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"Sorry I'm late, my boy's playing in a game and I wanted to watch him at bat. We're winning 4 to 3 right now; I really get a charge out of watching him out on the field. I didn't know I could ever get that kind of charge watching little league. I don't have much time; I told the wife I had to run an errand, so bring a pillow over here and give me some head."

Jenny had felt her mouth drop open at the idea that he'd left his wife and child to come out here. The casual way he wanted her just to walk over there...

"Come on honey, I really don't have much time, bring a pillow so you don't hurt your knees."

Jenny was aware of a sense of panic but again, it was distant. She was going to do it, what he asked, just go over there and take his thing in her mouth. A distant part of her mind noted that it might be easier than having to spend a lot of time in bed with someone who would do this not only to her, but more importantly, to his wife and kid. She got a pillow off the bed and walked over to where he stood. She dropped the pillow on the floor in front of him and dropped to her knees, waiting for him to take it out of his pants. When he made no move to do so, it slowly dawned on her that she was going to have to do that for him. She reached up and unbuckled his pants and trying not to think about what she was doing, she unbuttoned them. Her hand was trembling when she began to unzip him and she was unprepared for the pants to drop to his knees when she finished. He was now in briefs, something she'd never seen before because her father and Jerry both wore boxers. She hadn't noticed what Ray was wearing when he got dressed. She reached up with both hands to pull them down and had to take a deep breath to hold in her courage. As she pulled them down the thing almost hit her in the face. He was already hard and Jenny moved to take it in her mouth before she could think about what she was doing. She knew if she stopped to think she'd balk.

Unlike Ray's earlier, this one had a taste, and it took Jenny almost a minute of working her tongue around it like Ray had taught her to do, to realize that she was tasting another woman's fluid on him. She pulled her head back knowing she was angry but again feeling detached from it.

"You did it with your wife..." she tried to let her anger show but he pushed her on the back of her head forcing it back into her mouth... and she let him.

"Yeah I love having you right after I've had Sue. I talked her into a quickie just before we left for the game Buddy was already out in the car, she didn't want to because she's pregnant, but she's always horny too. That's it run your tongue around it like that. Buddy's playing second base today, he's already caught a line drive for a double play, and he's two for two at bat..."

He continued babbling about his child's baseball game, about his wife's pregnancy and how much he was looking forward to his second child, who would be a girl. Jenny wanted to scream at him to shut up that she didn't want to know about the people she was cheating. It also made her feel like a piece of furniture instead of a human.

She could feel him getting tense and knew that he was getting close to orgasm.

She knew she had to let him do that in her mouth but she was wondering if there was anyway to avoid it when he said, "Good stand up and bend over I'm going to finish up in your ass."

Jenny didn't know if she felt relief or dread, she got up and took the four steps to the bed before he said, "No not over there; here, just turn around bend over, and put your hands on your knees if you have to."

Jenny couldn't believe how undignified she felt as she did what he asked, just making her bottom available like this for such a jerk. She felt him lift her nightgown out of the way and using his hands on her hips, he positioned her for his entry. He used the tip of his thing to rub up and down her slit, using the wetness of her own saliva to get her wet. Jenny felt the slickness of the gel as she felt him enter her.

She was surprised that he was in her vagina; she'd expected him to use her anally based on what he'd said. Again, she had the strange sensation of a cock going in her that she didn't want. She again felt her body encompass his member and she cringed mentally and physically at the artificial nature of what was being done to her. She was very slick, but she was not in the least turned on, it was about as sexual as putting a tampon put in. He made a few motions to adjust to her so that he could get more inside and then he began to pound her. She wasn't surprised at that pounding, Jerry had done pretty much the same thing the few times she'd let him take her this way.

In less than a minute, she felt him cum and a distant voice was saying, "How can you be like this, so uninvolved when you have a man inside you?"

She didn't have an answer.

Seconds later, he pulled out of her and said, "That wasn't bad. Would you hand me one of those wipes on the nightstand, I want to get back to the game before I miss too much."

