balwyn and you're damn lucky that you didn't follow your daddy into the PD," Molly got up from her seat a little unsteadily.

They had drunk half the bottle and Molly had had plenty to drink before they sat down.

"See ya round doll... Actually, forget that; I hope I don't see ya round. Get the fuck outta here and don't come back," Molly leaned in and kissed Penelope on the cheek.

Penelope and Rosemary had their final argument that night.

"You're doing what!" Rosemary screamed.

"I'm applying to join the City of Balwyn Municipal Police Department and as soon as I get my degree I'm moving back here," Penelope said.

"But what about the California bar exam? You've got half a dozen reputable law firms chasing you?" Rosemary was astonished.

"Is this some identity crisis thing and you need to follow in the footsteps of your daddy?" Rosemary was at her wits end.

"You know what? I don't care! I'm done with you for now Penelope; we're flying back home tomorrow and when we get there you're moving out!" Rosemary snapped.


"Do I really gotta take the freak Frank?" Balwyn City Police Chief Daniel Balfour was a fourth generation cop; his father and grandfather before him had also been Police Chiefs in the City of Balwyn.

"Come on Danny; we been dealing with this shit for generations. First it was the slits, then the niggers, then the spics and the kikes. Then the homos and dykes; hell I think we got a towel-head out there somewhere and Johnny Eagle Claw is a fucking Apache Indian or some shit," Mayor Frank Cannon prided himself on being an equal opportunity bigot.

"I tried pushing back on the Governor but we got no choice but to comply and let the fucking tranny in. You know how this works Danny; meet the fucking quota and push the freak out after she graduates," Frank lit a cigar and shrugged his shoulders.

The State had minimum minority group quotas based on the size of each city police department but there were loopholes. Each PD had to not only recruit so many females, minorities, and now transgenders, they had to guarantee that the designated quota passed basic training and was fully indoctrinated into the PD. On top of that there were quotes to meet at each rank.

Daniel Balfour called female minorities 'twofers' and he joked that if he could recruit an Asian, lesbian with a disability he'd have a 'fourfer'.

On the walls of his office Daniel Balfour proudly displayed framed pictures of the whole of the Police Department standing out the front of Police Plaza taken every year since 1970. As the years progressed the pictures became more multi-cultural and gender inclusive; or so it seemed.

The Balwyn PD had a system; they ensured that the minimum numbers to meet the quotas graduated the police academy regardless of the cadet's performance. Then they promoted in the ranks to meet the quotas, but they promoted minorities and women into the worst jobs, administrative or bureaucratic positions that did not involve policework. If a female or minority officer resigned it was all the more better because the PD had still met the quota; the incumbent had simply left the Department of their own free will.

What this systematic extremist intolerance did was to coalesce the white male officers and turn them against the women and minorities because they were deemed to be promoted without merit. The women police officers disliked the minorities, who in turn disliked everyone because they were continually discriminated upon. This constant state of incoherence and mistrust meant that all of the power was concentrated in the hands of a few long serving senior white police officers.

Penelope texted Kyle from the airport, she didn't give him any detail, just that she would be coming around his place and would be staying for a little while.

She pushed past him dragging her wheeled suitcase when he greeted her at the door.

"What's going on Penelope?" Kyle sounded genuinely concerned.

Penelope had already kicked off her heels and was shucking out of her shorts and pulling off her t-shirt.

"You wanna talk about my problems or you wanna fuck?" she lay down on the bed wearing only her panties.

"Well both I guess," Kyle said pulling off his t-shirt.

He climbed on the bed naked and Penelope opened her arms for him. He could sense that she was angry and was likely grudge-fucking him but a fuck was a fuck.

He kissed her passionately and when she began to moan he left her mouth and followed her long neck down to her shoulders with his tongue and then detoured to her breasts which he licked and then playfully bit. His hand found her hard in her panties and he freed her erection and squeezed it while he bit her nipples. Penelope writhed on the bed as Kyle continued his journey across her flat stomach and then licked at the tip of her penis.

"Yesss!" Penelope gripped his head and tried to force it down on her phallus but he resisted.

He licked the shaft of her penis only occasionally lapping at her glans; teasing her, sipping her precum; he fluttered his tongue on her scrotum and took her testes in his mouth whilst slowly stroking her shaft.

