Cost of Forbidden Fruit Ch. 02


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"Oh how exciting. Something good is coming out of this." exclaimed Mary. Then she asked, "You are going to keep it, aren't you?"

Christine beamed, "Of course we will. But, according to my husband, it maybe them, or a litter as he put it."

As they continued to discuss Christine's ordeal and pregnancy, Ted leaned toward Jason and said, "Let's you and I go into the living room and have a meeting of our exclusive fraternity." Jason followed Ted into the living room. Ted threw two more logs on the fire and Jason took a seat in one of the chairs by the fireplace.

As soon as the two men were out of ear shot, the conversation at the table turned to what it was going to take to prevent Ted from moving his family to California or anywhere else. They even drew Michelle into their conspiracy.

After Ted had stroked up the fire he sat down in a chair next to Jason, "What I mean by a closed fraternity here is that you and I are the only two men on the face of the earth that have had loving sex with Christine. How was it?"

Jason, elbows on his knees, hands holding his head, peering into the fire, sat up straight in his chair, "Ah coach? What do you mean?"

"I mean, was she good or what?"

"Oh coach, once she taught me how to do it right, ah.. Wow, ah... You know better than anyone, it was heaven on earth. I knew all along that I shouldn't be there with her. She's your wife, ah, I had no right... But, oh her touch, just being there with her. I don't think that there's any better. I mean, Oh coach, I love Michelle. But, Missus Cee will always be the most beautiful woman I have ever met and touched."

Ted smiled, "Yeah, I know and I doubt there's any better than the total woman that she is. But, ya know something? I think I may have set her up for this mess by taking her for granted... I'll never do that again. I came way to close to losing her and I couldn't handle that." Ted leaned toward the young man and put his hand on Jason shoulder, "It would appear that if you had not been there, it would have been much harder to get her back, if at all. That's another fact that makes us frat brothers. So anyway, dream come true, huh?"

"Well coach, I never dreamed I would ever get that far with her. I just never ever dreamed I would get that close, physically that is. But ya know coach? I don't think we ever had the whole Missus Cee there with us."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Where Missus Williams, Nikki as she wanted us to call her, was totally into it all, completely there. She enjoyed every bit of it. With Missus Cee, well it seems to me that she left something out in her car. She just wasn't the same person and she didn't stop us from calling her Missus Cee. I mean, ah... I just don't know how to explain it. Just that, well, she wasn't the real Missus Cee until I got her back into her car. She always seemed to be there looking for something that she never found. I don't know, maybe it wasn't there to be found."

Ted sat back in his chair and stared at the fire, "Yeah Jason, I think I know what you're saying. The woman that looked up at me in the room at the frat house Friday night... Well, she was my wife alright. But, she just had a real vacant look about her. I guess that's what takes over when a woman falls off the deep end. I think that's part of the whore that I fucked out of her. We didn't notice it at the time, but since graduation, she hasn't been completely here with us either, really preoccupied. I don't know how I let that get by me. It won't happen again. Anyway Jason, I'm really sorry about calling you an asshole Friday night and Saturday."

"That's alright coach. It was some really tight times."

"Yeah, it was. Anyway, for me to tell you to stop loving Chris, and you can call her Chris now, wouldn't do either one of you any good. I've never functioned on ego. So, it would do me much good, either. The fact is Jason, I don't want you to stop loving Chris, because she needs all the love she can get right now, so do you. I told her and I'll tell you to take the relationship back to the way it was in May. I think Ryan and I will haveta sit down and talk about maintaining a closer relationship with his mom, my wife.."

"Ah, coach? How about Ryan. I mean, have I mess up our friendship? We've been friends since what, the second or third grade."

"Oh ya know, he'd like ta come back here and kill somebody. He's mad as hell. But, don't worry about it right now. His mom and I will fix it between you and him. Um Jason? Chris is very fond of you. The way you looked out for her in the whole thing, I can tell from the look in her eyes that she enjoyed the time you two spent together. It can't ever happen again and she knows that. But, like your mom said, it did happen and we can't change it. I'm sure not gonna hold it against either of you. So, savor the memories. Use the experience in your relationship with Michelle. Shoot, she could be Amy's sister, she looks so much like Chris. .. What's your intentions with her?"

"Oh coach, I wanta marry her. I want her as my wife... I want with her what my parents have, what you and Mis, ah... Chris have. I want to be able to get in and out of something like this and stay together like you and Chris."

"Well, get a ring on her finger. You guys gettin' it on?"

