Corrupting The Underwear Thief Pt. 01

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I catch the young lad next door stealing my underwear.
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After the split with my partner I had found a medium size semi detached 3 bed house to buy. After a few months of waiting I was able to move in and couldn't wait to start afresh. I had just hit 40 and looking forward to what life was about to bring. Despite hitting 40 I felt I was still in my prime especially sexually and was very confident in who I was. In fact that was one of the biggest issues in the breakdown of my relationship, I was always more sexually confident and outgoing than him and he just couldn't handle my little kinks etc.

Anyway I got the keys on the Friday and began moving my stuff all day and the next morning. It wasn't until the Saturday afternoon after unloading the last few boxes from my car that I saw my new neighbours. They waved from their drive and introduced themselves and asked if I needed any help etc. They came across as a really nice couple in their late 50s who were both semi retired and spent a lot of time away in their caravan at weekends. I told them that I was at home most weekends so could easily keep an eye on their house for them. They thanked me and said that would be appreciated as their 22 year old son usually comes home from working away most weekends and it would be handy on those that he doesn't. They also added that if I needed a hand with anything just ask and they would send him over as he was home for a full week the next week.

I carried on with my unpacking for the rest of the weekend. It was tiring work especially as over the years I had accumulated a number of clothes like most women do. By the Sunday afternoon I was getting a big fed up of it and went to do some grocery shopping. As I was unloading the car the lady next door called over to say how things were going and not to forget she had offered her sons help for moving stuff if needed and he was now home. I said that would be handy as I have a wardrobe I need moving and could he help to which she replied she would send him over in an hour.

I cracked on putting the shopping away and a few jobs until the doorbell rang. I answered to find a shy, quiet but handsome 22 year old from next door stood there.

"Hi are you James from next door?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Yes that's me, my mum said you needed a wardrobe moving?"

"Yes please. I'm Louise by the way. Come on in."

He quietly came into the hallway and nervously looked around. Despite his nervousness he seemed a nice lad who was tall, slim but reasonably well built. Despite me being 18 years older than him I could appreciate his young good looks. I told him to follow me upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms where I needed the wardrobe moving.

"Sorry about the mess I've so much stuff to sort out!"

"It's ok my room at home and at uni is always messy." He replied looking at the pile of clothes on the spare bed. At that point I realised on the corner of the pile of clothes was my pair of thigh high black pvc boots. I was sure I spotted him having a lingering look at the but I didn't mind as I was certainly no prude.

"It's just this wardrobe here that needs moving into to the corner it's just too heavy for me."

"That's ok I can do that." He replied quietly.

He managed to move the wardrobe with ease and we went back downstairs where I offered him a drink.

"No thank you it's ok I must get back home." He said somewhat shyly as he moved towards the door.

As he left I smiled at myself thinking what a sweet but shy young man he was and that he come across as nervous around me. Not only was I sure that I caught peeking at the kinky boots I also caught him a couple of times staring at my cleavage which I took as a compliment.

The next day I continued unpacking and doing a few jobs as I had taken the day off work. Because I like my stuff clean and tidy I started on a mountain of washing including a large bag of underwear. By mid morning I was hanging out the first load on the washing in a strong breeze when I saw the the couple from next door both go off to work. By lunch time I had another load ready for the washing line and went out to the back garden to hang it out and bring the first load in. As I was taking the first load off the line and putting into a basket I noticed I had a pair of everyday knickers missing. Maybe the strong breeze had blown it off the line or I had just mislaid them which was unlike me. I put it too the back of mind and hung the second load out.

By mid afternoon I had moved upstairs and decided to sort out some of my racier lingerie and put it away in the drawers in my bedroom. I wandered off to the second bedroom and started on the pile of clothes there. I picked up the pvc boots and smiled at how I had almost caught James looking at them yesterday. If only he could see me wearing them I thought! Sadly for me now they were to be kept in the wardrobe as despite being newly single I had no fun lined up on the horizon.

By late afternoon I had another load of washing ready and went outside to change them on the washing line with the previous load. Yet again I had an odd number of bra and knickers finding that I was missing another pair of plain knickers. Surely there wasn't a knicker thief around here I thought! I just dismissed that thought and carried on with changing the washing and decided that I must have misplaced them with all washing I was doing.

