Coppernicous Pt. 02


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It was a good fifteen minutes before I was able to go back to the house, and by then my erection had subsided enough that I would not be embarrassed to be seen by the girls, even though I knew they wanted to see me hard, either that or make me hard. Probably a little bit of both.

A figure stepped out from the shadows when I approached the kitchen door. Deidra pressed her breasts against me and kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear, "Thanks for being there for Coach tonight. She needs you." Another kiss on the cheek, and a whispered, "Until next time," and she was gone back to her room.

Penny, one of the sophomores was waiting for me at a table in the dining room, with her physics book open before her and her laptop and a notebook. "Thanks, Toomas. I just don't get this stuff. I got a 98 in physics in high school, but when Dr. Johnson starts lecturing I get lost right away. I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

"Give me just a minute, Penny, and I'll be with you." I had been outside for quite a while and I had to make a bathroom stop before I could even consider helping her. I stopped and grabbed a Coke on the way back. "Want one, Penny?"

"Thanks, but no. I'll stick to water. I'm trying to watch my weight. I gained a few pounds over Christmas break."

If she gained any weight, I certainly couldn't see it, but far be it from me to try to tell her any different. If she did, she must have put it on in her breasts, because they were certainly not lacking, and the A/C in the house after being outside in the heat and humidity had her nipples perked up and standing out at attention through her light tee shirt. I don't know about her being able to pay attention in Physics class, but if she wore that tee-shirt into class that way, there would be no way Dr. Johnson would be able to keep his train of thought!

I cleared my throat and tried mightily to keep my eyes on hers as I asked what area she was struggling in. My eyes kept drifting, and I caught a little grin from her a time or two when I glanced down. It really didn't take much to set her on the right path once we started discussing her homework. It was more of a matter of her adjusting to Dr. Johnson's style of lecture than knowledge of physics. She had a firm grasp on the subject, but had been confused by the difference in presentation. She gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek, and I saw her glance down to see the bulge the half-awakened Little Toomas made in my shorts. She winked at me as she made her way out the door and gave me a little pinky wave to say "Thank you."

I turned lights out behind me as I made my way toward my room. I was in serious need of some relief, and I couldn't wait to get to my shower, and then head for bed. The day had been exhausting. Before I could get there, though, I was met at her bedroom door by Darlene, who had her hair down and was wearing a long night-shirt loose and light enough that it settled into the valley between her breasts outlining them for me, and showing the nipples half-poking.

"Toomas," she stepped in to embrace me, molding her body to mine. "Thank you for listening to me and letting me cry on your shoulder tonight."

"I was happy to, my dear. It was no problem at all."

"It meant a lot to me. Even my own daddy wouldn't listen to me last night." She snuggled her head on my shoulder and nuzzled my neck. "I haven't had anybody since Phil and I broke up, and his call talking about getting married made me realize how badly I need it. Could I sleep with you tonight?"

Little Toomas had already awakened when she snuggled herself up against me, and he was all in favor, but my other head tried to reason. "Would that be wise, Darlene? Not that you aren't very desirable. You are, but what about your team? What would they think?"

Darlene lifted her head and nibbled at the lobe of my ear and whispered, "They would think I was so lucky, and would wish they were me." She pressed her belly against Little Toomas and rocked up and down on him. When she pulled her head back to look into my face with her tear-filled eyes I couldn't say "no."

Darlene slid around to my side so we could walk to my room, but she kept her arms around me, and one delectable breast pressed up against me until we got to my door. When we entered I started to pull my shirt off, but Darlene stopped me.

"Please, Toomas. Let me?" Her eyes were wide and luminous, looking up into mine, and she slipped her hands gently under my shirt to slide it upward while her fingers caressed my skin. She moaned and stopped to press the side of her face against my chest when the shirt was high enough, then she kissed me softly on the sternum before continuing upward until she had the shirt off.

Darlene dropped to her knees, looking up into my face, and unbuckled and unzipped my shorts and let them drop to my feet. Little Toomas had leaked, leaving a large wet spot on my briefs, which brought a smile to Darlene's lips. She held my eyes while she leaned in and kissed Little Toomas on the head, and then she pulled the waistband out and over, and then down, and slid her hands down my legs, pushing the briefs to the floor. When she bent over to help me get my clothes off of my feet her cheek brushed Little Toomas, which set him to jumping and bobbing.