"Ah, no coach. She's a virgin and wants ta get married a virgin. Her parents are divorced and her mother is a part time whore. Her sister lost her virginity when she was thirteen and joins with her mother in prostitution.

"Well, it's nice to hear when a woman does put a value on it. I know there are those that would argue the point with me. But, that certainly is a woman's choice. Chris was a virgin when I married her, I certainly wasn't...How'd ya meet her?"

"Ah, we were assigned the same table in Biology Lab. Two of us to each table. It's a freshman science class for non-science majors. I'm majoring in accounting and she is an English major with emphasis in Creative Writing. She wants to be a novelist. We didn't say much during class, but when it was over, we stood up and faced each other. I knew right then that I had to get to know this girl. So, I asked her to lunch. We realized later that we both fell in love at that lunch..."

Ted sat silent for a bit after Jason stopped talking. Then commented "She looks a lot like Chris did when we first met. I fell in love with her so hard and so fast, I would have married her that night if her father would have let me... Damn Jason, I can't believe I came so close to losing her... So, what'd your pastor have to say?"

"Oh man, he had a lot to say, a whole lot. I've known him all my life. To say the least he was , like my mom, very disappointed." Jason paused for a drink of his soda, "But, two things he said cut like a knife and stuck right in my heart. He said that Christianity is all about Jesus Christ and our personal relationship with Him. That it really doesn't matter how often we get to church. That if I were the Christian I was suppose to be, on the first day Darren called me over to his house I would have I would have got Chris into her clothes and brought her to you. Then told you what was going on. You coulda nipped it all in the bud, as my dad says. I've grown up around Christian teaching and shoulda known what to do. Instead I let my lust for Chris take over and the more we did it the less I wanted it to stop. I'm really sorry coach, really sorry that I didn't do the right thing. I caused Chris a lot of pain and I know it hurt you to haveta hurt her. So, I'm really sorry coach."

"You're nineteen and your hormones are running high. Also, we don't know the whole story yet. But, anyway, I forgive you. A man once said hindsight is twenty-twenty. Right now I just wanta get things back in order. I think one way to do that is to forgive even before a person asks and to be ready to forgive when they do ask. Your parents taught me that earlier today."

The two men heard the front door open a close. It was Amy coming home. Entering the livingroom she greeted her father, then noticed Jason, "Oh Jason, ah, what are you doing here?"

Her father answered her with, "Amy, The Struthers' are over here to clear the air and get the whole story straight between the families."

"Okeh daddy, I guess. How's mom?"

"Check her out. She's in the dinning room with Jason's parents, his girl friend and Donna." Ted replied. "There's fried chicken and all the sides in there, too."

Amy turned to go into the dining room, only to find her mother coming toward her, "Mom?"

Christine opened her arms as Mary had done for her, "Yes Amy, your father has brought me back and it's very permanent." Amy threw herself into her mothers arms. After some tears, Christine said, "Come on in to the dinning room and I'll introduce you to Jason's girlfriend, Michelle."


After helping Christine write her letter of resignation and letter to the state, Donna went home to prepare for work the next day. Amy had gone to bed. Ted and Christine danced a slow dance in front of the fireplace to the music of their wedding day. Then he scooped her up in his arms and carried her off to bed..

Ted stripped Christine waist down and spread her legs, "Time for a pussy check to see if it can handle some cock."

Removing her shirt and bra, she purred, "It's your body, m'lord. Do with it as you wish. And m'lord, my husband, any cock is welcome as long as it is yours."

"You got that right, m'lady. You always were a quick learner." He went on to examine her vagina, "Hummm, I think it needs more oral stimulation to effect total recovery." With a breast in each hand, he began to flick his wife's clitoris with his tongue. Her pussy lips peeled open and he brought one hand down and ran his fingers gently over them.

Writhing with pleasure, she moaned, "Ohhh yess m'lord teddy bear, that feels sooo goood." He went on to again, bring her to another orgasm, without penetration.. Ted stood up and she immediately dropped to her knees before him, "Your turn, m'lord.." Taking his limp cock in one hand, she ran her tongue around the head. Then she buried almost half the semi-erect member in her mouth and began to suck. Bringing him up to a solid erection, she gave his shaft some nice long licks.

"Oh Chris... That feels so good." he moaned as he ran fingers through her hair. Taking a little more of his cock down her throat, she returned to her sucking action. This time she was ready for the load he shot into her throat and she sucked down every drop. When he recovered he exclaimed "Damn you've become so very good at that."

