Coral Point Revival

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How can the town save itself from dying?
9.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/05/2023
Created 06/19/2022
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Hi folks, this is my entry for the Nude Day Story Contest 2022. All of the people and places are figments of my imagination. I hope you enjoy and please cast a vote for me.


Rebecca Winslow looked at the spreadsheet and let out a sigh. No matter how she looked at it, the town of Coral Point was on the verge of bankruptcy. It was going to take a great deal of creativity to avoid going under. Being the youngest mayor of a dying town wasn't a glamorous position, but she loved her community, and was determined to save it.

Coral Point was founded in the 1950s, a small town on the Southeastern coast of Florida. It's not that it wasn't a nice place, but it wasn't terribly convenient to get to, and didn't offer anything that wasn't available in abundance elsewhere. There was one road in, with a causeway leading over a swamp to the town itself, which was built on a peninsula. The architecture was nothing special, best described as 1950s bungalows, there wasn't a school, nor any families with kids living in town for that matter. There was a main street running through the center, where a good number of the shops and restaurants were boarded up. The four story hotel near the end of the point was looking threadbare. The entire place was looking run down, and the population had shrunk from a high of 1,500 residents in the 1960s, to barely 600 now.

One thing Coral Point did have was a beautiful beach, the white sand surrounding the town on all sides. Unfortunately, there were a lot of nice beaches in that part of the world, and it didn't draw in many visitors.

Rebecca stared again, willing the numbers to show less red and more black. At the current rate, they wouldn't be able to keep the lights on for another year. She wracked her brain to find a way to bring Coral Point back to life.

She sighed and closed her laptop. She walked out onto the patio and looked out towards the beach, where the long shadows of early evening were starting to stretch across the sand. She decided to take a walk on the beach to clear her head.

She headed down the sand covered path leading onto the beach. She looked up and down, and there wasn't a single person in sight. She started walking along the sidewalk that paralleled the beach, watching the waves flow across the sand.

The warm September breeze plucked at her light sundress, picking up the hem and blowing it up over her stomach. She smiled and pulled it down over her small black thong. As if it had a will of its own, it blew up again. Rather than fight with it, she just pulled the dress over her head and folded it up.

She glanced around to see if she was still alone. She grinned and pulled the thong down to her ankles, and quickly stepped out of it. She hadn't been on a nude beach in a long time, and the warm ocean breeze felt wonderful on her naked body. She took her small bundle of clothes and walked over to the sidewalk and stashed all of it underneath the nearest bench.

She walked down to the water, and waded in, enjoying the sensuous pleasure of the water washing over her. She floated on her back for a little while just letting the waves move her.

"That's it!" she thought, standing up in the shallow water with a jolt. She waded back to shore and ran back to collect her clothes. She hurried home without putting them on, too distracted to notice her neighbors were watching her from their patio.


The next day, Rebecca hurried into the town hall. She smiled at her assistant, and rushed into her office.

"Hold my calls please, Janine!" She called out as she stalked by.

"There hasn't been a call in a week, Madam Mayor."

The pretty, petite blonde grinned at her distracted boss and went back to work.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and her assistant a mock stern expression. She firmly closed her door and sat at her desk, pulling out her laptop and plugging it in. She started outlining her thoughts in broad details, until she had enough to work with.

She copied the outline into an email and sent it to Janine, asking her to come in when she'd read it.

A few minutes later, a she heard a timid knock on her door.

"Come in, Janine!"

The door opened and her assistant's head poked around it. "Are you serious?"

"Completely. Come in and grab a chair."

"Wow. That's going to cause some waves."

"I know, but we're in trouble. This is a way I think we can recover. I know I just dumped this on you, but seriously, tell me what you think?"

"I think for the most part, you'll find people receptive to the idea, everyone around here is mostly a beach bum at heart. Nude beaches aren't that unusual though, so I don't honestly see how that's enough to bring back the town."

"Yeah, I'm thinking on that. Maybe we take it further. What if we took Coral Point Clothes-free? I mean, would that chase you off?"

