Cottage Weekend

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Mismatched pair know each other perfectly.
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"Hey bud, need a beer?"

"Um, sure, thanks,"


My workmate Josh shouted up to his girlfriend from the deck. He had scored his Uncle's cottage for a weekend, and had invited me and another guy up with him. I had just started at the company a month prior, and we had gone out for lunch a handful of times, drinks once or twice- they were very welcoming to me, although a bit too alpha-male at times. I remembered after Josh had asked me, and I said yes - he turned and said; "Bring your girlfriend too, our girls are coming up - wouldn't want you to feel like a third wheel," So there we were, six twenty-somethings in the wilderness with a gorgeous split level cottage, a ton of booze and sunshine.

I could tell though, that when my girlfriend Dot and I first arrived, the guys seemed a bit surprised to see the two of us together.

You see, everyone always thought us mismatched. Sure, we were both 5'10", but physically that's where our similarities ended. I was a dark haired ginger, slender to the point of femininity. A youthful face and form that belied my 29 year old existence, and pale skin with only a smattering of freckles. I should probably add, my name is Jeremy.

Dot on the other hand was a zaftig bleached blonde beauty, who had the style and sensuality of a burlesque performer. She had creamy skin, plump lips, sizeable breasts and a perverse carnality about her that matched well with my sex drive. Comparatively, she had about 60lbs on me, and often joked that we looked like the number "10" walking down the street. In my eyes though, she was my perfect 10. And that's not me even being cheesy, we just worked incredibly well together where it mattered.

I had never really felt strongly about specific body types before, but admit that when Dot had initially started hitting on me at a friends party some months back, I ridiculously balked. I can blame it on a lifetime of being told that Playboy bunnies, and lithe supermodels are gorgeous, but know that all those built in prejudices - well, they're a choice we each make. So when I rebuffed Dot's first advances, it was more about my insecurities than any specific tastes.

After that party, our paths seemed to cross on a regular basis, and she seemed persistent, which annoyed me. I remember feeling a bit insulted that this larger girl had put us on the same level, and wasn't taking a hint. Seeing her more though, my mind had begun to change, and I warmed to the idea of just hooking up with her. I told myself, "she'll be grateful" and "I'm sure she'll let me try anything", and gave into her request for a dinner date.

Spending time with her that evening was incredible. We got along devilishly. She was quick and clever, wholly intelligent and amazingly ribald. I couldn't play a dating game with her, or try to be "the man" - she disarmed me in an effecting manner. The ease and intimacy of our conversation probably had us both mentally fucking by the time dessert came. We took it to go.

Our first time together was a slightly tipsy, but ferocious affair- complete with torn clothes, brute physicality, and an unawareness that we had been fucking all night- until we realized the sun was coming up. The most indelible part of our first time together, was just how much we sexually challenged each others desires. There was no timidity, everything was put out on the table and gobbled up. It was as if two people had been given 6 hours to tick off all their bucket list items, and made a meal out of the experience.

We had been together for about two months, by the time we headed up North, and were as inseparable, as we were insatiable.

"So, Jere' - you like big tits eh'?"

Sam had flip-flopped onto the deck where Josh and I sat in loungers, staring out at the lake. Josh shot his buddy an irritated glance, while I politely chuckled at the question.

"Sure, man."

A bit chuffed, Sam kicked a pebble off the deck and joined us, staring out at the water. "I mean, thats totally cool dude. Your girl is built, congrats,"

Josh snorted at Sam's attempt to smooth over the moment. We could hear the screen door back at the cottage open and slam shut. Footsteps followed, nearing as they approached. I felt two cold hands slip over my shoulders and underneath my tank top. I jumped a bit, before turning my head to kiss Dot's wrist.

"Girls are here now, you can quit talking sports," Linda spoke playfully, and handed me my beer. Linda was Josh's girlfriend, and a really cool chick. You could tell she knew to say all the right things in social situations, but was great at knowing when to be quiet and assess people. She was a brunette with a slender body, and a penchant for keeping a deep tan. Sam's girlfriend, well, she kinda fit Sam well. In her early twenties, she was the youngest in the group, dirty blonde hair, tight body of a teenager, and a scattered, self-drawn attention span. If she wasn't squealing about a bug, she was on her phone Snapchatting or instagramming. Sam wasn't the brightest bulb himself, but he did what he could to cater to her errant moods.

