Cougar House Ep. 051: DEPOSIT SLIP


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"Not sure yet. It's better you don't know. I'll get it back to you as soon as I can. 201 Pine Mulder. Be careful! Don't act suspicious! Matter of fact if Erica can talk at all without some woman named Roxie there let her call this phone so I can talk to her. Let Jenna talk to her."

"Got it!"

"Six blocks from here maybe. I'd give you a ride but there's cameras all around. Let's keep things minimal."

"Right on!" Greg tagged Ben on the shoulder, "Let's jet Homie."

Ben just kept quiet. Heath noting his demeanor was tempted to question it but he knew it was likely about Lily and maybe the masturbations last night. Not the time to get into any of that. Watching them walk off Heath pulled back on to the street and drove on. Where to unknown to even he at the moment. The plan would come together soon enough.



"Hey Margo? What's going on? You never call me." Brian Hancock was lucky enough to hear his call while taking a break in carving up a tree he and his dad Bruno had dropped. Firewood for the owner's fireplace in the winter.

"Have you gone to the bank yet to deposit the money from the bonfire?"

"Not yet! I will in about an hour. I haven't lost your deposit slip."

"I wasn't worried. I trust my Master." Brian in hearing this grinned. Any other person he might stiff but not Momma Margo. "Could you keep out maybe two hundred and buy me some groceries? Our cupboards are getting bare."

"Sure! After I pick up Jeff, we can hit Aldi's. Text me a grocery list."

"Thank you, my sweet handsome, well-hung Master."

"Someone sounds horny."

"You should know by now I'm always horny. Oh! Jacob at the bank called me about a board meeting over my loan. We meet Wednesday morning at 10:00. I wish this bonfire money could be applied to my collateral, but we need it to pay bills and eat on."

"Have Heath give you a ride Wednesday. He's not working."

"That was my plan. I've tried calling him but he's not answering." No longer in service thanks to Wayne Nichols. "I know he had his cell reactivated." Then deactivated against his wishes.

"Who knows with Heath. We'll get you to that meeting if I have to take off early or maybe even ask Gwen or her sisters to come get you."

"It will work out. Okay, that's all I wanted. Studly and I are going to take a nap together seeing as we're all alone. Lily took Eric's car to go get a few things." Seated on her front porch with Eric's sheepdog hugging up on her for attention she noted a reflection coming in from her gravel road entrance. "Cabot's home he's pulling in now. I'll get you that list within the hour."

"Later mom!" Brian concluded his call, his father Bruno wincing at him. "We call Margo mom. Slut, cunt, or whore mostly though."


Everyone was happy.


Lily Crowe pulled up to her family home, both her mother Georgia and father Dale at work. Having called her bestie Kimberly Lisa Hines, the tiny blond cutie met her there, only living three blocks North of the Crowes. They used to hang out every day but once jobs came into play, their schedules were not always in synch. Kim now unemployed after quitting due to her emotional distraught over Lily's brother Eric not wanting her, choosing an older woman twice his age, she in turn tried to make him jealous. That did not go over as well as she had hoped. Fucking the woman's son with only a thin wall between them was not her brainiest moment. Dumb blond!

Sitting on the front steps Kim hopped up as Lily pulled into the drive. A backpack in her hands she met Lily at the backseat. Tossing in her pack Lily shut the door and jingled her keychain. "Let me grab some clothes for a few days and we can hightail it out of town."

"Are you sure this is a good idea Lily? I mean, I don't want Eric to hate me or think I'm stalking him."

"Stop worrying! You bring a bikini? Margo has a pool."

"Yes! My leopard prints."

"Then I'll grab my zebra we can go on safari."

"I hope Eric hunts me." Kim giggled.

"If he doesn't, you just move on. There's a million sexy guys out there and you're the most gorgeous girl I know."

"Second only to you."

"You know it!" Lily hugged her bestie. "There are other guys living with Eric and Margo. Do you remember Heath Talbot?"