By the end of the week I had finally unpacked almost all of my stuff and sorted it all out. After another shopping trip on the Friday morning I saw the neighbours outside again getting ready to go out in their caravan.

"Do you need me to keep an eye on anything?" I called out.

"Oh no it's ok this weekend, James is still at home! If you need anything moving just call him!" The woman replied.

"Oh actually I need some stuff putting up in my attic if he is free?"

"I'll send him across in abit I think he's only just got up!" She laughed.

Thanking her I carried on with my day until about an hour later the doorbell rang. I answered it to find a furtive looking and still somewhat nervous in my presence James.

"Mum said you had some stuff to go up in the attic?"

"Yes that's right. You don't mind do you?" I smiled at him.

"Of course not I've not got anything else to do now mum and dad have gone away for the weekend."

"Brilliant well come on in. Follow me." I said to him as I turned and went up the stairs. Even though he was behind me I could still sense he was staring at my arse as I went up the stairs. I didn't mind as despite him being so young there is nothing wrong with a bit of teasing at any age!

"I've got these boxes that need putting in the attic. Are you ok with that?"

"Yes of course." He replied.

With that he silently opened the hatch and pulled the ladder loft out and I started handing him the boxes. After about ten minutes we were almost done and I handed him one final box.

"Oh wait I think I need that one down here" I exclaimed realising it was a box full of kinky toys and equipment. I smiled and blushed as I took it back off him as some metal cuffs made a noise inside.

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yes please if that's ok." He answered nervously.

I led him downstairs to the kitchen where I stuck the kettle on and made him a cuppa.

"Sorry about the mess, I'm still sorting everything out." I said to him as I moved a basket of dirty washing off the table and put it on the floor.

"So tell me James what do you do at uni?"

"Erm I study business management." He replied nervously as he drank his tea.

"How come you come home a lot? When I was your age I was partying hard at uni every weekend!"

"Erm it's just easier as I'm not that far away from home to keep an eye on the house and my folks pets." He replied blushing a little.

"So no girlfriend at uni then!?!" I asked teasing and joking a little.

"Erm no not really at the moment."

I sensed his was uncomfortable aswell as shy as I asked him that. Bless him he was so nervous around me which suprised me a little as looking at him he would be a catch for any young girl. Maybe he was a little intimated by me and had a little crush on me which to be fair I would take as a compliment. It was at this point I excused myself to nip to the toilet.

"Back in a minute James."

A few minutes later I came back downstairs to the kitchen to see James had finished his tea.

"Thanks for the tea Mrs ermmm...."

"I'm not a Mrs and it's just Louise!" I laughed noticing he had become even more nervous.

"Ok Louise. I best be off now."

Somewhat suprised I showed him out of the door smiling to myself at how uneasy he was around me. I went back to my chores for awhile and eventually got round to the wash basket full of clothes. I started to pile them into the washing machine when I noticed there was an odd black lacy bra that I had worn a couple of days before. Twice I went through my washing to check but I could not find the matching lace black knickers. This was now the third pair that had gone missing and these hadn't even been washed yet! Then it suddenly dawned on me....James! Surely he hadn't stolen my knickers had he?!! No wonder he was so nervous around me and he had the opportunity to take them when I went to the toilet. And just maybe he had leaned over the garden fence and had the clean ones.

I kept running it through my head. Sometimes I couldn't quite believe it that he would do that but all the evidence pointed to him taking them. The more I thought about it the more angry I felt about it that he had stolen from me. I decided to go round and confront him over it as this couldn't really continue especially if he was stealing them from my washing line.

I went straight round to next door fuming that he had stolen from me. I was just about to ring the doorbell when I glanced at the living room window and saw movement through the almost fully closed blinds. I'm not sure why but I looked again and through the corner I could see James on the sofa. Immediately I recoiled, I could see him masturbating on the sofa. I recovered from my initial shock and looked again. Not only was he masturbating he was also masturbating using my used knickers that he had stolen. I was horrified at what I had seen. But I looked yet again and this time for a bit longer. Despite the fact my knickers were in his hand I could see his cock was actually quite impressive and I admit that although I was so angry I had a little twinge in my pussy at what I had seen.

