Cory's Beta Cuckold

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An Alpha male controls a beta cuckold.
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Cory, my wife's new lover lay naked, sleeping on the bed which until a few months ago she and I occupied. Kneeling at the foot of the bed in a nude camisole, I continued to massage his feet until he drifted off to sleep a few minutes ago and kicked me away. Now, I kneel and wait. Celia, my wife was out shopping and having lunch with her friends.

Our cuckolding journey started shortly after we were married five years ago. From the onset, it was clear I could not satisfy Celia. She was ten years younger than me, a BBW with long auburn hair, wide hips, thick thighs, big breasts and a huge ass. Always adorned with too much makeup and perfume and tops which were too tight and skirts which were too shirt, Celia loved showing off her body to other men. I enjoyed the flirtatious nature of our relationship.

One night shortly after our marriage she confessed to me in bed that I didn't satisfy her sexually. I was devastated and cried. She held me in her arms and said she had been doing some research online and thought she had found a solution if I was game. A female-led relationship wherein the female is the sole focus of the relationship. It's about her wants and needs and the husband is there to make sure she is happy and satisfied. It is in fact a total reverse of the old 50's role housewives used to play which was the man was the center of the marriage. Women back then couldn't even have a bank account without their husband's permission! Celia showed me several articles she had read online and gave me the task of reading several more. She gave me one week to make up my mind but told me, should I decide not to go along and live in a female-led relationship, it would be divorce. Much of the material I was assigned to read seemed okay, but some of it was pretty far out there for a man to accept. Such as the wife could take lovers if she wished, and the husband could not. He simply had to accept, encourage, and help out.

For five years Celia and I led an unconventional relationship to most married couples. I worked two jobs sometimes to make ends meet while Celia stayed home, lounged around on the couch ordering from QVC and eating and flirting with men online. She had a stable of men she's met over the years; men who would take up the position of her lover with me serving them sexually and waiting on them hand and foot. I became accustomed to this lifestyle and little by little Celia conditioned me to become more and more submissive and subservient. As she conditioned me to go down a rung on the ladder she rose higher and each time she rose higher she loved it and reveled in it.

Then Cory came on the scene. The first night she brought him home I meekly introduced myself and served them drinks. He was Asian, in his mid-thirties making him thirty years my junior and fifteen years younger than Celia. In the past, Celia had brought home many black studs, muscular Italian jocks, and just regular guys she would pick up in a bar she frequented. Cory apparently had been filled in about our relationship and my role in it. He had me strip immediately to see my chubby, 5'9" inch 250lb frame, totally shaved body and tiny cock which is only three inches when fully erect and a half and inch when soft. He laughed and made fun of my appearance while kissing Celia deeply on the couch. She took his cock out and I gasped. It was impressive soft and grew to between eight and nine inches in Celia's talented hands and mouth. It's girth was what impressed me. As it grew to its full size, it was huge in length and girth.

As is my role in our female-led relationship, I got Cory hard for Celia and got her wet for him, watched them fuck furiously on the bed I'm now kneeling at the foot of and cleaned up both of them afterwards. There was something quietly different about Cory from her other lovers. Where most of them were vocally dominant and aggressive, he was quieter asserting his Alpha male status in a subtly softer way which was more domineering than their vocal protestations. A soft voiced command was followed by a look, a stare which hit me in the pit of my stomach and evoked almost fear in the look he gave me. Celia too responded to his touch and his cock differently from most men. She seemed to sense there was something different about him. They continued to see each other and before I knew it she was seeing no one else; Cory was her sole lover. One morning after he left the house, and I served her breakfast in bed we talked.

"I feel so relaxed and fulfilled this morning. He is different than any man I've been with, including you honey. I mean no disrespect, it's been so long since you've been inside me I don't even remember what you feel like, but he fills me in a different way. It's hard to explain, but I like it! And when we go out on dates, people look at him with respect and demure to him like the Alpha male he is."

