Cougar House Ep. 037: Period Peace


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"Here!" Greg passed his cellphone forward. "Try calling Ben and leaving voicemail. Tell him you're with Eric and I. Apologize if you need to...or not. Just find out where he is so I can get my mom's van. She'll be waking up here soon and calling me to get it back."

Taking his cell, she saw Ben's number dialing already. Going to voicemail she opened up. "'s Lily! I'm soooo sorry you had to see what you did. I'm stupid...we can talk about this...if you want to. I'm with Eric and Greg, I think Eric's going to take me out to Margo Needy's home for the day. If you can call me...I'd like you to come out and maybe, we can take a walk and talk At least let me know you're okay. Please? I... please don't hate me." Leaving it at that she hung up and handed the cell back to Greg. Peace and quiet for the next five minutes.

"Here comes Eric." Greg noted as Lily looked down at the floorboard. Reaching his vehicle, he opened up his back seat door and hooked the leash to Studly's collar. Dog food and two dishes went to the trunk. Climbing in behind the driver's seat Eric sat there staring at his sister. Eyes meeting finally, he patted his button-down shirt.

"I got something back for you."

"My cellphone?" She brightened up.

"No. Mom had that in her purse."

"What do you mean then?"

Laughing Eric opened his shirt and gave her a glance at what was hidden before embarrassing her. "YOU ASSHOLE!" Inside his shirt was the dildo she dropped yesterday off the roof which landed at her mother's feet. Confiscated and hidden away Eric found it in the laundry room. Beet red she reached over and grabbed her toy and quickly hid it in her duffle. Grumpy but trying not to laugh over it she mouthed, "Thank you." Eric puckered and pulled out of his drive. Time to scour the town. Ben there done that!


After a hot bath to ease her aches, pains, and wounded ego Margo slipped on her only other clean pair of underwear. Wearing only her lace panties to cover her tampon Margo Needy left her room to seek out her coffee mug. With Cabot gone she had her house to herself again. Shuffling to the kitchen she started her coffee pot and did some stretches to liven up her limbs. "I'd do yoga, but I'd bleed all over the place. I really should ignore Heath's order to not wear clothing unless we have visitors but even though I risk cleaning up after myself I just...don't want to let him down. He thinking he hurt me is painful enough. To disobey him...I just can't. Gross ole' Margo Needy!"

Bored already she chose to step outside on her front porch deck and take a look across her property to see what Brian and Jeffrey Hancock were up to, they supposedly taking down tents. "It's early still but it doesn't look like they've gotten much accomplished. There are still a few cars out there maybe they're just still partying. I hope no one stole my belly dancing costume to take home and sleep with, I worked hard on that. Oh well! If they did, I'll just design another one. Although I'd never deny my sweet young Master's another such gangbang I honestly hope it can wait a few months. With my going to Paris soon, dealing with financing on the B&B, and Elena coming to stay with me I need time to focus on my real future before Winter hits. At least if I do get the money required, I should be able to get the additions built on to the existing house and be ready for a Spring grand opening." Peering up at the clear blue sky she shivered at the morning chill. "Darryl? If you can hear me succeed in this dream. I miss you Honey, no matter the nasty deeds you pulled behind my back. You know I forgive you." Sighing, her chills called for hot coffee to ease the goosebumps.

While Margo returned to her kitchen, out in the bonfire area Brian and Jeffrey were busy with a pet project. Finding a certain Braedon Wilkes passed out from over intoxication alongside his buddy Burley Pruett the brothers Hancock felt a little mischief as revenge was called for. Knowing Braedon was cheating on their stepsister Gwen, although technically she was doing the same in seeing her brother Brian, it just needed addressed. Their way!

"Look at that drooling fuck!" Brian discovered Braedon laying over his buddies' torso, Burley leaning against the stage stump where Margo danced upon. "Wonder how out they really are?" A nudge of his boot to Burley first there was zero reaction. Even nudging his dick still dangling from his trousers wasn't sensitive enough to..."Can you believe I just aroused this dumbass?" Burley got hard just that easily. Sad!

Of course, looking just above Burley's lap it wouldn't take much to. A snap of his finger at Jeff with a motion to take a picture with his cell, Brian moved strategically around Braedon and gently pushed him forward with his boot toe. Gradually slipping with his mouth wide open Braedon landed, lips touching Burley's erection. Not fully engulfed but still drooling over it, Jeff captured a moment of Braedon's tongue almost appearing as if it was licking Burley's shaft. Video taken just for laughs he paused recording just long enough for Brian to crouch and carefully move Braedon's hand up to cup Burley's balls.

