Corrupted Desire Ch. 04


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"That said... He knew you would make that decision. He's not mad. But he wants to make himself very clear. He is not done with you." And just like that, Daisy stopped, leaving her friend shocked, needy, and unfulfilled as Daisy picked up her things and began back to her room. She then stopped and looked back.

"Jazz...when did you see Sir's dick?"

Jasmine's eyes bulged as a genuine jolt of fear was added to her myriad of emotions. The sentence was said so evenly, but the subtext was practically dripping. And when Daisy's eyes glowed even brighter, Jasmine didn't think it was Alex's influence this time.

"Nevermind." Daisy sighed, the glow slowly fading. "Sir says it's none if my business. Good night."

"Night..." Jasmine squeaked out, hugging her knees as the dull throbbing in her pussy insisted. She'd deal with that later. There were still quite a few things she needed to process.


The next few days became something of a pattern. Daisy kept her head as low as she could manage and was heckled relentlessly regardless. She became numb to it. She was aware it was happening, but it didn't matter. Only Alex mattered.

Daisy began living her life almost on autopilot. She only truly came to life when she was knocking on Alex's door and doing her best with his daily humiliations. It took a few days but eventually she was able to touch him again and things became...well...not normal, but manageable. She still hadn't had an orgasm since the party, but it was rarely an issue except when she was alone with Alex.

Even when sitting with him and Jasmine at lunch, Daisy found herself slightly out of it. She did notice that Alex and Jasmine seemed...close. They talked to each other very casually whereas Alex seemed to ignore Daisy's existence for the most part. Jasmine had tried to keep her involved at first, but it was clear that it was just not the game that Alex would play ball with. But on one occasion, Daisy's interest was triggered.

"I just don't understand it." Jasmine muttered. "Daisy is more devoted to you than anyone has ever been devoted to anyone else in the history of existence and you couldn't care less. What would the difference really be with-?"

"You're wrong in just about every damn thing you just said." Alex replied with an amused laugh.

"Oh please, great Sir. Educate me." Jasmine challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"You lack context." Alex began, "You think that the slut is...special somehow. That her dedication to me makes her unique in some way. I have made many thralls in my time. Can you guess what separates them?"

"Please, tell me." Jasmine responded with a smirk.

"Nothing." Alex chuckled. "Absolutely nothing. Regardless of the starting point, when it comes down to it, they can fight it...they can embrace it...but they will always do everything in their power to please me in the end. They have to. It's their purpose from the moment I claim them as mine. The slut is no different from any other slut as far as I'm concerned. But you..."

This caught Jasmine's attention as she instinctively bit her bottom lip. Alex could be so fucking intense at times. And while he tended to keep his talks on the short side to avoid giving Jasmine info that she could earn, when he did talk like this, it reminded Jasmine of how much she loved his voice. It wasn't the first time that she thought that he could make a killing from audiobooks or some kind of podcast.

"You..." Alex continued, "...are fully aware of what I am. You are fully aware of what I'd do to you and that actually turns you on. And it's not the immortality or power that you want, because I can tell when that is the case. You want me, as I am, to torture the ever-loving fuck out of you. Now, intriguing."

"Then...wouldn't that mean that because I choose to be devoted to you of my own free will that you prefer me not as a thrall at all?" Jasmine wondered out loud.

"I'm...undecided..." Alex said with a smirk. "Toying with you is very entertaining, but if you were my thrall, I'd have so many more ways to do it."

A faint blush appeared on Jasmine's cheeks. "And...what...ways would those be...?"

"Wouldn't you like to-?" Alex started before he seemed to suddenly notice Daisy's presence, drawing Jasmine's attention as well.

Daisy was very visibly shaking. Her eyes were bulging, she wasn't blinking, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. She could feel her heart pounding and despite knowing it wasn't necessary, her inability to catch her breath was adding more and more fear that felt like it was bubbling over. When she looked over to Alex to see his eyes disapprovingly looking back at her, she knew she was causing a scene. But the more that she tried to control herself by sheer will, the more that she could feel the sobs forcing themselves out of her and the more violent her shaking became.

She felt like she was going to die. That was all she could think of. She was going to die right here at this table.

'You can't die unless I let you die. I've told you that before. Now calm your fucking shit.' Alex growled harshly in her brain.

"I'm t-trying...I Sw-swear, Sir...I'm trying..." Daisy stammered as she cried even harder, despite her efforts to stop. She didn't even pay any attention to the fact that she responded to a telepathic message out loud.