"Yes dear, I'm so glad you're happy with him." I said, knowing there was nothing else I could say.

"I've been thinking. I think we should take our relationship to a new level." She reached out and began tickling my balls which she knew would immediately arouse me and make me putty in her hands.

"Yes dear? Tell me more."

"I've been thinking I'd like to have Cory move in with us." My face went crestfallen. My heart sank. There was a pit in my stomach.

"B-b-but in here? Into our home? I mean where would he...where would would.." She cut me off with the wave of her hand.

"Oh silly boy, don't worry yourself with the details, that's what I'm here for. I've got it all figured out and it's really rather simple." She continued to toy with my balls and my tiny cock was now at full mast and leaking pre-cum all over and she gently massaged it into my head rubbing it around and around.

"As for my lover, he would move in here with us. He and I have had long conversations about it these past few months and we have it all figured out."

My heart came into my throat, my knees went weak. They had been conspiring behind my back for months on this! They had planned my future for her pleasure! She used the term "we" as if they were a couple and she and I were not. But her fingers kept tickling my balls and playing with my cock and I sank deeper and deeper into my subspace. She pulled the covers down revealing her big, massive tits as they lay beneath her sheer nightie driving me wilder with desire and deeper into my subspace.

"It's all really quite simple. Cory will move in here, well actually you'll do the physical moving from his place to here, and he will occupy the master bedroom here with me, you'll move all your clothes from the dresser and closet and move them to the little room in the basement, Cory thought that would be best for you. Next, once Cory moves in, you'll have to abide by the rules we set down for you. Here's a list of some tentative rules we've been working on once he moves in." She handed me a typewritten sheet of paper which read:

Rules for the cuckold...

1. No sitting on the furniture. The cuckold will either stand or kneel.

2. Permission from an Alpha will be required for the following tasks:

a. Going to the bathroom

b. Taking a shower

c. Eating

d. Leaving the house

3. The cuckold will reside in the basement room adjacent to the laundry. He will use the garden hose to shower making sure to stand over the drain in the floor. Only cold showers will be allowed

4. The cuckold will continue in his two jobs and keep only the clothing needed for those. Around the house he will either be naked, or wear clothing assigned to him by an Alpha

5. All money the cuckold earns will be the property of his Alphas. The cuckold will have no money or worldly possessions. As a beta, he will devote his life and earnings to his Alpha masters.

6. The cuckold shall obey without question all orders from the Alphas in the house and any other persons identified as being Alphas.

7. The cuckold will at all times show proper respect and dedication the Alphas in the house. He will continue to do all the housework, cooking, cleaning, yardwork, making sure the household is always in tip top shape and his Alphas are always satisfied.

8. All of the above items are non-negotiable, and the cuckold is amenable to ANY other items added to this contract without his consultation.

Below was a place for all three of our signatures. I was in shock trying to digest it all. Celia was toying with her nipples which were standing straight up and driving me wild. She continued:

"Of course, after Cory moves in, he fill you in on any other details we've missed in this contract but for now this should suffice. Before you make up your mind, let me just say should you decide to decline this offer, just like when we went into the female-led relationship, I will file for divorce. And don't forget the pre-nuptial agreement we signed which states in the event of divorce I get everything you own, and you must support me for the rest of my life. So, if you decided not to take us up on this offer, you'll be out on the street homeless. But it's up to you." She pointed out the window. "Out there in the cold all alone or in here warm with me!"

And so began the Cory portion of our lives. Soon after he moved in that first day, Cory made me kneel naked in front of him, offer the contract up to him as if I'd written it and beg him to agree to its conditions. It was emasculating and humiliating but I did it. Most of the time they referred to me as "boy" as Cory said that's what all betas were. Essentially boys serving men. Sometimes they called me cinderfella laughing and taunting me as they said it. Our house soon turned into a shrine dedicated to Cory and Celia. There were no longer any pictures of her and I as they had all been replaced by pictures of the two of them. I was relegated to a tiny room in the basement, almost a closet with a tiny rubber matt for a bed and a pair of Cory's boxer shorts for a pillow. My "bathroom" was a garden hose with cold water only and an old sink which barely had any pressure and had only cold water, and a tiny toilet with no seat and I was always required to sit when going to the bathroom.

