Corrupting Amber Ch. 01

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Can he turn his girlfriend into the ultimate bad girl?
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/12/2004
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I was certain that the eyes I was gazing into belonged to the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She was beautiful, loyal, intelligent, and selfless. It was hard to imagine life without her, since we had began our courtship early during freshman year in high school.

Now both being 18, and nearly out of high school, our relationship had become much more than a mere courtship. Since then we had been inseparable. We went to all the dances together, spent every weekend together, and even went on a trip to Eastern Washington together. And although I loved her, there were many things that I still wanted to experience. Being a strait laced student, I felt I had missed out on meeting a lot of different people. I had never even been drunk before, but that was not what bothered me. I had always had a weird attraction to women that were the complete opposite of Amber. Girls that smoked, drank, swore, had sex, and just plain didn't give a shit. Things that Amber would never even consider doing, and things that I felt somewhat guilty about being turned on by. It was only recently that we'd become sexually active, despite being together for nearly four years. I never pushed the issue, but there were many restless nights following our dates that Amber had never known about.

The thing is, I hadn't really expected to have already met my true love by senior year in high school. Sometimes I couldn't believe that I was even with her, that maybe she was a dream. She was 5'3" and had an amazing, petite body. She had strait brown hair to the middle of her back and fair skin. Her eyes were big and bright and always brought a smile to my face. Like brown orbs of energy, radiating pure innocent beauty. Below her cute button nose were the fullest, poutiest, bee stung red lips I had ever seen. They had always reminded me of Angelina Jolies' lips, when she was younger, but even she might be jealous of Amber's amazing genetics. Despite all those amazing attributes, as well as being love with me, I still yearned to experience her doppelganger. A desire that had gotten so out of control that I had begun masturbating to the ideas in my mind more often that I had been making love to Amber.

So I had made a choice to tell her that I wanted to explore my options for a little while. There was only about two months before we graduated and I was going to run away with her to California, where both of us intended to go to college. If there was ever an opportunity to pursue this fantasy and hopefully get it out of my system, it was in these last few months before we began our life together. I was terrified of losing Amber forever, but either my hormones had overcome my fear or my libido was clouding my judgment. Either way, I was intent on having this conversation.

However, as I sat on the bed looking at her, those beautiful brown eyes gazing lovingly into mine, I suddenly felt a wave of guilt sweep over me. I was about to tell this girl, who would do anything for me, that she wasn't good enough. That's not how I saw it, as the blame for this lust inside of me was not the byproduct of anything she did or didn't do, but I knew that she would receive it that way. I tried to reason that if I could just get this fantasy out of my system, maybe it would allow me to love Amber even more.

"Amber, I've been thinking about us, and, how we're so young," I stammered clumsily.

Amber's eyes widened and her lips parted slightly as if she were going to say something, but closed them and awaited the rest of my statement.

"Maybe we should do something to be sure we're right for each other before we move away together," I spoke slowly, trying to keep my emotions and guilt at bay.

Her eyes had now become very glassy and her bottom lip quivered, prompting another wave of guilt and sadness to sweep over me.

"But, why? Do you not love me anymore? Where is this coming from?" She creaked, trying to hold back an avalanche of tears.

"Of course, it's, just me. I'm worried and I think we need to be sure, that's all." I couldn't even look at her.

"But Matt, I am sure. I've loved you since the day I met you, there's no one else in this world I'd rather be with." Her voice was higher than usual and unsteady.

"But how can you know? We're so young. There's so much we haven't done. Aren't you worried that you're missing out on things that could..," I trailed off, not really knowing how to dance around the somewhat embarrassing truth of my uncertainty.

"I believe in fate Matt. I believe that God will lead us to our soul mate if we follow Him. I am sure you are that person and I'm not worried about missing anything. You make me happier than I have ever been. When I'm with you I feel like I'm whole, like I have everything I could ever need. I would do anything for you." Her eyes were trying to search my face for answers but I was staring at her baby blue blanket, unable to meet her gaze.

Her last words, however, had stuck out. Against my better judgment I followed my curiosity.

"You would do anything for me?" I asked intrigued but also aware of the warning bells going off in my head.

"Of course sweety, I love you more than anything." Her words were true and loyal.