"Eww! Wrestler! Always over here hanging out with Eric. So egotistical!"

"He has his moments. He didn't use to be until he moved in with Margo Needy. Well, not always anyway. Yeah... he's an asshole. Brian Hancock and his brother Jeff are there too. Cabot Ross, but I've barely seen him. He works a lot, I think. Hilltop as a waiter."

"Cabot's cute. Brian's another asshole."

"Biggest dick I've ever seen though." Tasted! Sucked on! Stroked! Anyways, too soon!

"You've seen his dick?"

"I've seen Jeff and Heath's too. So much I want to tell you."

"I fucked Greg Shepard."

"You told me already. Greg could be worse."

"I guess! He did hit some good spots. The only thing is... I wouldn't have done it if Eric wasn't with Greg's mom in his office. All I wanted was to make Eric jealous."

"I keep telling Eric he's losing the best thing he could ever have in letting you go."

"Aww thanks Lily. I'd be so awesome to him in a relationship."

"I know you would. Just hang in there. Maybe the next couple days he will see the light. Worst case is... you might get to see those dicks." She laughed. "Trust me! You see Brian..." Finger measurements enacted; Kim dropped her jaw.

"My dad brings home fish that big."

"Big, mouthed bASS!" Lily unlocked the front door letting them gain access. "Jeff is only a little smaller. This fat too." Another pop can size hand unity to express Brian's girth, then Jeffrey's. "Brian's head alone is almost the size of my fist."

"Whoa! I like Eric's size more. Smaller and more manageable."

"Yeah, but Eric's..." She recalled the dildo with his name on it. "Nothing!"

"You've seen your brother's dick?"

"Ugggh! Okay... last night we all masturbated together. Crazy I know..."

"WHAT?" Kim busted up with a yelp, then hid her blush.

"It wasn't really them watching me or me them. I mean yeah... duh... hard not to but we all had another person on FaceTime that we were playing with. I had Ben on my cell. He actually didn't bitch me out over others once he saw them on their cells too."

"Was Eric...?"

"Ouch!" Lily grits her teeth, "Greg's mom, I think. I was too busy to be honest."

"Do you think... they'll do it again tonight?"

"No idea! There's always tomorrow night. Margo won't mind you staying a few days. She is sooo cool." Upstairs in Lily's bedroom she grabbed a few outfits that she thought might be sexy, including her zebra bikini. She really needed to update her wardrobe. Sexy was a tough search, most of her clothing consisting of two work dresses, jeans, and one denim mini skirt. Finding a pair of jeans that were old and frayed, slightly tight from years of service and filling out more as an adult. "I'm so going to cut these so short my pubes hang out."

"I brought a part like that. In case Eric... am I being stupid wanting to tease him?"

"No way! Tease harder than ever. He'll come around. On even." She laughed. "I think I have everything. You ready to roll?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Tonight? We party hard!"



Needy residence...

"How did it go with Roselyn?" Margo Needy stood up, nudging Studly the sheepdog away as she stepped down the stone path to meet her hunky young tenant Cabot Ross halfway.

"Nice hot pants." He looked at her pussy, she totally nude outside of her hot pants now dry and loving it. Turning around to let him read her bottom saying, Talbutt written in Sharpie. "Ruined the good looks. That should say CaButt!" He laughed.

"I'll make a pair especially for you. Now fill me in."

"I'll fill your ass in." He tickled her and chased her back to the porch, then indoors. Once the door kept Studly outside they relaxed taking refuge to her sofa. Plopping down next to Margo she threw her feet into his lap, leading to a foot massage. "Roselyn is surprisingly very nice. Fun as hell to control."

"More fun than controlling me? You hardly ever do, so I have no choice but to be jealous. How does she rate over me? I know I'm better in every way."

"For the record Mother Margo... everything I do, I do for you. I want you to succeed in your B&B."