Christine stood up, kiss her husband and purred, "I really like what you do to my pussy with your tongue and fingers. It's a pleasantly different orgasm."

Mister and Missus Canfield took a shower together. Then cuddled up in bed for the night, "I love you my lord Theodore Canfield, Good night."

"Good night my lady Christine Canfield and I do love you too."

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WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 4 years ago

The storyline is mostly good, and other than some stray fragments that missed removal, it’s well written.

I get that he didn’t want a divorce, why he didn’t want a divorce, and why he did what he did. What I don’t understand, is why his wife is hell-bent on not moving. Ted’s been humiliated. Regardless of whether he hears his players’ respect, the community is going to be very uncomfortable for them. As much as he’ll be humiliated, she’ll be treated like the whore she was. As her pregnancy advances, there will be rumors and people questioning paternity.

You’d think that she’d want to get away as much as he does.

So if i were him, I’d be demanding to know why she’s determined not to relocate. There seems a reason unrelated to basketball.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

Was ok... really wasn't needed though

Your first chapter did and said it all.

The only thing that a second chapter should have been used for would be to get some retribution on the scum frat.

Still laughing at fucking the slut out of her.. creative.

P.S. Wish there was a way to block/not have to see at all comments from prats like zed0

HardFeltHardFeltover 7 years ago
When you kick

When you kick a can down the road where does it go? Answer: To the canfield of course!

I was hoping one of the antagonists in this story might be named McCoy; but no such luck.

I read the post about political correctness. My what a temper! I thought erotica was supposed to be entertaining, not political. I kindah liked Bill even if he was a Democrat. Too bad he was a Clinton. Plain old Bill just kept me happy and the republicans didn't have to hide in the bush. Just sayin!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

its used to represent everything from sex to drugs to rock and roll. TK U MLJ LV NV

zed0zed0about 14 years ago
Deleted Comments

Note: After deleting my (zed0) comments schmucksilver sent me the following correspondence which I think his readers and literotica readers in general may find interesting. In keeping with my unusualy thoughtful and perceptive insights, I will try to un-spin some of this in a vain attempt to enlighten and educate Mr. Silvers hopelessly prescribed thinking.

This message contains feedback for:

This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


To begin - I am not registered Republication and certainly not Democrat. Or should we call them as they are, The National Workers Socialist Party. I am registered as an American Independent.

(Also known as an American Idiot. These are the right wing nuts can most often be found taking pot shots at illegals along the border, and blowing up federal buildings. zed0)

Mr. Obama spent $750,000,000.00 to get into the White House (as opposed to McCain’s $80,000,000.).So, as far as I am concerned, the economy, with its current unemployment rate that is still climbing (What ever happened to 8% max.?) and the wars belong to him. He bought and paid for it all, the good and the bad.

(Is he trying to imply Obama spending more than McCain on the election has anything to do with unemployment? The Bushmaster spent 80 BILLION dollars a year invading the WRONG country. A country that had NO involvement in 911 who’s despot leader was as much hated by al-quida as our despot leader was. The only advantage from liberating this poor downtrodden nation was it helped stabilize OPEC so Bush’s Saudi masters and the international oil companies could post record profits paid for with American blood. zed0)

In Feb. 2001 Mr. Bush made mention that our faltering economy could be the fault of the Clinton Administration and the hatred for him boiled over. The carrion crows in the news media just screamed that he was now president and the economy was his problem. It was his economy and he should not try to blame it on the previous administration.

(But the economy was fine when Clinton left office, stock market at all time high, and low (relatively) inflation and unemployment rates. Clinton may have been a fucker, but at least he didn’t screw a whole country, and nobody got killed. As I recollect the carrion crows in the news media crucified Slick Willie for keeping his Willie slick and busy. zed0)

So, do we have a double standard here? That’s something that can come around and bite you in the ass.

(I don’t think so, Bushmaster (remember: a bushmaster is a snake in the grass) fucked up the economy no matter what “the carrion crows in the news media” say. zed0)

So far, all you have done is throw stones from a glass house.

(Huh? You erased my comments, I couldn’t throw anything! zed0)

As far as your comments are concerned - Yes, I delete them simply because they are useless.

(Well now we know if we don’t agree with Mr. Schmucksilver we are deleted, because wrong thinking will not be tolerated. That doesn’t sound very American to me. zed0)

Before you respond to this email, let’s see some of your work submitted to Literotica.

(Okay, check your feedback section. LOL! zed0)


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