Cop Town Girl Ch. 02


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Because the cadets were required to remain in their dorms overnight they required supervision after the two course instructors finished work. The instructors finished at 1800 daily; and had all of Sunday off. Officers of the Balwyn PD could rack up valuable overtime hours working as duty instructors at the academy; it was easy money and even easier duty. The duty instructor simply checked into the academy at 1800 when instruction finished and supervised the cadets. The duty consisted of ensuring that any cadets who left the academy were back by curfew, supervising dinner, ensuring the cadets didn't become too rowdy, and making sure they were all tucked in by lights out at 2300.

What the duty really consisted of was eating a free meal, watching TV or porn on one of the Academy computers and conducting regular rounds of the barracks to make sure the cadets weren't up to no good or fucking each other. The Balwyn City police officers referred to the duty as 'babysitting'.

After seeing Penelope Bishop at the restaurant police officer Brin Longmire cashed in a few favours and scored overtime at the academy three nights a week.

Penelope lay on her bed in her single dorm still dressed in her pink dress. She was still angry at Kyle; he just didn't get it!

She thought long and hard about her life choices and her transition from male to transgendered female constantly; it wasn't a whim. She had also thought long and hard over the years about her father, but had made no attempt to contact him because her mother had told her that it would be a waste of time and because any reprisal from him would likely be heart-breaking for them both.

But that didn't diminish the love she had for her father. The fact that his murder remained unsolved and nobody seemed intent on solving it meant that she was resolved to do whatever she could to do so. Coupled with Balwyn PD's gender prejudice she was determined to join the Balwyn PD and try her hardest to make a difference. It seemed that Kyle Beamish and Rosemary Bishop just didn't understand her.

Despite the Gender Equality Act and the President's Affirmative Action Executive Order there was still some groundswell against gender diverse people. Mainly in the Southern states but also in other unenlightened enclaves there were pockets of resistance led by the Church, right wing activists, and special interest groups. A transgendered person walking the streets of some towns in the Mississippi in 2025 was as likely to disappear as some of the Civil Rights activists did in the 1960s.

Joining the Balwyn PD was Penelope's means of making a stance against gender bias and also gave her the opportunity to get close to the legacy left by her father. She was not naive enough to think that a tenderfoot policewoman was going to solve her father's murder; that only happened in movies not in real life.

She was thinking all these things while lying on her bed when she moved her head and heard paper rustle. Someone had put something under her pillow.

She reached under her pillow and bought out an envelope which had two scanned photographs inside. One was a forensic photograph of her father lying dead behind Morganson's Hardware. His head was shattered and his arm was outflung and next to his fingertips was what appeared to be a red velvet bag. He had not drawn his weapon and blood and brain matter were draining into a nearby sewer. The second picture was a newspaper clipping with a photograph of Police Chief Daniel Balfour sitting on the edge of his desk. The picture was taken to accompany some puff piece about the Officer Friendly program but circled in blue sharpie was what looked like the same red velvet bag sitting on the Chief's desk.

Penelope scrutinised the envelope but there was no address or markings to indicate where it came from nor who had sent it. It had to be someone who had access to the academy; likely someone who worked for or with Balwyn PD.

There was nothing she could do with the information while she was at the academy so she put the pictures back in the envelope and hid it in her suitcase. She resolved to do her best with only three weeks to go before graduation. She was pretty certain that she was top of her class but the academy didn't advise the students of their progress unless they were close to failing; it was another psychological control mechanism Balwyn PD held over the cadets.

She went down to the cafeteria on Monday night and probably half of her class was there eating dinner, the rest had gone to dinner out in the town. She was wearing the mandated uniform for cadets after instruction had finished which in the case of females was skirt, blouse, jacket, hosiery, and black low heels. This was the uniform all females had to wear unless they were undertaking patrol duties or under instruction. Penelope had done what she could to make the uniform fit her a little better by taking up the hem of skirt and taking in her blouse. She wore the regulation smoky grey pantyhose but she had found a store that sold them in fifteen denier nylon rather than the thick hosiery stocked at the Academy clothing store.

As usual she sat by herself and was about to start on her salad when Police Officer Brin Longmire parked himself across from her. She flinched.