"Oh Kyle come on honey; you know what I want," Penelope begged him, straining as she tried to force him to suck her cock.

Finally he enveloped her penis with his mouth, using his lips on her shaft and his tongue on her glans as she had taught him. He felt her cock begin to pulsate as her orgasm approached and she wrapped her fingers in his hair and thrust upwards, fucking his mouth.

"Yes honey; yes that's it!" she pushed his face down on her cock.

Kyle slavered at her penis and was rewarded with a mouthful of creamy sperm. He held her down on the bed and sucked her hard penis as she writhed with pleasure, draining every drop, becoming less frenetic as she came down from her climax, knowing that her penis would become almost too sensitive after her orgasm.

Penelope might have been a virgin on their first tonight together, but she had taught him more about how to pleasure a lover than he had leaned since he had reached puberty; and he had put it good practice.

She pawed at him impatiently; she wanted him to hold her, to kiss her, to fuck her. Kyle obligingly climbed up her body and lay beside her and stroked her breasts tenderly. He reached for the water glass beside his bed.

"Don't you dare! I want to taste myself," Penelope pulled his face to hers and kissed him.

She slid her tongue into his mouth as she slid her body under him. She moved catlike, sensuously and languidly; he loved that about her. His penis poked at her belly and she impatiently shucked off her panties and grabbed a pillow from behind her head to support her buttocks as she pressed him to her puckered bud.

"Fuck me Kyle," she whispered and rose to meet him.

He was impatient but Penelope was gracious; she was already pleasured so she wrapped her arms and legs around him and let him use her body for his gratification. She kissed him and bit his ear as he climaxed; she wriggled her buttocks to encourage him when she felt his cock convulse and flood her with his hot spend.

When they satisfied their lusting for each other they lay side by side smoking.

"How long you planning on staying?" Kyle pointed his chin at her suitcase.

"I was hoping until after graduation, so not long," she rested the glass ashtray on her stomach.

"Ok. We split everything fifty-fifty ok?" he tapped his cigarette on the ashtray.

"Sure, and I'm charging a hundred for a fuck and fifty for a blowjob," sometimes Penelope's crudeness caught him off guard.

"You take bitcoin or credit?" he bantered.

"I'll take credit, and I figure I've paid one month's rent in sex already," Penelope chuckled.

He liked it when she laughed.

"I'll throw you a freebee if you can get that thing going again," she waggled his flaccid penis.

"I think I'm falling in love with you," Kyle looked into her green eyes.

"Don't spoil a beautiful friendship," she looked serious and Kyle knew not to push it.

"Ok, fuck-buddies it is then," Kyle took the ashtray from Penelope's belly and snuggled up to her.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

When the Supreme Court ruled against several states that wanted to claim an exemption to the Act or to legislate loopholes…

…take affirmative action to ensure applicants are employed, and that employees are treated without regard to their race, creed, color, national origin, their sexuality or their gender identity

Considering the Supreme Court’s recent decision to abolish affirmative action, this is both extremely funny and extremely depressing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Penelope gave Kyle the good sex he desired. And she loved feeling his hard penis penetrate her and flood her with his spend squirting deep inside her. This is an interesting beginning to an erotic story. I'm anxious to see where this leads and how she found herself with two criminals in a car.

Michele, you have grabbed my interest and intense appreciation for the sexual appeal this story is giving me. Here I move onto chapter 2, honey. Love 💘 it so far!!

Love, sucks and fucks,



AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
@Michlle Re: Politics

Honestly it's refreshing as a non-binary woman to see someone actually protray the realities of being trans. Especially showing that our community isn't uniform. Even if the presence of the bigots nearly killed some serious lady boner.... 😅

MicheleNylonsMicheleNylonsabout 5 years agoAuthor

I apologise if I have offended anyone. The 'politics' in the story are really a means to create an avenue for a female TG who has not had gender reassignment to join the police. That is why the story is set in the 'near future'. I have traveled extensively through the US but am no expert on politics or police procedures, my research assistants are Google and Netflix. The story is about Penelope and how she overcomes adversity, not about American politics. One again I apologise to anyone I may have put offside xxx Michele

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