I reached a hand to Darlene and helped her to her feet. "May I?" I asked, lifting at the hem of her night-shirt. At her nod I slowly slid it upward, reveling in the softness of her skin as my hands stroked lovingly up her sides, across her hips and dipping into the curves of her abdomen, and then back out again over her ribcage and the sides of her breasts to lift the gown over her arms and head.

"Beautiful," I whispered and gathered her in my arms, feeling her soft skin against mine for the first time, and caressing her smooth back and buttocks, then sliding my hands outward to stroke up and down her curves.

Darlene pulled me tightly against herself and moaned in my ear, "Please, Toomas, I need you in me now. No more, no more." Almost frantically she tore back the covers and top sheet and crawled in to lie on her back while beckoning me to follow. I knelt on the bed, bending to take her right nipple in my mouth, which made her moan, but she almost cried, "Please, Toomas. Now. I need you now."

Her hands were almost frantic as the grabbed at Little Toomas, pulling me to herself. I moved between her legs and she pressed the head into her waiting vagina and tugged on me with her legs, wanting me fully inside. "Oh, Toomas, you feel so good!" She began rocking her hips while pulling me with her legs, trying to get me deeper, all the while crying out my name and squeezing me around the chest with her arms, smashing her wonderful breasts up against me.

I had wanted to give her some attention before actually entering her, for I knew with all of the stimulation I had had all day I would not be able to last very long at all, but she was so needy and wouldn't let me. I had hardly even entered her before I felt my testicles boiling and drawing up. "I'm sorry, Darlene, but I'm not going to last," I panted. "I want to wait for you."

"Don't try to wait for me," was the urgent whisper in my ear, and then she nibbled on the earlobe, sending goosebumps all down my arm and leg. "I can't come from sex anyway. I never have been able to. I just need you!" I knew I had to show her differently, but it wouldn't be this time!

I tried. I really tried, but I couldn't hold on much longer before with a huge groan I came deep inside her, Little Toomas doing all he could to climb all the way in. Darlene's legs pressed me even closer, if that was possible, and her pelvis rocked forward insistently, trying to get as much of me as she could get, while I shuddered and thrust against her until there was just no more to give.

"Thank you, Toomas. You have no idea how long I have waited for you to do that, but you've been too much of a gentleman to make a move." Darlene kissed me lightly, and I realized it was the first kiss between us. I promptly kissed her back.

"I'll admit I've wanted to do this more times than you can imagine, but I didn't think it would be right."

"I'm glad you changed your mind tonight. I like being in your arms, and I love having you in me."

By now Little Toomas was starting to live up to his name, and I had to scramble for some tissues off of my night table before we made a real mess in my bed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you. That was selfish of me."

Darlene kissed me to silence. "Don't even think of it. I got what I wanted. Besides, I never come from having sex. The only way I orgasm is when I do it to myself."

"Nonsense. You just haven't been with anyone who cared enough to take care of you properly."

"Oh, Phil used to try, but it just never happened for me. It's OK." She snuggled her breasts up against my chest again and giggled when Little Toomas twitched. "I loved the feeling of you inside of me, the feeling you really cared about me, that I'm not just another piece to add to your collection. You make me—have always made me feel special and cared for." Her arms went around my neck, and she nuzzled my nose with hers, which caused her breasts to flatten against me, and Little Toomas twitched again. "Ummh, I think someone likes this."

She pulled her head back enough to look me in the eyes, but kept her breasts pressed against me. "I know you never tried anything with me before because you really do care about me, Toomas. When I first moved in here I was afraid I would have to worry about you thinking I owed you, or that you would try peeking in on me or something, but you never did. I started wishing you would do something, but you always treated me like a lady. I couldn't help falling for you a little bit. When you allowed the team to live here and you have treated all of the girls with respect," she grinned mischievously, "even though they, for the most part, have teased you mercilessly. Your restraint is more than admirable."

I gave her a wry grin. "I'll admit I've had to take care of myself more than once in the last couple of years. But then, I've been grieving my wife, too. Deidra was a big help to me last week."

"I thought she might be. I'm glad for your sake."

