Cori's Weekend at Chad's Ch. 06


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"Sounds delicious!" Cori said.

"And nutritious!" Chad laughed. He went inside and returned with jars of peanut butter and jelly. He then took a butter knife and coated his hard cock with smooth peanut butter. Then he put a spoonful of jelly on the head of his cock and turned to Cori, who was already on her knees, eyes and paws up, begging for her meal. "Yes, you may," Chad said before she even asked the question.

Cori quickly wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, sucking the jelly into her mouth before it dripped onto the porch. The jelly came off easily, but the peanut butter was sticky and thick and she had to use her tongue, lips and suction to pull it off his shaft.

"You like your peanut butter creamy...." Chad said, lifting up his cock. "Or with nuts?"

"Always with nuts," Cori grinned. She took his balls in her mouth one at a time, sucking on them, helping them process yet another load for her.

"So you see how this works," Chad said. "You do your tricks, you earn your treat."

"I like these kinds of treats," Cori mumbled around his balls.

"That's good," Chad said. "You're doing fine so far. Of course, for the kind of pet you are, some of the most important tricks are learning your positions and commands."

"Like sit, stay, roll over?" Cori asked.

"Something like that," Chad nodded. "Like you already begged for my cock like a good little puppy. Now here are some other commands you need to learn."

They went back inside the house and Chad handed her a sheet of paper with commands and their corresponding position or action:

Submit: Squat down on your heels like a baseball catcher, knees slightly spread.

Kneel: Sit on your knees.

Ankles: Bend over at the waist and grab your ankles. Keep your legs straight and legs together.

Bridge: Hands and feet on the floor, legs and arms straight, ass up high in the air.

Face: Face down, ass up.

Arch: On your hands and knees, head up, back arched

Split: Sit up straight, legs split wide to the sides.

Front split: Legs spread wide to the sides while you lean forward, head to the floor.

Military: Stand straight up, chest out, shoulders back, legs shoulder width apart.

Hungry: Bite your lip, suck a lollipop, lick your lips.

Pout: Big pouty lips, sad, begging eyes.

Open Scissors: On your back, legs spread wide to the sides.

Closed Scissors: On your back, legs over your shoulders.

Heel: On your belly, hands behind your back, holding your high heels.

Curl: Curl up in a ball like a little kitten.

Bunny: Hop like a bunny.

Cat: Crawl and slink like a cat.

Shake: Dance, shake, twist, gyrate.

"What do you think?" Chad asked after she'd had time to look them over.

"They seem pretty straight forward," Cori smiled. "I know I can do them."

"I know you can too," Chad said. "But you need to learn to do them the second you hear the command."

Chad had Cori show him each position. He took carefully framed photos of each position. Then, in a scene reminiscent of Karate Kid, started barking out commands. "Show me Bunny! Show me Curl! Show me Submit."

Over and over again, he randomly called out the positions, clicking a stopwatch, timing how long it took Cori to put herself into position. Cori had no problem with the flexibility or even the pace, but just remembering which was which and beating the clock was stressful. She didn't know what the punishment was for failure or if there even was a punishment. She simply didn't want to let him down. Soon she was sweating as the frantic pace and extreme positions warmed her muscles and increased her heart rate.

Chad was capturing every movement on video, amazed at the perfection and skill of her movements and her commitment to responding to every order. He could do this all day. And he believed she would too. He wasn't sure where her will came from or what drove her to do what she did. At times she seemed reluctant or fearful or worried, but never, ever did she seem defiant. It was like the struggle was with herself, not with any sort of animosity or disdain for him or any of the other guys at the Shop. His feelings toward her were so conflicted. He felt love and affection for her. He felt a need to protect her and provide for her. But he also felt an irresistible desire to play with her, humiliate her, and fuck her in the hardest, most extreme ways he could think of. He blamed her for that. If she wasn't so damned willing, so adamant about not questioning him or the others, so determined to submit to their every demand, he didn't think he would ever push her to the limits he did or think the crazy thoughts he did. But with Cori, literally anything was possible. Every answer, hesitant or enthusiastic, was yes. Every movement of her body expressed sexuality, submission, temptation and ecstasy. How could he deny himself her treasures and pleasures if she herself would never deny him?