"Am I getting a ticket for something sir?" she was so used to being ticketed for any slight or imagined breach of the rules that she fully expected to be cited.

Brin placed his tray down on the table and gave her a radiant smile.

"Hell no! I should be getting a ticket for eating this burger and fries in front of you while you eat that salad," he took a huge bite of his sandwich.

"Police officers don't get tickets; only cadets," Penelope said sourly.

"Jeez, you have no sense of humour," Brin said around a mouthful of burger.

Penelope couldn't help but smile; it also helped that Police Officer Brin Longmire was a very handsome man.

"You're new to this duty right? You know who I am? If you did you would know that you probably shouldn't be sitting with me and you certainly shouldn't be nice to me," Penelope forked a mouthful of salad.

"So... yes I'm new to babysitting, and yes I know who you are, and I give everyone an even break when I first meet them," he took another bite of his burger.

"So you do know who I am?" Penelope put down her fork.

"That's why I'm over here having dinner with you," he smiled that infectious smile again.

Penelope frowned.

"You're not one of those guys who just want's to know what it's like to fuck a tranny are you?" she picked up her fork and pointed it at him.

"You took that all wrong; what I meant by knowing who you are is that you are Charlie Bishop's daughter. I really respected that guy and I thought it would be nice to sit and talk to you about him," Brin looked a little wounded.

This got Penelope's attention.

"But now that you mention it you are pretty hot, even in that shitty uniform," he said it in such a way that Penelope could tell that he meant no offence.

He reached across the table and took her hand in his.

"Look. Fraternisation between Police Officers and cadets is strictly forbidden and as pretty as you are I'm not going to lose my job trying to get my leg over you. Also, unlike most of the guys in the PD, I'm happy to be friends with a female officer without trying to get into her pants."

"You looked lonely and I know you get it rough here; it's no secret, but I liked your father and thought you might like to know more about him," he released her hand.

"You know my father and I were estranged when I was young?" Penelope's interest was piqued.

"Yeah. It was a secret he kept close but most of PD knows the story now that you're here, but that's not what this is about. I thought you might be interested in your dad as a Police," Brin smiled that smile.

"I'm Brin Longmire by the way," he offered his hand.

"And I'm Penelope Bishop," she shook his hand.

And for three nights a week for the remaining four weeks Brin joined Penelope for dinner and told her stories about her dad.

Graduation day approached and by then the graduating class of cadets had been whittled down to twenty five; their friends and family assembled to see them graduate. Because Penelope, her mother, and Kyle Beamish were still not talking to one and other she had no guests in the crowd but she did see Brin Longmire standing at the back of the room.

Police Chief Daniel Balfour stood at the dais, flanked by Mayor Frank Cannon. He waited for silence and then began his speech.

"Fellow officers, ladies and gentlemen, graduating class of cadets, it gives me great pleasure to call forward Police Cadet Penelope Bishop. Cadet Bishop has topped every subject in the curricula and she is about to receive a special award," he announced proudly.

Penelope was quite astounded that she was going to be given an award for duxing the course. She had suspected that she might be the valedictorian but as she had not been advised accordingly she didn't have a speech prepared. She would have to wing it.

When she climbed on the stage the Police Chief stepped forward and Penelope offered her hand but he did not offer his in return.

"Here, stand right there Missy," he led her to a spot centre stage and returned to the podium.

"As you know; if a cadet is issued more than fifty tickets they are dismissed from the Academy but we know that Cadet Bishop is a special case. So for breaking the Police Academy record and racking up over two hundred tickets here is your reward," the Chief chuckled.

Hundreds of small yellow of tickets fell from the ceiling covering Penelope like confetti. The audience all laughed and cheered and she saw that quite a few of them had their phones out and were filming her. Penelope felt utterly ashamed but she couldn't leave; she was made to stand there until the audience settled down then was directed her to take her place with the rest of the cadets.

She wanted to run away but she was forced to watch as a string of white males came forward to collect their prizes for topping classes that she actually topped. Some of them were obviously embarrassed as they knew that they had not earned the accolades they received. Then she watched the graduating class collect their certificates and their shields from the Mayor. Because of the demerits she had received for every ticket issued to her, her scores were weighted accordingly and she graduated bottom of her class.