Janine sat there for a minute, a pensive look on her face. Nobody could accuse her of being a prude, but other than a trip to a topless beach with her boyfriend a couple of years ago, she'd been pretty strait-laced, and even her swimwear was pretty conservative.

Rebecca started to get worried, the longer the silence lasted. If even Janine wasn't up for this, she'd never get the town to vote on it. As it stood, she was already apprehensive, likely for the same reasons she suspected Janine was. This wasn't a huge leap personally, but there were still implications that could change both her personal reputation and that of the town she loved.

Janine finally spoke, choosing her words carefully. "I don't know about me, I'll have to think more about it, but it can't hurt to put together a proposal, and work through the idea. Hell, it might not even be practical. I'm willing to help you figure it out though."

Relief and gratitude flooded Rebecca's emotions. She had one ally already.

"Right, then let's get to work!"

They spent the rest of the day, brainstorming on the newly dubbed "Project Eden." By the end of the day, they had a basic plan, and figured out what topics they would need to research for presentation.

A week later, they had a basic plan for how to revive Coral Point to bring to the council, and eventually the voters.

A successful vote would lead to setting a date for the change. Janine and Rebecca's research came up with a good day for it, July 14th, otherwise known as National Nude Day, a little over ten months away.


Janine knocked on her office door, and stepped in.

"Good news. I just finished going through all the bylaws, and there's nothing about public indecency or dress codes in them. In fact, there's nothing legally preventing me from stripping down right here."

"Nothing indeed! We should set that as the new dress code."

Janine laughed for a second, then stopped. "Maybe once we get it past the council vote."

"I'm holding you to that."


Rebecca knocked on her neighbors' door.

Frank and Lilly were in their mid-forties although you'd never know it. Both of them seemed to have found the Fountain of Youth somewhere along the lines, as either could have passed for 35. They moved to town fifteen years before and got involved right away by joining the town council. They enthusiastically supported Rebecca's mayoral run, making themselves indispensable allies.

She wanted to bounce the proposal off them before talking to the wider group of six councilors. If they thought this would fail, chances are she would be wasting her time.

Lilly answered the door and grinned at the surprised expression on Rebecca's face.

"What? You've never seen a naked woman before?"

Lilly opened the door wider and waved her in. Frank walked by, as naked as his wife. He waved as he moved through

"Make yourself comfortable Rebecca!" Frank called from the kitchen.

"You know word already leaked out about your plan right?" Lilly said with a wry grin.

"I guess I have a good idea of what your reaction will be."

"We love it. Now come on, get rid of that dress." Lilly said.

Rebecca smiled at her friend and lifted the hem of her dress over her head, revealing that it was her only garment.

Lilly stood watching her for a second, her hand resting on a bare hip. She admired her younger friend's body. Rebecca was above average height, nearly six foot tall. She was relatively slender, with large, firm breasts and long legs. She had long, curly brown hair, currently pulled up into a loose ponytail. She kept her pubic area trimmed to a very small landing strip of short brown hair, with the rest neatly shaven.

"I see you were already MOSTLY comfortable!"

Rebecca smiled at her friend as she put the dress and her small bag down on the table by the door. She followed Lilly out to the patio, where Frank was carrying three opened bottles of beer. He sat down, passing bottles to Rebecca and Lilly.

"To start, we haven't heard all the details, but enough has slipped out that we have an idea. How about telling us a bit more?"

Rebecca took a deep breath, making her large breasts move in interesting ways. She spent the next half hour outlining all the details of her plan to take Coral Point beaches clothes-free.

"I know the timetable seems a little aggressive, and it all relies on pretty strong support from the town." She took another swig from the bottle. "What do you think?"

"I think it's a solid plan. I think you need to outline more how this pulls us from bankruptcy, but I think I get what you're thinking. More attention to the town, means more traffic, and more interest in redevelopment." Frank said, leaning back in his chair.

"Most of the town will probably be on board with it. You have no idea how many of us have been going to nude beaches elsewhere over the years, us included." Lilly said.