So, because she caused him to feel such uncontrollable desire, she angered him at times. But how could you be angry at someone who literally did everything you every asked of her? Cori created conflict within him. He loved it and loathed it at the same time. It was like wanting to cum and not being able to. And that was a little game he loved to play with Cori. He could bring her to the edge but deny her the pleasure. It was cruel, yes, but it was oh-so-fun to watch the most beautiful women he'd ever seen literally at the mercy of her body and his commands. In those moments, it was like her brain was completely shut off and her body was just nerves and pleasure and frustration. Such a delicious combination. He got hard just thinking about it.

He had her stop in Closed Scissors and re-inserted the double vibrator, launching the app and testing the controls to make sure all was working properly. He heard the hum and watched the little vibration of her pussy lips. He saw Cori close her eyes and absorb the pleasure.

"Kneel," he said. Cori broke out of her momentary trance and assumed her position at his feet.

"You did well with the physical test," Chad said. "You were fast and knew the positions well. You're hot and sweaty. You worked hard. You will get a bit of a rest now."

"Thank you, Master Chad," Cori grinned up at him.

"We are moving on to the next test," Chad said. "This one is more mental. I'm going to quiz you about your role, about what you've learned this weekend. But, you will have to answer while in the proper position and with that little thing in your pussy driving you crazy."

"Yes, Master Chad," Cori said. "I understand. I'm ready."

"Good," Chad said. "We'll start with an easy one. Why do you think is a position I like to see you in?"

"Because it's an optimal position to suck your cock, Master Chad," Cori blinked up at him. "And it shows my submission to you as my master."

"Very good," Chad said. "How does the vibrator feel?"

"Very good, Master Chad," Cori said.

"Are you horny?"

"Yes, Master Chad," Cori said. "I think I'm always horny."

"I think so too," Chad said. "Do you want to cum?"

"Very much so, Master Chad," Cori said.

"Do you think you deserve to cum?"

Cori thought for moment, realizing this was a key question in the test. "No, Master Chad," she answered.

"Why not?"

"I don't deserve to cum until I make you cum," Cori answered. "And I don't deserve to cum until you give me permission. You have not cum in the past hour and you have not given me permission to cum. Therefore, I do not deserve to cum."

"But you can't help it, can you?" Chad taunted. "If I left the room for five minutes, you'd be pulling your nipples and finger banging yourself and cumming all over the place, wouldn't you."

"No, Master Chad," Cori said. "I will not cum without first making you cum and receiving your permission. I do not control my body. You do."

"Good answer, but I don't believe you," Chad grinned. "Split. Push that pussy to the floor."

Cori did the splits, legs wide, vibrating pussy lips rubbing against the floor.

"You are too weak to stop yourself from cumming," Chad said. "You mean to obedient, but you are too slutty to control yourself. That's why I have to control you." Chad turned off the vibrator and Cori's disappointment was obvious on her face. She ground her hips and rubbed her pussy on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Master Chad," Cori said. "You're right. I am too weak to control my pussy. Please control it for me."

"When did you realize you were a slut?" Chad asked.

Cori looked up at him, smiling. This was fun. But it was challenging. He was playing mind games with her and it was difficult to know exactly what he wanted to hear. She was fully immersed in her sex pet, submissive role, but now he was asking personal questions. She sensed he was searching for honesty, true soul-searching. She decided her best approach was the truth.

"I'm not certain, Master Chad," Cori said, biting her lip. "I played with myself a lot and had some boyfriends in high school, but I think that was mostly normal teenager stuff. I messed around in college, but no more than anyone else. I don't think I really realized that this was who I was meant to be until I started at the Shop. I've never been more true to myself than I have been since I started there."

"That's a very honest answer," Chad said. "Are you proud of being a slut?"

Again, Cori thought for a minute, still in her full splits. "I'm not ashamed of it," Cori said. "Because it's who I am, Master Chad. I am proud of who I am and how I treat others."

"And how do you think you treat us at the Shop? Before you answer, switch to heel."

Cori rolled over and reached her hands behind her back, grabbing onto her heels and pulling them up, arching her back and rubbing her nipples against the floor as she did so.

"I treat you all with respect, Master Chad," Cori said.