Resisting hard to avoid laughing the brothers pressed their luck. Using Burley's hand to place it on top of Braedon's head then ever so lightly nudging Burley's crown up toward Braedon's mouth it slipped inside his jawline. Man, oh man! Those morons were dead to the world. Braedon coughed a bit but didn't revive as Burley's dick sank deeper up his throat. The video saw Braedon stir slightly and make it appear as if moving back and forth over his buddy's cock, before just settling without any knowledge he was in this position. Burley however managed to lift his left leg at the knee pinning Braedon's hand on his balls. Eyelids fluttering Brian moved away with Jeff to hide and keep filming. Burley inevitably revived and looked down at his lap to see Braedon's scalp, his own hand palming Wilkes head. Wincing with blurred vision Burley just threw up on his chest and passed back out.

Laughter could no longer be contained. A few more minutes of video their plan of humiliation was achieved. Deciding to leave them like that they set out waking others and letting them discover Wilkes and Pruett on their own. For over thirty minutes Braedon had Burley's dick in his mouth. More video from other party survivors would back up Brian when Gwen inevitably saw proof. Fist bump between brothers Brian and Jeffrey tore down tents until Braedon and Burley woke up taking swings at one another for Braedon's sick seduction. A friendship ended that day. Oh well! The Hancock Brothers didn't like either of them. Pissed off and ashamed they still rode home together; Burley having ridden with Braedon. Not a word to Brian concerning Gwen, Bri simply hoped she would learn from someone else and break up with Braedon once and for all. WinWin situation!


Heath Talbot needed to be alone earlier after feeling lousy over making Margo hemorrhage, his ego punched even as his fist bumped her intestines. No job these days and needing to conserve gas he headed out on foot to Elliot Needy's treehouse with his tools and no idea what he was doing yet. He really didn't have any wood to work with to fulfill ideas he had so if anything, this treehouse was merely a retreat from emotions. He was getting too used to dominating his land lady and after last night he was regretting it. Temper flaring, he tossed his toolbox near the tree trunk and kicked at the grass. "Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! I hurt Margo. She may say I didn't...but I know I did. She's just protecting my feelings."

Shedding tears with no one around to see he let it all out until there was nothing left. Sighing he looked up at the house above and climbed the staircase which had been left lowered since the boys brought her here and put her in the sex swing, he had hung from the bottom of the treehouse floor. Fun times!

Maybe, he thought that this was a reality check to his ego. He was nothing like he was now before moving out here to rent off of Margo. Her needs being met daily by all four tenants had changed all of them. He most of all, becoming increasingly more dominant after being exposed to Darryl Needy's attic. It's BDSM environment accompanying his own needs to be in control, then hearing of home movies of how Darryl used Margo fueled his ambitions. Even her son Elliot was abusive behind her back yet groomed by his adopted father to take over for him. Thankfully Elliot although being a piece of work himself hadn't fully embraced what Darryl Needy might have had in mind. If Elliot couldn't..."I can!" Heath wanted to own Margo 100%. Now? After last night? Questionable!

At the door of the glass encased treehouse he found the hidden key, now that Margo released it to her boy toys. Entering the four-room enclosure he had to open a few windows to compete against the pent-up heat. A cool day amid the forest it helped immediately. Shuffling about looking through Elliot's stored possessions he ended up at the film projector Elliot used to watch home movies. Movies mostly of his dirty little secrets concerning his adopted mother. "Cabot said they were steamy. My turn to watch a few." Figuring out the projector he realized he needed to jumpstart the generator. A swift fill of gasoline it fired up with precision ease.

Selecting a random video from the cache he read the piece of tape on the shell which said Red Alert. "Sounds like a Star Trek episode." Shrugging he runs the film into the projector and starts the movie. Plopping down on the mattress Elliot had laying on the floor in front of a movie screen he stretched out to fill the void of silence. Watching the opening as Darryl Needy himself made an appearance using his camcorder. Whispering as he walked through his home it was evident, he was sneaking up on Margo in their bedroom. "Sup Darryl?" He chuckled. "Put some clothes on Coach."

In his stealth approach to his master bedroom, he crept in to see Margo in bed snug as a bug. A blind moment of Darryl pinching their blankets and dragging them from her body, Heath was privileged to witness her flesh from years earlier. "Hairs straight! Fuckin' hell she's gorgeous. Panties on...grrr! Those days are over Darryl." Something then caught his eye while Darryl panned his camcorder on her thigh gap.

"Oh fuck! You have to be kidding me. Darryl? Are you trying to tell me something? Margo's on her period in this video, just like she is right now. You suck dude! Not really! Just saying bad timing." Preparing to shut the movie off he noted Darryl using both hands to peel her panties off, she waking up expressing a giggle. "Darryl what are you up to?" He heard her, that moment saved Heath's button pushing from making a big mistake.