"Fuck's sake..." Alex groaned, rolling his eyes. "Fucking useless."

"Alex, please." Jasmine insisted. "Can't you do something?"

"Of course, I can." Alex sighed, before a wicked grin formed on his lips. "Beg me."

"Alex..." Jasmine whined. "I'll beg all you want later, I promise. Please help her."

"I'll hold you to that." Alex replied before grabbing Daisy's hand. "Come on."

Daisy had no choice but to follow the order, not even completely responding to the pulse of pleasure that went through her from Alex's hand holding hers. There was a slight thought that this was the first time that they'd held hands, but that was to the side. Wherever Alex was leading her, he wasn't being gentle about it, so she needed a level of focus just to keep pace.

By the time Daisy had regained some of her bearings she realized that she was roughly being thrown into one of the bigger storage closets. There were various boxes of supplies and other things that Daisy couldn't care less about right now. It was dark once Alex had closed the door behind him. He insisted that she couldn't die unless he willed it. Maybe he was about to will it here and now.

"No. You're just being paranoid." Alex growled, practically shoving Daisy into the wall.

"I'm sorry, Sir!" Daisy wailed. "I'm sorry! I can't-"

"Shut. Up. I don't want to hear another fucking word out of you. I was having a nice, pleasant conversation and you had to make yourself the center of attention."

Daisy's instinct was to defend herself, but she had enough control over herself to shut up. With words at least. Breathing was still a problem and she was still sobbing. Surrendering to Alex entirely, Daisy didn't question anything he did until she realized he was pulling down her tights and panties in a motion so rough that his nails scratched down her legs. A dull sensation of pain and pleasure throbbed from the red marks.

The sobbing ebbed slightly just because she was curious about exactly what he was doing. Something which became clear when she saw him pulling out his cock. Now that got her attention. She almost audibly asked if what she thought was about to happen was actually about to happen. But that was also answered in the next swift motion.

With one hand, Alex was able to easily lift Daisy level with his waist and with the other, he covered her mouth as she suddenly felt her pussy being penetrated.

Nothing else mattered in that moment. Nothing. There was such a sudden explosion of pleasure shooting through Daisy's body that it was all she could process. This pleasure was her world now. If Heaven was even an option for her anymore, it could fuck right off. This was all she would ever need. All Daisy could do was scream in his hand. He hadn't even started thrusting yet.

The moment he did, it was as if the delicious friction sent fireworks through every cell in her body. It was as if she were on fire while being repeatedly struck by lightning at the same time. The sensations were overwhelming. It was somehow too much and yet she still wanted more.

In response to her wishes, her hips made small tentative motions against Alex's thrusts. She felt so full! Daisy couldn't even process how much of him was even in her and her eyes were too full of tears to look anyway. Trying to use any logic just wasn't working. With every thrust, her mind would just go blank again, so Daisy surrendered to it, wrapped her legs around his waist and letting her body do what it wanted.

It was like an out of body experience. There was no past. There was no future. Daisy was firmly and permanently in the present in mind, body and soul. It was that thorough. As her hips rode Alex's monster cock, her eyes rolled in the back of her head as the fire and lightning were joined by the hurricane of Daisy's orgasm. She screamed so hard into Alex's hand that it hurt. Or at least it felt like it should have hurt. She wasn't even sure she could even feel pain right now.

The torrent of sensations had their way with Daisy's petite form as she violently shuddered, bucked, shrieked, and cried, overwhelmed entirely by what she was feeling. It felt like forever before she came down from it, to realize that Alex had stopped thrusting. He was still inside her, so the pleasing warmth was still radiating through her core, but the lightning was gone.

"There." Alex grunted, releasing his grip on Daisy. "You're fine now."

Now that Daisy could actually think, she could see what was happening. He'd achieved what he wanted to achieve, and he was done. Panic rose up in her again though it was much more focused than whatever had happened to her previously as she squeezed her legs to prevent his escape in probably the most blatantly insubordinate action she could think of in recent memory. This was instantly followed by another one as she spoke without permission. "Sir please! Please...I'm so sorry! I know I don't deserve it but please cum as well. You're already here! Fuck me however you want. Please let this dumb slut make it up to you, Sir!"