My hands had not been idle during this time, but I had been stroking her soft skin without being overtly sexual, but I could tell it was having an effect on Darlene. She was starting to wiggle around, especially when my hands stroked across her ass or down her legs and up across her hips.

"You have nice hands, Toomas. That feels really nice. Ooooh, especially when you touch me right there."

My hand had just dropped off of her ass cheek after giving it a gentle squeeze, and my fingers dipped into the junction of her thighs and down to the inside of her leg. "You mean right here?" and I slipped my hand back up, reversing the process.

Her breath hissed between her teeth. "Ummmm, yessss. How are you doing that? You are sending tingles all through me when you do that."

I cupped her ass cheek in my hand with my fingers at the junction of her leg and I let one finger stray down between her legs and back up. Her head came up and her pelvis rocked down onto Little Toomas. Suddenly she scooted upward enough that I could take one of her nipples in my mouth, which I was delighted to do while I continued stroking her ass and the top of her leg. Darlene began quivering in my arms and I saw her eyes were tearing up.

"What is it, my dear? What's wrong?" I pulled off of her nipple long enough to whisper.

"Ohhh, don't stop. Please, Toomas, don't stop. I don't know how to handle this. I've never had anyone treat me like this, like you really love me, not that I'm just a body to please and have."

"Maybe it's because I do. You have just never had anyone make love to you before. You've only had sex, and there is a real difference." Darlene's eyes asked the question. "I can make love to you and never have sex, my dear, but I can also have sex with you and never make love, but when we do both it makes all of the difference. Personally, I'd rather make love to you."

Darlene's legs had begun to spread a bit, giving me a little deeper access between them as I stroked her ass and leg, and with a gasp she begged me to suck on her nipple again. I was only too happy to do so, and I gently sucked it into my mouth and hummed softly while caressing the tip of her nipple with the flat of my tongue.

She reached down for my other hand and pulled it up, placing my palm over her other breast, and she gasped when my hand squeezed it and I kneaded the soft flesh with my fingers while I also slid my palm back and forth teasing the end of her nipple.

Her legs were now spread apart allowing my hand to caress her ass cheek and then down her thigh, as far as I could reach toward her knee, and then stroke back slowly up the inside of her thigh up to her sex, which was swollen and very wet.

Her breathing was becoming ragged, especially when I drew my fingers in to pinch and pull on her nipple while I sucked harder on, and licked firmly the other nipple. My humming had become more of a guttural growl, giving her vibrations that seemed to go all the way to her core.

Suddenly, with a wail she reached between us and grabbed Little Toomas and put him into the entry of her vagina and she pushed down all the way with a shudder and she began clenching and nearly convulsing, wailing "Toooooomaaaaaas" over and over again. For once in my life I was really happy Kat had not come home after a date!

It was only a couple of minutes that it lasted, but then I had a weeping Darlene lying on me shuddering, crying happy tears on my shoulder. All I could do was hold her to me, with Little Toomas still buried deep inside, but I held still giving her time to recover. Finally, with eyes glazed Darlene lifted her head. "Toomas, you wonderful man, you. How did you do that? And you didn't even touch my pussy! I've never come from having sex before, and I've never come like that!" She dove into me and laid a kiss on me like I don't remember ever getting before.

"Sweetheart, it was because I didn't have sex with you. I made love to you, and that is the difference."

"Ummmh. You can do that with me any time you want." She laid her head back on my shoulder with her nose nuzzled against my neck. "You feel so good in me. We have to do . . ." Her voice had trailed off into a soft snore, and I felt complete.


Please give constructive comments. Emails with a return address will be replied. I'm interested in your feedback. Thanks for reading my tale.

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tsgtcapttsgtcapt12 months ago

Back again, loving it better, again... only could wish for another chapter or more.

tsgtcapttsgtcaptover 1 year ago

I'm not sure how many times I've read your series; but, each time is as good as the last or even better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm sorry to say , occasionally my partners have trailed off into a soft snore w-h-i-l-e having sex with me. Oh well, lets see if Thoomas has better luck than I did.

Mike the Irishman 🍀

arrowglassarrowglassover 6 years ago
The next step in reading all these again!

And a WINNER again too!

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
glad to see Darlene back in the picture

even if it is a bit spontaneous and out of character after all this time.

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