We sat about talking about work, the weather, our families, and how we all met our significant others. Dot guided the conversation with ease, and I could tell that her and Linda had clicked while having 'girl talk' in the kitchen. For dinner, we barbecued steak and vegetables, drank more beer and traded dirty stories. As the sun dimmed, Jenny went inside to charge her phone, Linda and Dot cleared dishes, while the guys gathered wood for a bonfire.

Dot had taken a seat on a log close to the fire, and I sidled up to her, wrapping my arm around her back and grabbing a handful of flesh. Linda and Josh sat in their chairs making idle chit chat, and Sam had walked Jenny down to the dock,where they seemed to be having an increasingly tense conversation. Moments later, Jenny blew by us with Sam in close pursuit.

"Uh, I just need to uh - drive Jenny into town. She needs..." He trailed off as he raced to his car. Doors slammed, and the rest of us shared a laugh.

"Anyone else thinks that Sam needs to be making better choices?" Linda excused herself to use the bathroom. Josh gave her a minute before looking over at us, "Actually guys, I think we're gonna call it a night, um - you can put this out right?"

I nodded at him as he got up and headed back to the cottage.

"They're totally going to fuck right now," I whispered to Dot, who had now put her leg over mine, and was holding my hand.

"I don't think so," Dot smiled, making eye contact with me, "wrong time of the month,"

I grimaced for Josh, but took advantage of our our newfound isolation, to lean inwards for a deep kiss. Our lips parted, and we just stared at each other, grinning for a full minute. The light from the fire danced in my girl's eyes as we both counted down in our heads. We had a mutual thought, and as soon as the cottage light went off it was game on.

Dot pushed me back off the log, and on to the grass, climbing on top of me in the process. She forced my wrists above my head while grinding my crotch.

"We're not going back in there until we're covered in dirt, grass stains, scratches and cum, got it?"

Catching her off guard, I swung her over on her back, folding myself into her curves and pointedly thrusting my clothed groin into her.

"You first, you dirty little whore"

We grinned, and kissed deeply once again. I moved my hips slowly, mashing my shorts into her pubic mound, causing her to moan from the blunt force. She wrapped her thick calves around my waist and held me in place.

Moving my lips down alongside her neck, I paw at the strap of her sundress, the floral fabric having been stretched to the limits by her massive tits. I bit at the cleavage before roughly yanking her pink bra downwards, her creamy breast spilling out from confinement.

Massaging her breasts with both hands, I sucked and nibbled at her nipple, pulling it taut with my mouth before circling with my tongue - my midsection humping away all the while. She interrupted me to tear my tank top off, allowing her to run her nails across my back. The pain inflicted made my own movements stronger, more forceful. Our moans met a crescendo, just before I felt it was time to move on.

Separating momentarily, I stripped off my clothes like a mad man, nakedly revealing my throbbing cock in front of the dwindling fire. Dot had pulled her sundress over her head and wrestled herself out of her bra, leaving her in a pair of tiny red lace panties -the fabric lost in a gully of flesh. Her thick legs, and belly all curved inwards to the sweet cunt I'd longed for since we got in the car that morning. I could practically smell the steam coming off her pussy, which enraged a part of me that needed to be satiated.

I fell to my knees in the grass and dirt , and with ragged breath tore a hole in the crotch of her red lace panties, big enough to see the glistening, puffy labia in the orange hue of the fire. I lined up my cock and pushed into her until I felt her engulf me whole.

And I pounded away, haphazardly trying to keep my balance, feeling the skin on my knees cut away by tiny stones, but angrily plunging my cock in Dot's greedy hole. She crushed me with her legs, and was bellowing now, feeling a good kind of pain that brought her nails along my back again. I allowed her to wrap my body up in hers, as I continued to furtively wiggle around, trying to mash my pubic bone atop her clit. I pushed back, out of her grasp, putting my hand around her throat, watching her eyes wildly begging me to keep fucking her. I steadied myself and increased the pace, once again just pounding into her, watching as her flesh rippled under my movements.