"Breakfast in bed Baby." Darryl rolled her over with one hand to enable filming with his other hand. The glow in Margo's face even in her waking yawn was angelic, melting Heath in his overpowering persona. Camera exploring her beauty first and foremost she recited her love for her husband, he her. It was almost as if Heath were intruding on their inner most passions.

"Where's breakfast Darryl?" Heath realized. "I didn't see any breakfast tray." Idiotic moment! Was it strange that Cabot Ross brought her breakfast earlier as well? Ironic how messages come from Heaven. A few moments of camera gradually lowering to survey her entire body, every single facet, the lens ended on what had grossed anyone out. "Oh, hell no!" Heath just knew where this was going. Taking the camera and showing first her bloody twat then moving the camera to point downward from her tummy Darryl winked at her.

"This is how much I love you." Darryl whispered then buried his face in a bloodbath of devotion. His tongue digging up inside her and delighting her soul in the background. Fingers in and out of her tenderly to create a seductively erotic moment. Sure, it seemed gory but just hearing Margo praise her man, made Heath stare without expression.

"Unreal!" He had never in his life witnessed a bloody cunt up close, let alone see any man devour a woman in such a loving way. No man in his right mind would do this unless...he truly did love his mate. "Mad respect Coach! I'd say put me in... but..." Queasy! Yet, watching the entire film Heath concluded that this was the thing that made the couple special. Definitely an eye opener.

Finalizing her climax Darryl Needy raised his face from her thighs to look like something out of a Vampire movie. Pelting his way up her body leaving bloody kisses all the way to her lips he recorded them making out, she samples her own blood on his tongue. In the fever Darryl Needy made love to his wife, she reacting to his deep thrusts. Gory details the video concluded with a gentle nut. Love eternal!

Video ending on a sigh, Heath Talbot shut the projector off and placed the film back in its metal tray. Breakfast tray? Sure! Why not! After that film Heath just couldn't venture further into Elliot's stockpile. This Red Alert was enough to make him think. For over an hour he sat on that mattress and listened to nature. Birds! Bees! Growls! "Growling?" He sat up in a hurry. "Oh fuck!" Peering out a window to the limb that held Elliot's carved heart, Heath saw the source.


Certainly not Margo Needy!

This pussy wasn't bloody.

Yet! It did look hungry.

Not good!

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Naaaaaaaaaaa! At least I don't think so. Factor in the holidays, the pandemic, possibly shorthanded, etc. I have SCRATCH 126: QUIET DOWN and ENTITY NEST 8: DOGGY DADDY in their capable hands as well so those should see light in a few days.

UPDATE on COUGAR HOUSE I just finished writing episode 83, this series ROCKS! LONG LIVE THE COUGAR DYNASTY! LOL!

I'll be adding the first episode of the SCRATCH sister series called STARTING GATE a few more days out which collects flashbacks from Piper's niece Monet and her mother Piper's sister, Mace's mom MONA That's called STARTING GATE Ep.1: MONET SHOT. If you're highly religious, you might want to avoid the blasphemy. LOL! However, seeing as we're all addicted to porn, I doubt I lose many readers. LOL! This series takes place in seminary school. On the flipside with it I'll also release the devil's succubus RAVEN NEVERMOURN's next installment SURREAL KILLER. Plenty to read coming.

See you there, I hope.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Did you piss off the mods? Lol

SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks! COUGAR HOUSE 38: GAME TrAIL and STARTING FROM SCRATCH 125: ACHILLES HEEL is still in MOD MODE lol. I added both on my birthday and they're still waiting to be released. Shouldn't be too much longer.

My plan is to release COUGAR HOUSE 39: SEE SPOT RUN toward months end. I just finished writing Episode 79 so I might just keep releasing twice a month for 2 years. We'll see.

Thanks again.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Happy Belated bday!!

SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Happy New Year to you. As you have guessed my delivery date on 38: GAME TrAIL is overdue. Holidays and all. I'm sure you understand. My plan today is to finish chapter 71 which I'm only at 1200 words currently then edit and polish up 38 and 39 for release this month. My goal although deviating on another writing schedule, is to reach chapter 80 then stop for a while to work on other series. Which will mean 44 new chapters in a row. GO ME! Which brings me to one conclusion.

As a New Year begins, I've decided to release 2 chapters a month for at least 6 months, possibly longer. I never want to run low again on this series if I can help it. So, I'm guessing I'll go back to one a month with chapter 50: MADAMoiseHELL aka Elliot's scam over in Paris. That boy is nothing but greed. LOL! And Margo isn't even over in France yet. LOLOLOL!

Hang in there I'll have 38 out by the 5th. which happens to be my birthday. 39 by let's predict the 25th. See you soon my friend.


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