Jenny wanted to cry at what he'd done to her but she walked to the nightstand and handed him the wipes, then watched as he cleaned his cock and handed her the soiled tissue. Then, and without another word he pulled up his shorts and pants, buttoning and buckling he walked out the door. Jenny stood there looking at the closed door and she heard the clock chime fifteen minutes. The whole thing couldn't have taken more than four or five minutes. Jenny felt his stuff begin to slip out of her and held the soiled wipes between her legs to catch it. She then walked to the bed and threw all of them in the little trash can beside the bed, but she could still smell them. She decided to empty the trashcan and not really thinking she started for the kitchen.

It was only when she got to the door that she realized that she needed to put on the bathrobe. Putting down the trashcan, she put it on and stepped out. She was relieved to see that the living room was empty, she had a horror of coming out and seeing Maria and her current partner sitting on the couch making out or something. She emptied the little trash can and took it back to the room. She didn't need to change the sheets; she'd never even touched them so she went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She felt dirty, filthy from what she'd just done, dirty and used. She brushed her teeth then sitting on the commode, she gave herself a douche. She looked at her image in the mirror and touched up her lipstick. This time she didn't have that 'I've done IT' look. Sshe looked like she did before she left for school, and would have been comfortable talking to her principal if she were dressed. It was impossible to believe that she couldn't see any sign of how she felt about what had just been done to her by looking in the mirror. Realizing that she didn't want to see herself in the mirror right now she went back into the living room. As she passed the other bedroom she could hear sounds from the room; Maria was making some of them, but mostly it was the sounds furniture makes when two adults use it the way it was being used.

Jenny went back to the bathroom, got a hand towel, and put it down to sit on the couch. Sitting on the towel suddenly felt obscene. Maria had talked about not making a spot on the couch, but Jenny had though that just meant the K-Y. She now knew that with the enema and the douche she could leak those or the other. She didn't think any of the men's stuff would still come out, but having to sit on a towel because of her bottom was full of stuff was mortifying.

Sitting there, Jenny couldn't help but remember what it had been like just a few minutes ago. The smells of 'the Jerk's' wife on his member and his smells. The image of kneeling there using her mouth on him, running her tongue around that thing, licking his hairy balls, and getting a taste of his sweat. She grimaced as she remembered the way that he had pumped into her mouth, jamming the back of her throat, almost forcing her to gag. But mostly, she remembered the nastiness of being intimate while he talked about his child's game. Jenny hoped someday to see her own children involved in sports. She'd been an athlete when she was younger, but the idea of Jerry leaving for a little bit to go see a woman made her skin crawl. Her mind went to the time when she was bent over. He had pushed her legs further apart and then stepped into her. She could remember the squishy sounds they'd made as he pumped his thing in and out of her... as he fucked her!

It was suddenly clear what he'd done, he'd fucked her and she'd been nothing more than a warm place to put it! He'd never asked her name or given his, he'd just he'd just shot his baby juice into her! The very idea that it was possible to become pregnant from something so impersonal broke her heart and she began to cry softly, unwilling to accept that she was allowing this to be done to her.

"Oh Jerry, I love you so much. I will get through this for you, but it's just so hard!" She said softly, and immediately remembered how much harder it was for him in prison and her part in that.

She found some comfort in that thought, then taking a couch pillow, she clutched it to her and let her mind go blank. She was unaware of the world until the clock chimed of the half hour. Rousing herself, she ambled back to the bathroom to fix her make-up from the damage done by her tears. She looked at her image intently, but she still couldn't accept that she was doing what she was doing; there was a lack of reality to it.

As she fixed her eyeliner, she had a strange thought, 'Would it have been easier for me if the last man I'd 'danced with' had been more personal? I love Jerry, shouldn't that have made the way he did it to me the last time better, since I was so uninvolved personally? Don't I want that distance? Or is there something about doing that with a man, even one I don't know, that I want from it?'