She began to whimper, and I felt a familiar twinge that told me I wasn't going to last long. I loosened my hand around her throat and straightened up. I watched her tits flop up and down as I fucked her, glancing up to look her in the face. My eyes must have told her I was about to cum, because she reached down and grabbed my ass to keep me inside her. Stars blinded my vision as I let go, cumming inside of her, one long release, followed by five consecutive spurts that made my body spasm as my cock softened. I pulled out and fell into the grass and dirt on my back, grasping at my overly sensitive cock head.

Before I could catch my breath, Dot had straddled me, her pale skin flush, and a big grin on her face. Her body always seemed that much bigger when she did this, and was always successful in instantly flipping the status. I could feel the dirt and grime covering my sweaty back as she nimbly shifted her weight forward, and planted her pussy lips on my face.

"eat my fucking pussy you little fuck boy," She hissed at me as I was buried under her crotch.

Her cunt was a wet, sloppy mess at this point, and I licked at her for all I was worth. I tasted my cum mingled with her own juices, keeping my eyes closed as it all washed over my face. I'd try to spit out as much of the cum as I could. It wasn't so much that I liked tasting my own cum, as it was how hot the idea of being forced was. Becoming the dirty little bitch boy, made things that much hotter for me, and we knew how to mix things up.

After a minute, I began to eat her out in a panicked fashion, this was a signal to her that I needed air, and so Dot would shift her weight to let me gasp out and fill my lungs, before she landed once more on my mouth.

I ate away at my girl like a desperate man, feeling her weight, and the vibrations of her moaning. She rode me, lifted for air, then planted once again, until I targeted her clit, and sent her over the edge for one final quivering orgasm. She collapsed beside me in the grass, and we both lay there panting, looking up at the stars.

Then, a twig snapped, and we both sat up abruptly.

Linda was there, eyes wide and kneeling by the chair she sat in earlier.

"I...forgot my phone,"


The ease in handling an incredibly awkward moment like that, had to come from both girls. We all had a moment of horror, followed by laughs. But as Linda tripped over her apologies to watching us, and I tried to assemble my clothes, Dot raised a hand and slowed the moment.

"Guys, look - we're all dirty fucks, but I think a swim and a smoke is in order, Linda?" Dot glanced over at the cigarette package that was left in Josh's chair. It wasn't tobacco, and that wasn't a bad thing. "You've already seen us naked, so there's no point in getting a suit on, right?"

Linda and I stopped our movements, and agreed. I pulled up my girl, and we all walked down to the dock. Linda settling into a muskoka chair, while Dot and I slipped into the water to rinse off. Linda lit a joint, and laughed at me.

"Your face is a mess Jere',"

God, I had forgotten. My face was covered in cum and quim. I blushed, before dunking myself under water, and washing my face off. I resurfaced and spat.

"So, how much exactly did you see?"

Dot swam up behind me, floating on her back.

Linda paused, trying to think of what to say, seemingly weighing her options.


We quietly laughed among ourselves. Dot seemed intrigued.

"C'mon now. When did you first notice?"

Again Linda seemed to be weighing things in her head before speaking. "Well, I had gone in to use the bathroom, and Josh came in looking for sex, I told him I was still on the rag, and so he flopped down into bed and fell asleep. So I cleaned up a bit, and realized I had left my phone outside. I got about ten feet from the cottage before I saw Jeremy on top of you,"

Dot wrapped her arms around me under water and kissed my shoulder as she listened.

"It was... it was fucking hot okay!" Linda giggled nervously without making eye contact. "It turns me on to see stuff like that. I mean, like, porn is boring to me, but actual fucking. I mean, where do you go to see THAT, right?"

Dot's hand travelled down my body until she found my cock. She slowly began massaging it back to life.

"So I just kinda stood there, not sure what to do. I nearly freaked out when you all switched, cuz I thought I was spotted," Linda took a drag off the joint.

We all kept in our places, quietly reflecting on the situation. It dawned on me.

"Did you want us to know you were watching?" I swam over to the dock and motioned for the joint. Linda passed it over, and I took a puff as I eyed her silence. "You saw we were done, you could have left and gotten your phone later," I let the question hang in the air with the smoke. I passed the joint on to Dot, who was floating on her back again, exposing her tits and bush.

Linda grinned a little to herself. "Yeah, okay. Maybe. I dunno to be honest. Like, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not trying get a three way going, but you guys fucking was hot, and it turned me on. It wasn't a conscious thought or anything, but yeah, I kinda like the idea that you guys know I was watching. I — I dunno why. Call it a quirk."