"I know you do. I love you for caring so deeply. It does feel wrong using Roselyn though. She's going to be devastated when you change your mind. I mean, yes, I'm at wit's end wondering where I'm going to come up with the money I need for any additions. Taxes will quadruple once we're in business. Maybe we should just see if Roselyn wants to be a business partner. This way when you do lose interest in her I can run interference." Hands behind her head gave Cabot a perfect view of her amazing breasts. It was hard to think in the moment.

"Her home is incredible."

"Maybe you would rather live there in the lap of luxury."

"My home is here with you." She reclaimed her feet hearing this and repositioned to straddle his lap, arms about his neck.

"I was hoping you would say that. I love my son." A kiss smoldering, he lost his train of thought. Three minutes of frolicking tongues she pulled away and smiled. "Continue!"

"Five fucking floors in that house. The scenery is beautiful." Lifting higher she put her breasts directly into his face. "Not as beautiful as your mountains." She giggled knowing she was tormenting him. Chomping his teeth at her nipples she barely escaped and stretched backwards allowing him to roll his hands over her body until just over her breasts. Once he reached that point, she rose back up and let his hands slip around her neck and classy white collar.

"There's my owner." She sighed beguiling him.

"Wish I had time I'd risk the red rain and make love to you. I told Roselyn I'd be back early enough to take her on a run. Massage afterwards. My plan is to stick with her a month or two until you get things settled with the bank and Paris. I keep telling her not to help or give me money because I want her to trust me. I can't recall... did I tell you Rose gave me a thousand-dollar tip..."

"Which you gave to the church."

"I couldn't remember if I mentioned it."

"You didn't. Georgia Crowe did."

"Oh! Yeah, I hated to let that cash slip through my hands, but I knew it was my way into Rosie's soul. Not using her for her money is what will inadvertently get her too anyway." He holds her collar over his fingertips. "I'm also shocking myself just how dominating I can be. Acting is kind of fun."

"You aren't acting." She softly spoke then leaned closer to kiss him once again. His grip on her neckline increasing until he had to force her lips away. "See? You have what it takes, you just hide it. Grow working with Roselyn. Make her see what I see in you. A good man, a better Master."

Nodding at her he disconnected her collar. "I'll buy you a new one. This would look good on Rose."



"Follow me to the attic." She climbed from his lap and wiggled away. Following her upstairs then up into Darryl Needy's dungeon above, she led him to a cabinet with many drawers within double doors. Inside were many such collars, each with a specific purpose. Holidays, events, and the like. "Try this one."

Handing it over Cabot looked at it, the lighting not great. "Rose cameo! Good call Mom."

"It's white leather also. She has never seen this to know it belongs to me. Our secret. Collar Roselyn and warn her never to take it off unless you remove it."

"I met another Rose earlier... at the nursing home. Grandma Edie says hi." Smiles! "Her name is Melanie Bush. Hot as holy fuck. I bedded Maria in Grandma's room, but I almost wish I'd fucked Mel. She has rose tattoos all over her body. This collar suits her just as much. Although, I think she might be too independent to be any slave. Seems pretty wild."

"Time will tell all. Focus on Roselyn if she is yours."

"Only been like 30 hours. Roselyn could always change her mind."

"Do not doubt yourself. You're very intelligent Cabot Ross. Use her but know this... once this is over, I will pay her back. Anyway, I have to. The business partner thing is not a horrible idea. Silent partner hopefully."

"I'll work on that."

"I meet with the bank on Wednesday. Jacob wants me to discuss everything with his board of directors. Not all of them agree to help me."

"Does Rose have any influence? She mentioned she would give you a recommendation. That would be a start."

"I'm not certain. Tell her I'm meeting with Jacob on Wednesday at 10:00 AM. Wildwood Federal. Are you available to take me?"

"I work breakfast and lunch."

"Heath will have too then. I could get there through Lily as long as she goes back to work, I suppose, but I wouldn't have a way home."

"I'll call Heath and make sure he gets you there and back. I need to talk to him anyway about that pool cleaner job for Rose. I don't need his arrogant ass to blow this for all of us. You know him, he sees huge money he's going to try and dominate Rose too. If he fucks this up for you, I'm done with him."