She certainly felt like she'd connected with Ray on a more intimate level than just having had his organ inside her body. He'd said she wasn't a whore, that she was good time girl, but that last man hadn't treated her that way; he'd used her like you would a whore, and she wasn't! She felt a different anger build, but damped, as all her emotions were. She was doing what she was doing, but she didn't have to be treated like a street whore. She didn't have to take that!

Maria burst through the door and dived for the commode. As soon as she was on it Jenny heard what sounded at first like urination but when she passed gas at the same time she realized that she was releasing liquid from her anus. Had her last partner given her an enema? Why would any man do that?

Maria saw her expression, "I'm not sure you want to know... it's so gross, but... hell you'll might get one today. He gave me what's called a Golden Greek. He likes to party and the guy's an athlete, he really rides you, but it's fun in a way; I almost always cum for him, but today he was also drinking beer the whole time. Right when he was ready to leave he needed to take a piss and so he did."

It took several seconds for her words to sink in.

"He did it in you?"

Jenny had never been so shocked in her life. Surely even a whore wouldn't allow that?

"Don't look so shocked, there are lots of guys who like to do it. I understand that some of the monsters out over at the prison rarely use a commode to piss. It's actually kind of a fun feeling, once you get past the being used part, and your rectum won't get infected, the stuff is actually sterile. There was a visitor once who tried to get one of us to let him do it in our mouth, but you don't have to do that, that could be a health risk. I heard you out in the living room, Sam was doing that Jerk routine wasn't he? Arrived with his wife's juice on his cock, talking about some activity of one of his kid's to justify a slam bam and no 'thank you ma'am'? He loves to do that, I don't think he knows how it makes us feel. When he can't get his wife before he comes over, or doesn't have an excuse, he's a nice guy and not a bad lover, but that's his fantasy, a mistress who loves him so much that she'll settle for the smallest crumbs. I don't know for sure, but I think his wife wears the pants in that family. Don't let it bother you, he's not using you like a whore; I know it feels that way when you don't know. What he really wants is for you to beg him for more of his time, to try to tempt him to stay and to tell him how grateful you are that he took time from his family to come see you. He probably was as unsatisfied as you were about how it went. I don't think he knew that there was someone new. A lot of these guys get so into their fantasies that it's as if they're in a different world. He'll make it up to you next month and be a nice guy, but keep in mind that these are rarely one-time sessions. I mean sometimes a visitor will join us. Generally it's someone who is checking us out to see if he wants to join our merry band. Occasionally it's someone who works at a different unit and is making a trade."

As she was talking, she had gotten off the pot and was mixing up a douche and an enema. She sat back on the pot and seemed to be taking both at the same time.

"Yeah you can clean both at the same time. I generally prefer to do them one at a time, but I'm going to want two enemas to make sure I get clean. You don't have to worry about infection from a golden, but there can be an odor buildup and I'd hate that. You look nice, but you don't have to use your free time to get ready for your next dance. If your dance partner leaves early feel free to use all the amenities here. There's a great selection of CD's and a pretty good selection of movies, they generally have two or three new releases here for us to watch during our off time or if we spend the night. They are nice guys; just remember that you are here to fulfill their fantasies. A good time girl who's willing to play a role, that's what we are. If you do that, they are so grateful and that's great for your husband!

Jenny stared for a second then blurted, "This isn't personal to you is it?"

Maria face softened and she clamped off the douche and enema, stood and took Jenny into her arms.

"Of course it's personal, I have to play all sorts of head games to like the guys while they're dancing with me. I have to suspend values, but we can do that, and they are good guys. I could never take a man into my body without it being personal, and if I could I don't think they'd want me. I don't give any of them my love, but I'm so grateful to all them. I do think I could be friends with all of them... if I wasn't doing this, if I just met them someplace. I certainly wouldn't consider having an affair with any of them... well there are a couple I might consider if I wanted an affair badly enough, but I never forget that I owe them. Don't put your heart into it, but don't think that you have to just bend over and take it either. You're a party girl, an anything goes girl, but every party girl wants something in return, and that's affection. We'll do their fantasies, but we still deserve a kiss out of it. It makes it better."