This conversation had veered in a direction that I could never have anticipated. I wanted to come clean. To be honest and let her in on my fantasies. At the same time I was scared of being judged, and the image of her looking at me with disgust flashed in my mind, shaking my resolve considerably.

"I don't really know how to explain it. I don't know where it came from. I'm worried that you're going to hate me, I don't think I should say anymore." I fumbled shamefully.

"Why? How could it be so bad? If it's something that would make you happy, I want to know. I know you'd do the same for me. Wouldn't you?" She asked, unaware of how silly and frankly insulting it was going to sound to ask my angelic, straight-A girlfriend to pretend to be 'bad' just to satisfy a fantasy that I didn't truly understand myself.

I sighed heavily, trying to get the feeling of someone standing on my chest to subside and also stop my hands from shaking so visibly. This was going to happen, I had come too far and she was not going to let it go.

"What if I wanted you to change a little, or pretend to change," I asked, trying to creep towards the truth and see how she'd react to each step before continuing on.

"Change? Like how?" She inquired.

"Kind of like role-playing. Where someone takes on a fake persona and does things they wouldn't normally do to fulfill a fantasy."

"Which persona would that be?" She asked, obviously confused.

Here it was. The moment I'd been fearing. Where she would look at me with disgust and all I'd have to offer her is an embarrassed grin and a shrug of my shoulders. I closed my eyes and accepted that there was no 'cool,' or nonchalant way of saying it, so let's just get it over with.

"A bad girl." I said the words quickly and quietly, hoping she wouldn't notice how silly they sounded spoken out loud.

"A bad girl? And do what exactly?" She sounded hurt, but I also sensed a tinge of curiosity.

Wow, this was a truly torturous exercise. Having to explain piece-by-piece each component of my most embarrassing and shameful sexual fantasy to someone who thought the world of me was painfully humbling. I wanted to sink into the ground.

"Dress slutty. Talk dirty. Wear more makeup. Be more aggressive sexually," I railed off a few of the more innocuous elements, hoping she wouldn't punch me before I even made it to the real stuff.

Amber, meanwhile was trying to process the string of requests I had just made with a furrowed brow. She kept opening her mouth, perhaps offering a question, insult, or exasperated 'really?' but closing it again for a few more moments of consternation. Finally, she seemed to make peace with it and settled on a response.

"I guess I could try, if that's what you want," she relented.

I breathed a sigh of relief and let my neck relax and my head to hang. I decided to forget about the most important parts. Drinking, smoking, maybe even getting high. I wanted to escape this conversation before I died of shame and embarrassment. Unfortunately, Amber knew me far too well.

"What else?" She asked. Not so much a question as a demand.

I looked at her sheepishly. I couldn't just lie to her face. Not only was I a bad liar, but she was simply looking right through me at this point. I couldn't hide the truth if I wanted to.

"Are you sure you want to know? Seriously, I think we should just forget it. I already feel like an idiot," I confessed, a last ditch effort to abort oncoming disaster.

"You don't need to feel like an idiot. I'm not mad or anything. This was obviously important to you. Important enough that you felt like you needed a break. If it's that important to you babe, it's important to me too. I feel bad that you felt like you couldn't talk to me about this," she explained, surprising me with the lack of judgment or shaming and making me feel guilty about not giving her more credit from the beginning.

"I'm sorry. I honestly just thought I was admiring the grass on the other side of the fence. I mean, who would date someone as amazing as you and want anything else? I felt like shit and like a shitty boyfriend and person for wanting anything other than what you were already giving me. Instead of facing you and telling you the truth I wanted to avoid having to feel that shame. It was just easier to go off on my own and get it out of my system and realize it wasn't what I wanted and risk you not taking me back. I know it probably doesn't make sense, but that's what I was thinking," I rationalized, realizing half of that as I had been explaining it.

I looked up finally to see Amber and noticed a few streaks on her cheeks where tears had streamed down at one point or another. Whether it was the burden of my shame finally being lifted or the look of absolute love and devotion on Amber's face as she looked at me, I finally felt no fear of rejection. I understood, finally, that Amber hadn't been in love with an idealized version of who she thought I was. She was in love with me, just as I was with her, and the differences between us would not tear us apart. I was incredibly lucky to have met someone so amazing at such a young age.