Alex's face was unreadable as he looked into her eyes, that familiar glow lighting up the dark room. They just remained in that position in silence for a few moments, the only movement being the occasional throb of Alex's cock, which sent a thrill of pleasure through Daisy that she knew better than to react to.

"Fuck I want to?" Alex repeated, the corner of his lips curling into a smile.

Daisy quickly nodded, biting her bottom lip. She understood that question very well. Her ability to feel pain with his dick in her was about to severely be tested. She found she didn't care. She didn't know when or if he'd ever fuck her again. She didn't want to leave it with one amazing orgasm on her side and that was it.

Making use of the wall, both of Alex's hands suddenly wrapped around Daisy's throat as he gave one powerful thrust. And in this thrust, three things were made abundantly clear to Daisy. One, his dick wasn't even close to being entirely inside of her before, but now it was. Two, his amusement was because he hadn't truly been fucking her before. He was being very gentle. Now he wasn't. And third, she could very much still feel pain.

Not so much as a gurgle or whimper could escape Daisy's throat with the grip Alex had on her throat as he viciously forced his cock balls deep in her pussy over and over, the room seeming to shake with the force of his thrusts. Daisy's mind went blank again as another hurricane of an orgasm tore through her. She was in pain, but she was also in pleasure in almost equal measure, both being just as intense as if they were lovers, both fucking inside of her as well.

Even at the party, Daisy had never felt as much as if she were a toy as she did now. She made no noise. Alex's thrusts were so visceral and violent that she could barely respond to them in any noticeable way. She was merely an object to be used by him. And the tiny bit of her that could still think welcomed it. Once again, time no longer existed. Daisy genuinely had no idea how long she was being fucked like this. When she'd cum, it would register to an extent, but she was so overloaded with sensory input that it was almost as if it were happening to someone else.

Alex groaned as he thrust with inhuman speed. To someone looking on the outside, it was almost as if he were vibrating instead of thrusting. This was a little risky to be honest. It wasn't Daisy's imagination when she thought the room was shaking. Part of the campus probably was at this point. Alex went out of his way to appear human that using this much of his real power was both freeing and somewhat alien at the same time. He didn't care. She wanted this.

Daisy's eyes bulged as she could feel Alex getting close. Her body shuddered in excitement and then it was like a bomb had gone off. It was that intense as she heard his moans and the first rope of cum shot deep in her cunt. Later, Daisy would genuinely wonder if Alex had killed her. It was as if everything stopped existing and then it all suddenly came back in an orgasm so powerful that it rivaled the punishment orgasms that she received back to back. She came so hard that it hurt. Her body throbbed with the effort and she lost periods of time a few more times before gravity became a thing again and her ass slammed hard on the floor as Alex let her go and his cock mercifully slid out of her.

Daisy could still feel Alex's cum inside of her, sending fireworks off in her body as she shuddered repeatedly, becoming accustomed to the sensation of using her lungs again. That was quickly cut off however when Daisy's hair was grabbed, and she felt Alex's dick forcing its way down her throat. She gladly swallowed it, doing everything in her power to keep focused enough clean him off.

Now feeling cum in both her pussy and going down her throat, Daisy was reminded how sore she was getting when another powerful orgasm exploded inside of her. At this point she was a tired, sore, and absolutely satisfied mess as she crumpled on the floor, vaguely aware that Alex was putting his dick away and putting all the boxes and supplies that they'd knocked down back in their place.

Daisy tried to speak but only a pained wheeze escaped her sore throat. But oddly enough, she could feel it getting better by the second. But she knew Alex was most likely going to leave her on the floor in that closet until she felt up to leaving under her own power. She didn't want to lose this moment. ''re... you're always going to hate me, aren't you?' She mentally asked. 'No matter what I do, I'll always be the stupid human who poured soda over your burger?'

Alex paused and looked down at Daisy, gently holding her shoulders and sitting her up against the wall before giving her the most gentle, tender kiss to her forehead. "You dumb slut. Is that what all if this was about? Of course, I'm always going to hate you. Were you not paying attention?" Alex's tone was soft and kind as he said those words but only because they were more painful that way. He slowly licked the fresh tear trailing down Daisy's cheek. "But look on the bright side. I don't have to deal with you now this afternoon. And that makes me happy. Congratulations."

"You're welcome, Sir..." Daisy replied dejectedly, watching Alex walk out of the closet, and leaving her alone in the darkness.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This is great. Love your writing, love the sadism. Thanks for writing. Hope you add some chapters.

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