She sat back down on the commode and finished what she'd started. They talked for a while with Maria talking about some of the fantasies that the men liked to do. Most sounded pretty harmless, and many had a lot in common with what was just done to her. Jenny didn't know how well she could have played the role Sam, that was the name of her third lover, wanted if she'd known it, but she would have felt a lot better at the time if she'd known what it was.

Chapter 3: Let's Play

When the clock chimed this time, Jenny didn't have to be led to the bedroom. She was resigned to what she had to do. If she felt fear, it was still that fuzzy kind that seemed so removed, the distance welcome. Walking in she saw a man in his early thirties standing there. He looked her up and down in as frank an appraisal as she had ever had in her whole life. Her first reaction was resentment that she had to allow some one to do that to her while she was dressed like she was.

His first words made it worse, "Aren't you a fine looked piece of pussy! Prime grade A meat on the hoof, come on over here and let daddy get a handful of those blue ribbon tits."

Deep inside, but somehow separate, Jenny felt her anger boil. She'd hated men or boys who made comments like this, and if this man thought she was just going to walk over there and let him cop a feel... two thoughts hit her as she saw his expression, the first was that he was playing a game. He didn't look at all certain of her reaction. Second, that even if she didn't want to, she was going to walk over there and let him cop a feel. Then some fleeting expression confirmed that he wasn't being his real self, that this was some sort of game he wanted her to play.

Choking back her anger and determined to try to get through this 'dance' she said, "If you want to get your hands on these you're going to have to do some sweet talking or figure out something better for that nasty mouth of yours."

She was trying to be light and even coy, which didn't come naturally to her, but when he stuck his tongue out and flicked it she realized what she'd said! She'd practically asked for oral sex and all she'd intended was to ask for a different kind of 'line'.

"Well come on over here and let me tickle your tonsils and see if that doesn't put you in the mood to let me tickle your titties."

Jenny took a deep breath and walked over to him, trying to get into the swing of things when it hit her that if she was a 'party girl' his invitation might have been nice. He'd said he liked her looks and that he was willing to look to her needs too. Trying to lock all her honest reactions deep inside her, she smiled and moved to kiss him. She was unprepared for his kiss. It wasn't just that he began by French kissing her, she'd expected that, but that his tongue was very active, and it felt good! The feeling of her breast mashed against his chest was sexual in a way she hadn't expected. His arms were very muscular; in fact, all of him was muscular. Jenny reacted to that in a strange way, she was turned on! She'd had sex with two different men and had an orgasm but this was different, she could feel her nipples getting hard and she thought she felt some natural moisture forming between her legs.

When his hand went down her back, she let him push her onto his cock and it seemed as hard as the rest of his body. It had been months since Jenny had felt anything like passion, she returned his kiss. She felt his hand move down her bottom and she moved her legs to let him touch her there. When he did, it ignited her and she pressed her body hard to him, grinding her pelvis against his cock in open invitation. The whole kiss had lasted only a couple of minutes but Jenny was panting for breath when he released her.

"Well I found another use for my dirty mouth, are you ready to show me those fine tits you've been trying to push through my chest?"

Jenny didn't even think that she was taking off her clothes for a new man for only the second time in her life until after she had the gown off and was moving back to kiss him again. The buttons on his shirt pressed into her skin and the buckle on his belt was uncomfortable, but his fingers between her legs felt wonderful.

Wondering if this was just the persona she was trying out, or if her emotions were real, she pulled back and said, "Isn't it time that you showed me yours, since I'm letting you play with mine?"

He practically ripped off his clothes, showing a passion that increased the current she could feel flowing between her legs. Without thinking about it, she did to him what he'd done to her. She looked frankly at his body. It was hard and muscular he had to be a weightlifter, and his organ was larger than any she'd seen.
