Corrupted Desire Ch. 05


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As if it were a weird mirror version of the experience, Daisy immediately came, and she came hard. The moment that the fraction of a soul was inside her, it was like an explosion. The orgasm she received from it was merely the icing on top of the pleasure cake.

It all happened so fast that Steve didn't realize the danger he was in until it was too late. By the time so much as "What the f-?" left his lips, Daisy had regained her senses and his opportunity to escape was gone, solidified by Daisy clutching his ass and deepthroating him hungrily.

Looking back and forth between Brad awkwardly trembling on the floor and Daisy bobbing on his cock, Steve was clearly panicked with his dick apparently not getting the message as his balls steadily came closer and closer to their release despite his terror. This wasn't helped when Daisy looked up at him. His eyes bulged even wider as her own black holes looked up at him. And this was almost quite literal considering her eyes were now solid black, only broken up by intense golden glow of her irises.

As soon as Steve saw her eyes it was as if the fight left his body. The fear was still there but it just wouldn't compute to his body. He just stood there paralyzed in the amazingly short time that it took him to cum given the situation. Just as with Brad, it started as an amazing release until it reached its peak.

Knowing what to do this time, Daisy didn't even let the glow start going back this time. She kept a strong hold on it, even pulling before it was necessary, and in a few seconds, her body was shaking with another powerful soul fragment infused orgasm. She panted on her knees adjusting to the intensity of the sensation as her two "attackers" twitched on the ground, alive but probably wishing they weren't.

It was the biggest high she'd ever experienced. Moaning softly, Daisy stood up again. It was as if her senses were all cranked up to eleven. The sights, the sounds, the smells, both good and bad all assaulted her simultaneously and it was glorious. Reaching on the top of the car, she put her underwear back on and put her boobs back in her bra before pulling her top back down, resituating herself.

Her attention was drawn to Steve when a soft groan escaped his lips. Her own lips curled into a grin as she kneeled down and grabbed his chin making him look up at her. "Did we learn a lesson? Maybe you'll have a nice long think about this the next time a girl tells you she's not in the mood."

Daisy stood up again, grabbing her lingerie bag, before casually remembering the second guy. "And you need better taste in friends."

Daisy still didn't know where she was, but she did know where Alex was. Just like her other senses, that connection that let her find Alex's place without knowing where he lived was practically a beacon now. While talking to him had been pretty hit and miss today, she really needed to see him so she had to try. Logic would have said that she should have taken Steve's car, but Daisy was feeling so amped that she was sure she could run there. She needed to do something with all this energy.

Avoiding people was a little tricky but Daisy could tell that she was moving at a supernatural speed. The trees and buildings whirled past her vision as she followed the beacon. Though it was a little distracting now that she could now literally feel every soul around her. She was, for lack of a better term, full but that didn't stop her from exploring the differences in them. It was like flavors of food that she could suddenly smell in the distance.

This should have been too much. Both moving at the speeds she was, staying close enough to people to get a "smell" but far enough to not be seen. It was a lot to process, but Daisy's mind was also as fired up as the rest of her and it was all surprisingly easy to coordinate. Before she knew it, she was at the door and blinked for a second, stopping mid-knock.

"Come in, slut." Alex's voice called out.

Daisy's new soul-vision more than explained how he always knew she was there, though truth be told, he probably heard her coming as well. But as she opened the door, the reason for her pause was confirmed. "Sir. Jazz."

"Hi..." Jasmine murmured, sitting on the arm of Alex's recliner as he sat in his usual position in it. There was a quiver of guilt in Jasmine's voice as she spoke. "I was...invited..."

Daisy knew better than to question it at this point and merely took her own place on her knees, bowing before him. This was much more difficult than before. It was like her body was sparking with electricity and staying still like this was almost painful.

"Should I keep her down there a while?" Alex asked with an amused grin.

"Sir..." Jasmine growled.

"Fine. Rise, slut." Alex said, chuckling. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Fuck yes, Sir." Daisy moaned as she stood up. "It's like my nerve endings are on fire! Everything is so...loud...and! My God, Sir... Do you feel like this all the time?"

"What's she talking about? And why are her eyes making her look like a Sith?" Jasmine asked worriedly.

Alex chuckled. "The slut has had her first soul fragments."

Jasmine's eyes widened. "She's going succubus? Already? I thought you said she was a week or two away at best."

"She was when I said it," Alex shrugged. "But today she was...sexually stressed...and moved up the timetable."

"Sexually stressed?" Jasmine questioned, her gaze going from Alex to Daisy.

"Steve and Brad tried to rape me." Daisy shrugged. She found herself irked at the fact that Jasmine knew more about what was going on with her own body than she did, but she was beginning to learn how to just suck it up. It wasn't like she had other options.

"They WHAT?!" Jasmine roared, jumping off of the chair.

"Chill." Daisy sighed. "Where do you think the soul fragments came from? I raped them back. Reverse raped them? Anti-raped them? Whatever. They're lying in an alley on the floor with their dicks out in more pain than they've ever been in. I'd love to hear how they'll explain that if someone finds them."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jasmine asked with genuine concern laced through her words.