"You do more than that, don't you?" Chad grinned.

"Yes, Master Chad," Cori admitted. "I also submit to you. I treat you like a schoolgirl eager to please a teacher. I will do anything to earn your approval, to make you proud of me, to make you happy. For that reason, I am happy and proud to be a slut for all of you."

"You think that makes us happy?" Chad said.

Cori was searching for the words that Chad wanted to hear. She assumed the dirtier and more vulnerable the better, but also the more honest. She hadn't said anything that wasn't true yet.

"Yes, Master Chad," Cori said, framing the truth in the naughtiest tone and words she could. "I think it makes you happy to dress me up in sexy clothes. I think it makes you happy to make me show off for you. And I think it makes you happy to fuck all my little holes and make me your cum receptacle. I think living out all your fantasies with someone so willing, so eager to please you, makes you happy."

Chad smiled, almost unable to believe her candid response. He turned on the vibrator as a reward for her honesty.

"You earned a bit of pleasure," Chad said.

"Thank you, Master Chad."

"Look at you," Chad said. "The second I turn that on your brain turns off and your pussy takes over."

"Yes, Master Chad, it feels so good," Cori said.

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course, Master Chad."

"You say that, yet I tell you that you can't cum. You've admitted you aren't permitted, yet you're seconds away right now," Chad said tersely. "You say a lot of things. But your actions betray you. Your wanton lust and desire is so transparent. You're not a slut for the Shop. You're just a dirty slut, period."

"Yes, Master Chad," Cori grunted, this position becoming taxing, particularly with the vibrator humming away. "I am a dirty little slut. But I am loyal. I only take commands from you at the Shop. I only serve you. Anyone else I fuck is based upon your commands solely."

"Our commands solely?" Chad chortled. "So you mean to imply that you don't enjoy being shown off and shared with others? You mean to imply you didn't get off on our foursome last night?"

"No, Master Chad," Cori said. She was so tormented right now. She was edging again, her body ached and her mind was reeling as she played a verbal duel with Chad, parrying his attacks as best she could. "I don't mean to imply that I don't enjoy those things. I am slut by nature and any cock, any man, any dildo or vibrator is likely to bring me pleasure. But I am a unique slut. I have intelligence, pride and self-respect. And those things tell me that my first priority -- before any other man or even my own body's demands -- is to you and the Shop. I have to follow that priority -- that code, if you want to call it that -- in order to control myself."

"So how can I trust that some rich guy with a big cock and big car isn't going to cum in the shop, have you cumming all over yourself while you choke on his cock and then haul you away?" Chad said.

"I would never do that, Master Chad," Cori grunted. She was squirming on the floor now, trying to get relief and stimulation on her nipples and thighs. "The Shop saved me. You guys saved me. I love each and every one of you for that and always will."

"Yet you've swallowed gallons of our cum and can't even tell us apart," Chad replied. "We are all just cocks and money to you, aren't we?" He turned off the vibrator and ordered her into Face Down, Ass Up.

"No, no, Master Chad," Cori said desperately as she assumed the new position, happy to have some relief but disappointed that the vibrator was off and worried about the tone of Chad's questions and accusations. "I'm very sorry that I can't taste the cum better. The truth is I really don't like the taste very much, so when you all cum in my mouth, I try to think of other things until you tell me to swallow. It's not meant to be personal."

"So you're a cum slut but you don't like cum?" Chad asked. "You expect me to believe that? So you're telling me that it's all a show when you sit there and beg for cum and tell us how good it tastes?"

"No, Master Chad," Cori said. Her tone was flat now, serious. "It's not a game. It's not a show. It's the truth. In that moment I'm so happy because I've done my job. In that moment, I love the feel of the cum in my mouth or on my face. I love the look of satisfaction on your face. I love everything about it. Just not the taste. But when I moan and lick my lips and smile up at you, that's all real. In that moment, I'm so happy that the taste is not a factor. All my other senses are overwhelmed and my heart is full. In that moment, being a cum slut has absolutely nothing to do with how it tastes."

"Very poetic," Chad said. "Not sure I believe you though."