By the time she collected her certificate and shield the rest of graduating class and their guests had left. Brin Longmire was the single member of the audience remaining. He came forward when she stepped down from the stage and gave her a hug.

"Congratulations Penelope," he squeezed her chastely.

"Those fuckers; I don't know how they could accept those awards with a straight face," he whispered in her ear.

"Fuck them. I still got my shield, that's all I care about," she refused to cry.

"So Police Officer Bishop, how about a celebratory drink?" he held her at arm's length

"I'm sorry Brin. I'm not in the mood; maybe tomorrow. Saturday is good for me because I have to move out of the Academy and into my apartment on Sunday," she explained.

Balwyn was a cop town and the PD had a special relationship with the property rental agencies whereby all the cops got a significant discount on their rent. All of the graduating class had great apartments to move into and their rents were considerably lower than the market rate. Penelope was greeted cordially by the realtors when she identified herself as a member of the PD but as soon as she gave them her name she was shut out. She had tried to rent an apartment in person, over the phone and online but as soon as she identified herself as Penelope Bishop she was given short shrift. She eventually managed to get a pokey little apartment in one of least salubrious areas of the city.

She pecked Brin on the cheek and managed to get back to her dorm before she started crying. She fell on the bed and sobbed. She had just about cried herself out when there was a hammering on the door.

"What fresh hell now!" she got off the bed and swung open the door.

The four female minorities of the graduating class were standing there; Cindy Huxtable was grinning from ear to ear.

"We all agreed that it sucked that those skinny-ass white boys took all the awards when they clearly hadn't earned them so we made you your own special award," Cindy grinned.

From behind her back she produced a piece of polished wood with a huge gold-gilded penis-shaped dildo mounted on it. Underneath was an inscription.

'Presented to Balwyn Police Academy's best Tranny Trainee - 2025 - Police Cadet Penelope Bishop'

The girls started giggling and laughing and at first she thought they were hazing her but then she realised they meant the joke in good humour. She burst out laughing and took the proffered gold-plated phallus.

"I'll treasure it," she laughed and the girls all laughed with her.

"Come on Bishop, ditch those blues, put on your party dress and come with us to celebrate," the girls all nodded enthusiastically.

It was difficult putting on makeup whilst she was tearing up but she got there; lots of heavy eye makeup and bright red lipstick. She put on her shortest skirt, a tube top, sheer-to-the waist tan pantyhose and fuck-me high heels. She'd teased out her hair and her chunky jewellery clanked when she walked. But her tears were tears of happiness.

She met the girls out the front of the Academy and off they went to hit the bars. They drank heavily, bar hopping from place to place, turning down invitations to buy them drinks they received from the barflies. They were happy to be in each other's company. Finally they hit The Longhorn bar, Penelope didn't want to go but the others wanted to meet up with their classmates now that they were newly appointed police officers.

"Fuck it! I'm a cop now so no reason I can't drink at a cop bar," she declared drunkenly.

As she expected, the four female minorities were grudgingly welcomed by the other cops drinking in The Longhorn, but she was ignored and was soon left sitting on her own nursing a drink. She was thinking of leaving the bar when Molly Harper came over.

"Hey sugar-tits; I hear you finally graduated," Molly gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Penelope explained how she had been robbed of her place at the top of the class and Molly nodded sagely.

"Same thing happened to me sugar. The fuckers couldn't fail me 'cause they were down on quota but they tried their best to haze me out of the Academy. Fuck em! Let's drink a toast to Penelope Bishop following in the shoes of her much revered father, even if he was a flatfoot and she wears Christian Louboutin's," Molly raised her glass.

Penelope laughed at the joke and downed her drink.

"Hey honey I gotta go soon and you look like you're carrying a load; why don't we split a cab?" Molly said.

Penelope was about to say yes when she caught sight of the handsome features of Brin Longmire looking her way. He tipped his glass to her and smiled.

"I'm gonna stick around a while and celebrate; I'm in a cop bar so I figure I'm as safe as anywhere," Penelope said.

"Ok honey but you take care. Go straight home after you finish here ok?" she patted Penelope on the back of her hand and pushed back her chair.