There was just something about the sight of this young lad pumping his cock using my lacy black knickers that aroused my kinky and somewhat devious mind. I held off ringing the doorbell for a short while whilst I let my initial anger subside and thought things over. Maybe I could use this to my advantage and have some fun.

Eventually I rang the doorbell and got no reply. I rang again and finally heard movement and the door open. James opened the door looking very hot and flustered and maybe a little embarrassed. I decided to play it cool.

"Oh hi James sorry to bother you but I've got a problem moving something I don't suppose you could help?"

"Oh hi erm Louise....erm yeh of course. Now?" He replied nervously.

"Yes now if that's ok? Are you ok James? You look abit hot?"

"Ermm yes I was just ermm doing some exercise." He blurted out.

Of course I knew the truth and as he shut the front door I glanced a look at his crotch to see that he had a tell tale bulge still in there. He followed me back to my house and we went inside.

"Come upstairs I'll show you what I need doing." I said as I led him upstairs into my bedroom.

Once inside I closed the door leaving stood next to my bed and I turned to him.

"Come on where are they?" I said sternly to him.


"Where are they? My underwear?" I questioned.


"My knickers. I know you have them. I suspect you have three pairs of them."

"I don't know what you mean." He stammered.

"Look James I know you have stolen two clean pairs off my washing line and a pair of black lacy ones. Now I want them back or else your parents are going to know about this."

He never replied but just stood there dumbfounded.


"Ermm how did you know?" He finally answered shifting uneasily on his feet.

"I'm an intelligent woman James and I worked it out. Plus I saw you through the window wanking into them before I rang the doorbell."

"Sorry." Was he meek reply.

"Come on where are they then?"

"Here." He pulled the black lacy knickers out of his pocket and handed them to me.

"The others are in my bedroom, sorry."

I held them up and looked at them.

"Did you not cum in them?"

"No you knocked on the door before I could finish." He replied.

"Ok. So what's all this about then?".

"Sorry?!" He seemed confused and embarrassed.

"Are you a crossdresser? Or a pervert? Or do you fancy me?"

"Ermmm." He failed to answer.

"Come on I want answers."

"All of them I guess." He meekly replied.

"Have you been wearing them?"

"Ermm only the first two, not the lacy black ones yet." He replied as if to try and make it seem less worse that he hadn't worn the dirty ones.

I stood there facing him with my arms crossed more angry that this nice young helpful man had actually stolen from me rather than being angry he had worn them. If anything I had to admit I was slightly turned on that he had worn them and also had masturbated into the dirty pair aswell. I quickly had a thought.

"Put them on now." I said with a smirk.

"What? You can't make me do that!" He protested.

"I can make you do that or else I won't just tell your parents I will call the police for you stealing them and the evidence is in your room. So come on take off your trousers and pants now!"

He stood there for a moment embarrassed, at one point I thought he was about to burst into tears. After a few seconds he slowly started unbuttoning his trousers and stepped out of them. My eyes were immediately drawn to the obscene bulge in his underpants as he reached to pull them down. Slowly he pulled his underpants down his semi hard cock and balls falling out as he slid the pants down and stepped out of them.

I handed him my lacy knickers and he slowly put one foot in followed by the other. He pulled them up his legs, struggling to get them past his thighs. Finally he pulled them past his bum and in place. He stood there in them quite frankly looking ridiculous as they were way too small for him. His erect cock bulged against the tight black material and his balls were starting to fall out of the side. As much as I was trying not too laugh I had to admit my pussy was on fire and so wet at making him put them on.

"Take you cock out of one side."

He hesitated and then pulled the knickers to one side so his hard cock sprang free.

"Start wanking your cock James." I told him.

"What? I can't. Sorry."

"Why can't you? You was earlier. Do it now." I demanded.

"But...but.." He stammered almost crying.