"He hasn't answered my calls."

"Who knows. If he shows up later tell him, I'll meet him at Rose's mountain. You know where it is to give him directions, right?"

"Oh, yes! Darryl and I have been up there to play with she and Wardell. Their bondage area is delightful."

"I'll be getting lots of use down there. I'm also getting Grace Goode a job up there as her maid. Only issue she has is no car to go to classes. She only rides her mountain bike but that would suck at the high elevation and in winter. I told Grace to consider online courses so hopefully she listens."

"The Pastor's daughter? Will that get in the way of your... and Rose's play time?"

"Still working out the details. Grace wants me bad, so maybe things will go okay. I warned her of my dominating Rose. Crazy as that is I believe Grace is curious. I'll know tomorrow. Let's head down."

"You go on. I'm going to make a shopping list for Brian... and spend some time with Darryl."

"Wood and wax Darryl?" He chuckled knowing of Darryl's perfect mannequin of himself attached to a fucking machine. Following her to the poker table the machine resided against she lay out a towel over it. Helping her up on to it Cabot then removed her hot pants, finding them a tad messy. Dropping them to the wood floor he assisted her in setting up Darryl to keep her company. Lined up and handing her the remote Darryl took over. Kissing Margo goodbye, he headed down with the collar.

Cellphone ready she made her shopping list. Alone at last!



Bananas and cucumbers were on her list.


Ding Dong! Doorbell rung...

As the front door to 201 Pine Mulder opened up a middle-aged woman answered. Fear in her swollen eyes. Ben and Greg both dropped their jaws at how horribly disfigured Erica Nichols looked. "Can I help you?" Weakly spoken.

"Whoa! Can we help you?" Greg took point. "Are you okay Ma'am?"

"I've been better. This really isn't a good time." She appeared edgy looking back for quick peripherals. The boys could tell she had company even if there were no cars around. Cell phone lifted Greg showed her a text he had ready. "Friends of Jenna. Are you able to talk?"

Ben then added out loud, "We're looking for Bruce." Inspiration due to Erica's bruises. Shaking her head Erica made it clear to go. "There's no Bruce that lives here." Fingers pointing at them are fluttered to say go away. She then made a heart symbol in both hands leading them to let Jenna know she loved her.

"Everything alright Sis?" A taller woman in her early 30's stepped in behind Erica. One rather butch sister, no relation.

"Yes! These young men were just looking for a friend named Bruce."

"You got the right address?"

"Maybe it was 210 instead of 201." Greg shrugged, "I might have been told wrong. Sorry to bother you."

Erica dropped her gaze feeling helpless. Closing the door Roxanne Durbin spied after their retreat through the peep hole. Seeing the boys go the opposite direction of 210 Pine Mulder she suspected there was more to things than met the peep show. It just so happened 210 Pine Mulder was Roxie's safehouse when watching over Wayne Nichols. Phone in hand she called the police station about getting Wayne out. Not so easy this time with added charges by the school and his hitting a teacher this route would take longer than expected. Maybe it was nothing. The boys looked too stupid to get involved in anything out of their league. Erica at least knew she had others on her side.

"Yo, Heath?" Ben called him, he across town at Kinison Park to save gas.

"Erica, okay?" On speaker for Jenna.

"Her mom looks beat up bad. Some other lady who says she's her sister got in the way. Her mom shared a heart symbol, I'm pretty sure she doesn't love us, so it had to have been for Jenna. That's all we got."

"Alright! At least we know Erica is safe for now. I'll drive by Ben's house and put this cell in the mailbox. Thanks guys! I owe ya!" Not easy to say for a douche like Talbot.

"Good luck finding Jenna."

"Yep!" Call severed.

"What now Sir?" Jenna spoke from the backseat.

"Hide you out! I promise I'll figure out how to get your mom to safety."

"I have faith in you Master."

"You better!"

He wished he did!

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