Dot swam up, lifted herself out of the water, and sat on the edge of the dock. The water sluiced over her in rivulets, her skin exposed to the moon light. She leaned back on her hands, and smiled a satisfied grin at me. Linda continued.

"Like girl, you're fucking gorgeous. You're more of a woman than Sam's sorority girl, and you clearly know how to handle yourself," She smirked and stretched her arm out toward Dot, who passed the joint back. I dove underwater and submerged at the edge of the dock, resting my arms up on Dots knees, looking over at Linda.

"And, maybe this is weird - but I'm kind of fascinated by Jeremy - because... I dunno, like, and don't take this the wrong way. But I don't look at you and think evil little fuck machine who chokes his girlfriend!"

We all laughed, perhaps a little too loud. It echoed across the lake, and I looked up to see if the cottage lights were on. They weren't.

"So you guys are just hot. And fascinating. And like watching real people fuck, it kinda feels like an out of body experience, because you feel like you're watching yourself in a way,"

Dot looked down at me in the water, pushing my wet hair away from my forehead. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful. Weirdly, as I listened to Linda talk about us, I felt beautiful. Then almost as if she was reading my thoughts, Dot scooted her butt to the dock's edge, and parted her legs. If Linda was still talking, I had tuned her out, as I stared directly at the dark, wet curls and bruised pussy lips of my girlfriend. I dutifully stuck my tongue out and tasted her again.

Half in the water, I used my mouth on Dot. I licked vertically, i nibbled at her labia, and I sought out her clitoris. She parted her legs, grabbing me by the hair, and turned her body so that Linda could see more of my work. Linda for her part stayed silent, completely rapt by the scene.

Dot pulled me away and nodded her head. She moved further away from the edge, and I pushed myself up onto the dock, my hard on jutting out, and shining in the moon light. I was acutely aware that I had just fully exposed myself to a workmate's girlfriend. She was looking at my cock now, the entirety of my naked body. I was both vulnerable, and proud. Not to mention motivated.

I lay aside my girlfriend, faces to each others genitals, and we both began to nurse at each others bits. It was gentle and meek, as we aimed to not just please each other, but to perform for an audience of one. I tried to take a sideways glance at Linda, but my position prevented me from seeing what she was doing. I continued lapping away at Dot while she sucked my cock to its full length.

We repositioned again, with Dot on all fours, and me lining my dick up to fuck her once more. I was directly in front of Linda now, staring at her as I began to fuck.

It's hard to figure out what was exciting me about this scene. I was staring at Linda, fully clothed, as I fucked my girlfriend in front of her. Was it enjoying the vulnerability? Did I like being the object? The performer? Was I locking eyes with Linda, as I felt a pussy clench around my dick, thinking about fucking her? Was I trying to demonstrate my manliness? My dominance?

I rocked my hips back and forth, deepening my stroke into Dot's pussy. Linda's eyes raced over everything, my body, Dot's jiggling ass, her pendulous tits scraping the wooden planks. I felt that twinge again, and began to speed my pace.

"Cum on my back, show her your cum!" Dot hissed at me between moans.

I hauled out and let loose, cum flying in the air, and landing on Dot's back and ass. I looked up at Linda who had a wide, satisfied grin on her face, chuckling dirtily. I was spent, and my whole body was flush. Dot spoke again.

"Show her how you taste it,"

I didn't think, I just leaned forward and began to mash my tongue around my seed. I kept my eyes up, looking at Linda as she leaned forward in her seat. Dot spoke again.

"Now eat my ass,"

I shifted backward, locking eyes with Linda - who seemed to doubt my devotion to this woman at the moment. I sank my face down, losing eye contact with her, as my view was eclipsed by two giant cheeks. I plunged my tongue into my girl's anus, receiving an appreciative, guttural moan in return. I licked and prodded madly, blindly -hearing Linda's chair creak, as she got up to leave.

"You guys are the hottest fucking perverts,"

And with that, she was gone.

I concentrated fully on Dot's ass now, my beautiful, curvaceous girl. We continued our efforts out in the wild for some time, eventually collapsing in a big fleshy heap, before taking another dip in the lake.

Watching Dot in the water, in the moonlight, coming off the high of what we just did, I think I realized why our show was so fucking hot to me.