"The thing is, Master Chad, now that I know how important it is to you, there's nothing I want more than to learn each of your distinct tastes," Cori said. "I'm so eager to please you that I want to do this for you. For each of you. All I ask is you give me a chance to learn. A chance to prove myself. I am forever loyal to all of you."

Chad was blown away by the hurt and honesty and desperation in her voice and her eyes. Cori wasn't playing a role now. She was telling him exactly how she felt. It was moving in a way. And so was her ass as she dry humped the air. Chad turned the vibrator back on and pressed his palm against her pussy, feeling its moist heat as the little thing vibrated in his hand. What a perfect little cock pocket she had.

"You think you deserve to cum?" Chad asked.

"I don't know, Master Chad," Cori said. "I've answered all your questions honestly. I've done everything you've asked. I want to ask your permission to cum, but I must offer to make you cum first."

"Crawl over here and lick my feet," Chad said.

Cori crawled to him and licked and kissed his feet. "You bow at my feet and worship my cock, don't you?"

"Yes, Master Chad," Cori said. "I belong right here, serving you."

"Stay here," Chad said. "In Submit position. I'll be back."

Cori got into position and Chad left the room. Her nipples were so hard and her pussy was on fire. She thought about what he'd said, how if he left the room she wouldn't be able to control herself. He was so right. She knew she shouldn't, but she touched her breasts and reached between her legs.

"I knew it," Chad said shaking his head at her as he walked back in. "I leave for one minute and you can't keep your hands off yourself."

"I'm very sorry, Master Chad," Cori said. "Are you going to punish me?"

Chad turned off the vibrator. "That answer your question?" he taunted. "So you say you do all these things to please us. That you dress up like a slut because it pleases us. But as I recall, this was all your idea. You wanted to make the Shop a success, you said, and that was your excuse to walk around like a stripper. You wanted to make us happier, less stressed, more productive, so that was your excuse to suck our cocks. This isn't about us. It's about you, isn't it?"

"I don't know anymore," Cori said. "I really don't. I always thought I was always doing it for you guys and for the Shop and that, by default, it was good for me too. But maybe my priority was always me first. I don't know. I didn't mean it to be. But you're right, those things were my ideas and I knew you wouldn't say no."

"That first time, that staff meeting when this all started," Chad said. "What do you remember about that?"

"I remember that I had already decided what I was going to do," Cori said. "I knew that the Shop depended on me. I knew that I needed the job. And I knew that I trusted you guys. I felt in my heart that I had a new home. But I knew that the only way you guys would buy into my idea was if I showed you right away that it was all my idea and that I was more than OK with it. I couldn't think of a better way to do that than to suck each and every one of you right then and there. I had to show you I was willing, I was eager and that I was, well, that I was good at it. I had to show you how good it could be and make sure you wanted more."

"So tell me," Chad said. "What have you learned about yourself this weekend? Answer truthfully and I'll let you cum."

"Master Chad, I have learned this weekend that there is nothing I won't do for you guys," Cori said. "I used to say that and think that, but now I know it. I've submitted to everything and I've loved it. It should be scary and humiliating, but I love it. I've learned that somewhere between telling myself it was all about you guys and trying so hard to show it, that I convinced myself that I was some sort of martyr or selfless do-gooder with no concern for my own needs. The truth is I need all of you. I need the Shop. I need your cock as much as you need my pussy. I need your praise and approval. And right now, I desperately need to cum and I'm begging you, my master, to please give me permission, whether I deserve it or not."

Chad didn't speak. He just picked her up and pulled her on top of him on the couch. He put her smoldering pussy on his cock and simply said. "Cum."

Cori didn't hesitate. She began riding him, grinding against him, her pussy coating him with her juices. She pulled off his cock and pressed it flat against his belly, then sliding back and forth as his shaft slid between her lips and his mushroom head teased her clit. She grinded and slid all over him and put his hands on her tits. The little bell around her neck jingled as she bounced and twisted. She moaned as he pulled her nipples, then whimpered and gasped as orgasm overtook her.

As soon as she was done, Chad pushed her onto her back, threw her legs over his shoulders and pumped violently into her. He pushed her hands over her head and held her wrists together with one hand while he propped himself up with the other. His weight was pushing down on the back of legs, pushing her thighs into her chest as he stuffed her juicy pussy full of cock.