"I've never been better." Daisy slowly licked her lips as Jasmine got closer. She'd always thought Jasmine was a very pretty girl, but Daisy just wasn't overly attracted to girls. She clearly wasn't against it if she were desperate enough, but on the whole, girls didn't do it for her as much as guys did. But the glow Jasmine's soul gave off was just...mouthwatering. It made her physical attractiveness even more potent.

"You sure? You look very..." Jasmine paused as she tried to find the right word. "I don't know. It's not just the eyes."

Daisy cocked her head slightly to the side as Jasmine got closer. The energy flowing through her seemed to spark again, sending jolts of excitement all through her body. Despite all of this, it was Jasmine who cried out when she touched Daisy's cheek.

"Oh God!" Jasmine moaned, her body shuddering in pleasure the moment that their skins touched.

Daisy could actually see how turned on Jasmine had suddenly gotten. It was like the glow of her soul had something of a...filter over it. A new color. Though even calling it a color seemed a weird term since it was something she was feeling as opposed to seeing. She smiled as she put her hand over Jasmine's, keeping it in place on her cheek. "You like that?" Daisy purred.

"Fuck!" Jasmine trembled, panting slightly. "Alex, she feels better than you do!"

"Of course she does." Alex chuckled, a knowing grin sinisterly forming on his lips. "I haven't fed in over a century. In the slut's case, they may be fragments but they're fresh. It'll fade within a day or two, of course. That said, you probably shouldn't have said that out loud. I do believe you just lost our bet."

"Wha?" Jasmine started to say before she felt Daisy's hands on both of her cheeks, the sudden increase in pleasure making her whimper. She looked at Daisy's face which immediately reminded her night that Alex had momentarily controlled Daisy's body to tease Jasmine. More importantly her eyes, which were unnaturally wide, had that same sinister glow about them as they had in her previous flare of jealousy. "It was his hand!" Jasmine quickly defended. "It was just for a second!"

This didn't stop Daisy from leaning forward and kissing her. Jasmine gasped at the sudden pleasurable surge of sensations. With Jasmine's lips parted, Daisy's tongue instantly found hers only adding an electric intensity on top of everything else.

From Daisy's perspective this was too easy. It wasn't like she had been exactly a slouch in the seduction department to begin with, but it was so much easier now. It was like playing an instrument. Daisy knew she could make Jasmine cum just from kissing her. She knew that Jasmine was close. She could feel Jasmine's soul glowing brightly...beautifully...with her upcoming release.

"Sir!" Jasmine was able to get out when she was able to forcibly break the kiss for a moment. "You win! You wi-mmmmmph! Mmmmm!"

Alex merely watched with an amused smirk before saying. "Let her go, slut."

Daisy immediately released Jasmine, watching in slight irritation as Jasmine fell to her knees, apparently too far gone to stop the torrent of an orgasm that hit her. It seemed both intriguing to watch as well as a waste. Daisy then turned back to Alex. "I wasn't going to hurt her."

"You...can...only hurt me...right now." Jasmine was able to get out as she came down from it, still catching her breath. "Juicing a soul isn't as easy as tearing or eating it. Especially if you've never done it before."

Daisy slowly turned to Jasmine, cocking her head to the side again. There was an awkwardly long pause before Daisy finally said, "You should teach me, then. You clearly know more than me."

Jasmine bit her bottom lip, shrinking back a little. The venom in those words was not subtle. "Daisy...I-"

"Don't worry about it. It's none of my business." Daisy suddenly interrupted.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and turned to Alex with a glare.

Alex laughed at the look before grinning widely back. "I didn't tell her to say that. However, she is right. It is none of her business."

Daisy let out a sigh of resignation before another question popped in her head. "What was the bet anyway?"

Alex laughed loudly again and turned to Jasmine with a taunting expression. "Why don't you tell her, little one?"

Jasmine scowled back at him before letting out a groan, her olive complexion gaining a pink hue at his title for her. "He...said that when you started to get succubus abilities that...I'd need his protection...from you. Especially with us living in the same dorm."

Daisy blinked for a moment and then looked up thoughtfully before shrugging. "Fair enough. I can control myself. Besides...I think I know Sir's...type...and I know a couple of bitchy girls you might be into."

This immediately caught Jasmine's attention and her eyes narrowed. "Daisy! You can't mean that. You do know what happens if you take too much of someone's soul, right?"

"Your point?" Daisy shot back dryly.

"Daisy...I get that they were shitty to you and all but-"

"Oh relax..." Daisy rolled her eyes. "I know Jessica's Daddy will get lonely, so I'll be sure to keep him company."

"That's not funny." Jasmine scowled.

Both girls were distracted by the loud laughter that emanated from Alex's direction. "Oh, I beg to differ." He said, chuckling a little more. "I'm liking this side of you, slut."

Jasmine's eyes widened as she slowly turned to Daisy and surely enough Daisy was practically beaming at the praise as if it were the first compliment she'd ever been given. "Goddammit..." Jasmine groaned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Really liked this ..turn of events

The smut gods have been benevolent 😉

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