Cory had cameras installed throughout the house so he and Celia could keep a constant eye on me. Most of the time I was allowed to be present when they had sex and service both of them, but there were times when they wanted to be left alone so they could "make love" and I was relegated to the basement. Not being in their presence killed me inside. I longed for their approval, I longed for their acceptance, I longed for the emasculation and humiliation they dished out no matter what it was. As a beta male I began to realize my true station in life was to serve. Cory began to require me to make "confessions" into a digital recorder where I would confess how happy I was he was in our lives and how I longed to serve both of them as Alphas and how I was nothing as a beta except someone to cater to their every whim and make them happy. Many times, if he or Celia deemed I had done something to displease them, I would be required to don my headphones and listen to my tapes until my behavior had been "corrected."

Lately, stranger things have begun to happen to me. Shortly after we visited an Asian friend of Cory's who had me stare at a picture while she talked to me the strange things began to happen. I would find myself with a stain in front of my pants having had an orgasm without realizing it. Other times I would wake as almost from a dream to discover I had soiled myself or peed my pants. And still other times, Cory and Celia would make me kneel at their feet as they showed me a video from one of their cell phones of me doing absolutely crazy things like skipping through a mall, or dancing like a ballerina in a restaurant. I may have been hypnotized, but I'm not sure. I began to wonder if I was losing my mind. One day I was sent to the local convenience store and the last thing I remembered was receiving a call from Cory although I cannot recall what he said. The next thing I remembered was a police officer asking me my name as I stood in the parking lot with no pants on as people stared and laughed. Instinctively although I'm not sure why, I reached into my wallet and handed him a card. He read it and handed it back to me and put me in the back of the police car. As I got in I read the card:

"To whomever is presented this card; this man has dementia and suffers from memory loss and his actions can sometimes cause him and others embarrassment. It is not his fault; he is ill and needs to be returned home as soon as possible."

Below that was Celia and Cory's phone numbers. Upon returning home, he escorted me inside. Celia thanked him profusely and said, "I don't know what we're going to do with him! He wanders off and does crazy things. We've told everyone he's my uncle, but because you're a police officer I can tell you the truth, he is my husband. It has been so hard for us to control him and keep track of him. The doctors say to treat him normally and if something happens to pretend it's normal and to have him carry the card at all times." At this point, Cory joined her as I sat embarrassed on the couch. "This is my friend Cory; he's been a godsend since he moved in with us. Thank you so much officer for bringing him home.

Some days I began to actually wonder if I was actually suffering from dementia. It is maddening waking up at a picnic and seeing a huge stain on the front of your pants and knowing you've had an orgasm but don't remember it. I do truly love Celia and have come to love, admire, respect, and revere Cory as they are my two Alphas for which life would not be complete without. As a cuckold, it is hard to believe I entered into this lifestyle willing, but I did and I'm proud to be a beta male and to serve. Some would call it Stockholm syndrome, some would call it a trance, some would call it crazy; I call it love.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
bubbapungbubbapungover 2 years ago

i Loved 90% of it, it kind of fell apart in the end with that hypno thing though

BradsWifeBeckyBradsWifeBeckyalmost 3 years ago

Too detached from reality for me to enjoy.

zena99zena99about 3 years ago

Loved it. 5 stars.

titans2138titans2138about 3 years ago

You lost me at the bull being asian too. I've never heard of that.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 3 years ago

Couldn’t even read this crap.

What’s in it for him? A sexless marriage? A sexless marriage where he has to work, cook, clean, maintain the house and get walked on?

No, seriously. I want to know: what’s in it for him?

What is so great about his marriage that it’s preferable to being single?

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