"I never really thought about it before. It struck me last week, while skinny-dipping right out there that it just might be what we need. I mean, I've gone to nude beaches before, and the popular ones are pretty crowded. The parking fees alone could potentially bring our budget into the black."

"Why not go a step further?" Lily asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's take the whole town clothes-free. I bet we could really get things moving with that."

"Funny you should mention that. I was talking with Janine about adding that as an addendum to the current proposal. Would you mind helping her put that together? I can have her send over the material we already have, and I'm sure she'd be glad to hear that you'll help with it."



"They made the same suggestion for the whole town?" Janine said.

"Yeah, I was a bit surprised too. Sounds interesting, right?"


"You'll love it. I promise."


Rebecca was exhausted but happy. The council meeting had just adjourned, and to her great relief, both the proposal to take the beaches full nude, and the more ambitious one to do the same for the town had been unanimously approved. She suspected that Lilly and Frank had been heavily lobbying the other members of the council to help bring it to success. The next step would be a referendum with the town, scheduled for three weeks from now, to give everyone time to either come to terms with the plans or to object.

She pulled out her phone and called Janine.

"So, just thought I'd let you know, the council voted unanimously for all proposals. Now it goes to the town for a vote."

"Wow! That's amazing! I mean, it's scary too, but amazing! Congratulations!"

"There is one thing. Can you take a look at the proposal documents, particularly addendum C?"

"Sure, give me a second to get to the document."

A couple of minutes later, Rebecca heard a gasp.

"How did that get there?"

"I don't know, can you read it out loud for me, I want to make sure it's what I think it is."

Janine cleared her throat, looking over at her boyfriend, who glanced up from the TV with a curious look on his face.

"Upon unanimous vote of the full town council and the Mayor of Coral Point, the Town shall be clothing free after ratification of an at least two thirds majority of town residents. Effective immediately, town employees and elected officials are required to follow the currently outlined dress code (see section b of this addendum)."

"Interesting, what does section b say the required dress code is?"

Janine looked up at Tim again, then slowly down to section b.

"Section b. All town employees and elected officials will remain clothes free, except optional footwear during the course of their official duties. Exceptions are provided for work outside the environs of Coral Point, and/or where there is a health and safety issue requiring personal protective equipment (PPE)."

"Are you joking?" Tim said.

"I don't think so." Janine replied.

"Nope! See you in the morning!" Rebecca cheerily said and hung up.


"What are you going to do?" Tim asked.

"I've been talking about our plans for the town for weeks. I only have two choices now that it's happening. I can do it, or I can quit."

She paused for a moment.

"I love my job."

Tim looked a moment at his petite blond girlfriend, curled up at the end of the sofa with her laptop. She was wearing an oversized tank top, the material thin enough to see that her dark nipples were rock hard.

"You know... I'd love to see what you plan to wear to work tomorrow..."

Janine grinned and set down her laptop. "Be right back!"

Tim was confused or a second, until she reappeared from the bedroom, naked except for a pair of very high heels. Without them, she was a petite 5'3", with a slender figure, and pale skin. Her small breasts were in perfect proportion to the rest of her, with fairly dark nipples that became quite prominent when hard, as they were at that moment. Her straight, naturally blond hair came to the middle of her back, framing a pretty face that was somewhat elfin in appearance.

She struck a pose in the doorway, lifting one heeled foot in the air, while leaning her perky breasts into the frame.

"Well, what do you think?"

"I think I'm going to enjoy this new policy."

Janine sidled over to the couch, and sank to her knees in front of him. She set the purse down, and reached for the waistband of his shorts with both hands. In a moment, his hardening cock sprang into view, as she pulled the shorts down past his ankles. She separated his knees, and quickly took his penis in her hand. She worked him in and out of her mouth, alternately sucking and pumping him with her hand until he was fully hard. She stood up and straddled his hips, lowering her cleanly shaven pussy onto his member. In minutes, she came hard, soon followed by the feeling of hot semen pumping into her.