"It makes sense babe. I don't hate you and I'm not mad at you. I just want you to tell me the truth. Always," she smiled at me lovingly and leaned in. I took the hint and met her halfway, kissing her softly and wiping her cheeks dry.

After a few moments of gathering our collective nerves, we sat back again.

"So, babe," she paused, blinking dramatically and smiling, "what else?"

"So I know you've never done any of these things before and you've mentioned that you really don't like them..," I began my less than eager introduction.

"Babe, just tell me," Amber pleaded, trying her best to be both comforting and stern.

"Drinking and smoking," I blurted. Unsure of how else to sugarcoat two things that Amber had voiced great displeasure towards throughout the time we'd been dating.

I looked over at Amber whose eyebrows were raised, unable to contain her initial gut reaction. She slowly softened her features, regaining composure amidst struggling with the obviously distasteful prospect of indulging vices that were never in her future until that very moment.

"Really?" She asked in a tone lacking any judgment but full of genuine surprise.

"Yeah, I know. I don't understand it either. It's just, attractive to me," I offered weakly, but genuinely.

"You're dating one of the only girls in school who has never drank," she smiled, acknowledging how easy it would have been to have found a girlfriend who partied instead of a devoutly Christian honor roll student.

All I could do was smile awkwardly at the irony.

"And smoking? You don't think it smells awful?" She asked, with a scrunched up face indicating her obvious distaste at the very thought of it.

"I do," I paused, trying to explain it properly "but it also depends. If it's a man smoking or an unattractive woman than yes. But if it's an attractive woman, it's sexy. I really can't explain it," I concluded honestly.

"Almost every guy I've ever met hates when a girl smokes. I fall for the one who likes it," again smiling at me, marveling at the oddity of her situation.

We sat there on her bed, looking at each other and sharing awkward laughs and smiles for a few moments allowing what I'd asked to be given a chance to settle.

"We should just forget we even had this conversation. It's dumb," I offered finally, breaking a minute long silence that hadn't had an end in sight.

"Nice try," Amber replied playfully.

"No, I'm serious. You're the complete opposite of everything I just described. You hate smoking and drinking. It's just.. not you," I confessed, again leaning towards wanting to just go back to normal and regretting this entire ordeal.

"Isn't that kind of the point, though?" Amber replied, asking the obvious question.

"I guess, I just feel bad," I repeated, to Amber's chagrin.

"Stop feeling bad!" She pleaded in mock exasperation.

"It's fine, I'm not mad, I'm not anything. Just stop feeling bad. I didn't say no and I don't think you're disgusting or weird. It's just a lot to take in, you know?" She explained, making more sense with each word.

I nodded silently, feeling less like the driver of this expedition and more like the silent passenger to a destination I was not yet completely aware of.

"So what do I do first?" Amber asked, now finally placing the reigns back in my hands, just as I was becoming unsure of what to do with them.

I thought for a moment, trying to mentally map out a plan that would be relatively easy to execute and present few risks to overcome. I settled on a study date.

"I could come over this weekend to study and bring some things for you to try. Your parents are going out right?" I clarified.

"Yeah, Friday. They're going to the opera," she confirmed.

"Ok, so we can do it on Friday. Maybe it will just be a one time thing. Then we can move on," I offered as recompense to Amber for putting up with me.

She smiled in return, a knowing smile.

"I doubt it," she remarked with a bit of deviousness that I hadn't seen from her before.

I took a moment to try to decrypt her meaning, but settled on feeling awash in relief and excitement.

Friday couldn't come too soon.

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drivenbyiddrivenbyidabout 1 month ago

Ooh... I also enjoy corrupting a good girl. Can't wait to read the rest of the chapters 🤩

MormonJackMormonJackabout 1 year ago

Thank you! Gotta admire the reality of a guy opening up and telling his GF what he really wants. I don't want a slut, but we should all do something like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good start, good character development, believable situation, but then turns to shit. Amber is devoid of any character.

HollyLoriAnnaleeHollyLoriAnnaleeabout 3 years ago

I read this story in 2013 or 2014 and then lost it. I've been googling all kinds of things to try to find it again, and I just did right now. I am nearly emotional right now! I FUCKING LOVE THIS STORY!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thrilled with Chapter 1

Exactly my kink. Wonderfully written.

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