Molly was only just out the door when Brin sauntered over to Penelope with that easy gait he had. He was tall dark and handsome and dressed in tight jeans, boots and a short-sleeved shirt open at the neck that showed off his muscular arms and chest.

He took a chair uninvited and grinned at Penelope.

"Shit Bishop you been hiding all that prettiness under your drab uniform," he raised a hand to signal a waitress.

"Well please sit down Officer Longmire," Penelope tried to be flippant but she slurred the word officer, pronouncing it 'oshifer'.

"Whoa! You been celebrating I see. You want a coke instead?" Brin smiled at her as the waitress approached.

"Yeah; with a double shot of JD in it please," Penelope directed her response to waitress who looked questioningly at Brin.

Brin nodded and she went to the bar to get their drinks.

"She doesn't need your approval to get me a drink," Penelope said indignantly.

"She's just doing her job; they shouldn't serve intoxicated patrons," Brin raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture.

"Shit Brin; every cop in here looks like they're shitfaced," Penelope responded.

"Yeah well..." Brin let his response hang there.

The drinks arrived and Brin made small talk; it was obvious that he was taken with her but Penelope was pissed off at the world at the moment starting with her mother, then Kyle Beamish, closely followed by Sargent Barkly and then the assholes in her graduating case. She wasn't really following Brin's conversation, she was thinking drunkenly about how she could get revenge on all the assholes that she was currently pissed at.

"You wanna get outta here?" she grinned at Brin Longmire and reached across the table and took his hand.

Brin was taken aback. He came over here to make a move on Penelope Bishop but he didn't expect it would be this easy. He looked around the room studying the crowd.

"You worried those assholes will see you leaving with a tranny?" Penelope withdrew her hand.

"I'm not worried about anything honey," Brin took back her hand and helped her to her feet.

He led Penelope outside and quite a few heads turned to watch them leave. He was leading Penelope to his pickup when she grabbed him and pulled him to her, nearly falling as Brin held her against the wall to stop her. She leaned in and kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth. He kissed her back and pulled her tighter; she reached down and found him hard in his jeans. He was disappointingly small but what he had was adequate and appeared to be quite ready.

"You're not backwards in coming forward are you?" Brin gasped into her mouth.

"You wanna take me home and fuck me or you wanna stay here and discuss my morals?" Penelope smirked.

Brin helped her into the cab of his pickup and Penelope collapsed into the seat. She was snoozing when Brin pulled up outside the accommodation block at the Police Academy.

"You taking me home?" Penelope said a little disappointed.

"Only because you have your own room," Brin helped her out of the cab and kissed her for a while and then led her to her dorm.

She kissed him at the door and he opened it and led her inside, closing and latching the door behind them. He turned on the lights and led her to the bed, kissing her all the way.

"Turn out the lights," Penelope whined.

"No babe, I want to see your beautiful face when we make love," Brin caressed her cheek.

"Ok honey; why don't you get out of those clothes and let me see that tight, hot, body," Penelope raked her fingers down his chest.

Brin needed no further invitation; he took his cell-phone from his back pocket and put it on the nightstand and then quickly shucked out of his clothes while Penelope used the bathroom. He was lying on the bed naked when she came out; he was disappointed that she was still dressed.

"It's not fair Penny; I'm naked and you're still fully clothed," he whined.

Penelope jumped on the bed facing him on her hands and knees.

"I stopped being Penny when I was fifteen. Anyway, why don't you undress me just like you are unwrapping a Christmas present," she grinned at him.

"Why don't you suck my cock?" he pulled her up the bed and pushed her face towards his groin.

"Aren't you the gentleman?" Penelope chuckled and lowered her face to his penis.

It was easy for her to take all of him in her mouth and she did just that, alternately sucking on his cock and then working her tongue on his fraenulum and licking his scrotum. Brin lay back and guided her face up and down on his shaft, groaning with pleasure. Penelope bought him to extremis a number of times and then backed off when she felt him about to orgasm. She reached under skirt and freed her own penis, she was becoming tumescent and it was uncomfortable taped to her perineum, she worked the muscles in her groin and her testes descended from her inguinal canals into her scrotum. Her cock became erect and pushed against her pantyhose gusset. She liked the feel of the sheer nylon caressing her penis.