The next morning, Janine stood nervously at the door, holding her breath and working up the courage to walk out to her car. Tim had convinced her that it would be against the spirit of the new work dress code if she wore anything, and that she shouldn't violate that on the first day.

After another moment's hesitation, she gathered her courage and opened the door letting in the morning sunlight. She didn't see anyone in sight, and she could see her car parked just across the parking lot.

She walked out, locked the apartment door behind her, and briskly walked to her car. Once clear of any possible cover, she saw a man in the distance look at her in surprise, then grin. She felt herself blushing, and her heart pounding, as she hurried to unlock her car.

It was fifteen minutes to Coral Point, and it felt like the longest, most surreal drive of her life.


She pulled into the town hall parking lot and again felt a flurry of nervous tension. She quickly grabbed her bag, and went in the building, thankful that it was still early enough to avoid any possible crowds.

She got to the office, and got started on her morning routine. She was just getting into her emails, of which there were a lot more than normal, all having to do with the council decisions. She was mildly surprised to see that almost every email was very enthusiastic about the idea. She was so engrossed in the emails, that she was beginning to forget how she was dressed.

The door opened, and Rebecca walked in, naked except for a pair of high heeled sandals, jolting Janine out of her revery.

"Good morning! I love your outfit!" Rebecca said, noticing her assistant's small perky breasts, high ponytail, and pale skin.

Janine blushed, the crimson spreading from her cheeks, down her neck, and across her chest, all the more visible on her pale skin. She felt a tingling in her belly, realizing again that she was fully nude in a completely alien situation.

"Good morning. I like your... sandals." She replied, staring at Rebecca's large breasts.

She turned to watch her boss's shapely posterior as Rebecca breezed by her into her office.

"Janine, can you bring me a cup of coffee please!" Rebecca called through the open door.

She sighed, prepared a cup of coffee and brought it into Rebecca's office, trying to not to be too self-conscious of her nudity.

"Oh those shoes are PERFECT!" Rebecca enthused, seeing the high heels for the first time. "They make your legs look amazing!"

"Thanks, it was nice to finally have an excuse to wear them."

Janine handed her the coffee, and Rebecca beckoned her to a seat.

"You are amazing, and the success of this proposal is partially due to your care and enthusiasm to help bring it together. I'm so happy to see you embrace it like this, I know you were concerned."

"Thanks, I just need to get used to it. I haven't spent a lot of time like this."

"You'll relax soon enough, then it'll just seem like the way it should be."

"It helps that it's not just me. That would be completely different."

"Yeah, fun though, at least it was for me. I actually walked to work this morning."

"Well Tim definitely enjoyed it!"

"Oh? So he's okay with all this?"

"More than okay. He wants me to keep up the 'dress code' whenever possible. I told him I was fine with it if he did it too. You've never seen a guy agree with something faster."

"You to should look at one of the houses in town. That could be a good selling point."

"I think we can talk about it, for sure."

They got down to work, and soon Rebecca had an email drafted for the town mailing list. She provided more information about the current decisions, including the new municipal dress code, a scheduled town hall meeting, and the upcoming referendum.

Just before noon, she walked out to Janine's desk with a mischievous smile on her face. She carefully schooled her expression and handed Janine a slip of paper. "I need you to call this in and pick up lunch for us today. Feel free to get what you like."

Janine felt a chill. It was one thing to be in a secluded office, and with someone else also naked, and quite another to go out in public.

"Can't we have it delivered?" she asked in a hesitant voice. That would at least limit who would see her.

"No, I think we need to show everyone we're on board with this. It will be fun, I promise. Soon enough everyone is likely to be naked too, this might be the only chance you get to be the center of all that attention."

Janine took the slip of paper and called in the lunch order, although she doubted she would have any appetite.

At noon, she gathered her purse and her courage, and headed around the corner to the deli.


Rebecca looked through her contacts until she found the name she was looking for. Her college roommate, worked for a web news service, and lived locally. She thought Coral Point's story would be right up her old friend's alley. She sent her a quick text, and sat back, hoping Carmen would respond soon.