I looked straight at him with my eyes narrowed and finally he took his cock in his right hand and slowly started stroking it. He looked so embarrassed by being made to do this but for me I was excited and loving the fact I had made him do this. He tugged on his cock harder as I stared straight at him. I sensed he was about to cum despite his shame and embarrassment. I quickly grabbed another pair of everyday knickers and offered them to him.

"Here take these, you can cum in these rather than spraying it around my room."

Without saying a word he took hold of them in his other hand as his breathing increased and he moaned alittle.

"Go on cum for me James. Cum in my knickers!" I demanded.

He groaned again this louder and started to shoot his load in the knickers I gave him. I looked at him doing this wide eyed and excited. It not only turned me on to see him do this but it was also awakening a number of deeply held kinky thoughts from the depths of my mind.

He finally stopped cumming and wiped his cock clean with the spare pair of knickers and stood there staring at me.

"Right James, pull your trousers up leaving my knickers on please. Then go home taking those dirty cum filled ones with and you are to wash all 4 pairs and bring them back to me at 8PM on the dot ok?"

"Yes Louise. Are you going to tell my parents?" He replied meekly.

"It's Mistress Louise to you James and no I'm not going to tell them unless you disappoint me."

"Disappoint you?" He asked sounding confused.

"Yes I have plans for you that's why I want you back here at 8PM. Now get out and get them knickers washed and dryed."

I hurried him down the stairs and out of the door. As soon as the door was closed I took a deep breath and laughed to myself at how absurd the whole situation was and how turned on I was. I quickly ran back upstairs and pulled my jeans and knickers down to my knees and laid down on the bed. With the thought of James wanking his young impressive cock wearing my used knickers fresh in my mind I started to furiously rub my clit. Within just a few minutes I had rubbed myself to an intense orgasm, the first time in months I'd had such an orgasm. I lay there for awhile in the afterglow of my orgasm slowly processing what I had made him do and working on a few plans in my mind.

I carried on with the rest of my day and early evening until promptly at 8PM the doorbell rang and I answered it to find a freshly showered and dressed James holding a carrier bag with my freshly washed underwear in.

"Come on in. Everything washed?"

"Yes they are." He mumbled.

"Yes what?". I said sternly.

"Yes Mistress."

"That's better!" I said smiling at him.

I lead him into the living room and told him to lay out the four pairs or knickers for me to inspect.

"So which are your favourites?"

"The black lacy ones." He replied shyly.

"Why those?"

"Cos they are more feminine and sexy." He said after a pause.

I gathered all four up and told him to wait on the sofa for me to return as I headed upstairs. I went straight to the second bedroom and stripped off fully naked and put the now freshly washed lacy black knickers on. I had to admit it gave me a thrill and made my pussy tingle to put them on knowing that James had masturbated in them earlier in the day. I pulled out a black pvc dress I had hanging up and quickly eased myself into. Then finally I picked up the pvc boots I had noticed James looking at the previous time and slipped them on.

"James can you come upstairs to my bedroom?" I called out as I moved across the landing to my bedroom. I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs as I perched myself on the edge of my bed.

"Wow!" He stated as he walked through the bedroom door to see my outfit.

"Do you approve?" I asked smiling at him.

"Yes I do. Sorry I mean yes I do Mistress."

"Ooh that's better well done!" I said standing up.

"You see James, although I'm very disappointed in the fact you stole from me I find it intriguing that you have a little knicker fetish. I'm a very sexual lady with a number of kinks and I'd like to think I can judge a kinky character which I think you are. I'm also quite a dominant lady and I like to get what I want. Do you understand?"

"I think so Mistress, I'm not really sure what you want from me?" He said shyly.

"Well James you have little kinks and fantasies that I'd like to explore for both our pleasures...I have a feeling you would like to fully cross dress and be dominated, am I right?" I asked him as I circled him.

"Yes Mistress I do." He admitted.

"And if you think I've invited you round for sex then you are wrong as I'm still very very angry at you for what you did and you need to be punished." I told him.

"Yes Mistress"

"Right strip naked for me now James." I commanded him.

He slowly began to strip his clothes off until he stood in front of me fully naked with his cock hanging free half erect. I took a tape measure from my dresser and started to measure his body.